Hint Completion Achievement Retired

Hint Completion Achievement Retired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robwars.9386


Title says it all, many of us know it was bugged and stuck on 82/83 while someone else completed it, now may sound low to question about 10 AP but it kinda bothers me to not being able to complete it before due to a bug, and see its there in historical section as not completed…its…just not right :P Wasnt better just to set it on autocomplete for everyone? Feelin a bit “stolen”, ofc wont kill myself if u cant do anything but asking is always free ^^

Hint Completion Achievement Retired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nexxe.7081


Yeah, i had 2 that i could never finish. One hint was about the mesmer shatters, and another was the mailbox full hint. The hint system would’ve actually been better if it was expanded on, instead of the “NPE” we’re getting now.

Hint Completion Achievement Retired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robwars.9386


Yeah, i had 2 that i could never finish. One hint was about the mesmer shatters, and another was the mailbox full hint. The hint system would’ve actually been better if it was expanded on, instead of the “NPE” we’re getting now.

Same, except i had the necro life force one instead of mail box. Well…lets see if we get answered ^^

Hint Completion Achievement Retired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Redenaz.8631


Seems like this could have been addressed in the Feature Pack previews. I’m not sure what the point is in having multiple weeks of previews, and yet still having unexplained surprises like this.

Next time, just wake me up for the patch notes.

~The Storyteller – Elementalist – Jade Quarry~

Hint Completion Achievement Retired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Asgaeroth.6427


Good riddance. Mine was bugged on Laurels. Every time I’ve earned a laurel since I started playing, every single character, no matter what I did or clicked, I got the tip explaining what a laurel is. It also never checked off on the achieve so I never finished it. I would have personally funded the development time to retiring this achievement. I would have been happier if it was just erased from the game, they can keep the 10 AP, I don’t want to be reminded :P

Hint Completion Achievement Retired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robwars.9386


I don’t want to be reminded :P

Thats the “disturbing” thing, just take it off and gg or else give it on autocomplete

Hint Completion Achievement Retired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: joeyw.9531


Yeah just like the bug on “Invasion Canceler” during Clockwork Chaos : never got it because of a bug

Hint Completion Achievement Retired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Arctinus.7824


I didn’t expect this to retire. :/

I was never even able to get the ‘Score’ and ‘Enter WvW’. Not to mention I got ‘Level Up’ after 130 or so days.

Hint Completion Achievement Retired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robwars.9386


Bump! please either autocomplete it for us or cancel it from achievement historical list, it hurts my eyes to see its the only blank achiev ive got and due to a known bug! thanks!

Hint Completion Achievement Retired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


it hurts my eyes to see its the only blank achiev ive got and due to a known bug! thanks!

Not that I don’t kind of agree with the general idea of this thread, but come on now. Just don’t click on it; then your eyes won’t hurt anymore.

Hint Completion Achievement Retired

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Robwars.9386


it hurts my eyes to see its the only blank achiev ive got and due to a known bug! thanks!

Not that I don’t kind of agree with the general idea of this thread, but come on now. Just don’t click on it; then your eyes won’t hurt anymore.

Hehe youre right i mean its not for the AP or anything, just…feels not right! And asking costs nothing afterall, if nothing can be done then i’ll still enjoy the game like am doing now