Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


Something just feels very wrong about this. When I look at the tier 3 culture armor and see each piece costs anywhere from 20gold and up and I only have 5g to my name at level 80, something feels wrong.

Since this is a Buy2Play game, is it intended for me to buy gems and sell them for gold?

The level 70-80 mobs and zones don’t drop squat for money.
Now I am used to games like WoW, SWTOR, LotRO, ect where I would have atleast some money to buy a couple of cool things and the level cap, but this feels like I have to do a hell of a lot of grinding just to make any kind of money in this game.

Don’t get me wrong I really enjoy Guild Wars 2 but with all these high costs it’s really frustrating.

Edit: And another thing that REALLY bugs me is when I do a Heart quest, I get 2 something silver for it. But if I want to teleport anywhere on the map it costs me 2-3 silver! How does this make any sense?

(edited by MrLee.6892)

Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Jaguar.9504

Lord Jaguar.9504

High end exotic and legendary gear is going to be just as hard to collect in this game as it was in any other. Collecting enough dungeon tokens, gold or karma to get the most awesome sets is going to take TIME. Lots of it.

Only difference? Those items are for bragging rights and aesthetics now, and they won’t automatically make you into a facerolling godmachine that can 2-shot everyone else who actually has a life.

Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I can understand that Legendary gear is going to be hard to get.

The culture armor isn’t anything close to legendary gear stats wise. Just looks. I shouldn’t cost that much for a “downgrade”. IMO

Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knightblaster.8027


It’s likely that the gold crunch that the game has is related to the gem exchange to some degree, but you can make some money on the market by selling mats.

Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IamPerps.1329


I do agree that travel costs are a bit on the high side, especially when the hearts and others don’t reward much for currency. Since ArenaNets philosophy was to be “no waiting to have fun” then the cost of travel shouldn’t be so high to make you go broke. I just hit level 40 and I didn’t even have 1 gold to buy my trait book. I had to sell some materials I was storing for crafting to get enough and now I’m broke again. This would be a contributing factor to people resorting to gold farmers and gold selling websites which have flooded the chat logs with spam adds now.

I do agree with others on this thread that endgame gear should not be just handed to us, we need something to work on once we’ve hit the cap. So endgame gear, stats or cosmetics, should be costly.

Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: illgot.1056


not even 70 yet and have nearly 30 gold. Play around on the TP, you can do that anywhere, but I parked an alt at the TP.

Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zomkat.4719


not even 70 yet and have nearly 30 gold. Play around on the TP, you can do that anywhere, but I parked an alt at the TP.

Good for you, I’m lvl 60 and don’t even have 1 gold anymore. I find crafting takes AWAY more money than gives me and every item I have EVER found sells for no more than 10s.

I found selling items on /map was more useful than the auction house. This is stupid.

Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: winter.7058


I kind of like it. I am sick of games where players attain money so easily that the currency has next to no value.

Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RolandDaemon.7268


I don’t understand why people haven’t figuref it out yet.

You’re buying the skin, not the stats. The Cultural armors are some of the best looking armor sets out there.

When in Tyria, do as the Tyrian’s do.

Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JeroenXP.5364


Doing every zone 100% completion is an good money income with also selling every matz you find on the way. I think I spend about 40 gold which took me about 1 week? for being in fully exotic gear and 20 gold was from the Asura tier 3 cultural helm, and only 1 day I spent on farming events.

So depending on the prices and how much the matz you find sell for, you need about 30-40 gold for crafting your exotics. And if lucky you can find an exotic weapon for about between 1 and 3 gold (ofc not those required for the legendary’s) in the TP. So lvl’ing your crafting like as an example tailoring and jewel crafting will be important. And imo if you farm every node you see and salvage every armor piece you don’t need then crafting is fairly easy and fast if you buy a few matz from the TP.

If you only care about the looks then yes it’s going to be expensive and will take awhile. Since cultural armor and dungeon armor is all about looks and it’s not a requirement to beat dungeons etc. So if you want a quicker way too get fully exotic gear then you need too work on your crafting and some patience

Kemy Support ele – Kesia Berserker War – Miruto Wolfhowl Berserker ranger:
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Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rannulf.9417


Seriously people want every armors to be cheap? no thanks i want armors that are hard to get, even if it cost sh** ton of gold, i don’t want every noobs running around with some cool armor otherwise it won’t be cool anymore.

Hit level 80 and only have 5g to my name....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doc Robot.5073

Doc Robot.5073

I think skinning a bear should aggro every bears.

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-The Last Day of Ascalon