Hit level 80 last week,

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


I’ll come clean, I haven’t played guild wars 1 but from what I’ve read around here and on reddit, if I had it wouldn’t help with the problem I’m having.

Anyway I enjoyed the beautiful environments and learning different ways to utilize my engineer in different events but now that I’m 80 I feel like there was nothing along the way as I hit 80 that eased me into what I should be doing at 80.

Is there anything particular that I should be doing in order to gear up? And what happens when I do finally gear up?

To my knowledge: (remember this is why I’m posting here, correct me, hopefully I’m wrong.)

There are no events that require a well communicated group to have to work really well together to be able to succeed in. There is nothing that you must have a certain quality of gear to be able to accomplish. There is no inspect either so no showing off.

In WvW there are so many people, it’s so chaotic in combat that no one can really know how much they’re contributing and it wouldn’t make a difference anyway.

Anyway, I just don’t feel like there is any end game here at all. No structured end game. No motivation for the grind for a better gear.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Craven.5468


There are many other threads with nearly the same exact question. Many with useful answers (wade past the trolling—consider it a mini-game).

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vladia.2731


Please utilize the search function. This question has been asked over and over and over and over.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


op, by the way, you are self contradictory;

i quote:

There are no events that require a well communicated group to have to work really well together to be able to succeed in. There is nothing that you must have a certain quality of gear to be able to accomplish. There is no inspect either so no showing off.
In WvW there are so many people, it’s so chaotic in combat that no one can really know how much they’re contributing and it wouldn’t make a difference anyway.

so. maybe you can start a guild, gather wvwvw fans, organize massive guild meeting in wvwvw and proceed to War!
can you?

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Duveth.5742


after u hit 80 u buy mop, i think it is what anet wants, there is nothing to do, there is no progression, there are no rewards, u cant even farm gold thx to the antifarm system, spvp is boring cos it only has one mode and the downed state ruins it, wvwvw is a zergfest and u need a supercomputer to have good fps

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dgenerate.1948


Welcome to Fun at First but then Surprisingly Boring Wars 2

Where you expect to a lot, but end up getting very little.

Arenanet, I challenge you to impress me.
I say it like it is.

(edited by Dgenerate.1948)

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I hit 80 over a week ago, and I’m having more fun now than I was before. The people who get to 80 and get bored are simply looking for another grindfest experience like so many other MMOs.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dgenerate.1948


How is GW2 not a grind? Oh I see, finally a game where you can experience everything with little effort. Mediocre Wars 2

Arenanet, I challenge you to impress me.
I say it like it is.

(edited by Dgenerate.1948)

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I’ve seen this problem as well and my only solution has been to try and fully beat dungeons… however, it’s hard to motivate others to want to do the full dungeon. Mainly because the rewards relative to doing other things, that happen to be less risky yet more lucrative, just isn’t there.

Yet when I say this and try to offer an idea to create the incentive for folks to do it (generally gear-based suggestions), a lot of people come to the defense of the game saying that gear progression, and even the “progression mantra” itself, is an ancient format, it breaks WvW, etc, etc… The only decent suggestion I’ve heard is advancing the guild and even world so that you essentially build a unique history of the world, post-Zhaitan, per server. While I think that’s cool in theory, it just kinda begs the question of “to what end?” You can use the same question for gear progression, but it often boils down to making your toon powerful and being the most prepared as possible for new content.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Josher.9612


I hit 80 over a week ago, and I’m having more fun now than I was before. The people who get to 80 and get bored are simply looking for another grindfest experience like so many other MMOs.

Progression hits a wall once you hit 80, so what are you saying? People aren’t looking for a grind, but they find it once they hit 80 because everything you’re doing after that is a grind. Dungeons? You have to run them 40-50+ times to get a set of gear. WvW resets every week so anything accomplished is erased 7 days later? PvP? You’re fighting for different skins. Different skins, thats it! As far as fun goes, after a few weeks, how much fun are the same maps going to be? Its just capture points…no other gameplay modes. Unless you LOOOOOOVE PvP, there really isn’t much else to do at 80, besides run the dungeons a couple of times. Once you beat it though, whats fun about doing 50 more times…FOR DIFFERENT SKINS?

Now, if it took 5-6 months to get to 80, that’s one thing, but its happening in under a month for casual players. The best thing to do at 80 is roll an alt and experience the maps you didn’t do the first time around.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


even if im not even near finished with the huge amount of content that the game have.

my suggestion for endgame is that players get rewarded with “reknown”. that they are recognized by other players for their deeds in wvwvw or spvp or pve.
by getting some kind of reknown system in place, the game should eventually let the chance to the players to “write a part of history”.
by becoming great leaders, great duelist, or great politicians.

as it is now, i dont think there is any system implemented to let the players become bigger than the game, which is, for now, a huge action mmorpg.
its cool, meet friends, kick some kitten butts and log out.

to be more than that, GW2 will need to find a way so that heroes can become HEROES.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BeardRex.6739


I hit 80 over a week ago, and I’m having more fun now than I was before. The people who get to 80 and get bored are simply looking for another grindfest experience like so many other MMOs.

+1. I hate just commenting to say I agree, but you have to do something show that not everyone is having a terrible time. I feel like you could look at the forums and say "hmm it seems like the majority of people are bored.

Well, I’m not. I haven’t racked up 300+ hours like a lot of the “bored” people here, but I don’t see myself getting bored any time soon. If you’re bored because there’s no power progression, then there are other games for you.

It amazes me how many people play MMOs just to chase the carrot. I play GW2 because I find the combat very enjoyable. In both PvE and PvP. Some people just want to grind and work and want time=power. That’s fine. There are tons of games out there that allow for that.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RShara.3265


I hit 80 almost 2 weeks ago and I’m still having a blast. Only 58% world completion still because I keep getting sidetra—-OH LOOK DRAGON!

Not even done with my personal story, and just got my crafting to 400. Only done 1 dungeon

Also I’m at ~280 hours

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: carson yuen.6739

carson yuen.6739

Has the gamers really devolve into “please tell us what to do next” nowaday after so many years of wow?

Threads like this is like people complaining there is nothing much to do after they finish their story in skyrim. O wait, its worse because skyrim doesnt have wvw.

Its literally mindblowing that the current gen can only enjoy a game where the dev tell them what to do next even if its a raid a week for half a year before expansion hits.

(edited by carson yuen.6739)

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

@ Avatar

Yeah the content is there but not the incentive…. I feel like you and I see the issue similarly, we just attack the problem from different directions. I guess what I don’t necessarily see is how writing the history or gaining reknown is any different from grinding for skins… though I think the concept of your idea is cool and could have interesting impacts depending on how your certain history-line you take the server impacts future content (maybe some action makes the Crystal Desert occupied with different baddies or something).

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


im quite sure most complainers are Blizz employees


Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I wanna say @ BeardRex…. yes there are other games that offer the carrot-chase for the power… but they don’t play like GW2 which I enjoy. The all-dps and working together nature of combat, actively dodging rather than the attack being auto-locked onto you… It’s a nice return/update to an old mechanic that designers took out somewhere along the road.

But why can’t there be some middle-ground? They have systems in place to upscale/downscale toons relative to zones, so why can’t I have some awesome uber gear in PvE, but then in WvW that gear is only as good as something of exotic quality? I feel like the content and systems are there to appease the carrot-chasers while not negatively impacting non-carrot-chasers.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Craven.5468


Has the gamers really devolve into “please tell us what to do next” nowaday after so many years of wow?

Threads like this is like people complaining there is nothing much to do after they finish their story in skyrim. O wait, its worse because skyrim doesnt have wvw.

Its literally mindblowing that the current gen can only enjoy a game where the dev tell them what to do next even if its a raid a week for half a year before expansion hits.

Its mind blowing

For many of those new to gaming (introduced to gaming through WoW), yes they are indeed carrot chasers only. They all went to Rift and complained about the Rift events themselves because WoW didn’t have them. Then they complained that endgame didn’t exist, that the game was too grindy, etc. Only a few of us tried to encourage Trion to further enhance Rift Events.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


@ Avatar

Yeah the content is there but not the incentive…. I feel like you and I see the issue similarly, we just attack the problem from different directions. I guess what I don’t necessarily see is how writing the history or gaining reknown is any different from grinding for skins… though I think the concept of your idea is cool and could have interesting impacts depending on how your certain history-line you take the server impacts future content (maybe some action makes the Crystal Desert occupied with different baddies or something).

the first step i imagine is the creation of “heroes”.
players that accomplished great things.
these heroes need to be known to other players.
and these heroes should have the possibility to command people in wvwvw.
and they should gain respect. and eventually maybe have a “governement” in place for each server. with players getting voted into it.
and this governement could have some choices to make that could alter the pve content or wvwvw content.
duels between masters from 2 different servers, for bragging rights.

its hard for me without proper brainstorming to really nail how i “personnaly” would like the game to involve the players.
and im sure anet must have an idea also.
i just hope they also feel that by giving power and influence and reknown to the players, it creates what a mmo should be, imo.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faze.6948


im quite sure most complainers are Blizz employees


Sadly, there’s no need for Blizzard to hire anyone. Most ‘hardcore’ (as in time played) MMO players are used to being ‘superior’ than the regular players because investing 8+ hours a day in the game farming, grinding or whatever gives their character a significant advantage.

What we have in GW2 is that they can’t do that. They know that those of us who have a job, social life, hobby and family are already most of the way to 80. Once we get there we’ll need a couple of weeks to gear up and then…

Every peakitten has the same feathers and it’s all down to raw skill. How can these ‘hardcore’ players then get to feel ‘superior’ to anyone? They can’t. This game is not for them, but it’s THE big new MMO. So they whine and comlain about every little thing and declare the game a failure saying it’s not for real MMO players.

And it’s not really. It’s a co-op persistent world for people who like adventure and action games with a fair sprinkling of the MMO mechanics that actually work. That’s why I think it’s the best PC game ever made.

Edit: Peakitten, lol. I LOVE the profanity filter on this forum.

(edited by Faze.6948)

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cancer.9065


if you truly feel like there is nothing to do at level 80, absolutley nothing at all, then dont play it anymore just wait for the expasion to come out and revisit Tyria…. You know just like all those other $60 games that last for “x” hours and then you put down a wait for the sequel or DLC.

I have one level 80 necro, not even with exotics so that still on the list, map exploration is about 45%, most compelte toon is 50% huh guess I’m missing a lot… but since I kinda want to taste something different I started a ranger, different playstyle and differente race.

Guess what I’m doing get that toon gets level 80? If I get bored then I’ll stop and play something else… Im already 160 hours in so I think I have my moneys worth.

Cancer is also a Zodiac sign.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dchsknight.3042


Welcome to Fun at First but then Surprisingly Boring Wars 2

Where you expect to a lot, but end up getting very little.

Fail posting and comments.

OP try out explorer modes. Have you done all 3 paths for all 8 dungeons?

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Craven.5468


“Peakitten”… best yet!

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheSabi.2378


I hit 80 over a week ago, and I’m having more fun now than I was before. The people who get to 80 and get bored are simply looking for another grindfest experience like so many other MMOs.

Progression hits a wall once you hit 80, so what are you saying? People aren’t looking for a grind, but they find it once they hit 80 because everything you’re doing after that is a grind. Dungeons? You have to run them 40-50+ times to get a set of gear. WvW resets every week so anything accomplished is erased 7 days later? PvP? You’re fighting for different skins. Different skins, thats it! As far as fun goes, after a few weeks, how much fun are the same maps going to be? Its just capture points…no other gameplay modes. Unless you LOOOOOOVE PvP, there really isn’t much else to do at 80, besides run the dungeons a couple of times. Once you beat it though, whats fun about doing 50 more times…FOR DIFFERENT SKINS?

Now, if it took 5-6 months to get to 80, that’s one thing, but its happening in under a month for casual players. The best thing to do at 80 is roll an alt and experience the maps you didn’t do the first time around.

THIS! I don’t get that defense of if you don’t like what guild wars has to offer at 80 you’re looking for a grind. Do these people even know what PAST not even 80 but 70 or is it just nonsensical blind white knighting?

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


So I guess its my own fault for expecting anything other than going around in different zones and just trying to explore (with out a mount) and for no particular reason, maybe an achievement?
…not that the hype and all the advertisement had anything to do with it.

I’ll go play an alt for the sake of a different story line, where I got somewhat entertained while leveling my main.

That will be far from getting my money’s worth though. Oh well.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dchsknight.3042


So I guess its my own fault for expecting anything other than going around in different zones and just trying to explore (with out a mount) and for no particular reason, maybe an achievement?
…not that the hype and all the advertisement had anything to do with it.

I’ll go play an alt for the sake of a different story line, where I got somewhat entertained while leveling my main.

That will be far from getting my money’s worth though. Oh well.

Have you done the explorer modes?

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

Why does adventure and co-op mean that players can only have the same equivalent gear? Maybe hardcore players like the superior stats because it tangibly validates and rewards the hardcore effort placed in mastering the challenges the game developers have thrown at us. I think GW2 does a good job at giving us challenges without pre-requisites other than “you need to be a certain minimum level and you’re gonna need to cooperate as well as be fairly skillful in order to do a full dungeon clear”. Sure, not everyone can accomplish this, but the entry requirements for at least trying are almost nothing so everyone feasibly CAN TRY.

What if the exotic dungeon pieces required a special token that you only got for a full dungeon/section clear? It would almost totally kill speed runs unless folks wanted the rares or other vendor stuff. It would likely kill running dungeons because this doesn’t solve the issue of creating a reward for players do master the content other than a skin; which is entirely subjective to the player.

And to play the broken record, since I’ve already said this, I’m sure Anet could add balancing mechanics so that an “uber geared” hardcore player going into WvW would have the item stats nerfed down to the exotic level. You keep everyone in PvP and WvW on the same level, but you reward hardcore PvE-folk for meeting your PvE challenges.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


If you don’t like it, don’t play it. Stop filling the forums with your rants. If they’re going to improve the things you want improved, it’s not going to be within the lifetime of this thread.

Post your suggestions in the suggestions forum, in a constructive way, or don’t bother. The ranting and complaining is really getting old.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


If you don’t like it, don’t play it. Stop filling the forums with your rants. If they’re going to improve the things you want improved, it’s not going to be within the lifetime of this thread.

Post your suggestions in the suggestions forum, in a constructive way, or don’t bother. The ranting and complaining is really getting old.

This is how I feel and this is the place to share that.
Move along if you don’t like the post, that’s not my problem.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dchsknight.3042


To me it sounds like the OP is not really playing the game but jsut whining to whine and stir the pot or has not done everything like he claims. he is not answering my question about explorer modes.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Stark.1350


Man I can’t wait until these stupid WoW trolls leave the game and forums.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


Man I can’t wait until these stupid WoW trolls leave the game and forums.

Get used to disappointment.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


To me it sounds like the OP is not really playing the game but jsut whining to whine and stir the pot or has not done everything like he claims. he is not answering my question about explorer modes.

Are you referring to the outrageously difficult dungeons (due to no tank, healer concept, or any actual long duration CCs) that you run to die over and over again to finally down a boss to get nothing?
Yeah I tried that a few times.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

Suggestions are best presented once they’ve been hashed out… Because if you can pose the suggestion, showing the counter arguments that have valid points, yet still show why you’re suggestion is a good one, then you’ve at least presented a good argument rather than some half-brained pie-in-the-sky nebulous idea.

This is general discussion, and we’re generally talking about the game in the later stages, its issues, and how to best address them. If you think my pro-gear-progression stance is a rant, then present a counter argument and possibly alternatives if you think there are issues but they should be addressed in a different way (hence alternative).

I’m fishing for a discussion so that when I make my suggestion, I’m presenting one that’s actually taken thought and been tempered through discussion… otherwise I’m just wasting the developer’s time.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


see GW2 as a super huge coop action rpg.

but it isnt an “infinite solo quest”….

complainers will be complaining until they get what type of answer?
there is no “endgame” as in you get stronger and stronger.

find some friends, play with them, and move on.
its a coop action rpg with 300-400h of content.
huge already!

(edited by Avatar.1923)

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


If you don’t like it, don’t play it. Stop filling the forums with your rants. If they’re going to improve the things you want improved, it’s not going to be within the lifetime of this thread.

Post your suggestions in the suggestions forum, in a constructive way, or don’t bother. The ranting and complaining is really getting old.

This is how I feel and this is the place to share that.
Move along if you don’t like the post, that’s not my problem.

You post is a clone of plenty of other posts, all posted by the same people who are sitting in this thread griping. We’ve all seen it a hundred times. It’s pointless, and it’s presented in the WRONG forum, the WRONG way.

And it IS my problem. I have to wade through the posts by the same whiny group of you idiots every time I come here.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

So you’d rather have these “whiny” posts in the suggestion forum and let Anet sift through these to find the real suggestions?… Yeah, go ahead and keep these in general

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


If you don’t like it, don’t play it. Stop filling the forums with your rants. If they’re going to improve the things you want improved, it’s not going to be within the lifetime of this thread.

Post your suggestions in the suggestions forum, in a constructive way, or don’t bother. The ranting and complaining is really getting old.

This is how I feel and this is the place to share that.
Move along if you don’t like the post, that’s not my problem.

You post is a clone of plenty of other posts, all posted by the same people who are sitting in this thread griping. We’ve all seen it a hundred times. It’s pointless, and it’s presented in the WRONG forum, the WRONG way.

And it IS my problem. I have to wade through the posts by the same whiny group of you idiots every time I come here.

Yeah clearly we are the whiny ones. (good one)
If you don’t like it stop coming back.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


If you don’t like it, don’t play it. Stop filling the forums with your rants. If they’re going to improve the things you want improved, it’s not going to be within the lifetime of this thread.

Post your suggestions in the suggestions forum, in a constructive way, or don’t bother. The ranting and complaining is really getting old.

This is how I feel and this is the place to share that.
Move along if you don’t like the post, that’s not my problem.

You post is a clone of plenty of other posts, all posted by the same people who are sitting in this thread griping. We’ve all seen it a hundred times. It’s pointless, and it’s presented in the WRONG forum, the WRONG way.

And it IS my problem. I have to wade through the posts by the same whiny group of you idiots every time I come here.

Yeah clearly we are the whiny ones. (good one)
If you don’t like it stop coming back.

Next time try reading what I said instead of going into your default comeback mode.

Let me repeat what I said:
“it’s presented in the WRONG forum, the WRONG way.”

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


If you don’t like it stop coming back.

Please take your own advice.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


If you don’t like it stop coming back.

Please take your own advice.


Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


im quite sure most complainers are Blizz employees


And perhaps most fanbois like you are Anet employess? Seriously, some people like building a toon even after max level and right now I am concerned because I am one of those people and I am not hearing responses to questions like these that calm my concern. I really do not like to craft unless it suits a purpose of allowing me to create better gear for my character AND only if he can then use it to progress. From what I am hearing, this game drops off at endgame like Rift, Diablo 3 and many other failed games. I LIKE this game as I am only level 45 at present but I WANT to be able to advance my toon AFTER I hit max level and engage in meaningful content to make use of the advances I have gained. If this is not present in GW2, then this game is just temporary for me and a LOT of others like me.

So please, someone give some suggestions that focus on pve at 80 rather than world completion or crafting…there HAS to be something in the game, right? Please, please say that there is….

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khoda.3601


If you don’t like it, don’t play it. Stop filling the forums with your rants. If they’re going to improve the things you want improved, it’s not going to be within the lifetime of this thread.

Post your suggestions in the suggestions forum, in a constructive way, or don’t bother. The ranting and complaining is really getting old.

This is how I feel and this is the place to share that.
Move along if you don’t like the post, that’s not my problem.

You post is a clone of plenty of other posts, all posted by the same people who are sitting in this thread griping. We’ve all seen it a hundred times. It’s pointless, and it’s presented in the WRONG forum, the WRONG way.

And it IS my problem. I have to wade through the posts by the same whiny group of you idiots every time I come here.

Yeah clearly we are the whiny ones. (good one)
If you don’t like it stop coming back.

Next time try reading what I said instead of going into your default comeback mode.

Let me repeat what I said:
“it’s presented in the WRONG forum, the WRONG way.”

You could take your own advice and read my original post,
I wasnt winning, I was looking for suggestions and ways that other people are keeping busy when they reached 80.
Your fan boyish attitude kept you from seeing that though.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dchsknight.3042


To me it sounds like the OP is not really playing the game but jsut whining to whine and stir the pot or has not done everything like he claims. he is not answering my question about explorer modes.

Are you referring to the outrageously difficult dungeons (due to no tank, healer concept, or any actual long duration CCs) that you run to die over and over again to finally down a boss to get nothing?
Yeah I tried that a few times.

There are no hard dungeons just dumb players. there are to many players who go for the glass cannon OMG DPS and no support. I say to those people who think the dungeons are hard, L2P.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatar.1923


no, there is “nothing else to do but everything you can do”.

didnt you read the dev post on the site main page?

and now? what will you do?

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RShara.3265


To me it sounds like the OP is not really playing the game but jsut whining to whine and stir the pot or has not done everything like he claims. he is not answering my question about explorer modes.

Are you referring to the outrageously difficult dungeons (due to no tank, healer concept, or any actual long duration CCs) that you run to die over and over again to finally down a boss to get nothing?
Yeah I tried that a few times.

Isn’t that the definition of what you want then? A challenge to do once you’ve done everything else and have gotten good at the game?

Also I have spoken to several guilds who, due to coordination and communication, have been able to get through those dungeons.

And you get tokens to use toward your better-skinned gear

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhoame.6917


see GW2 as a super huge coop action rpg.

but it isnt an “infinite solo quest”….

complainers will be complaining until they get what type of answer?
there is no “endgame” as in you get stronger and stronger.

find some friends, play with them, and move on.
its a coop action rpg with 300-400h of content.
huge already!

Well at least you were unbiased in your response. This does sadden me though as I know the game will NOT appeal to me at 80 and I really DO like the game now…I was really hoping there was something in the game to give level 80 players with interests similar to mine ( I dont want to run around and do achievements or complete the world exploration or craft). I want to engage in COMBAT oriented content and progress after 80. Oh well…another one bites the dust.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


So please, someone give some suggestions that focus on pve at 80 rather than world completion or crafting…there HAS to be something in the game, right? Please, please say that there is….

- World completion (I know you said no completion, but disregarding this is part of your problem. Exploring is a major component of this game, hence the downleveling.)
- Alts (though that doesn’t qualify as lvl 80)
- RP (I’ve had all my best RP experiences as 80)
- Dungeons for the fun of it (This is what raids and dungeons in other games end up coming down to anyway.)
- Leveling with other players. I’ve gone back with friends who have lower level toons and kept them company and helped them level.
- Achievements…there are lots of them.
- Group events with guildmates, and general fun and run zerging.

I personally have no interest in crafting at this point, and I’ve had no loss of entertainment.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

This thread is actually not in the wrong forum or presented in the wrong way… it’s the general forum meaning anything can be discussed. A suggestion in the suggestion forum should be that. If there was a “rants and qq” forum, then maybe this thread would appropriate for that section.

The OP simply stated an issue/flaw he sees with the game… not a suggestion to fix it; therefore, it has no place in the suggestion forum. If you read the thread, some people have been trying to hash out the issues and some possible solutions… so in a sense, this topic can evolve into something that eventually translates into a suggestion in the suggestion forum.

Hit level 80 last week,

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


You could take your own advice and read my original post,
I wasnt winning, I was looking for suggestions and ways that other people are keeping busy when they reached 80.
Your fan boyish attitude kept you from seeing that though.

No, your original post was not bad. It was the poorly crafted whine-fest that has commenced since then that I’m irritated with. You attached yourself to my comments, and therefore you are getting my replies.

Attitude is everything, and yours sucks. You refuse to have fun, and therefore you don’t.

(edited by Hickeroar.9734)