Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.4127


So the home instance… home instance seems a bit lacking in my opinion. I love how they are slowly implementing items (mostly nodes) but I would love if Anet Expands on the Home Instance in several different ways. I have a few Mini Pets that I have been collecting over the pass 2 years. That is when I thought, we may not have/get the polymock arenas, but how cool would it be to see the mini pets you have unlocked for you’re wardrobe walking around you’re home instance. Maybe… maybe not im sure some of you may disagree, but I made going to my home instance a daily routine and would love to see things you have worked for being implemented as either Ambience or Node’s (such as candy corn, Sprockets, or even the Quarts crystal thing). Feel free to let me know what you all think about this, or what you would like to see added to the home instance.

Good Luck everyone & most importantly have fun!

(edited by Aeon.4127)

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ravion Hawk.4736

Ravion Hawk.4736

This actually sounds fun.

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Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sephas.8793


Any way of personalizing the home instance would be great.

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bunnikk.2146


I will take any love shown toward the home instance. How about some place that I can actually pretend my character owns? I am the Commander, boss and summit referee, you would think I would have a place to call home. Instead, I just steal the orphaned kids candy corn everyday.

I would love to see certain minis running around, but I would have to consider it a home first. Currently, there are random people I have helped walking around without dialogue, nodes (which I loved earning) a skill point and that is it. I don’t even have a bed in most racial home instances. I want a place to show off all of the amazing things I have done and collected.

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Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.4127


I want a place to show off all of the amazing things I have done and collected.

Could’nt agree more.

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stobie.2134


I love this idea!

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cranos.5913


Lol it’s a fun idea.

TBH though I don’t think I’ve been in my home instances since personal story took me to one of the factions. No point really.

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: aerial.7021


  • All those (other) characters on your account that share the same home instants can be found in various places, when you walk about.
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Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Adding to this idea, regarding the mini’s, perhaps we could have a designated area with a large plinth or something to have the mini’s mounted on, and roaming about freely, perhaps with a mini landscape to wander around in or something.

I keep thinking about all the mini’s that were in my Hall of Monuments, and while a few of them made noises, all of them were stagnant and leashed to one spot (unless you had more than 19? and then you could switch them around). These were on a platform as well, but with the home instance idea I was thinking something about 4 or 5 times bigger in overall size; kind of like their own little home environment. Think of Zaishen Menagerie for miniatures.


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Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: blade.6052


  • All those (other) characters on your account that share the same home instants can be found in various places, when you walk about.

And you can talk to them to collect items left on that character without relogging. For example, when you left the Copper fed salvage o matic on another char, you can visit them in the home instance to collect that item.

This would make the Home Instance gem store item waaaay more useful.

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: skullmount.1758


I also wouldn’t mind seeing this being added. It would make the home instance be more interesting.
But would it be all of your minis, or just some that you have to pick? That would be around 400 at least if you have all of them, correct?
Would they wander around the instance as a whole or be confined to a penned in section (like an actual farm)? I would want the latter, so I knew where to go look for them.

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Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olvendred.3027


I also wouldn’t mind seeing this being added. It would make the home instance be more interesting.
But would it be all of your minis, or just some that you have to pick? That would be around 400 at least if you have all of them, correct?
Would they wander around the instance as a whole or be confined to a penned in section (like an actual farm)? I would want the latter, so I knew where to go look for them.

It would have to be a limited number, probably. I imagine you could set up a system where you designate, say, 20 as favourites, and they would be the ones that appear.

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thevanishedone.5231


can see a set amount wandering around…just imagine the home instance in the future if it this idea was implemented if thousands of mini pets were roaming…I’d forsee lag problems clicking material nodes etc

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Strength.6851


Yea, I could see this working out. I like what bunnikk said to have a place to literally call home you know like a house that is actually yours. like a guild hall but for you only and with like future expansions add like a ranch for your minis to wander in, a shop to make your own weaponry, a cave to mine exquisite metals, and lastly a field to harvest wood and vegetables. all this would revolve around a house that of which you can decorate to your liking for example adding artwork to the walls or mannequins to wear your favorite armor and weapons. the house would then be decorated with past glories of action. I like the idea of adding a ranch or something to the home instance, but like bunnikk said I think they need to personalize it more and claim land for your character. because as of now your character has no home he/she is a dragon slaying bum/hobo

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Despair.2374


I really like this idea, it gives that (going the extra mile) aspect of Guild Wars 2 and personalizes your home instance. This can also work as an extra gold sink to improve the economy of “undesired” minis and may even give people a reason to start collecting and contributing more into the gem store. I’d have to agree with the OP, we may or may not be seeing Polymock anytime soon, but I’d surely like to have minis to be displayed in my home instance. As an asura player there’s really nothing you can do in your home instance i.e. no shops, repair etc. like other racial instances, so I really would appreciate something like a mini farm to be implemented. Perhaps maybe even other achievement related objects to personalize your home instance like a guild banner, WvW seasonal tourney trophies etc. just to show you were part of those events.

tl;dr I approve of having a mini pet farm, it may be a gold sink but atleast you can personalize your home instance with it, other than that what was the point of the Home Portal stone?

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: kfc.8170


This Idea being implemented would be awesome, and would give me a reason to go to my home instance for once and smell the Rich Mohogany! in all seriousness though mini walkin around in you’re home instance would be absolutely amazing!

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pirlipat.2479


The idea sounds great.

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.4127


Love the fact that people appreciate this idea, and hopefully does not get left unoticed, as im sure this would be an addition to the game that would be enjoyable by not just a small selected few, but a vast majority of people.

Guildwars 1 dedicated minis were a tad of a problem since you did not have the wardrobe system and had to lug all of them around or destroy them forever, but Guilldwars2 has that issue already taken care of!

Home Instance & The "Mini's Farm"

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: VodCom.6924


How about hosting matches of polymock using mini pet as our pieces in the home instances ?


Known as Reegar Else, Linda Else, Xiana Else and Thorgall Breakstone