Home instance upgrades

Home instance upgrades

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tekoneiric.6817


I really wish we could make more changes to our home instances such as moving nodes where we want them, purchasing bigger nodes, displaying items. I prefer to use the Norn home instance. I wish I could move my wintersday tree and nodes to the mezzanine where the hylek are. Having the tree in the center with all the nodes around it would look awesome.

It would be nice if we could upgrade our exalted chest to great then grand size along with getting rich nodes.

Home instance upgrades

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chad.6104


I wish we could place the nodes also. A different method anet could have used would be to use something similar to the scribing system. Place a scribing type interface in the home instance. We get the nodes and place them in the home instance scribing type station then we have the option to place them where we want and move them around.

Home instance upgrades

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menadena.7482


I am guessing they use an on/off for the various nodes. Still though, the placement in some home instances is less than desirable. I would rather WP to, oh, DR, than farm my nodes in the Sylvari instance.

Home instance upgrades

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Well if Anet ever goes back over home instances to allow gliding, it would be the perfect time to allow us to place nodes. They have the technology to do so (GH decorations), so it shouldn’t be too much work to get it to work with the nodes in home instances.

Home instance upgrades

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumion.7580


I don’t know if player-placement would work well because of the inter-connectivity of home instances. That is, every character on your account that has “candy corn node” unlocked will have it in a certain (different) place in his/her home instance. So, if a player put the node somewhere convenient in say, DR, then does it wind up stuck inside a wall in the Grove? If you decorate a guild hall, then switch halls, your decorations are still there… but in weird places that sort-of correspond to the space in the previous hall. That said, I would love to be able to arrange stuff where I want it.

Also, love the idea of upgrading the exalted chest. If they did that, people would have a good reason to revisit Tarir.