Honestly, the worst part of the legendary
jumping puzzles x 4 x 5 toons x 4-5 tokens per time= gift of battle i mean jumping!
This is not even true. The worst part is the money part. The medals is one of the easiest. Get in a group and capture supply camps don’t stay in a zerg. Get in a group and do the jumping puzzle daily. (Yes I own a legendary so I know what I’m talking about. Even if your server sucks)
jumping puzzles x 4 x 5 toons x 4-5 tokens per time= gift of battle i mean jumping!
DR has 100% control of the Eternal Battleground.
Is being forced to play WvW. As a Ferguson’s Crossing player, the game mode is the worst possible experience. “Oh yay, the Devona’s Rest invader’s outnumber us 5 to 1…. again…..” Once in a while I MIGHT get lucky enough to get a kill, only to find that the drop rate of badges of honor is extremely low – the past 12 kills didn’t give me a single medal. Frankly, the experience of being forced to gain 500 medals of honor would be bitter even if every kill guaranteed a medal – which it should.
Looks like I’ll have to swap over to Devona’s Rest and stomp my own server just to realistically get the medals any time in the foreseeable future.
or you can farm TA story mode , the last boss battle( with the phantasm)
have a chance to drop badges to =P
so get your mf gear and have fun, w3 is not needed
jumping puzzles x 4 x 5 toons x 4-5 tokens per time= gift of battle i mean jumping!
This Right now I’m running my main guard with 4 warrior alts, at the completion of your first story quest you get a warhorn. Warhorn skill 4 is a speed burst
Average puzzle run takes…5 mins? so 25 mins for all 5 chars.
It’s not “fun” I agree, but…gotta get dem badges
If your complaining about the badges, then you must of not hit the lodestones yet.
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]
jumping puzzles x 4 x 5 toons x 4-5 tokens per time= gift of battle i mean jumping!
DR has 100% control of the Eternal Battleground.
There is also a puzzle in your server’s world, in the top left.
Also, just a thought, but maybe take advantage of the free server transfer?
Get on a server that just facerolls, get your map completion/badges and the transfer back Just some options!
If your complaining about the badges, then you must of not hit the lodestones yet.
Honestly, I don’t mind the lodestones – and I’m working on a Bolt, for crying out loud. I just get the cores piece by piece and combine them into stones. Already finished 13 Lodestones worth.
The point with a legendary is that they require almost every part of the game (just not pvp), along with a huge investment of wealth.
So necessarily if there’s a part of the game you don’t love, you’re not gonna love that part of the legendary.
I really wish wvw didn’t suck so much. But it’s not as bad as being “forced” to endure map completion in Lornar’s Pass and zones like that in a game with no mount (flyin or otherwise)
If your complaining about the badges, then you must of not hit the lodestones yet.
Honestly, I don’t mind the lodestones – and I’m working on a Bolt, for crying out loud. I just get the cores piece by piece and combine them into stones. Already finished 13 Lodestones worth.
My hats off to you buddy!
The badges were suuuper easy for me, i had the 500 i needed in the first week of me being 80, but i was a srs WvWer and played with a strike team that was specifically built to wipe zergs (or die trying) and we’d often get too many bags to actually pick up.
The lodestones is what killed me. 300g worth almost of lodestones. Ugh… I just dont want to go back to that.
I finished my Sunrise this weekend so happy
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]
OMG this is the moust EASY PARt wake up have u tryed to get the rest of the things u can get the meddals epicly fast
Now you know how WvW players feel about Ascended gear! I don’t blame you for not wanting to do WvW, though. Man, if you don’t like it you just don’t like it, you can’t be blamed for your taste in MMO activities.
OMG this is the moust EASY PARt wake up have u tryed to get the rest of the things u can get the meddals epicly fast
Easy and fast do not equal fun
Noooo, that’s not the worst part. The worst part is the 3 stacks of crystalline dust I need >_>
I gave up on a Legendary the moment I saw the lodestones and ectos I need.
And the RNG thing with clovers. Like loads of gold wasn’t enough, but RNG too?
Now you know how WvW players feel about Ascended gear! I don’t blame you for not wanting to do WvW, though. Man, if you don’t like it you just don’t like it, you can’t be blamed for your taste in MMO activities.
Yes however ascended gear will be introduced into WvW.
mystic clover recipes actually build up your legendary in both materials and clovers.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
The point with a legendary is that they require almost every part of the game (just not pvp), along with a huge investment of wealth.
So necessarily if there’s a part of the game you don’t love, you’re not gonna love that part of the legendary.
I really wish wvw didn’t suck so much. But it’s not as bad as being “forced” to endure map completion in Lornar’s Pass and zones like that in a game with no mount (flyin or otherwise)
I actually liked Lornar’s Pass…
Also, Legendaries are really kind of lame… the only thing legendary about them is maybe the size of a players wallet; not their skill, not how dedicated to the game they really are (lets face it most people who “enjoy” grinding are here for like a couple weeks and then leave until the next big update where they only play for a week or two again…), they don’t require any real epic feats to obtain or quests to complete. Legendaries are just the equivalent amount of grind that almost any other online RPG’s top tier gear requires; they aren’t anything special.
I actually wish that more of the required legendary mats and stuff were account and/or character bound too.
Why not change server to DR for a week or two with alts doing all the JPs, then xfer back when u have the 500?
I’m lucky where my legendary doesn’t require lodestones, but 3 x stacks of Crys Dust. Mystic Clovers DO help with T6 mat’s and also some lodestones as well, so it kind of works for any player. Heck I’ve even gotten obby shards and even the odd ecto from the forge from a failed clover recipe. :P
But WvW is a ‘necessary evil’ for any legendary. The higher level and more ‘complete’ your character, the more chance at badges from the EB JP chest. I remember running my Lv3 thief into the JP once and getting a measly 3 badges from the chest. Lame. Level those alts.
But for me, the worst part about legendary is the frkn precursor. My luck sucks both with any chests and the Mystic Toilet. RNG hates me.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”
All you guys saying “change servers and then do the JPs” are making me laugh hard. You don’t have to switch servers to get those medals from the JPs, just sign on during an “off time”. Heck, in my server, just about no one attacks another person in the JPs unless they are attacked first; Ran around with someone from another server following me around the JPs and he just seemed to not know how to do it so he learned by watching me.
But the worst part about getting a legendary is the money you need to get, I mean 1g for EACH loadstone, ouch.
Personally I’m seriously considering giving up on Legendary weapons. At first they were nothing but a fancy skin and status symbol which was fine if your into that.
Now of course (since the introduction of vertical progression) we know they will always remain Best In Slot according to Anet themselves. Is BIS really worth the huge grind/gold sink/time sink required though? After all my lvl 80 is equipped in full exotic and I only paid a few gold to do it, my armor was all bought with Karma and I only had to buy a couple of weapons with about 7 gold.
I have plenty of Karma building up and in jugs just waiting to be used when I next need it. Right now you can’t get ascended gear from anywhere but Flavor of the Month but they’ve already said that will change. When Ascended or any other tiers/levels they decide to introduce in the future start dropping in ALL level appropriate zones/dungeons/whatever it will be just as easy* (hopefully) to get as exotics are today.
So basically is the huge grind/gold sink/time sink for Legendary really worth it when (eventually) I’ll be able to keep up just playing the game the way I want anyway? That is of course discounting the fancy graphics of a Legendary which many will rightfully see as a reward in itself.
*easy is a relative term depending on what server you are on and or (pun intended) how bugged Orr happens to be. It took me almost 2 weeks to get my exotic temple Karma armor, of course the FOTM rage hit at roughly the same time so that didn’t help.
I guess all of us just aren’t enough legendary players. And I probably never will.
you know whats weird is that currently ya’ll are in second place and we are dead last(Kaineng). As most players here have suggested have you tried doing the jumping puzzle BUT in stealth mode? when ya’ll have control of your keep use the Mystic Fountians that are there. if you can make it up to the second part of the jumping puzzle there will be a second Fountain you can use to re-stealth. makes by passing the griefing parts easy.
BG JPs give 4-5 badges per chest, so that’s 12-15/day. EB JP gives 13-15(i’ve ran it on lvl 17-26-80 chars, same on all). The BG is generally about luck: are there people in or not. EB…if you make it to the first fountain, you are good to go(the stealth will get you to the dark room and from there on people rarely attack, 2nd fountain near the chest will get you clear from the really mean campers). If you don’t…try again later. Once you get used to the jumps, the puzzles are easy and all you need to get the badges.
Gift of Battle is named incorrectly, it is as people have mentioned the Gift of Jumping.