How About Housing System or Farm System?

How About Housing System or Farm System?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MetalWave.8149


I think, GW2’s name is Guild Wars 2. But there is no room for each guild.

So, I suggest that each guild has their own room…house? mansion? and so on.

The guild room will be upgraded by guild influence. I think, GW2 needs more guild contents.

And Farm system. Players can rent little farm and they can cultivate some vegetables or raise cattles or pigs. The harvest can be used for something special cooking or valuable material for Trade center. (The cooking which uses that harvest will have something special effects….like ascended items)

How about my opinion? I’m waiting for your(each gamer or A-net) opinion.

How About Housing System or Farm System?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eight O Eight.8257

Eight O Eight.8257

Although a good suggestion, it has been done over and over and over and over and over…..

How About Housing System or Farm System?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


I’ll bump threads suggesting player housing with my support every time I see one…

…but I don’t think it’ll do any good. =/

How About Housing System or Farm System?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Yet another topic misunderstanding how Guild Wars 2 got its name.

I can understand asking for guild halls. They were really popular in Guild Wars; but farming… they actually had dye seeds that you planted in your home instance, perhaps this will come to use with another system someday.

How About Housing System or Farm System?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aleglast.6027


Gw2 needs about a million things to satisfy its endgame, truth is, we never get anything we expect to get and nothing we say here really changes their minds. My advice, enjoy what we have now, grind legendaries, and hope we will be suprised sometime soon.

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