How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ColdEden.8693


Let me start by saying that I made a mistake. But it’s something many people have been doing, and something that should be looked at.

So, current PVE exploration requirements include all 4 world vs. world maps. On these forums and the fan forums, people have been suggesting making use of the server transfers to actually get the WvW exploration, as if your home server is terrible at WvW, or if you log in at odd times, you might have to wait weeks or even months to get the keep POIs and Vistas, especially with the long queue times.

My guild is in Isle of Janthir. I transferred to Fort Aspenwood when both servers were at “high” population. During my 24 hour cooldown period, both servers filled up completely, and are now “full”.

I may not be able to ever get back to Isle of Janthir, unless I catch a server population boost shortly after it happens. I may have to leave my guild of 4 years because I will not see them anymore, and guesting doesn’t even have an ETA. I know this is my fault, but hundreds of people have been doing this, I can’t be only one to get stuck. So, I want to ask the following questions:

1. Why is WvW included in the PVE map exploration achievement? It is a PVP map set, completely situational and dependant on the skill and interest of other players on your server.

2. Why can’t we queue for a place on our desired (full) server, waiting days or weeks as required for the space to open up?

3. Why aren’t the server statistics more clear to customers, so we can make better informed decisions? For instance, the population limits, foreseeable increases, etc?

I don’t consider these to be suggestions, because I know the current state exists for a reason. But I’m upset, trapped in a server where I don’t know anyone, and I’m wondering if we could avoid this sort of mistake in future.

(edited by ColdEden.8693)

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Garenthal.1480


Perhaps it’s time people stopped blaming everything but themselves for the choices they make in this game. If you want to fully complete something, then be prepared to put effort into it and even do things you dislike. WvW is a combinations of both PvP and PvE so I’m not sure why people get the flawed idea that it should be separate from achievements bound to exploration.

As for the transfer thing? That’s a risk you take when you’re not prepared to settle down in one place.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul.4081


WvW for 100% is why none of my toons will last long in this game….no point. I’ve filled all my 5 slots but everytime I play them have a little voice at the back of my head saying (why bother?)

I read Guild chat all the time and a few guildies switched or something because our home server for WvW apparently sucks. What difference will a PvE’r who cares nothing but getting 100% make to that server?

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ColdEden.8693


I apologize if I gave you the impression that I blame ArenaNet, Garenthal. If you read my post, I admitted to making a mistake.

What I want to know is why a pvp map is part of the exploration title. It leads to people taking risks like this. WvW may seem like a combination of PVE and PVP to you, but these POIs and Vistas are INSIDE the keeps. It’s not like you can fight a veteran and climb a cliff. You also can’t take a keep by yourself.

It adds an element of grind and powerlessness to a title that has nothing to do with competition. If anything, people like me make WvW less fun, going there and running around without fighting because I just want to map and leave. We dilute the experience for other players.

So why link them at all? I just want to know why.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Paul.4081


ColdEden don’t bother apologising, WvW is not even on the World Map afaik.

It’s like the Vista ones that have invisible walls so you can only do them as the devs decided. Fun, fun, fun

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wotts.1964


Just wanted to mention that the server pop should still fluctuate some between high and full. Try checking it at different times of the day and you may be able to sneak back in.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyric.7485


I may not be able to ever get back to Isle of Janthir, unless I catch a server population boost shortly after it happens. I may have to leave my guild of 4 years because I will not see them anymore, and guesting doesn’t even have an ETA.

That seems a touch dramatic, don’t you think?

Losers make excuses, winners make it happen.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


Perhaps it’s time people stopped blaming everything but themselves for the choices they make in this game.

This. Jesus Christ.

And I did notice your remark, OP. It’s just something I’ve been seeing too much in these forums.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


wow…. you make it sound like its hard to sneak around WVW and get the points O_O and than after it resets your in a new borderlands and can get more with ease

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lord Jaguar.9504

Lord Jaguar.9504


You transferred servers away from your guild of 4+ years, expecting to be able to transfer back for free with no hassle. Doesn’t that sound a bit like a privilege to you? I dunno, maybe it is a god given right that you expect at all times.


How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


Eh, set your alarm, get up a little early for one day, and transfer back to your old server when the pop drops a little. This is a hangnail, you’re acting like your whole hand got cut off.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


Shame they don’t have guesting feature functional yet.

Don’t worry too much. You can either find a new guild on your new server, or wait and transfer back when there’s space.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zerospin.8604


I am honestly baffled no one has even thought of it, but the right thing to do here is to move the POI OUTSIDE of the gates.. yes it is that simple. Simply increasing the radius would do the trick, stop server transfers just to complete the deed (something I had to do as well, but was lucky to be able to return), and give all a chance to complete the deed.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ostracize.8316


Wake up at 3am, transfer, win.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moonthrower.1406


Just keep a close eye on the server population. My friends were all on Stormbluff Isle early start, and I bought GW2 2 days into launch. I could NOT get onto SBI right away, so I rolled Emehry Bay for a day. Transfer opened up the next morning.

You’ll be able to get back on, man.

How Exploration Got Me Locked Out of My Server

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rynac.4179


I’m in the same boat as you, OP, although for a different reason. Was clearing Straits of Devastation and the last thing I need to get 100% was the vigil tactician. Rather than wait the 3+ days it would take for the point to finally be unbugged (despite me and a bunch of other people reporting it) I just transferred servers to get it done. Been trying for about a day to get back on the server all my friends are playing on