(1)Unlike the popular MMOs that came before, Guild Wars 2 does not depend on progression. You do not feel obligated to play, as you have no reason at all to sign in, unless you are signing in to get into the temporary content before it vanishes. No obligations, no responsibilities, and as much incentive to log into the game as there is to log into Farmville (actually, maybe less obligation/responsibility to sign into GW2 as there is to sign into Farmville).
Play when you want, as long as you want, take as long of a break as you want, and you miss out on nothing important.
(2)Guild Wars 2 is easy. Because Guild Wars 2 lacks the ‘holy trinity’, there is much less responsibility in GW2’s PvE. Essentially, everyone is responsible for themselves, similar to how DPS classes play in other MMOs.
Save for the small handful of abilities, boons, etc that effect your party, unless you are going for a world record speed clear, PvE groups are more than capable bringing full Berserker geared, high-damage traited professions and literally faceroll through any dungeon in the game.
There are very little mechanics in PvE to worry about. Most of it consists of simply dodging in the right direction at the right time, or standing in the right place so the boss bugs out and can’t hit you, or simply running past a pack of mobs to leash them and therefore bypass multiple groups of mobs, and at times, huge chunks of the dungeon (Arah path 3, CoF path 1, various fractals, amongst others).
(3)Remember when you were a kid, and everything was new, big, awesome, and wonderous? Guild Wars 2 is filled with wonder. Bright colors, flashy particles, scantily-clad fantasy armor, and huge raids of players all smacking one champion mob. The feeling is epic, and you definitely get lost in that sense of wonder.
(4)Repetitive, easy-to-follow content. As stated in reason #2, Guild Wars 2 demands very little skill and thought, and mostly relies on fast reflexes (dodging, mob avoidance i.e. ‘running past’). Also as stated in reason #3, recent (and all foreseeable future) content is based around big zergs of people all smacking the same big zergs of mobs. Zero strategy, zero thought, zerg after zerg, hour after hour of farming and farming, and little to no responsibility, save for dodging at the right time.
To summarize: Guild Wars 2 appeals very much to the ‘casual kid’ in all of us due to:
-Little responsibility (see last bulletpoint below)
-Little to no obligation to play (not missing out on content or any meaningful sort of reward)
-Lots of flashy colors and particles
-Huge epic zergs
-Easy mechanics for PvE (and drop in, drop-out system for PvP, which I didn’t get a chance to mention)
Hopefully that answers questions from people as to why GW2 is appealing to some people, and why people continue to play it! Thanks for reading :)