How GW2 could've been good

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dvx.4162


This is my GW2 post-mortem. I am now back to WoW, waiting for MoP. I hit 80 in GW2 about a week after release and have experienced all dungeons and all forms of PvP.

Why GW2 is not going to be the next WoW
GW2 had the best leveling out of any MMO. Ever. This is pretty much a fact that can be corroborated by many many sources, including mainstream as well as indie reviews. I’ve played WoW since vanilla (off-and-on since WotlK) and leveling has always sucked in WoW. GW2 absolutely changed the paradigm here, no questions about it. Unfortunately, once you hit 60 or 70, it all begins to fall apart:

  • Waypoints are often contested
  • Few people in high-level zones compared to low-level zones
  • Most events impossible to solo

And at 80, things just got worse when dealing with the end-game:

  • Dungeon grinds are inane
  • Exploration modes are frustrating, not challenging
  • Dying as an inherent game mechanic just doesn’t work, nor does it feel right
  • Revisiting old content is not end-game, the fact that your level scales down just adds insult to injury


  • The ridiculous downing mechanic is just that: ridiculous
  • CC, in turn, is almost always used to prevent rezzing
  • There is no depth to the game when everyone uses their stuns or knock-backs only in one specific scenario
  • WvWvW is stupid for melee (you just get blown up), but sort of fun for ranged classes
  • PvP balance is all over the place right now (although this will hopefully get fixed)

How GW2 could’ve been the next WoW
With that said, however, I do think that GW2 could’ve been the “next big thing.” How?

  • 15 dollars a month. Sorry ANet, but if you want to consistently dish out manageable updates, you need the income (and many, including myself, are more than willing to pay)
  • Use the trinity – your system looks good on paper, but it’s a disaster in practice (anyone that’s done exploration mode dungeons can attest to this)
  • Dying is not a game mechanic – dying should be a bad thing. You should not be allowed to come back to finish a boss fight after you died.
  • Underwater exploration is fun, but underwater combat is stupid (no, really, it is). Blizzard’s blunder with Vashj’ir should’ve taught you this.
  • You need end-game progression. You really do. However, I do realize that a lack of end-game is a consequence of not paying 15 dollars a month.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: grimpiggy.6301


like dude seriously

Hyleks for the win.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: playfuldreamer.1920


No thanks. Glad they made the choices they did. If I wanted to play WoW 2.0, I’d go play that sci-fi/fantasy title that tanked in less than a year. I came to GW2 because it was different, and while the changes take some getting used to, they’re a step in the right direction for the industry as a whole.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danikat.8537


Why would GW2 want or need to be the next WoW?

WoW is WoW and it isn’t going anywhere any time soon so people who want to play WoW can do exactly that and don’t need to demand that every other game is a clone when they’ve already got exactly what they want.

GW2 (and other MMOs IMO) success lies in NOT being WoW. It’s a new and different game and will appeal to people for different reasons. Taking that away won’t achieve anything for anyone.

Danielle Aurorel, Dear Dragon We Got Your Cookies [Nom], Desolation (EU).

“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ravinhood.3981


This isn’t WOW wasn’t meant to be WOW and hopefully will never be WOW. The NO MONTHLY FEE is what brings MILLIONS to play this game CASUALLY….You know CASUAL? It’s not meant to be HARDCORE though many hardcores came to play it and made 80 in a few days or weeks and then complain about how bad it is. But, the MAJORITY are what makes this game SUCCESSFUL…..the MAJORITY of CASUAL PLAYERS who don’t want a grinding treadmill and want to play CASUALLY. SO GLAD you are going back to WOW we certainly don’t need your kind in GW2.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: atticus.2897


It makes me laugh really. WoW players complain all other games are just clones of WoW, then when they do try a game that dares to do something a bit differently, they complain because it’s not like WoW and leave. WoW players, be honest with yourselves, you’re never going to leave WoW, so stop trying and face the fact that you’re addicted to it

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


  • Waypoints are often contested

There’s always a waypoint near there that can’t be contested, except in Orr, which is supposed to be an ebb and flow where the battlefront shifts.

  • Few people in high-level zones compared to low-level zones

Not everyone plays as much as you do.

  • Most events impossible to solo

Completely false. I’ve solo’d more DE’s than I could count. If you can’t solo anything that’s not labeled [Group Event], you’re bad, and you should stop blaming the game for that and get better instead.

And at 80, things just got worse when dealing with the end-game:

That was your first mistake, and a lot of people are making it: You bought the game for an endgame. You didn’t do any research on this game, and thought this was going to be another WoW clone where you race to max level before the game begins. There is no endgame, there is only a game.

  • Dungeon grinds are inane

I’ll agree here.

  • Exploration modes are frustrating, not challenging

Only to people that are bad at the game.

  • Dying as an inherent game mechanic just doesn’t work, nor does it feel right

Also doesn’t happen much if you’re not bad.

  • Revisiting old content is not end-game, the fact that your level scales down just adds insult to injury

Then why did you buy the game? We’ve known about level scaling for years. And yes, it does add content. Just because it’s not a gear treadmill doesn’t mean it’s somehow not part of the game.

  • The ridiculous downing mechanic is just that: ridiculous

It works in practice. If you can’t finish a downed opponent, it’s because you didn’t deserve to.

  • CC, in turn, is almost always used to prevent rezzing

It also has a limit. If people are CCing you before you can rez them, it might be time to turn your attention to a more pressing matter, such as the guy trying to kill you.

  • There is no depth to the game when everyone uses their stuns or knock-backs only in one specific scenario

These people are better than you because they’re using their skills intelligently. That adds depth. It doesn’t somehow make the game worse just because you don’t know how to do it.l

  • WvWvW is stupid for melee (you just get blown up), but sort of fun for ranged classes

I play a greatsword guardian in WvW and have turned the tide of many sieges by myself. Your argument is invalid.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


  • PvP balance is all over the place right now (although this will hopefully get fixed)

If you think there’s a balance issue with any profession, post about it in the sub-forum of the profession in question. Izzy checks them religiously to look for suggestions for PvP balancing.

  • 15 dollars a month. Sorry ANet, but if you want to consistently dish out manageable updates, you need the income (and many, including myself, are more than willing to pay)

No, they don’t. WoW cost $200 million dollars to maintain, including server upkeep and development costs, between 2004 and 2008. They made over $440 million from box sales alone during that time. That $15 a month that you have given Blizzard over the years and will continue to give them is literally free money to them that does nothing but line the pockets of their executives and shareholders. None of that money is necessary to cover the cost of developing new content.

  • Use the trinity – your system looks good on paper, but it’s a disaster in practice (anyone that’s done exploration mode dungeons can attest to this)

No it’s not. You’re just bad.

  • Dying is not a game mechanic – dying should be a bad thing. You should not be allowed to come back to finish a boss fight after you died.

Dying is irrelevant, because if you’re not bad, it doesn’t happen.

  • Underwater exploration is fun, but underwater combat is stupid (no, really, it is). Blizzard’s blunder with Vashj’ir should’ve taught you this.

Most players are having no trouble with underwater content. If you are, that’s your fault, not the game’s.

  • You need end-game progression. You really do. However, I do realize that a lack of end-game is a consequence of not paying 15 dollars a month.

Not only is that last point completely false, but the first is something any informed consumer walked into the game with intent to avoid.

In short, you bought GW2 thinking it would be WoW, completely ignoring everything ANet said about the game for the past three years. Next time, be an informed consumer; just because you didn’t bother to do your homework doesn’t mean the game will fail. To the contrary, actually; GW2 has consistently had over three times as many players than WoW since launch.

GW2 will not fail just because it’s not WoW. Actually, the fact that it’s not WoW will ultimately be the reason it sees success, as it has already.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shingui.4197


Why GW2 is not going to be the next WoW

Stopped reading here tbh, as this pretty much sums up everything wrong with this thread, as well as explaining most reasons you probably didn’t like the game.

If you play a game, that tries it’s damnedest not to be WoW, like WoW…you’re gonna have a bad time.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzras.8041


Why GW2 is not going to be the next WoW

Stopped reading here tbh, as this pretty much sums up everything wrong with this thread, as well as explaining most reasons you probably didn’t like the game.

If you play a game, that tries it’s damnedest not to be WoW, like WoW…you’re gonna have a bad time.

The problem is Anet has blatantly stated it’s going after WoW, therefor it is fair imo to compare the two games.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


Why GW2 is not going to be the next WoW

Stopped reading here tbh, as this pretty much sums up everything wrong with this thread, as well as explaining most reasons you probably didn’t like the game.

If you play a game, that tries it’s damnedest not to be WoW, like WoW…you’re gonna have a bad time.

The problem is Anet has blatantly stated it’s going after WoW, therefor it is fair imo to compare the two games.

But has stated clearly that they’re not trying to be it.

Trust me, if you think WoW is teh best game EVAR, you’re probably going to hate this game.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


Who in the world told you this was to be “the next WoW”? Have fun with your pandas. The issue is not the game, it’s you.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eibl.8592


A couple of these points are pretty poor specifically
*Waypoints are often contested
*Few people in high-level zones compared to low-level zones
*Most events impossible to solo

These are all really the same problem, you ran like a madmen to 80 and lo and behold everyone else was still level 30. So you were one of few high level players, leaving you, and others, to attempt soloing events (impossible by design) causing way points to be left contested.

*Dying as an inherent game mechanic just doesn’t work, nor does it feel right

Many games, including the CoD series and Every beat-em-up since they left arcades have had so-called “last stand mode”. Giving players a chance to fail but not punishing them to completely retry is a good move, I can’t see the negative side.

*Revisiting old content is not end-game, the fact that your level scales down just adds insult to injury

How is the content old? the game just came out and supposedly you’ve not 100% every zone, the level scales down so that content stays relevant through level 80

*WvWvW is stupid for melee (you just get blown up), but sort of fun for ranged classes

Every class has a ranged option, It’s not like they’re forcing you to melee (to follow this road a bit, if all the melees did decide to go ranged, there would be no buffer to protect squishier classes and melees would have a field day, promoting players to go melee once more)

*15 dollars a month. Sorry ANet, but if you want to consistently dish out manageable updates, you need the income (and many, including myself, are more than willing to pay)
*You need end-game progression. You really do. However, I do realize that a lack of end-game is a consequence of not paying 15 dollars a month.

Again these are basically the same point, but more importantly you couldn’t possibly have any evidence to support these conclusions before Anet would even cash in on their first month. (most games come with a free month we’d all still be under)

*Dying is not a game mechanic – dying should be a bad thing. You should not be allowed to come back to finish a boss fight after you died.

Combat res(s) exist and wow and most other MMOs, and dying is a bad thing, just not as bad as certain other games.

*Use the trinity – your system looks good on paper, but it’s a disaster in practice (anyone that’s done exploration mode dungeons can attest to this)

I agree with this in a way, the trinity is not the be all end all of MMOs and I’d hardly call this a disaster, but when there’s no roles to be assigned/filled, coordination really falls apart, there might as well only be 1 class for all the difference they make.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


The problem is Anet has blatantly stated it’s going after WoW, therefor it is fair imo to compare the two games.


How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alex.9432


High level zones probably empty because not everyone is 80 yet…

Also the downed mechanic is sweet. Total change up.

I play a healer in this game. Yup I do. I’m a guardian. When someone go to dying I am on them in a flash. I pop an aegis of one sort or another to protect us and bring em up. The healing over time/big heals as HP goes down is not the way the game uses healers. You just have to rethink how it works.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


I play a healer in this game. Yup I do. I’m a guardian. When someone go to dying I am on them in a flash. I pop an aegis of one sort or another to protect us and bring em up. The healing over time/big heals as HP goes down is not the way the game uses healers. You just have to rethink how it works.

That’s called playing support, and I’d hope so, because a lot of people don’t seem to know when to do stuff like that.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChaosKirin.1328


Why does everyone look to every MMO that comes out to be ‘The next WoW?’

Nothing is ever going to beat WoW. I don’t want every MMO I play to BE WoW. WoW happened to come along at a perfect time to corner the market, and yay, congrats on their awesome success. I want to play Guild Wars 2, not World of Warcraft.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Eochaidh.4106


High level zones probably empty because not everyone is 80 yet…

There are easily 50 people on the penitent way waypoints on Cursed Shore right now in my server. They’re far from empty.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cezton.2415


GW2 is a fine MMO for this early in it’s life, and if compared to WoW at vanilla with MC/BWL, GW2 is better in my honest opinion.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Maverick.6485


This post isn’t well thought out at all.

“* Waypoints are often contested

  • Few people in high-level zones compared to low-level zones
  • Most events impossible to solo"

This might be because you leveled to 80 within a week? Not everyone has power leveled. That’s why waypoints are contested. That’s why there are fewer people. That’s why you have to attempt events solo.(which it’s not really meant to be, unless you’re extremely good at your profession."

“* Dungeon grinds are inane

  • Exploration modes are frustrating, not challenging
  • Dying as an inherent game mechanic just doesn’t work, nor does it feel right
  • Revisiting old content is not end-game, the fact that your level scales down just adds insult to injury"

Dungeon grinds are in every game. Exploration mode IS challenging, don’t expect to group with random people and blow through it. It’s for focused groups who use voice chat and work well together. Dying isn’t an inherent game mechanic just because you personally die a lot. That’s just a reflection of your skill. There are 5 starter zones. It’s not revisiting old content just because it’s below your level. There is a huge map out there.

“* The ridiculous downing mechanic is just that: ridiculous

  • CC, in turn, is almost always used to prevent rezzing
  • There is no depth to the game when everyone uses their stuns or knock-backs only in one specific scenario
  • WvWvW is stupid for melee (you just get blown up), but sort of fun for ranged classes
  • PvP balance is all over the place right now (although this will hopefully get fixed)"

Downing is an amazing feature, and those who know how to use it well realize it’s not over when you’re downed. This game would be much more boring if you went straight to death. There’s skills that make it so you can’t be interrupted/cc’d. Also, It’s very easy to rez people when in a group of good players, I have a skill that lets me rez 3 people at once. People use stuns/knockbacks ALL the time. That doesn’t even make sense. WvWvW is great for melee if you’re good with it. As a ranged, I fear them. The game is brand new, of course it needs balence.

“* 15 dollars a month. Sorry ANet, but if you want to consistently dish out manageable updates, you need the income (and many, including myself, are more than willing to pay)

  • Use the trinity – your system looks good on paper, but it’s a disaster in practice (anyone that’s done exploration mode dungeons can attest to this)
  • Dying is not a game mechanic – dying should be a bad thing. You should not be allowed to come back to finish a boss fight after you died.
  • Underwater exploration is fun, but underwater combat is stupid (no, really, it is). Blizzard’s blunder with Vashj’ir should’ve taught you this.
  • You need end-game progression. You really do. However, I do realize that a lack of end-game is a consequence of not paying 15 dollars a month."

You have no idea how much content will come out, and suggesting that we pay a sub without knowing that is foolish. The non holy trinity system works great IF you are a good player. Most people are sick of the trinity system. You don’t decide whether or not dying is a game mechanic, but yet again, if you’re good, that won’t happen often. Underwater combat is exactly like land combat, only adding vertical movement. Just because other games did end game the same way as eachother, doesn’t mean this game doesn’t have it’s own form of end game. Try to get legendaries, exotic armor/weapons, map completion.

All in all, it seems like you really have NO idea what you’re talking about. It sounds as though you’re just bad at this game, a game that takes a lot of skill to be good at, and you’re blaming it for being different from the old “Stand toe to toe with mobs and spam 3 buttons”. If you don’t like it, that’s fine, but bashing it without thinking things through is ignorant.


How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lonewolf.5869


I Agree this game is huge fail,

what will kill this game is what killed SWTOR. FANBOYS.

I will always say it, they just know how to troll and flame anyone who says anything negative about their game, and very good at sucking to Anet.

Like in SWTOR when it happened (before patch) we came down and told them dont do this, fix that, but eveyr time one of us said anything negative about the game we have an army of fan boys flaming us to death… result? game is deaaaaaaaaaaad.

This game depend (in WvW) alot more on populated servers than any other game, and i guarantee you it will be dead wayyyyyy faster than swtor.

no tank no healer just don’t work end game and because of it and the stubborn Anet employees who really believe they know-it-all the whole PvE is dead in the game. simple as that.

PvP with no reward at all but pretty gear is a huge fail, remind me when i take my soon to play football and they be like “We not keeping score its all about participating and getting a star later”

WvW in its current state is a disaster, i would say fixable but its way way beyond this.

I made a whole topic about it and i said in this topic that Anet staff know-it-all…

Why is PvP Loot RNG? Because we think its better for you “so you try different builds”
Why change points, skill system? Because we think its better for you “so you try different builds”
Why is Dye not account wide? “because we think its better for you”
Why cant we P2P Trade? Because we think its better for you…

well its too late now, but hope they understand what they think is wrong, and it doesn’t matter, what matters is what WE Think the community, the players.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vorir.7684


  • Waypoints are often contested

There’s always a waypoint near there that can’t be contested, except in Orr, which is supposed to be an ebb and flow where the battlefront shifts.

  • Few people in high-level zones compared to low-level zones

Not everyone plays as much as you do.

  • Most events impossible to solo

Completely false. I’ve solo’d more DE’s than I could count. If you can’t solo anything that’s not labeled [Group Event], you’re bad, and you should stop blaming the game for that and get better instead.

And at 80, things just got worse when dealing with the end-game:

That was your first mistake, and a lot of people are making it: You bought the game for an endgame. You didn’t do any research on this game, and thought this was going to be another WoW clone where you race to max level before the game begins. There is no endgame, there is only a game.

  • Dungeon grinds are inane

I’ll agree here.

  • Exploration modes are frustrating, not challenging

Only to people that are bad at the game.

  • Dying as an inherent game mechanic just doesn’t work, nor does it feel right

Also doesn’t happen much if you’re not bad.

  • Revisiting old content is not end-game, the fact that your level scales down just adds insult to injury

Then why did you buy the game? We’ve known about level scaling for years. And yes, it does add content. Just because it’s not a gear treadmill doesn’t mean it’s somehow not part of the game.

  • The ridiculous downing mechanic is just that: ridiculous

It works in practice. If you can’t finish a downed opponent, it’s because you didn’t deserve to.

  • CC, in turn, is almost always used to prevent rezzing

It also has a limit. If people are CCing you before you can rez them, it might be time to turn your attention to a more pressing matter, such as the guy trying to kill you.

  • There is no depth to the game when everyone uses their stuns or knock-backs only in one specific scenario

These people are better than you because they’re using their skills intelligently. That adds depth. It doesn’t somehow make the game worse just because you don’t know how to do it.l

  • WvWvW is stupid for melee (you just get blown up), but sort of fun for ranged classes

I play a greatsword guardian in WvW and have turned the tide of many sieges by myself. Your argument is invalid.

Thank you for exposing the op as just a bad player. You made all the points I wanted to make. Op just didn’t get it and played this game like it was wow. As a result, he’s going back to wow.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Battle Rifles.2965

Battle Rifles.2965

Agreed 100%.

See also this post:

Have fun dealing with the fanboys though. Apparently they’re having so much fun with the game that they can’t help but troll these forums 24/7. I know my first instinct when I’m completely immersed in a game is to hit up the forums in raucous defence.

The game’s boring and unplayable for me. So, unless things change (and let’s face it, ANet’s going after casuals who will spend their money on cosmetic items they have neither the time nor the skill to obtain in-game) I won’t be back.

Best of luck, Tyria. It’s been a fun ride.

(edited by Battle Rifles.2965)

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Transistor.8746


“15 dollars a month. Sorry ANet, but if you want to consistently dish out manageable updates, you need the income (and many, including myself, are more than willing to pay)”

Manageable updates like in WoW?
Yeah because 9 months of patch 4.3 in WoW was such a good investment. Dragon soul came out in late November and pre-panda-patch rolled out a couple weeks ago. 9 months. That’s $135.

That’s absurd. You could get two new-release games for that money. Can’t wait for someone to come in and justify $135 for no content other than farming Deathwing for the amount of time it takes to conceive and birth a child.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mungtra.6728


Dude, this game is not for you, and I feel sorry that you waste your money on this game. Please next time try to do research about the game you would buy or at least check that whether the game’s mechanic is like wow or not.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kindstrike.1962


I agree with all of these points. All of them. Yet I still manage to enjoy the game.

I think maybe I judge GW2 by it’s own standards, and not to another game?

Maybe its the feel of combat. Maybe its the community (great one, btw).

It may not be my “main” mmorpg for years to come, but it will be in the rotation for sure.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Izman.1097


“WvWvW is stupid for melee (you just get blown up), but sort of fun for ranged classes

Use the trinity – your system looks good on paper, but it’s a disaster in practice (anyone that’s done exploration mode dungeons can attest to this)

Dungeon grinds are inane

Exploration modes are frustrating, not challenging"

I’m a huge Guild Wars 2 & 1 fan, and this is very true.

Explorer modes are simply zerg the boss, die in 2 hits, run back. Nothing fun about that, and I don’t think coordination or skill can really fix it. You just simply do not have enough endurance to dodge when each enemy attack brings you down 1/3 hp (at least) and every defensive skill is on a 30+ second cool down.

Sadly, due to the hype for this game, your criticism is going to be met with passionate fanboys defending this game to the death.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Echo.7634


Glad you tried the game.
Sorry you don’t like it.
Enjoy kung fu pandaria.


How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: gurugeorge.9857


Nobody cares, we’re all having too much fun. Byeee.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: burritobandito.6289


What you basically said is:

“This game needs more WoW”

Thanks but no thanks, I love the game the way it is.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Failsociety.4569


Thank god this game isn’t that big bag of trash formally known as World of Warcrap.

FFXI: 75 Blm Rdm Blu Thf Smn Nin Bst (Retired since Abyssea) FFXIV: 50 War Blm Whm Brd Pld
Loathe WoW and the Community it brings.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: zangora.2718


Wrong game, bro

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CelticWish.2314


I will say I do have a hard time deciding what I like least between under-water combat and Panda’s. Whichever losses then goes up against the Shark Fonzy jumped for Supreme OOOPS try again!

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Geemo.6018


This game is missing a sense of accomplishment that showcases your character…

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: whiran.1473


I can’t even begin to imagine how many hours you put into this game in a single week to be level 80, run all the dungeons, done the PvP thing, and the rest of it.

Did you play for at least 8 hours a day or something?

That’s a crazy accomplishment for ArenaNet to hold your attention for that many hours.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bobby.2918


Meh, looks like OP left the thread. May have even published the thread and left without a second glance.

Anywho, I do love the people who seem to power level to cap as quickly as possible for the sole reason of posting a “review” on the general forum, usually to discuss the negatives of the game. Because, you know, they had so much time to absorb the content.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


I Agree this game is huge fail,

what will kill this game is what killed SWTOR. FANBOYS.

I will always say it, they just know how to troll and flame anyone who says anything negative about their game, and very good at sucking to Anet.

Like in SWTOR when it happened (before patch) we came down and told them dont do this, fix that, but eveyr time one of us said anything negative about the game we have an army of fan boys flaming us to death… result? game is deaaaaaaaaaaad.

This game depend (in WvW) alot more on populated servers than any other game, and i guarantee you it will be dead wayyyyyy faster than swtor.

no tank no healer just don’t work end game and because of it and the stubborn Anet employees who really believe they know-it-all the whole PvE is dead in the game. simple as that.

PvP with no reward at all but pretty gear is a huge fail, remind me when i take my soon to play football and they be like “We not keeping score its all about participating and getting a star later”

Last time i heard , WoW lost 1 million subs on the november , and even till now they didnt have an increase in subs .
Do we have any proofs Swotor died ?

U are accusing GW2 fans that are standing <<in ur way>> , while u dont accuse urself for deciding buying a game with no tanks-healer+ pvp rewards+whatever u said in ur post , and u are here whinning ?
I really hate uninteligence ppl …
If u dont like something in the game , name it
But dont try to change something foundimenal like the lack of trinity
U shouldnt have bought the game from the start , if u loved these things ….

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neppu Demion.7439

Neppu Demion.7439

I’m thinking I agree on the endgame thing. There always needs to be an endgame in an MMORPG, otherwise it’s pointless to be an open-world multiplayer game, it may as well just be single player. Today, whilst leveling on my 18 Warrior, a level 80 warrior spent around an hour following me and mimicking my every action. After 30 minutes or so I said to him “Endgame must be really boring if this is what you’re doing at level 80” and his response was “This is all there is to do at level 80.”

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: vorir.7684


This game is missing a sense of accomplishment that showcases your character…

If you desperately need validation from a game, then you might want to consider therapy.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CharrGirl.7896


No thanks. I love it this way . Never played WoW but pay 2 play sucks, since I played some other games that are like that. This is much much better.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gathslan.1870


You are going back to wow?
Thank god i dont have the taste you do in gaming <3

probably one of the most stupid threads i have seen so far, if you want wow so much go back and enjoy the pandas, while i will actually enjoy a good game here.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rom.9726


this made a post, did not respond once. TROLL.

Rom – Man with a Plan, Action Man.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: They.9516


  • PvP balance is all over the place right now (although this will hopefully get fixed)

If you think there’s a balance issue with any profession, post about it in the sub-forum of the profession in question. Izzy checks them religiously to look for suggestions for PvP balancing.

  • 15 dollars a month. Sorry ANet, but if you want to consistently dish out manageable updates, you need the income (and many, including myself, are more than willing to pay)

No, they don’t. WoW cost $200 million dollars to maintain, including server upkeep and development costs, between 2004 and 2008. They made over $440 million from box sales alone during that time. That $15 a month that you have given Blizzard over the years and will continue to give them is literally free money to them that does nothing but line the pockets of their executives and shareholders. None of that money is necessary to cover the cost of developing new content.

  • Use the trinity – your system looks good on paper, but it’s a disaster in practice (anyone that’s done exploration mode dungeons can attest to this)

No it’s not. You’re just bad.

  • Dying is not a game mechanic – dying should be a bad thing. You should not be allowed to come back to finish a boss fight after you died.

Dying is irrelevant, because if you’re not bad, it doesn’t happen.

  • Underwater exploration is fun, but underwater combat is stupid (no, really, it is). Blizzard’s blunder with Vashj’ir should’ve taught you this.

Most players are having no trouble with underwater content. If you are, that’s your fault, not the game’s.

  • You need end-game progression. You really do. However, I do realize that a lack of end-game is a consequence of not paying 15 dollars a month.

Not only is that last point completely false, but the first is something any informed consumer walked into the game with intent to avoid.

In short, you bought GW2 thinking it would be WoW, completely ignoring everything ANet said about the game for the past three years. Next time, be an informed consumer; just because you didn’t bother to do your homework doesn’t mean the game will fail. To the contrary, actually; GW2 has consistently had over three times as many players than WoW since launch.

GW2 will not fail just because it’s not WoW. Actually, the fact that it’s not WoW will ultimately be the reason it sees success, as it has already.

Water combat iskitten if you aren’t an engineer with a grenade kit. It’s slow and tedious, this is coming from a lvl 80 thief that has permanent invulnerability frames with a spear. Not enough spammable AoE to take on groups, and even killing single targets is a chore, I’d rather just run away from them.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


I like how anyone that proves that the complainers didn’t know what kind of game they were buying is suddenly a fanboy.

Ah, well, guilty as charged. Enjoy your pandas and gear treadmills. Us “fanboys” will be in GW2 having fun.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Neppu Demion.7439

Neppu Demion.7439

I like how anyone that proves that the complainers didn’t know what kind of game they were buying is suddenly a fanboy.

Ah, well, guilty as charged. Enjoy your pandas and gear treadmills. Us “fanboys” will be in GW2 having fun.

At least a gear “treadmill” is something to work towards, a reward you have to work for. What is there here to satisfy at max level? I keep asking this and people keep saying there’s lots of things, but all I can tell from their posts is that the only thing to do at max level is farm karma.

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: knightblaster.8027


It’s sad that even when you remove the subscription fee (thereby removing the tired argument of “the only reason people will pay is if the game has X”), people still want a very rigid model of what an MMO is and should be — it must have such and such or this and that or, oh my God, players may not play the game exclusively every day for 12 months or more like they did when they were in a Skinner box game.

So what if it’s like a single player game in terms of its longevity? Why is this bad? You’re paying the same way for it as you do for a single player game, and getting much more content for the money even if you just play through once to 80 and leave, at around 100 hours. If you like the W3 or sPvP or alts or other things, you get even more value from the game. And more content will come (according to Anet it’s coming for free), and then expansions will come, and you can come back if you want, or not if you don’t. It’s easy in and easy out, like a SP game. In a sense that is the real revolution of GW2. They had the cojones to make a persistent world MMO that doesn’t seek to have players play it nonstop for months on end in order for it to be financially viable. They had the cojones to design a persistent world that can be played like a single player game rather than as a lifestyle choice.

It’s different from a Skinner box game, that’s true. But it’s not trying to be a Skinner box game. If you are really into Skinner boxes, or think a persistent world MMO has to be a Skinner box, then you’re lucky because the biggest Skinner box game ever made is releasing an expansion in a couple of weeks and you’ll probably enjoy your time in that Skinner box more than you will in the kind of game GW2 is trying to be. That’s about you, however, and not about GW2.

(edited by knightblaster.8027)

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


At least a gear “treadmill” is something to work towards, a reward you have to work for. What is there here to satisfy at max level? I keep asking this and people keep saying there’s lots of things, but all I can tell from their posts is that the only thing to do at max level is farm karma.

I’m sure you’re getting answers like “Try to get dungeon armor/weapons”, “Get your 100% map completion”, “find the jumping puzzles”, etc etc, which are all relevant answers, but like a conspiracy theorist, you’ve arrived at your conclusion that “there’s nothing to do at 80” first, and thrown out anything that proves that conclusion wrong.

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: daemonlama.5413


I had to laugh at this.

Thank goodness this will not be wow.

This just makes me look forward to the 25th even more. Alot of this complaining and give me this wow feature or that wow feature, will die down. Most of these types of threads are made by people who are just taking a break from wow while they wait on mop. They never had any intention on staying here anyway. (If this doesn’t apply to you, then I’m not refering to you.)

Also, I find it amusing how many people spend so much money on something they know so little about. Then complain it isn’t what they want. duh…

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DusK.3849


This just makes me look forward to the 25th even more.

No kidding. All of this “Whaaaaa, it’s not WoW 2, I’m so disappointed” crap is pushing relevant threads down.

I’d say we should hijack this thread, turn it into a “Why Guild Wars 2 is a great game but baddies prefer WoW” thread, but ArenaNet wrote article after article on that subject over the years, and these WoWites missed all that stuff. XD

Like rock and metal remixes of video game music? Check out my site and get your headbang on!
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)

How GW2 could've been good

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vadnarr.5764


What Dusk posted broke down what I was thinking exactly. Thank you for posting it.

Honestly if anyone wants to play a WoW clone go play WoW. Why bother with the clone.

I also want to say something else. You paid 60$ for a game that has the potential to last for YEARS. You pay for another game like BioShock and expect like 40 hours if you take your time. Not to mention the fact that GW2 will most definitely have expansions to the play. Buck up, you got a lot of bang for your buck, if you don’t like it move on to something else.

(in b4 fanboi comment)

Ehmry Bay – G: Ehmry Brigade

Mesmer ~ We’re fucking purple… I’m seriously, don’t call me pink, bro.