How about staff>spear transmutation?

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


So here I am, another day looking at spear skins, being sad that we don’t have polearms to fight in close combat how our ancestors used to.


I don’t think if we will ever get a new weapon such as polearm… but some of us love to get their hands on one of those on dry land.
Soooo… why not let us transmute staves into spears? It’s just for looks, from what I heard it might take only a few lines of code to add into the game to let this happen.
Isn’t that a good idea for more Fashion Wars possibilities?

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


staves and spears are vastly different weapons.
i vote no.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RoseofGilead.8907


Just as a side note: There already a couple of skins that are used for both staves and spears (or are they tridents?). Delusion is one of them. I can’t remember what the other one I know of is.

(edited by RoseofGilead.8907)

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


staves and spears are vastly different weapons.
i vote no.

Revenant and Daredevil use them in close combat. What difference would it make? Lightward staff looks like a polearm and I saw some players run with those skins, and it looked quite nice as they fought.
It’s just for the looks, we could use some more of those for sure.

I wouldn’t say that they are vastly different.
Both have a wooden shaft and something attached on the end of it. On one weapon it might be somthing ornamental/blunt and the second one has something sharp.
It’s just the tip that we are talking about C:

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

(edited by Rodzynald.5897)

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ashen.2907


There are several spear/trident skins that I would love to use on my staff wielding characters. Big thumbs up for this suggestion.

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seabreeze.8437


I would rather have the underwater weapons implemented for land use someday. Example:

• Spear: can be used as throwing javelins and pole arms.
• Harpoon gun: can be used as a crossbow.
• Trident: this can be a primarily melee magic weapon with some ranged skills to go with it. Think of it as the melee variant to the ranged magic weapons like staff and scepter.

There’s so many opportunities for new play styles without actually coming up with a brand new weapon to introduce to the game. Let us take our weapons out of the water! \o/ \o/ \o/

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MoarChaos.8320


I don’t see why not. There are bunch of skins that ruin immersion for some people so adding things that make sense shouldn’t. A grand magician looking character holding a fishing spear skin is just a question of his life choices

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lahmia.2193


I could finally make my thief into Oberyn Martell, equip Dragonfury, and then have him fight a Norn greatsword warrior.

Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death.

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Illconceived Was Na.9781

Illconceived Was Na.9781

I love skins that mess with RPG tropes. GW1’s Beyond included a few genre-bending options such as

The current game includes a few unconventional designs; I’d like to see more.

John Smith: “you should kill monsters, because killing monsters is awesome.”

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lightsbane.9012


staves and spears are vastly different weapons.
i vote no.

Revenant and Daredevil use them in close combat. What difference would it make? Lightward staff looks like a polearm and I saw some players run with those skins, and it looked quite nice as they fought.
It’s just for the looks, we could use some more of those for sure.

I wouldn’t say that they are vastly different.
Both have a wooden shaft and something attached on the end of it. On one weapon it might be somthing ornamental/blunt and the second one has something sharp.
It’s just the tip that we are talking about C:

you are aware of the difference between a spear and a staff, yes? one doesn’t even swing a spear in nearly the same ways that they would swing a spear, i imagine anet knows this, as to why their continuously long delay of being in the game will be quite longer, mainly because of their difficult to build animations. I don’t know about you, but if spears are held the same way melee staff/hammer is held, i will be very disappointed.

As quick as the Valkyries ride,
As true as Odin’s spear flies,
There is nowhere to hide.

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zoltar MacRoth.7146

Zoltar MacRoth.7146

I like this idea. I’m already imagining a norn that looks like Poseidon, holding a staff that looks like a trident. Just the other day, I was looking through weapons on the TP and saw some skins that I thought were for staff and looked fantastic, then I realised they were spears only. It would be great to have this option.

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plok.5873


Not certain about spear and staff, but trident and staff could certainly merged, being the caster-type weapons of their realm.

I could finally make my thief into Oberyn Martell, equip Dragonfury, and then have him fight a Norn greatsword warrior.

Hey Oberyn, you know the rule…. don’t drink and d…uel.

Pry Bar in yo’ face, You big disgrace / Box of Nails all over the place
Pet project: Outfit overhaul.

(edited by Plok.5873)

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rodzynald.5897


Okay so, I was checking out spears and staves once again along with tridents and I just saw that this is exactly the same as

I see no problem for spear skins to be transmuted into staffs and the other way around, for the sake of immersion and fashion wars.

Also, le bump.

Guardian is meant for jolly crusading.

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moyayuki.3619


I could finally make my thief into Oberyn Martell, equip Dragonfury, and then have him fight a Norn greatsword warrior.

Good luck with that… lol

Server: Dragonbrand
Guild: Moonlit Renegades (Moon)
Highest-Level Toon: Markus Emmerich, 80 Human Scrapper

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moyayuki.3619


staves and spears are vastly different weapons.
i vote no.

Revenant and Daredevil use them in close combat. What difference would it make? Lightward staff looks like a polearm and I saw some players run with those skins, and it looked quite nice as they fought.
It’s just for the looks, we could use some more of those for sure.

I wouldn’t say that they are vastly different.
Both have a wooden shaft and something attached on the end of it. On one weapon it might be somthing ornamental/blunt and the second one has something sharp.
It’s just the tip that we are talking about C:

you are aware of the difference between a spear and a staff, yes? one doesn’t even swing a spear in nearly the same ways that they would swing a spear, i imagine anet knows this, as to why their continuously long delay of being in the game will be quite longer, mainly because of their difficult to build animations. I don’t know about you, but if spears are held the same way melee staff/hammer is held, i will be very disappointed.

I don’t think they are asking that underwater spears be used on land, and vica-verca. Sounds like they are simply wishing that we could change the skins (appearance) of our staffs into spear skins. It certainly would just look nice with certain characters.

Server: Dragonbrand
Guild: Moonlit Renegades (Moon)
Highest-Level Toon: Markus Emmerich, 80 Human Scrapper

How about staff>spear transmutation?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karwelos.7849


This is an awsome idea. I wish that it would be possible to change staff skins into spear skins. Hope that anet will consider this. Thumbs up for Rodzynald!