How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Punisher.9187

The Punisher.9187

How active is the guild wars community? i played awhile when the game first came out and im interested in playing again but wanted to know how active it still is before i bother… my world selection is Blackgate…

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mercucial.6759


Very active. There’s a small community on the forums that swears the game is doomed, but the number of accounts has actually gone up since the holiday season and a lot of servers still hit overflow during peak hours.

“Aside from managing to shift over 3 million copies in the six months since it launched, Johanson also informs me that Guild Wars 2 has bucked one of the main MMO trends by seeing player numbers continue to rise during what would usually be a post-launch slump. The six weeks following Christmas saw increasing numbers of people eager to explore the world of Tyria, making Guild Wars 2 one of very few MMOs to launch, settle into its core playerbase and then actually start to grow again (EVE Online would be perhaps the only other prominent example of this unusual trend).”

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Punisher.9187

The Punisher.9187

thank you for that amazing response

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mercucial.6759


And there you have it.

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


The increase of the amount of accounts is not synonym to this game being destined to succeed.
The choices Anet is going to make for the coming months will weigh heavy in determining the game’s ultimate conclusion.

Currently the game faces some detrimental gameplay. The classes are not properly balanced for sPvP and the amount of options for effective way of play for certain class es are severely limited. This leaves out an incredible amount of gameplay out of the game and this is AFTER 6 months from release. This is unacceptable for a popular and highly-populated game like GW2.
It will have negative consequences seeing how Anet has been way too slow fixing some game-breaking problems. People already have lost trust in the company.

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: The Punisher.9187

The Punisher.9187

there will always be those people…. so thank you mercucial for not only giving your opinion but also backing it up with actual hard facts …

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mercucial.6759


The increase of the amount of accounts is not synonym to this game being destined to succeed.
The choices Anet is going to make for the coming months will weigh heavy in determining the game’s ultimate conclusion.

Currently the game faces some detrimental gameplay. The classes are not properly balanced for sPvP and the amount of options for effective way of play for certain class es are severely limited. This leaves out an incredible amount of gameplay out of the game and this is AFTER 6 months from release. This is unacceptable for a popular and highly-populated game like GW2.
It will have negative consequences seeing how Anet has been way too slow fixing some game-breaking problems. People already have lost trust in the company.

The only place you really see this kind of talk is the forum. After roughly 300 hours in game I can honestly say I’ve maybe seen people talk like this maybe once or twice, which leads me to believe that most people who are playing the game are enjoying it. And I like how you say 6 months after release as if that’s a long time for an MMO. This game has far more content and updates than most MMOs do six months after release.

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mercucial.6759


Of course this community is known for shutting its ears and eyes to criticism so their pursuit of continuous praise for this game can be justified. Ignorance is bliss.

This is the great contrast between the GW1 and GW2 community. The GW1 community talked and debated about issues on practically every GW1 forum. But I assume that because of the increase of children in GW2, the attitude of the GW2 community in general has regressed compared to that of GW1.

There’s a difference between complaining about valid issues and what the majority of this forum does. Any time a change is introduced the forum cries about how it’s unfair or not fun or what have you, instead of discussing ways to fix it or make things better. I know the game has issues, I never said it didn’t, but it’s by no means doomed.

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


The increase of the amount of accounts is not synonym to this game being destined to succeed.
The choices Anet is going to make for the coming months will weigh heavy in determining the game’s ultimate conclusion.

Currently the game faces some detrimental gameplay. The classes are not properly balanced for sPvP and the amount of options for effective way of play for certain class es are severely limited. This leaves out an incredible amount of gameplay out of the game and this is AFTER 6 months from release. This is unacceptable for a popular and highly-populated game like GW2.
It will have negative consequences seeing how Anet has been way too slow fixing some game-breaking problems. People already have lost trust in the company.

The only place you really see this kind of talk is the forum. After roughly 300 hours in game I can honestly say I’ve maybe seen people talk like this maybe once or twice, which leads me to believe that most people who are playing the game are enjoying it. And I like how you say 6 months after release as if that’s a long time for an MMO. This game has far more content and updates than most MMOs do six months after release.

How important were those content and general updates compared to sPvP balance, which still is not done properly and class balancing in both PvE and PvP. Six months is simply a little too long for these game-defining aspects.

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mercucial.6759


The increase of the amount of accounts is not synonym to this game being destined to succeed.
The choices Anet is going to make for the coming months will weigh heavy in determining the game’s ultimate conclusion.

Currently the game faces some detrimental gameplay. The classes are not properly balanced for sPvP and the amount of options for effective way of play for certain class es are severely limited. This leaves out an incredible amount of gameplay out of the game and this is AFTER 6 months from release. This is unacceptable for a popular and highly-populated game like GW2.
It will have negative consequences seeing how Anet has been way too slow fixing some game-breaking problems. People already have lost trust in the company.

The only place you really see this kind of talk is the forum. After roughly 300 hours in game I can honestly say I’ve maybe seen people talk like this maybe once or twice, which leads me to believe that most people who are playing the game are enjoying it. And I like how you say 6 months after release as if that’s a long time for an MMO. This game has far more content and updates than most MMOs do six months after release.

How important were those content and general updates compared to sPvP balance, which still is not done properly and class balancing in both PvE and PvP. Six months is simply a little too long for these game-defining aspects.

It’s really not. Perhaps you don’t realize how hard it is balance content like that. It took YEARS for WoW to get class balance even remotely right, and even now there’s still issues with it. There are very FEW games where true “balance” exists, it’s just not something that is a quick process…..ever.

I mean do you think they don’t want to balance the classes or something? Anet wants the Spvp to become an Esport, and for that to happen balance has to exist. I would assume they are working on it so that this can happen, I just doubt it’s a quick process.

(edited by Mercucial.6759)

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


I don’t like the hyperbole as this game is FAR from doomed and claiming such is RIDICULOUS, however nor do I like the sweeping generalizations…

I’ve logged on to my EU server which i’m stuck on, and found literally no one in Lions Arch. This has happened quite a few times, until I stopped logging in. Am I insane? and yes I’ve guested to other servers, and found marginal activity… :/ the game is dying in SOME areas and thriving in others… what game isn’t?

Irony…. xD

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


The increase of the amount of accounts is not synonym to this game being destined to succeed.
The choices Anet is going to make for the coming months will weigh heavy in determining the game’s ultimate conclusion.

Currently the game faces some detrimental gameplay. The classes are not properly balanced for sPvP and the amount of options for effective way of play for certain class es are severely limited. This leaves out an incredible amount of gameplay out of the game and this is AFTER 6 months from release. This is unacceptable for a popular and highly-populated game like GW2.
It will have negative consequences seeing how Anet has been way too slow fixing some game-breaking problems. People already have lost trust in the company.

The only place you really see this kind of talk is the forum. After roughly 300 hours in game I can honestly say I’ve maybe seen people talk like this maybe once or twice, which leads me to believe that most people who are playing the game are enjoying it. And I like how you say 6 months after release as if that’s a long time for an MMO. This game has far more content and updates than most MMOs do six months after release.

How important were those content and general updates compared to sPvP balance, which still is not done properly and class balancing in both PvE and PvP. Six months is simply a little too long for these game-defining aspects.

It’s really not. Perhaps you don’t realize how hard it is balance content like that. It took YEARS for WoW to get class balance even remotely right, and even now there’s still issues with it. There are very FEW games where true “balance” exists, it’s just not something that is a quick process…..ever.

You would think that with this set amount of skills the balancing would be done way better.
How great is it, for someone, who chooses a specific class to find out later that he/she can only run 1 or 2 effective builds in sPvP or PvE at all times while certain classes have much more diversity. Many traits are simply not appropriate for any effective way to play.
The fact that there barely has been any significant class balance the past half year, despite these striking differences and other less important but big updates, shows that Anet has failed to properly prioritize their efforts.

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


The increase of the amount of accounts is not synonym to this game being destined to succeed.
The choices Anet is going to make for the coming months will weigh heavy in determining the game’s ultimate conclusion.

Currently the game faces some detrimental gameplay. The classes are not properly balanced for sPvP and the amount of options for effective way of play for certain class es are severely limited. This leaves out an incredible amount of gameplay out of the game and this is AFTER 6 months from release. This is unacceptable for a popular and highly-populated game like GW2.
It will have negative consequences seeing how Anet has been way too slow fixing some game-breaking problems. People already have lost trust in the company.

The only place you really see this kind of talk is the forum. After roughly 300 hours in game I can honestly say I’ve maybe seen people talk like this maybe once or twice, which leads me to believe that most people who are playing the game are enjoying it. And I like how you say 6 months after release as if that’s a long time for an MMO. This game has far more content and updates than most MMOs do six months after release.

How important were those content and general updates compared to sPvP balance, which still is not done properly and class balancing in both PvE and PvP. Six months is simply a little too long for these game-defining aspects.

It’s really not. Perhaps you don’t realize how hard it is balance content like that. It took YEARS for WoW to get class balance even remotely right, and even now there’s still issues with it. There are very FEW games where true “balance” exists, it’s just not something that is a quick process…..ever.

You would think that with this set amount of skills the balancing would be done way better.
How great is it, for someone, who chooses a specific class to find out later that he/she can only run 1 or 2 effective builds in sPvP or PvE at all times while certain classes have much more diversity. Many traits are simply not appropriate for any effective way to play.
The fact that there barely has been any significant class balance the past half year, despite these striking differences and other less important but big updates, shows that Anet has failed to properly prioritize their efforts.

Wait!? you mean that all those development hours on quaggan backpacks were a waste of time!!!? dear god! are you mad!


Irony…. xD

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flamenco.3894


I fail to see how that joke is humorous or bringing out a valid point.

Prince Rurik and Lady Althea. Anyone else see the incompatibilty here?

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


I fail to see how that joke is humorous or bringing out a valid point.

Explaining jokes, usually doesn’t help them get a laugh, but if you can’t detect the sarcasm in that joke, well… maybe we do need a sarcasm font :P

if making fluff for the CS was a prio over other things, well… yeah..

“does not bode well”

Irony…. xD

How active is the Guild Wars 2 community?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


There a lot of out of game community for GW2. There a few non official forms for GW2 (i think its non official) there a for groups there a world event timer web pages (no idea what that one is). I could only guess there more!

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA