How can I use a YubiKey with GW2?

How can I use a YubiKey with GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Milamber.9387


I want better security, I have a YubiKey and I am keen to find a way of integrating this into my two way authentication login, does anyone know how and what the steps are please?

How can I use a YubiKey with GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KeikoTerada.1963


I am using a YubiKey (USB key) to log into the game and these forums.
I posted some setup details for the YubiKey HERE

Bear in mind that it might NOT prompt you to authenticate every time… because they have tied it in with email authentication: if you have any “remembered networks” through using email authentication, you will not be prompted for mobile authentication from those locations.

There is no UI to remove remembered networks at this time, but they are planning to make one. So if (like me) you want their 2-factor authentication to actually BE a proper 2-factor authentication (enter code at every login)… but you have remembered networks… you’ll have to wait until that UI is in place. I hope that’s going to be Real Soon Now :-/

How can I use a YubiKey with GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hello Milamber,

the two systems of authentication that we are providing are enough to secure your account; you are not in the need of any external thing. Another way of adding extra security is by changing your password regularly.