How can i lvl myself faster?

How can i lvl myself faster?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xLD.3159


im a lvl 8 guardian and i find that lvling is quite slow in grinding. spent half a day and only got to lvl 8. do u guys have any ideas on how to lvl faster? thanks alot

How can i lvl myself faster?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Starhawk.2958


As some other kitten is most surely to post in here, enjoy the ride because it’s not about getting to level cap. /rolleyes

On a serious note, get on a server that doesn’t suck at WvW and follow the zerg around capping keeps and towers. If you’re in on the capture you’ll get some hefty xp rewards. If you get bored of that, just run around doing quests until you can’t stand it, rinse and repeat.

How can i lvl myself faster?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


Food and other consumables give bonus xp for kills.

Your fastest leveling will be events. Today, prob’ly your best bet was to go to the new Lost Shores zone.

You get xp from:
Dynamic Events in pve and wvw.
Exploring and filling out your map, including city zones.
Your personal story.
Gathering and crafting.
Renown hearts.
Killing things.

Dungeons are a good source of xp, too, but not til you level up a bit.

How can i lvl myself faster?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vakirauta.6397


On a serious note, get on a server that doesn’t suck at WvW

Goodluck finding one

The Iron Butterfly

How can i lvl myself faster?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dumah.9612


Leveling through crafting is the fastest way, but can be expensive. Follow these guides

How can i lvl myself faster?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Direngrey.1247


Time flies when you’re having fun.