(edited by Emapudapus.1307)
How could Gw2 move forward.
I actually agree with you
This is how I imagined things would go in GW2. That is cosmetic updates every now n then.
Then the 15th of Nov patch happened…
Agree with the OP plus they could have added new DEs and DE chains.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
they did add new skins but its in the 20+ lvls of FotM
This is why I think the gem store is being mismanaged. They did this in GW1. Why aren’t they doing it in GW2? Instead we’re getting these god awful RNG chests. Huge waste of resource IMO.
I agree more skins in the store would bring in more money, however then people will also get more annoyed that skins are only purchasable with gems (or perceived to be). Heck they could start adding rare armor pieces to Black Lion Chests.
This is just my personal opinion —
I feel that the in-game fashion and the way in which the gear design progresses is really crappy.
After just 2 months, the players would have already been able to get really cool looking gear and
because of this, I don’t think they would be bothered to get anymore skins in the Cash shop or Dungeons after that, I know I wouldn’t.
Since this game emphasizes highly on gear skin for the endgame,
Anet should maybe for instance, plan world events which award participants with nice looking armour and then maybe evolve the designs every few months or so.
For example, for the first quarter or so of 1st year, the armour should be crude and plain looking.
Then, it can slowly develop in textures and patterns, with better tabard designs, more intricate embroidery work, better hair styles, etc.
The players could get recipe drops from killing world bosses, normal mobs or even NPCs.
well the OP had a nice idea, but i would like to emphasize that " nice looking gear" is subjective, clear example, the light armor skin in the game shop, someone MUST have trough it was cool, while when I look at it I immediately close my eyes and start to scream.
I would also like to point out something very clear to ArenaNet, LoL has over 32 million registered users and well over 3 million concurrent players a day.
Guess how much gear grind and carrot on a stick LoL has.
Maybe instead of totally missing the idea of how a pvp game is done and giving us the shaft by lying to us while introducing all kinds of BS to attract WOW kids.
Consider this, how big is a LoL map, what kind of character types can you play/specs. Now lets take the size and scope of that map ADD 3d to it by creating elevations and making it a single player mmorpg the possibilities for that alone should be endless. Instead you have itty bitty zergy maps a totally meaningless gear grind now and the pvp isn’t even fun much less Esport material.
I mean I am trying to go through the thought process here, I want to create a pvp centric mmo, how do I make pvp addictive and fun. Ok first, small maps, I mean really small, and lets make everyone a “hybrid” but lets make them all play dps specs, also lets really dumb down the specs you can play, and the weapons you can use into a nice prefab and let people switch out weapons out of highly limited choices. Lets add a downed state so unskilled players can have a redo. Also I think we should have one type of really fast and boring pvp game so the already boring combat will make the players mind numb.
But since this is also supposedly a more standard mmo, lets go over what is wrong.
Its too safe, in a casual mmorpg you cannot have Esport pvp without having casual pvp, you cannot have casual pvp without having fun pvp,. The things most carebears would consider grief, ganking etc or world pvp, not that instanced WvW crap are the kind of things that draw in that kind of player base. When is the last time on this game someone bragged about the neat thing in PVP they did to piss someone off, it doesn’t happen, you just roll your condition spec on sPVP and run with the zerg, it lacks depth and doesn’t perk the interest of the casual or theorycrafter. Honestly they don’t even have any thing as fun as a large WOW pvp map, you have a huge WvWvW area.. thats not even as fun as AV.
Then think of this how does EVE online handle a pvp centric game with crafting and do it without gear grind. You are able to advance without doing that because you are able to build a power base of actual things you own. Now how would you go about doing something like that in GW2, in what is supposedly a game with RvR style combat, hmmmmmm. What if instead of gear grind you could work for PVE and PVP war machines, henchmen, any number of things that DO NOT involve some crappy gear grind, actually let a player accumulate a power base instead of the kitten hamster wheel.
So PVP is boring.
PVP lacks theory craft and spec depth.
World structure is badly implemented.
No casual pvp fun.
Crafting lacks meaning or structure.
World is too sterile and safe.
(edited by Rhydian.5412)
Great post OP! I completely agree. In LoL I don’t buy every skin that’s released but quite a few per year and I’m sure I’d do the same here.
In addition to skins on the trader I would love to see some additional sets that would either drop as part of some of the longer DE chains or just off mobs out in the open world. People love loot. Why not roll out more of it?
Good stuff!
GW2 could move forward
- increase skill quantity like in GW1 ( but maybe not need 200skill / class )
-Allow TOTAL control over build creation ( mean servals skills for each weapons skill slot, and so be able to change them like WE want )
- Separate stats and traits. Why should i boost life only because of a trait ? thats stupid.
-Weapons / armor stat should NOT have a big importance in the game.
- Give back a highest importance of the rock paper scisor system like in GW1.
For me, the HUGE gw2 weakness is the boringness of the gameplay, and the poor possibilities comparing to GW1.
Also, make aviable a merchant to buy easyly stuff with the best in game stat in like GW1 to get serval set to the “different builds”
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke