How did you get your ascended gear?

How did you get your ascended gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aries Of Ragnarok.1365

Aries Of Ragnarok.1365

Got all my Ascended gear from Fractals. With the exception to a Greatsword that I crafted.

How did you get your ascended gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jermoe Morrow.9501

Jermoe Morrow.9501

I crafted my ranger a full set of zerker
Crafted Longvbow; GS & Staff as drops from PvP
Got mawdrey for back piece
Rings from fractals
Amulet from laurels
Trinkets also from laurels because stupidity.

I also have 4 armor boxes sitting in bank that I’m unsure what to do with, but I alnost never got anything besides rings and fractal skins in fractal…all Mr good fractal drops are pvp.

80s(name-race/class):Jermoe Morrow(main) – H/Ra
Blue Dorito-S/Re|Transitor-S/En |Tina Feyspirit-N/M|
Bmoe-A/T|Peter Whatsherface-H/G|Acolyte Rin-H/N

How did you get your ascended gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Most of mine was crafted, but some of the sets on my newer characters were largely made up with drops I got from Fractals…back when there was a decent drop rate for ascended gear.

I did also get a few pieces from PvP reward loot.

How did you get your ascended gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: WiredHot.7651


I got three armor pieces in drops while playing in Edge of the Mists, which I used on my Guardian. I also got 6 ascended trinkets, but I do not think ascended armor or trinkets drop anymore. I also crafted two other armor sets for two of my characters.

Reunited with God my creator, after calling upon Jesus as Lord. What an incredible experience.

How did you get your ascended gear?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

My rings are from fractals, other jewelry from laurel vendors, obviously. I crafted Mawdrey, several fractal capacitors and the bladed things whatever they’re called.

As for weapons and armor: I crafted some and I got some chest drops over the years that I thankfully kept in storage until the update that lets us change the stats. Oh, and I think I got an armor box when I completed the ambrite weapon collection.

I never bought any materials for them. I just save up until I have enough to make another piece. I have over a dozen weapons and 3 full armor sets (grand artisan) and some spare armor parts. I pretty much stopped bothering to really go for it after the 3rd full set.

I got a good headstart on the armors, by the way. I started stockpiling cloth and leather after ascended weapons were introduced because I expected a similar approach as for wood and metal for refining them into ascended materials. Luckily, I was right.