How do potions work in dungeons?

How do potions work in dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Flissy.4093


Never figured this one out, and get varied responses.

For example, does every enemy in AC count as a Ghost, and every enemy in COE count as Inquest or every enemy in TA count as Nightmare Court?

I’ve had people saying “every enemy in that dungeon counts as X” whereas I’ve also heard “Subject Alpha counts as Undead, but the Golems count as Inquest”.

I’m asking as I’m stocking up on dungeon potions now I’ve finally cleared my invisible bag of junk.

Help appreciated.

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How do potions work in dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Individual opponents count as what they are. Oozes count as oozes and ghosts count as ghosts in the Ascalon catacombs for example.

Obviously, you’d want to take potions for the bulk of the encounters, like undead potions for Orr.

How do potions work in dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorby.8236


Do they? I recall a red post stating that all creatures in AC counted as ghosts for the sake of the potion. I can’t be asked to dig up the source, search function on forums isn’t that great. One would assume it worked the same way for all dungeons. Also there was a post stating that all dredge and charr in MF counts as molten, so no potion will work on them (dredge, flame legion). Maybe I missinterprited, maybe it was just bosses. I don’t know exactly how the system works, because I’m fairly sure you get kill variety from them and slayer achievement…

(really can’t find ghost topic, maybe I’m wrong then)

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(edited by Zorby.8236)

How do potions work in dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


Potions affect types of creatures. You know the ghost slayer achievement? In order for a potion to work on something, it would have to give you points in that achievement. A creature in a dungeon is the same as a creature in the world for the purposes of title tracks.

There’s no reason for a potion of ghost slaying to give you bonus for killing gravelings, for example.

How do potions work in dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


iirc gravelings do happen to count as ghosts because they are creatures that absorb essences of ghosts so effectively becomes ghosts or something along those lines. But to answer OP’s question, potions are not restricted to the dungeon. In SE you have both inquest and dredge so only the appropriate potions work.

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How do potions work in dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Big mystery for me. Impossible to tell unless tested.

How do potions work in dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


iirc gravelings do happen to count as ghosts because they are creatures that absorb essences of ghosts so effectively becomes ghosts or something along those lines. But to answer OP’s question, potions are not restricted to the dungeon. In SE you have both inquest and dredge so only the appropriate potions work.

So when you kill a graveling does it count toward ghost-slayer? I never looked.

How do potions work in dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zorby.8236


Could it be that achievements and potions are tracked by different attributes? Could really do with a red post clearing up all these questions once and for all!

~This is the internet, my (or your) opinion doesn’t matter~

How do potions work in dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cbabd.8053


I’m almost certain that we’ve been told that gravelings count as ghosts.

Subject Alpha and the undead in CoE is a difficult case.

So is the inquest path of SE.

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How do potions work in dungeons?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Target.6379
