How do u get a group for arah story.

How do u get a group for arah story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: raiden.9024



As the title says how do you go about geting a group when u ask the map twice over a 5-10min span then on the 3rd ask u get suppressed ?

Dont link that lf website its a 3rd party thing which i have no intrest in using much like addons.

How do u get a group for arah story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mirta.5029


if you have no interest in using the best way to find a group then why ask this question?

How do u get a group for arah story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Frostpyro.5942


Well if you don’t wanna use []. You need to find a good guild that is willing to help. There just simply USUALLY aren’t enough people running story mode of dungeons anymore.

The whole suppressed thing DOES need to be fixed though. I have experienced the same before I just gave in and started using the lfg site.

Now being against using a lfg site is simply just lazy. Many old MMO players can probably back me up on this. Having a community that is willing to band together and create things to aid in their gaming experience is a great signal that we have a good community within the game.

This also enables people to meet new gamers to play with and possibly transfer to play with each other more often.

TLDR: Use [] or find a guild to help with story modes. Only options other than being victim to the suppress bug.

How do u get a group for arah story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zapan.7460


i used GW2lfg yesterday, 3 times, 3 characters, each was a better group than the last. Having 1 that has done it helps to alert the group to each boss mechanics.

I learned to refer to the last cannons as “Glitter cannons” and using that after learning the term got funny replies while they used them. “he looks fabulous”

Remember to delete your post after finding a group, or be ready to get whispers for grouping up, and having to say “sorry, found a group. good luck”

How do u get a group for arah story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Revan.6259


Well, since most people look for their groups on, it’s going to be extremely difficult for you to find a group without using that

How do u get a group for arah story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Thereon.3495


GW2LFG is safe and ive used it many times. That being said I need Arah story myself and have been worried whether even GW2LFG could help. Story modes are a hard find nowadays…which shouldnt be the case.

Thereon Avenrise – former [Noes] Officer – Piken Square (EU)
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!

How do u get a group for arah story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

As to you being muted while messaging Lfg Arah story in map what you need to do it vary the way you write it each time. I just now typed eight random messages into map chat about two seconds apart and was not suppressed. Im guessing if I typed “I love you Gw2” into map over and over that I would get muted. Lfg in the Arah zone and in La. Do this by logging into different characters that you already have in each place that you want to Lfg in to avoid waypoint costs. What I do is wrap my pc in tinfoil so as to shield it from the dangerous rays. Joke. Wont it be funny if you have the last laugh and the Lfg site is used in some evil manner? Good luck. Oh and and add me Ill join your group if we are on at same time.

How do u get a group for arah story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: korgoth.5924


i found standing around at the entrance to whatever instance asking helps.. not in lions arch though to many trolls and fractal spam already

if you’re on darkhaven message me ill help

No man is an island, but a bunch of dead bodies make a pretty good raft.

How do u get a group for arah story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: akamon.2769


may i ask why you don’t want to use gw2lfg? sure it’s a 3rd-party site, but even ANet staff have specifically mentioned that people can look into that for now as they realize how great a tool it is (that is, if you’re worried that using it could result in repercussions…)

that being said, join a guild, try to rally people on here, or on reddit or any other sources and good luck! i’ve yet to do Arah story as well (though putting that on the back burner for now)

Akaimon | Jolly Good Guardian
Akaigi | Warrior Made of Wood
[CDS] – Sanctum of Rall

How do u get a group for arah story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: infrequentia.3465


may i ask why you don’t want to use gw2lfg? sure it’s a 3rd-party site, but even ANet staff have specifically mentioned that people can look into that for now as they realize how great a tool it is (that is, if you’re worried that using it could result in repercussions…)

that being said, join a guild, try to rally people on here, or on reddit or any other sources and good luck! i’ve yet to do Arah story as well (though putting that on the back burner for now)

well the’re promoting LFG so they can use that time to work on other things instead of making there own lfg tool, why make something if theres already something good out there that does it for you for FREE.
less resources for them to make it now.
as for the topic. not using LFG is just hindering yourself. use it

you know how fkn stupid that sounds….

the devs should have a viable looking for group tool.. not promoting off game ones..

just wow…

“If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried.”

How do u get a group for arah story.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sirevanac.3178


may i ask why you don’t want to use gw2lfg? sure it’s a 3rd-party site, but even ANet staff have specifically mentioned that people can look into that for now as they realize how great a tool it is (that is, if you’re worried that using it could result in repercussions…)

that being said, join a guild, try to rally people on here, or on reddit or any other sources and good luck! i’ve yet to do Arah story as well (though putting that on the back burner for now)

you know how fkn stupid that sounds….

the devs should have a viable looking for group tool.. not promoting off game ones..

just wow…

The dungeon finder is on the way. Meanwhile, they recommend the best option at the time! : )