How do we report hackers

How do we report hackers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

So I need a link to where I can report a hacker. I recorded a player hacking and you can’t just report in game that person is hacking and I can’t find any link on any arenanet or gw2 site.

Forever Against Stacked Servers
Virual [VRUS] Alien Lunatics [StFu] Nocturnal Sxaddx [Nuts] Ft. Aspenwood
That which is dead may eternally lie, but with great aeons even death may die.

How do we report hackers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mimizu.7340


they expect you to email them etc, as in, do their job for them.

Mimizu Heavy Industries [Doll] – Underworld

How do we report hackers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

they expect you to email them etc, as in, do their job for them.

Not really. If we could actually report somebody for hacking in game by the pull down menu, they would be flooded with reports from players that are QQing or anything that may be suspicious even when it’s not. Anet would have to weed thru all those reports for legit concerns which could take weeks and months.
By having to email them it requires work and that would stop the QQing people and you would need actual proof. In this case I recorded it happening.

Forever Against Stacked Servers
Virual [VRUS] Alien Lunatics [StFu] Nocturnal Sxaddx [Nuts] Ft. Aspenwood
That which is dead may eternally lie, but with great aeons even death may die.

How do we report hackers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mimizu.7340


lol, did you just take the reverse argument of your intitial post just to correct me?

email them, there is no link.

Mimizu Heavy Industries [Doll] – Underworld

How do we report hackers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Try the support tab on top of this page, you get this link

How do we report hackers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CoRtex.2157


Anet should just bann them automaticly, it really easy to find bots/warpers (=cheat, not hack) with some simple coding. You could even extend it with some machine learning algorithm, which isn’t really so hard in games, but my guesse is that anet is either too unskilled developer wise or they have a monkey standing over them, saying “NO!”. You can however send an email to them, but i don’t think it will do much. & btw, i don’t think you meant a “hacker”, you can’t really record a hacker, you can record a cheater though. Have a nice day

How do we report hackers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pandemoniac.4739


Anet should just bann them automaticly, it really easy to find bots/warpers (=cheat, not hack) with some simple coding.

Lol, if it’s so easy why don’t you just code that up and send it to them. I’m sure they’ll be very grateful as long as your code doesn’t accidentally automatically ban bunches of innocent players and cost them a fortune in support costs.

It’s really easy to solve most programming problems if you completely ignore requirements and edge cases.

Don’t ever think you know what’s right for the other person.
He might start thinking he knows what’s right for you.
—Paul Williams

How do we report hackers

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


Player reporting of hacking/botting is perhaps the least effective means of identifying bots. Data mining easily identifies a bot and Anet has all the data. They seem to take this fairly seriously, so I don’t think a call for “more” action is required here.