How do we report teleporting botters?
Yesterday I saw a dead bot teleporting around, it was hilarious.
1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.
I’ve been watching them tonight, many seem to have normal names, hard to report the names.
A screenshot is probably the best way to report them.
And there’s a lot of them. Don’t expect them to get banned anytime soon, had bots I reported weeks ago in my friends list, they are still botting.
And people worry if they do away with waypoint costs the server economy will explode or something, well maybe the thousands of bots are going to ruin any economy anyway.
Jumping puzzles, love them or hate them, I hate them. Thread killer.
Community Coordinator
As Solid Gold stated, the best way to report teleporting bots at the moment is to take a screenshot and send it to our customer support afterwards.