How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: metalsonic.2503



I’ve played a lot of MMO’s even more RTS games and also a lot of hack & slash and RPG games. But I just can’t seem to get what’s so great about guild wars 2. I don’t find it the worst in it’s genre but definitely not the best. The events make for a grindy and boring experience. The characters don’t leave a real expression on you like they did it GW original and the story is a real mess to the point Diablo 3 story is a Shakespeare work.

The graphics are half decent but it doesn’t make me really feel attracted to the game they are just… like those of SWTOR which I also didn’t find very lively I don’t know exactly why maybe that’s just a personal preference.

Anyway for PvP and class balance all I could make out of it is a huge mess. I played elementalist and compared to the thief / war in pvp or guardian even elementalist is just terribly up, even in PvE to the point that playing Elementalist is a waste of time because other classes are much more efficient at everything an Ele can do.

The only thing I seem to have done in this game is doing event after event with some nonsense story which is inferior to nearly every RPG story ever made. Also exploration, I don’t like it in this game because it feels to forced and tries a bit to hard to make you explore to the point you just don’t really care.

So tell me what do you like about this game? As it feels like a waste of 40 euros to me.

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


Best way to enjoy gw2 is to not read ppl posting like this if you ask me. Not 2 days after a major event and talking about adding in another major event ppl are starting to complaining about getting things for free.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gibbel.5734


I don’t like beets… Please tell my why.

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kyrul.7681


I actually quite liked the story and graphics, and I don’t think class balance is nearly as bad as you make it to be. Warriors/thieves certainly are “easier” in a sense but I don’t think they are strictly stronger.

My issue with the story is it got kind of dull near the last few quests. And after completing the story and a set of exotic gear I haven’t had much ambition to do much, and my playtime has dropped off some. Up until that point it was great though.

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esturk.2183


I enjoy everything you just complained about. I’m even an Ele

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Overunity.4273


Well since this thread has not been shut yet I willl answer .
The head of the game thought that having no progress whatsoever and replaying existing leveling content being super exciting was the formulae to success .ahh who cares this negative crap gets deleted anyhow

We just want to have fun

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IYield.1204


Are you kidding me? Worst story? Now it ain’t the best I’ve ever had the pleasure of playing. However your ignorant statement about it being the worst, leads me to believe you havnt played many RPGs (or MMORPGs) at all. Or that youre trolling.

Also, to state that its not the worst or the best MMORPG you’ve ever played, implying you indeed HAVE played the BEST out there…..why the kitten are you here? Why aren’t you still playing that incredible game? No one person is going to change your mind. Why are you waisting yours and everybodys time?

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ageia.5843


OP, if you are finding the game not to your liking, it could just be that the game is not for you. Personally, I find it to be one of the best ones I’ve played in a long time. I think often it will come down to personal preference. Not sure why you are having difficulty with the Elementalist! I found with the right build/weapons set, they are pretty hard to kill.

Anyway, best I can offer is this: If you aren’t enjoying the game, it may just not be the game for you. Look around and see if you might find one more to your liking. So many great ones are on the market! Good luck.

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lorana.2468


the people i play with, just like every other mmo.

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pandemos.3497


I have no idea how you can equate the gw2 engine to the hero engine… and be at all serious about it.

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Overunity.4273


Gw2 is fantastic if you enjoy visual beauty of you character and grinding to achieve that goal .
If you enjoy progressing your characters power through challenge then play something elase

We just want to have fun

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: FragGyver.8369


Story quality is probably the only point in your post that i can accept, since this is subjective and a matter of taste. The rest is just pure and unreasonable rant. Ele is one of the best dd and allrounder classes there is. Seeing you having problems with warriors pretty much proves that you just haven spend time learning your class.

Yea, Ele is really bad in pvp.

Graphics (designwise) are also one of the best in this genre and the classbalance is also better than anything i know (Ppl just need to learn the classes to be able to counter attacks correctly).

For 40 bucks you get an awesome amount of content that even extends with new updates and releases.

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rukia.4802


I disagree on nearly all accounts (exploring does feel kinda forced with PoI’s etc.) and I enjoy my ele. I suggest D/D it’s much more active if you switch between every element and the stuff you can pull off is pretty amazing.

The story isn’t perfect by far but it’s much better than any other MMO I’ve played, other than GW1 because missions and story were done much better in that imo. Most MMO’s I’ve played don’t even give you story but just a bunch of quest text.

And if you were referring to the story in JUST the events, well those are just events. Some are more elaborate than others. They are no different in terms of quests you get in other games. They tell a small story about what you’re doing and you do it. Only more real-time with VA. I like them, some I loved like in Orr.

Oh, and just like in GW1, the VA isn’t the only story there is to find out. If you talk to the NPC’s after or before events you can get to know them better, ask what they’re doing and/or why they are stationed there etc. but you have to look.

“I find this rain quite pleasant, it feels as though raindrops are blessing our victory”

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lyonell.1753


I love the game in every way. For one the world feels alive, the way npcs interact and the way events works is really nice, also I am not forced to do events if I don’t want to. I have 100% world exploration and honestly POIs really do what they are meant to do as points of interest, they show you parts of the world developers placed a lot of hard work into.

PvP: Class unbalance is not that bad, bad players will always be bad and will always come to complain in the forums. A good elementalist can kitten an elite warrior. A bad elementalist will stand toe to toe with a good warrior. Yet you complain your elementalist is bad? kitten #8230;

Graphics: The world is beautiful. I love it’s looks and the looks of it’s characters, sure some races like the charr could use some sharpening in the details of their armor but who said they won’t do it in the future. Also remember not everyone can afford an elite gaming rig. And more importantly with everything that is going on in the world do you think better graphics would do any good? No. FPS and Single players games can push graphics by giving you little content, mmos can’t do that.

Seasonal events are fun and give decent rewards without exaggerated amounts of work.

The story is great, it lacks in some points but over all is really good. Still is a young game, who knows what’s coming next. You compare it to Diablo…mmm let’s look at Diablo…So humans >Angels and demons cause they are out of the flow of fate. But if demons are fated to be defeated by Humans and angels are fated to GTFO of the way doesn’t that make humans fated to do this? Oh the paradox that makes no sense. Should we look at other games out there? WoW very popular, rich in lore, yet at the start most of the lore was garbage that improved slowly just to be destroyed later on. So we found an island full of pandas…who do martial arts….yeah….

How do you enjoy Guild Wars 2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Pennry.9215


I enjoy Guild Wars 2 mostly naked and on the couch.