How do you ger rid of the Permanent DR?
I simply do not farm, anything. And I will not until DR is removed.
But how you will know that DR is gone if not farming again? Because going to dungeons and waiting for a rare to see if the DR is gone may be not relevant if you are on a bad luck strike.
I have a DR issue as well. I do periodic farm runs through Malchor’s and Cursed Shore. I’ve done a larger percentage of them on my warrior. The warrior doing the runs will over and over get nothing but whites, grays and a blue or two. The other two 80’s get the occasional green or yellow item. I would chalk this down to bad luck with the RNG, but since it is happening every single time I run the warrior through, I wonder if I’ve gotten hit with DR because I don’t use her anywhere else.
I don’t mind this system really. It clearly is implemented for anti-botting and ArenaNet is doing a grea job in regards to it.
I just want to know how to I get rid of it, that’s all.
Because at this point, I am in a dead circle. I cannot continue my hunt for my legendary since my income is now reduced drastically and as I’ve said: doing dungeons, moving zones, doing different meta events also doesn’t help.
So maybe an Arena Net employee could help us with a reply in regards to this issue.
Thank you
I have a theory that perma DR is based on how many items to sell to a vendor
To be honest Shai, I would not expect a dev to answer this one for you as there’s probably a reason why the DR mechanism isn’t trackable in order to avoid it being exploited by bots.
If it was only yesterday afternoon, it could just be a case of leaving that spot for 24hrs on the off chance it will naturally reset like dailys do. That is ofc pure speculation mind.
I don’t think that stands since I didn’t sell that much. I usually keep the loot I get and wait to see how the market prices change.
So my theory is that DR scales to a point where you get little to no loot at all.
Ah, also have you tried Cursed Shore? the sparks there should drop them. As do chests from CoE iirc?
Rand mate, I dont think it will work since I went to frostgorge sound and tried to farm some elementals for the corrupted lodestones. And nothing. The loot was horrible.
Also, see what I wrote earlier that I get this in dungeons as well. So it seems DR is following me wherever I go.
Ah well. No clues then sorry! Hope your luck turns soon tho!
Yes. I enjoyed farming Cursed Shore from time to time but then one day was smacked with the big DR stick. My last few attempts had such obviously poor results I quit in less than 30 minutes (didn’t even finish the omnom) and played other games. After a week of that experience I’m only interested in dungeons these days, but of course the lfg experience limits the fun in that…
I’ve noticed in general that drop rates are at an all time low, ANET probably did another ninja nerf. “A core every 50 kils at 190% MF!! Oh noes that’s too easy….lower the drop rate!!”….
I like DR So me as a casual player have less disadvantages.
If this works the same as Karma then every 30mins switch between characters and avoid the DR.
Just make sure the alt is just as good as your main stats-wise.
That’s what I did to avoid the karma cap to get my legendary.
You mean that’s not normal? This sounds like my drop rate since release. I think you were just lucky to ever experience a better drop rate.
I have never had a good drop rate since Beta. I do not grind, I do not farm and I usually have to kill between 20 to 50 things to get a “piece of junk” to sell to the merchant. I think they developers have my account marked for “Holy crud we hope she quits soon.”
I can only come to the conclusion that there are accounts they cannot ban, but wish they would go away.
Just do what I did…quit the game and tell everyone you know not to waste money on the garbage that GW2 has become..sol far from its orginal manifesto not funny…Skyrim though has been fun
so sick of people threatening users with " troll posts will be reported" as for the most part thats opinionated…I might make a legitimate response with satire included according to my personality that others might deem a “troll post” seriously if u have a question ask, its whats the forums are for, but get over yourself when it comes to adding in the last part…
On subject, it is most likely timed, Anet is trying to punish bots and reward casuals a bit more…It seems they want you to grind less and enjoy other parts of the game. Also the longer it takes you to complete a task, the longer they can keep you around. I dont see the DR being edited anytime soon, my best suggestion would be to take a break.
So if DR is timed then this is a really big dissapointment. I mean If i knew I can get rid of it by doing other things like dungeons, exploration, crafting, meta events, zone switching etc. I will gladly do them. And I did.
I really enjoy this game and I have a guild to run.
But what am I supposed to do in this case if DR is timed? Go do stuff and getting nothing in return as in regards to loot? I don’t mind getting loot. But this is not how I expected things to be.
So if ‘’taking a break’’ from the game is the only option to clear my DR then this is not good. Not good at all.
How about we just ban bots instead of implementing a DR system that penalizes all players?
DR does not exist anymore, that’s my theory.
There is no more DR in terms of karma/exp. I know because I’ve farmed for a long time this holiday break – up to 14 hours. Yet I have no penalty.
I also do not notice any huge ‘lump’ of rares when the supposedly DR resets. All my loot is randomly spread out
I’m pretty sure they removed DR in the same period as the bot bannings. DR was put in place to battle them.
But not only did they remove DR, but I think they reduced the loot table all across the board.
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
How about we just ban bots instead of implementing a DR system that penalizes all players?
What, do you think Arenanet encourages botting? Can you find me an MMO with no bots?
[Currently Inactive, Playing BF4]
Magic find works.
I don’t think it’s DR, the droprates are just horrible.
How about we just ban bots instead of implementing a DR system that penalizes all players?
DR doesn’t penalize all players.
It penalizes only grinders, farmers, exploiters and addicts.
That should be a clue to those players that they are not wanted in GW2, but it appears some can’t understand the message.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
And who are you to judge who is wanted in GW2 and who isn’t?
You must be new to MMOs in general.
I don’t want to derail this thread but in all seriousness. I saw your posting history, I can see your signature etc.
What do you have against grinders? Did some grinder murder your pride long time ago and now you need to take vengeance on them?
As I said. You are new to MMOs or probably this is your 1st one.
Please understand that MMOs by definition are a grind.
If you don’t want grinding go play a shooter or a play station adventure title.
Sorry for the off topic but this guy is living in his world it seems.
On topic: I dont think it’s actually a bad luck strike. Because I see the loot is now the same in dungeons also. And it seems like the drops are similar and no variety to the loot table is added like it used to be 2 days ago.
Ive had the same problem as the OP going on for more than 2 months now (as have many others).
Even not logging on for more than a week will not help.
There is nothing you can do about it as far as i know..
On a side note the loot in fractals 20+ is alright, I get 1-6 rares per run normally; that however cannot be said for anything outside of fractals.
(edited by KingClash.3186)
But how you will know that DR is gone if not farming again? Because going to dungeons and waiting for a rare to see if the DR is gone may be not relevant if you are on a bad luck strike.
Will you guys look at yourselves? Look at what you’re saying!
You don’t have to accept this kind of game design.
How do you get rid of the DR? You do fractals! YAYAY!
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
I don’t farm much, but I when I do, it is normally for a few hours at a time. I personally notice nothing as far as DR goes. I have experienced it before, but not for over a month. Back in October, there was a very clear difference in drops in the first half hour as opposed to the 4th or 5th half hour. This was consistent.
Now, I don’t get much of anything, anywhere. This is also consistent.
How about we just ban bots instead of implementing a DR system that penalizes all players?
DR doesn’t penalize all players.
It penalizes only grinders, farmers, exploiters and addicts.
That should be a clue to those players that they are not wanted in GW2, but it appears some can’t understand the message.
You get rid of the grinders and farmers and then you will see some high prices on the trading post, we keep prices low.
Hello guys!
In the last week I have been farming the sparks @ Malchor’s Leap in order to get enough lodestones for my legendary.
It’s a tedious process and maybe boring for some but I usually enjoy grinding. It relaxes me, especially that I am doing it with my guild and we are on TS3 all the time , chatting about w/e.
I can say that I have been farming in that spot for days and a lot of hours, however I did change zones for different meta events (dragons) but then came back to the same spot, killing the same mobs all over.
Everything was ok in regards to drops until yesterday afternoon when BOOM. Something happened.
I am running on almost 190 % magic find (including guild banner, guild boost etc.)
The drops were ok, stones were dropping (sometimes quick, other times rarer). Was also getting decent number of rares, even exotics.
However, since yesterday afternoon everything changed. I saw that I wasn’t getting any rares at all. No stones at all. Only T6 mats, tophies and loads of trash and blue items.
The green items were also rare.I am 100 % positive I am under a permanent DR at this point.
I tried to do a few dungeons (like fractals, cof, ac), I changed zones again but its the same thing. The mobs from dungeons drop the same loot and it feels like this DR is haunting me forever now.
I just need someone who can help me with this and tell me how to get rid (reset) this DR?
Not playing is not an option since I am the guild leader of one of the most active guilds on our server. But also staying in one spot or completely changing zones isn’t working for me. I would do it if i knew it would work. But i see the DR is still here.
So how do I get rid of it?
Thank you!
p.s. Any troll comments will get reported. This is a serious matter and it’s affecting my gameplay really bad at this point.
Welcome to the family. been dealing with it for two months.
I like DR
So me as a casual player have less disadvantages.
That is a terribly short sighted and nihilistic view. We are talking about a reduction of wealth within the entire community. Less wealth can be, “produced.” This will create shortages. It is not that one rare-ish item has become less obtainable, all rare items are less available. If it were just a few, then people could turn to less popular or more obscure items and make due. If everything of a certain power level or over is difficult to obtain then there are no adequate substitutes.
The less restricted people are in producing wealth, the greater the supply of goods. The greater the supply the lower the prices become. The lower the prices the easier it is for casual players to afford said goods.
By making it harder for producers. “item farmers,” to gather items to sell, scarcity and prices can only rise. The item farmer has to expend more time and more consumables for the same result. The item farmer must raise his prices, or quit item farming.
You and thirty other people who are online during your play schedual watch the market for any rare items or mats and you all click on the same item at the same time, but only one of you get that item. All the time more and more people get to your level and need the same items, but the items and mats are scarce, the supply is horribly low the demand only grows. It takes longer to try and buy the mats than to farm them because there are so many other buyers and the prices have risen so high. The best price becomes any price.
On the other hand. If supply is plentiful and the item farmers are able to gather unimpeded. You are, not, competing with the rest of the server in trying to buy rare mats, because many of them already got all they needed last week, or feel that they can get them tomorrow. The only people who are watching the market are those looking for the best deals. You are free to buy at the third best or fourth best price.
What about speculators buying up all the cheap mats? It is impossible for speculators to corner the market on easily obtained goods. They can start buy trying to corner the market… Until the item farmers tell their friends, “hey you can make a lot of gold farming X” Suddenly the supply of X has doubled and the speculator can’t possibly keep buying X or he will go broke. As it is he has to wait for prices to go back to normal or sell X at a loss. Speculators only get a strangle hold on the economy when goods are scarce.
So yah, Lowering the drop rate will only create an in game recession. Sure you can sell high, but everything you would buy is also gonna cost a bunch and it will take you much longer to find anything to sell because of the low drop rate. It would be hell on casual players, and would not help dedicated ones.
Since launch, I didn’t have any plan on what I was going to do when I logged in, and as a result the drops were fantastic. Then for the past two weeks or so I’ve been logging in, doing about four runs of COF and logging out.
The first three nights were great, got an exotic from the chest along with some rares and many cores/lodestones.
From night 4 until night 10 though, nothing but junk, with the exception of blues from chests. I literally didn’t have to travel to my bank once, I just traveled to the vendor and sold all the junk and returned for another run.
So a little annoyed by this I travel to LA last night to use my Black Lion Salvage Kit on them rares. I got a total of 1 Ectoplasm from about 10 rares. Now while I realize this could just be bad luck with the RNG, I do find it highly unlikely since I have been working on a solid 1 Ectoplasm per rare thing.
Not seeing anything drop fro nearly 40 hours of gameplay was a little heartbreaking, so I logged off and created a new character. You guys might not believe this, but I had DYES drop again, and not just one or two! It’s ridiculous how excited I got over tose dyes dropping, but it’s been quite some time since I had ANY drop on my main so that was quite refreshing. I guess I will level this character now for a couple of days and go back to my main and see if I can see any change.
You mean that’s not normal? This sounds like my drop rate since release. I think you were just lucky to ever experience a better drop rate.
Sounds like my drop rate since release too! I think I’m perma-DR account-wide…
Oh, and a MMO is not a grind by definition. It’s just that the majority of them are (which sucks btw).
I think all DR that is not clearly defined should be removed. The daily achivement is a form of DR that few complain about because it has a clear starting point and a clear reset time. While removing DR will give bots more items, it will also give legitimate players more items as well, meaning the bots will get less gold per item as a result.
I don’t mind this system really. It clearly is implemented for anti-botting and ArenaNet is doing a grea job in regards to it.
I just want to know how to I get rid of it, that’s all.
Because at this point, I am in a dead circle. I cannot continue my hunt for my legendary since my income is now reduced drastically and as I’ve said: doing dungeons, moving zones, doing different meta events also doesn’t help.
So maybe an Arena Net employee could help us with a reply in regards to this issue.
Thank you
How can you possibly think DR is to prevent botting when it’s clearly aimed at legit players? It’s affecting you, isn’t it? Yet it’s not affecting bots who aren’t on a time schedule and don’t give a crap.
DR is anti-farm/anti-loot/ANets version of a raid lock not anti-bot
It’s unfortunate that players feel they have to construct specific and contrived ways of playing, based on their guess of how the DR system works.
People are moving zones, changing to an alt, doing events for a certain time, watching the clock so they change zones before a certain time period etc. All of this to avoid an anti-bot mechanic that ideally shouldn’t be noticable to real players. I hope this issue will be adressed so people can play the way they want to. It’s not just legendaries that require farming to make.
DR is a solution to ‘CBF constantly banning bots’.
Why have people banning cheaters when you can have an automated system do the job for you. It follows the same principle like many other real life things do: eg. Go shopping and instead of going via the check-out-chick, you have a PC say ‘Thank You, Come Again.’
Do not click this link!
(edited by Death Reincarnated.3570)
And who are you to judge who is wanted in GW2 and who isn’t?
Oh, I’m just one more player.
ArenaNet, in other hand, are the game developers. And when you watch their Manifesto and hear they saying, “We don’t want players to grind”, that should give you a clue. When you see how they added a mechanic in the game to punish grind, that should give you one more clue. When they say, “We don’t make grindy games”, that should give you an extra clue, since third time is the charm. It appears ArenaNet is undererestimating some players’ lack of a clue, though.
Please understand that MMOs by definition are a grind.
Zzzzzzz… MMOs “by definition” are based on quests. MMOs “by definition” have endgame based on raids. MMOs “by definition” have a holy trinity. Classic MMOs have all of those. GW2 is not a classic MMO, it doesn’t have to follow the definition of a few narrow-minded players.
Classic MMOs should catter to grinders. They want to keep people playing as long as possible in order to keep getting monthly fee payments; the easiest way to achieve this is by adding simple content that is not fun but that has to be replayed over and over for a reward – in other words, grind. Since the idea is to keep as many people as possible playing, those rewards need to be given to the lowest denominator, therefore the rewards for grinding cannot be only for skilled players, rather for everyone who spends enough time. The result is that MMOs have been cattering to grinders so much that they cannot possibly conceive a MMO that has not been made for them, rather for everyone else.
Meanwhile, in GW2 ArenaNet has not only said that they don’t want players to grind, they have also said: “If you like MMOs, you will like GW2. If you don’t like MMOs, you will REALLY like GW2”, hinting how the game would avoid the bad designs seen in every other game in genre.
Grinders didn’t understand this, though. We still get the laughable conspiracy theories about how grind is punished in this game in other to make people use the in-game store. Newsflash: if ArenaNet really were doing everything they could to make people use the in-game store, there are many other things they would have done. They would:
- Not give items from the in-game store for free as in-game rewards. Having transformation stones available in the world as rewards from different sources removes one reason players would have to buy gems.
- Not have the “Deposit collectibles” feature in inventory. This would make players need more inventory space and thus make more players buy bag slots.
- Not have added the ability of using crafting stations as banks, or of crafting directly with items stored in the bank. This made people less willing to buy the items that allow players to access the bank from anywhere.
- Not have added the new collectible tab in the bank, basically giving people more free storage, since this (rather obviously) makes people less likely to buy more bank space.
- Not make people capable of buying gems with gold.
And so on, and so on.
Grinders are still scratching their heads trying to understand what is happening, while the answer is in front of them: Guild Wars 2 is not a game for grinders, or farmers, or exploiters, or addicts. ArenaNet has said so and has reiterated it multiple times, with DR being the loudest way.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
DR is anti-farm/anti-loot/ANets version of a raid lock not anti-bot
You’re a long time gw1 player, right? How would you compare the effect the introduction of DR in gw2 has to the addition of anti farm code and loot scaling in gw1? Is the relative amount of loot reduction comparable?
This might be an extreme example, but I thought I was under this mythical influence of “Permanent DR” myself … then I transferred servers and now I get suitable loot again. Not exactly raining precursors, but it feels like I’ve gotten better loot overall. And I generally farm with a random group.
It’s probably not a suitable solution since you’re a guild leader of one of the most active guilds on your server, but maybe one of your farming buddies could put that theory to the test.
I am Fleeting Flash, in-game dungeon cosplayer of Reddit Refugees [RR] .
But you must be wrong! They said it’s only “perceived”!
I simply do not farm, anything. And I will not until DR is removed.
Way to stick it to the man lol. I WILL NOT PLAY THE GAME I HAVE PAID IN FULL FOR!
You are an all american hero my friend.
Also wtf is DR?
I simply do not farm, anything. And I will not until DR is removed.
Way to stick it to the man lol. I WILL NOT PLAY THE GAME I HAVE PAID IN FULL FOR!
If you think farming is the only way to play GW2, maybe it’s really a good idea to not play it at all…
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
I simply do not farm, anything. And I will not until DR is removed.
Way to stick it to the man lol. I WILL NOT PLAY THE GAME I HAVE PAID IN FULL FOR!
If you think farming is the only way to play GW2, maybe it’s really a good idea to not play it at all…
THATS what you took from that lol. Man you people should band together and solve crimes. You could ride around in a little van with a talking dog and everything.
Lordy lordy lordy you people lol.
Bastion mate do not fall to this guy. Look at his posting history. All his posts are the same. I hate grinders/farmers/exploiters/addicts etc.
It’s clearly that this guy has some serious issues in regards to the ones that have much more time to spend in the game, and he doesn’t.
It’s clearly that he probably wants to get a legendary but he can’t because he is the typical casual gamer that blames everything on those who have more time to play.
He is also putting farmers and ’’addicts’’ on the same level with exploiters. I don’t know why a farmer is an exploiter. These are 2 completely different types.
If someone could exploit then they would make use of that instead of staying and farm for hours.
But again, ignore him and lets keep this thread on the right track.
I absolutely love this game and ArenaNet has done a fantastic job with it in many aspects. However, where there is time spent I expect a form of reward also.
So the only issue and game breaking aspect for me now is how to reset the DR I have, it seems, on all my characters.
Most probably it’s something like 72 hours online timer for it to wear off, kinda pointless if bots can just logout and login another toon to defeat the DR.
DR is anti-farm/anti-loot/ANets version of a raid lock not anti-bot
You’re a long time gw1 player, right? How would you compare the effect the introduction of DR in gw2 has to the addition of anti farm code and loot scaling in gw1? Is the relative amount of loot reduction comparable?
Sure it’s comparable but it’s not even close to DR in GW2. Also, GW1 was actually fun and I spent far less time trying to farm and instead played the game with friends.
However when I did farm, I didn’t need to 24/7 because I actually GOT LOOT! Meaning I never hit the DR before I moved on.
DR wouldn’t be so bad if loot tables were drastically increased. Or simply remove DR and add insanely low drop rates for extremely rare items like WoW does cuz that works too.
Limiting your playerbase by both crappy drop rate and DR literally feels like a slap in the face, and I know this term is thrown around a lot but I also feel like ANet is spitting in my face telling me DON’T PLAY OUR GAME HURRHURR WE’RE STUPID!
At a guess, if you want to get rid of permanent DR, spend some money in the cash shop :P
DRs exist to limit the amount of goods on the market, which drives prices up, as well as force farmers to consider buying the mats instead of just farming them. ArenaNet wants you to buy gems in the cash shop, then sell them for gold, and then use that gold to buy the mats you want.
Instead of just selling value items in their cash shop, they chose to sell gems (gold) as well, and they have the means to manipulate the market to force you to do just that, if you want your legendary that badly.
Or you could realise just how futile it all is and give up. They will only force you to do it all again when the first expansion is released anyway. And the next one, and the next one. They aren’t going to let you do it for free without making it as time consuming and tedious as possible.