How do you get passed straits of devastation?
Running. Really fast.
Alternatively, search for the Dynamic events. One of them involves helping NPC’s cross the map IIRC. This will allow you to travel with a large convoy which may help mitigate some of the burdens of traveling. It also uncontests certain waypoints, which means at every stop you can call more players to come help.
Just run and put on skills that are about avoiding being killed. It’s quite doable.
The map stinks though because almost all the player population (that you need for events) is just farming two events. It’s not anyone’s fault but the designers really, because it’s easy to go to Lone Post waypoint and do the 2 repeating events with everyone. But the trouble is the map is empty and it should give you tons of NPCs or something to deal… it doesn’t. So you just have to run, and navigate some mazes.
@ tommy
I had literally 0 trouble running through the area on my D/D elementalist. I got pulled maybe 3 times on my way to the portal. And I dont think I ever dipped below half hp.
You can easily run or kill your way there. It’s not that difficult.
If for whatever reason you’re finding it too difficult… Just swim along the coast and run south when you reach the invisible wall in the water. There are far fewer enemies that route.
And I have to say, if you’re finding it too difficult now, you may be okay in Straits of Malchor, as there are fewer enemies, but in Cursed Shore you’re in for a whollop.
How far into the Straits of Devastation have you gotten? I had some trouble getting past the lone post waypoint for awhile.
Theres that area right to the south where people like to camp out waiting for the DE over and over. I kept trying to run straight west from there and couldn’t make any headway. Finally I decided to try going further south and run through the blighted battle grounds and was able to make it through to the wayward waypoint, and then ran north to Xenarius.
For my engineer it took alot of popping elixers and flinging turrets over my shoulder as i ran, but i was able to do it solo. Hope you are able to get through, the 75-80 and 80 zones seemed so much easier to tarvel through.
Frostgorge Sound is a good area, although you’ll need to get a vista and do some heart quests under the cave with the dredge, but once those are out of the way you don’t need to go back there.
It’s easier in full 80 gear. I did it first as an 80 and ran to the base in the west and then from there down to the portal in the west. Stack health, speed (if you have it) and have condition remover in your utilities.
Thanks for all the advice so far. I managed to acually get to the camp north east of Triumph plaza. I got there by going trough Blighted Battlegrounds. I just kept running, jumping, rolling, healing and cursing, but I made it there. So where precisly is the entrance to the next map? If I know where to head, it saves me lot od deaths and money. xD
You’re close to the next area. The portal is next to the Din Al-Jindi POI, just above the Sentry Steppes in the SW corner of the map.