How does ascended gear bridge the gap?
Short answer: It doesn’t.
This is like saying “Well you have some good baseline gear. And then there’s these really super expensive items that cost 200g each. They take a long time to get so to bridge the gap we inserted a tier between the two that costs 100g each.”
Except the problem is, it doesn’t bridge a gap because you blow resources on the middle tier first. All it does is make it take longer.
Ostensibly it is about the time scale required, but even then, the “filling a gap” explanation doesn’t hold up to even light, impartial scrutiny.
Legendaries shake out to be somewhere in the range of 900-1000g to create.
I don’t think that any of the Ascended pieces cost more than 100g to create at this point.
Exotics, on the other hand, run over an entire spectrum of prices, from 2g all the way to 500-700g.
Exotics fill the gap between Ascended and Legendary equipment, not the other way around.
There really was no gap. Unless you consider the difficulty in acquisition as a gap. Most exotics are relatively easy to get while most legendaries require an astronomical grind. Instead of addressing the legendary grind, ArenaNet has decided to add another grind.
Ascended gear does nothing more than add more grind to an already grindy game.
It really doesn’t fill any gap except the fake one they created for themselves.
Ascended gear is one of the things in this patch that I genuinely can’t support on a fundamental level. I’m especially bitter that they finally added quivers for ranger-types (we’ve only wanted them since FOREVER), but they’re all ascended tier gear.
I’ll defend the rest of the patch quite happily, but NOT the ascended gear.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
It bridges nothing. Trying to get an ascended item is going in completely the other direction and will just set you back gold you could be using for getting Legendaries.