How does experience and balance work?

How does experience and balance work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aimforthehead.3592


Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this… but,
I just started the game with some friends and I wanted to know how we should be going about traveling. I want to travel in a kind of linear path around the entire map, but I feel like if I get to a high level, traveling to other cities where the recommended level is much lower will not yield much experience or use. Is the game balanced for what I have in mind, or would it be more profitable to travel where it recommends for my current level?

Also, is there a wrong time to start a personal story line? We mostly wanted to explore and do sidequests/events and go back and do our story later, will this work out, or do you need to start it early?


How does experience and balance work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


You were earn XP relative to your actual level everywhere, even in areas that are much lower level than you are.

In actuality I can’t imagine a path that you could that which would keep you in zones of an appropriate level, leveling is just too easy in this game. You will likely be level 80 well before you enter an area where 80 is the map level cap.

Edit: Only path I can see looking at the world map, that doesn’t take you though another race’s city (Lion’s Arch doesn’t count) or lower/higher level zone is for Humans.

Queensdale 1-15
Kessex Hills 15-25
Gendarran Fields 25-35
Harathi Hinderlands 35-45

though Lion’s Arch to

Bloodtide Coast kitten
Sparkfly Fen 55-65
Mount Maelstrom 60-70
Straits of Devistation 70-75
Malcore’s Leap 75-80
Cursed Shore 80

Edit 2:
Well that’s not true. You could go Norn and do Wayfarer Foothills (1-15) to Snowden Drifts (15-25) and then go to Gendarran Fields and from there follow the rest outlined above.

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(edited by Behellagh.1468)

How does experience and balance work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lankybrit.4598


I disagree Behellagh. Perhaps with Exp bonueses or something. But I often find that I need to do other zones of the same level after completing a zone, before heading to the next.

I’ll give you a good example. My level 35 went to Hirathi Highlands. After completing the zone, she was only level 40, when Hirathi is a 35-45 zone. I know I should probably be using xp boosts or something, but I wasn’t.

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How does experience and balance work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Corian.4068


Although the map design is very theme park, the way you play through them is not.

In other words, just because a zone says X to Y level range doesn’t mean you’re going to go from X to Y level by completing the map. GW2’s built around the idea that you’re going to be doing a bit of everything as you level, which means some exploring, some events, some PvP/WvW, some dungeons, and some personal story to get you through the levels.

Fortunately, you can use any area to gain about the same exp at any level. For example, Queensdale is a popular place to grind from level 70-80 despite it being a level 1-17 zone.

Best advice I can give you? Just play the game and have fun. The levels will come without you having to worry about them.

Hit level eighty
Priorities, what to do?
Spend hours with dye

How does experience and balance work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Behellagh.1468


I get to 80 before getting out of the level 35 areas. But then again I don’t move along simply because I out leveled them.

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How does experience and balance work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lucifirius.3196


I follow my personal story. I usually try to stay a few levels above it, and level in the zone it’s in.

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How does experience and balance work?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: viralthefrog.6130


I’m level 69 and have explored all 5 starting areas, and two 15-25 zones (Snowden and wherever Sylvari/Asura go after 1-15), with partial completion on another (Kessex). Oh, and Black Citadel 100% as well.
The trick is to do all the zones of a certain level bracket before moving on.
Oh, and EotM trains. Lots of ’em.