How hard is it to create titles?
I’m just asking, since I don’t understand why you have so many missed opportunities.
I’m not a programmer or anything, but I can’t imagine it taking much effort to create some titles.
And I can only imagine it also beeing a benefit to you, aswell as the players.
Why doesn’t some of the achievment that takes the most effort have titles?
People always complaining that GW2 has no endgame (I don’t agree with that btw, my 4k hours says otherwise), but this just seems like so easy to create endgame.
Why is there not titles for getting 5 legendaries etc?
There is actually a lot of titles in game, but most of them are achieved with no effort what so ever.
I like how you added titles with the collections, but why do only some of them have titles?
Again, correct me if i’m wrong. But isn’t this considered pretty easy programming?
lol No it’s NOT easy programming…
What looks like a small change to you, is actually a Big change in programming and what’s big change for you, is a Massive change in programming.
Trust me… I do coding… It can be frustrating…
Edit: I Do agree with you though, we do need titles for achievements!
Win 10 000 Rated arena matches should keep you busy I promise that aint easy AT ALL. Or capture Stone mist castle 2500 times is also one that will take you a while. Most pve titles aint all that hard , they maybe take a while like dungeoneer and dungeon master.
Angela Sky , THE Guardian
Orochimarei , THE Necromancer
I have no experience in programming, so I have no right to speculate how difficult it would be to implement titles. This aside, I definitely would love to see some titles for a few things like legendary weapons (maybe a title for individual weapons and/or number collected) and for having completed every jumping puzzle in the game.
I’m just asking, since I don’t understand why you have so many missed opportunities.
I’m not a programmer or anything, but I can’t imagine it taking much effort to create some titles.
And I can only imagine it also beeing a benefit to you, aswell as the players.
Why doesn’t some of the achievment that takes the most effort have titles?
People always complaining that GW2 has no endgame (I don’t agree with that btw, my 4k hours says otherwise), but this just seems like so easy to create endgame.
Why is there not titles for getting 5 legendaries etc?
There is actually a lot of titles in game, but most of them are achieved with no effort what so ever.
I like how you added titles with the collections, but why do only some of them have titles?
Again, correct me if i’m wrong. But isn’t this considered pretty easy programming?lol No it’s NOT easy programming…
What looks like a small change to you, is actually a Big change in programming and what’s big change for you, is a Massive change in programming.Trust me… I do coding… It can be frustrating…
Well .. I’m not a “programmer”, but I’ve learned to code for the web in html and php many years ago, so have little outdated knowledge on coding (even though i’m sure web/gaming coding is probably black/white ^^)..
But I would think that they could just reuse/edit the code they already have and copy pasta into the place where they want to create the new title? I guess the tricky part is to get the title to activate when you achieve the goal. But for wardrobe/collections it can’t be very hard to make it work.
I’m aware how many things can go wrong lol. But it’s still doesn’t seem like it should take THAT much effort. The effort would be totally worth the ammount of content it would create
(edited by jokke.6239)
Win 10 000 Rated arena matches should keep you busy I promise that aint easy AT ALL. Or capture Stone mist castle 2500 times is also one that will take you a while. Most pve titles aint all that hard , they maybe take a while like dungeoneer and dungeon master.
Haha, didn’t say it didn’t have any at all ^^ But it could sure use some more. It’s a good motivation to keep you playing
Win 10 000 Rated arena matches should keep you busy I promise that aint easy AT ALL. Or capture Stone mist castle 2500 times is also one that will take you a while. Most pve titles aint all that hard , they maybe take a while like dungeoneer and dungeon master.
Haha, didn’t say it didn’t have any at all ^^ But it could sure use some more. It’s a good motivation to keep you playing
Agreed , I love hunting titles
Angela Sky , THE Guardian
Orochimarei , THE Necromancer
I’m just asking, since I don’t understand why you have so many missed opportunities.
I’m not a programmer or anything, but I can’t imagine it taking much effort to create some titles.
And I can only imagine it also beeing a benefit to you, aswell as the players.
Why doesn’t some of the achievment that takes the most effort have titles?
People always complaining that GW2 has no endgame (I don’t agree with that btw, my 4k hours says otherwise), but this just seems like so easy to create endgame.
Why is there not titles for getting 5 legendaries etc?
There is actually a lot of titles in game, but most of them are achieved with no effort what so ever.
I like how you added titles with the collections, but why do only some of them have titles?
Again, correct me if i’m wrong. But isn’t this considered pretty easy programming?lol No it’s NOT easy programming…
What looks like a small change to you, is actually a Big change in programming and what’s big change for you, is a Massive change in programming.Trust me… I do coding… It can be frustrating…
Well .. I’m not a “programmer”, but I’ve learned to code for the web in html and php many years ago, so have little outdated knowledge on coding (even though i’m sure web/gaming coding is probably black/white ^^)..
But I would think that they could just reuse/edit the code they already have and copy pasta into the place where they want to create the new title? I guess the tricky part is to get the title to activate when you achieve the goal. But for wardrobe/collections it can’t be very hard to make it work.
I’m aware how many things can go wrong lol. But it’s still doesn’t seem like it should take THAT much effort.
OMG dude… I’m web-designing too.
Actually new to the html and php but I find it quite easy to use with DreamWeaver CS6.
But yeah C++ is a different animal. While it’s easy to make titles, you gotta remember you’re adding a whole sets of new functions to make getting titles and applying them for display to work properly. kitten takes time and plus they havn’t fixed the Japanese font yet… and Korean works somehow… It’s all about resources.
Right now I much rather have them work on fixing the Personal Story issue…
I know a bit of the stuff that goes on behind the curtain, and I think I can shead some light on two facts:
What is hard:
Creating the code for how titles work. You basiclly have to create a way for the game to display words under/over the in-game character’s name. This isn’t really hard since it’s been done a thousand times before, but it is really time consuming. Considering THIS part is already in the game, let’s move on to…
What isn’t hard:
Making a new title.
If ArenaNet really is the awesome game devs I think they are, there’s a little edit box somewhere that just lets them type in words to make a new title. After that, they tie it to unlocking an achievement and then everything’s a-go.
After that, they tie it to unlocking an achievement and then everything’s a-go.
Pretty sure this is the hard part. Collections and skins is easy. It’s just to make a title activate once a skin is unlocked in your wardrobe, and since they already have that code .. yeah .. but I can imagine achievments where you have to do something to activate it is much more tricky, by “do something” I mean, “kill a champion without taking damage” etc. Stuff where your actions in game is the what activates the title.
Much more complicated coding I can imagine.
I think you’re asking the wrong question.
Obviously they can create titles because they’ve done it. It’s not a question of technical limitations or programmer ability, rather it seems to be a design decision. The question should be why don’t Anet add titles to more achievements?
In GW1 every single ‘achievement’ had a displayable title, at least at max rank, often before then. But they seem to have shifted away from that in GW2 and the current approach seems very inconsistent. I think giving every achievement a title would be excessive, but it would be nice to have some clarity or consistency in how it’s decided which ones get titles.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I don’t presume to know how Anet codes their titles into the game. However as a programmer I can venture a guess(or at least how I would do it.). Create an Array(list of objects) that holds an Object(stored data) that stores the information for each title. This would mean to add a new title would only require a programmer to add another object at the end of the Array. Should be just a few lines of code if the program is written easy enough. It could even be no code at all if some sort of back end program has been made at anet to manage data like this.
If they do increase the rate they add titles into the game. I hope they add a
Kind of a big deal achievement (Link)
Titles aren’t put in the game not because it’s hard to make them. It’s because if you saturate the game with them they lose all meaning, much like achievements do.
People complain you get an achievement for everything. Titles are something you get periodically. They’re added fairly frequently. I’ve gotten at least a couple of new titles in the last month.
Anet could add 100 titles tomorrow.
But I think that would be a mistake.
I have 24 titles of which I can use 1 at a time. I am not in the camp that new titles are in any way essential to my gameplay.
There was once a dev post that stated they cant add them retroactively. However, im in the camp wanting to see more. People put a lot of imagination into their look, it would be nice to see such variation with titles.
Tyria after all has a lot of combat healers for a world without trinity…
The funny thing about titles is
The most easyest title I ever achieved is the coolest title I ever had.
“The Unnihilator”
W v W-r o a m e r
Titles mean nothing to me.
After 10 or so years playing the franchise they don’t even register to me anymore. Especially in this game where many use them as a sign of in-game status when other games use them as an actual representation of playstyle or individual expression, which I strongly believe should be the case. In GW most state little more than “I liked to grind this…” anyway and players rocking around with GWAMM and the like are atypically complete tools to play with in my experience. I have no issue with 1000 being added tomorrow. In saying I gather many place huge import on such things and like to feel special so maybe it’s a good buzz to keep them restricted in this game.
Custom titles titles would be awesome though.
Titles aren’t put in the game not because it’s hard to make them. It’s because if you saturate the game with them they lose all meaning, much like achievements do.
People complain you get an achievement for everything. Titles are something you get periodically. They’re added fairly frequently. I’ve gotten at least a couple of new titles in the last month.
Anet could add 100 titles tomorrow.
But I think that would be a mistake.
People complain that you get achievments for not achieving anything. I’m sure non would complain that actual achievments got rewarded with AP or/and a title.
Why would they loose meaning? It would create more titles in the world, meaning less people would be using the same ones (same concept with skins), and they would feel more unique. They won’t loose meaning either if you add more, that’s only a good thing. But yeah no real reason to get titles for not achieving much, but that’s how most titles is now, not enough “prestigious” ones.