How have the farming nerfs affected you?
I play WvW. Doesn’t matter how bad the loot in little events get or how you can’t ever perma lock events into spawning 100000 mobs for you to kill. You’re loot is still 100,000x better than anything WvW related.
I disagree. I get more and better loot in WvW than I do in the open world, generally. Are you killing mobs, or ignoring them?
I kill mobs in WvW and get nothing comparable to what is possible in the open world.
No T6 mats. No bags from centaurs and skritt? No powerful blood? No armored scales?
I play WvW. Doesn’t matter how bad the loot in little events get or how you can’t ever perma lock events into spawning 100000 mobs for you to kill. You’re loot is still 100,000x better than anything WvW related.
I disagree. I get more and better loot in WvW than I do in the open world, generally. Are you killing mobs, or ignoring them?
I kill mobs in WvW and get nothing comparable to what is possible in the open world.
No T6 mats. No bags from centaurs and skritt? No powerful blood? No armored scales?
My apologies. I was not sufficiently clear. I refer to both quantity as well as quality. I get fewer drops, in no small part because there are fewer mobs. The risk level is higher because focusing on a group of mobs is practically an invitation to a wandering player looking to score a kill.
The loot bags are a step down from the heavy bags found in level 80 PvE zones. In addition, for whakittens worth, the gathering nodes (a not inconsequential source of revenue in PvE for me) in WvW are generally of lower tier than can be found in level 80 PvE zones as well.
I WvW for the fun of it knowing that any loot/income gain will be a fraction of what I could be getting with the same expenditure of time (and generally much less risk) in PvE.
I play WvW. Doesn’t matter how bad the loot in little events get or how you can’t ever perma lock events into spawning 100000 mobs for you to kill. You’re loot is still 100,000x better than anything WvW related.
I disagree. I get more and better loot in WvW than I do in the open world, generally. Are you killing mobs, or ignoring them?
I kill mobs in WvW and get nothing comparable to what is possible in the open world.
No T6 mats. No bags from centaurs and skritt? No powerful blood? No armored scales?
My apologies. I was not sufficiently clear. I refer to both quantity as well as quality. I get fewer drops, in no small part because there are fewer mobs. The risk level is higher because focusing on a group of mobs is practically an invitation to a wandering player looking to score a kill.
The loot bags are a step down from the heavy bags found in level 80 PvE zones. In addition, for whakittens worth, the gathering nodes (a not inconsequential source of revenue in PvE for me) in WvW are generally of lower tier than can be found in level 80 PvE zones as well.
I WvW for the fun of it knowing that any loot/income gain will be a fraction of what I could be getting with the same expenditure of time (and generally much less risk) in PvE.
In my experience, the loot bags in WvW are no worse than any bag found in PvE. I’m pretty sure they’re the top level back since top level bags drop from anything 75 and above is the highest level bag and all creatures in WvW are level 80.
I really do get quite good stuff from those bags.
I play WvW. Doesn’t matter how bad the loot in little events get or how you can’t ever perma lock events into spawning 100000 mobs for you to kill. You’re loot is still 100,000x better than anything WvW related.
I disagree. I get more and better loot in WvW than I do in the open world, generally. Are you killing mobs, or ignoring them?
I kill mobs in WvW and get nothing comparable to what is possible in the open world.
No T6 mats. No bags from centaurs and skritt? No powerful blood? No armored scales?
My apologies. I was not sufficiently clear. I refer to both quantity as well as quality. I get fewer drops, in no small part because there are fewer mobs. The risk level is higher because focusing on a group of mobs is practically an invitation to a wandering player looking to score a kill.
The loot bags are a step down from the heavy bags found in level 80 PvE zones. In addition, for whakittens worth, the gathering nodes (a not inconsequential source of revenue in PvE for me) in WvW are generally of lower tier than can be found in level 80 PvE zones as well.
I WvW for the fun of it knowing that any loot/income gain will be a fraction of what I could be getting with the same expenditure of time (and generally much less risk) in PvE.
In my experience, the loot bags in WvW are no worse than any bag found in PvE. I’m pretty sure they’re the top level back since top level bags drop from anything 75 and above is the highest level bag and all creatures in WvW are level 80.
I really do get quite good stuff from those bags.
The ones I get are, “large,” not, “heavy,” bags. Large bags are a step down from the heavy variety. They can, and do, include good mats, but not to the same degree as you get from the, “heavy,” class of bags. Hmm, I checked the wiki and noted that both Large and Heavy are listed as drops in WvW. Perhaps I have just had terrible luck (or perhaps the Heavy bags are rarer in WvW).
In either case the yield is much lower than in PvE.
An unnecessary stab at people who do not share your vision of an RPG, perhaps?
Nope. A criticism on how players are responsible for some of the worst flaws in GW2.
I’m not going go to into how a farmer basically states that he’s no better than a Skinner rat. It wouldn’t bother me that much if it were just a matter of someone renouncing his humanity like that. It isn’t, though.
What farmers (and grinders, addicts and exploiters) have taught MMO developers is that there is no point in making a game fun. Fun is subjective – trying to make a given piece of content to be “fun” will, 100% of the time, result in something that some will like, and others will not. Making fun content is hard, too.
But do you know what is very easy do build? Grind. Just throw something players can kill over and over, give a shiny reward for it, and players will jump there. No need to actually work to make it interesting, farmers don’t care.
As a result, what updates do we get in Guild Wars 2? Improved storytelling? Better cinematics, like what we had seen in the original Guild Wars by the time of the BMP? Challenging content?
No, of course not. There is no point in any of that. Making repetitive, mindless content and throwing 200% Magic Find is enough to make farmers play until their fingers bleed. Who cares about good content? Grinders certainly do not.
MMORPGs won’t ever be great games, because the current community of MMORPG players don’t want great games – they want to revel in cesspools of grind.
LOL been sucking on lemons have we?
“Oh for the love of fish oil glands” Why are you still here then?
Oddly enough I do see the point you are making even though I am one of the boring bot like Skinner rats ;-P
I simply quit playing when there is no new story content or new dungeon content to do once. I have completly quit grinding and only log in for new stuff then I don’t spend anymore time ingame since I feel its a complete waste.
There is nothing worth doing since all you can do is grind for RNG which is stupid. I did tons of fractals but quit those alltogether and will never do one ever again until the mechanics in there are not changed.
Its too bad, i like logging in and exploring the world, finding some new jump puzzle I have never seen before. But most of the content is just grind, but grind that is just more RNG instead of anything tangible i can reach to feel good about.
There is nothing worth doing since all you can do is grind for RNG which is stupid. I did tons of fractals but quit those alltogether and will never do one ever again until the mechanics in there are not changed.
Well if you would like mechanics changed it would be nice if you mention how Because besides the lack of level variety I don’t see anything wrong with fractal mechanics.
It has made finishing my incinerator that much more annoying.
I’ve played here since head hat n focus on WvW half year and now go to PvE but i don’t want farm on CoF like a robot – not my style. I want PvE with more .community like in Orr.
Now Orr is dead, it’s true !
I’ll play more 2 3 days to get shatter’ back and then leave this game.
If anything, my income has increased substantially by the several drop buffs.
- most dungeon paths tend to drop cores/lodestones
- moldy bags drop like candy and have t6
- guaranteed rare to salvage ecto on daily basis
- increased drops in low level zones
- karma boxes that give tons of money
- WvW gives a better income since ranks
- daily/monthly has become far easier to get
- gilded infusion permanently buffing income
I really have nothing to complain about. Then again, I don’t ever farm. Don’t have the time and I’m not lobotomized.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
(edited by marnick.4305)
There is nothing worth doing since all you can do is grind for RNG which is stupid. I did tons of fractals but quit those alltogether and will never do one ever again until the mechanics in there are not changed.
Well if you would like mechanics changed it would be nice if you mention how
Because besides the lack of level variety I don’t see anything wrong with fractal mechanics.
there are topics for that.
Fotms are a buggy mess.
april 30 they had the bright idea of making them harder.
While doing so they introduced new game breaking bugs
To solve that once again they used a fast workaround making players experience worst once again.
Ascalon, dredges and cliffside are nice examples.
yet the more they nerf open pve, the more i can get at least few silver coins from my fractal runs :|
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
The farming nerf has affected me, along with the promotion of events to “more interesting” status. I once would run around CS and ML, harvesting and doing most every event I ran across. I found this fun. Seems like I could almost always count on a Penitent, Jofast’s, or Shelter being up, along with many other events. Now, all I see are a few [Group Events] with no one in attendance. Much less fun.
I make only slightly less gold than I once did in Orr. However, I’m having a lot less fun there. It wasn’t a farming nerf to me, it was a fun nerf.
Pretty much this^
I didn’t mind the promotion of events to “more interesting” status. This got rid of the MF-wearing leechers and kept the players who actually enjoyed doing these events.
Defending Penitent/Shelter/Jofast with 4 good players is a lot of fun, and with this few players, champs were rare spawns.
CS was fun for awhile, I didn’t care about the loot drop nerfs cos there were more than enough mobs for the fewer players. My gold and mats intake actually increased compared to when there were zergs around.
Now, I just do the node harvesting and leave. No one stays around, apart from the now very obvious bots. Yes, there are still bots running the penit/shelter loop ..
there are topics for that.
Fotms are a buggy mess.april 30 they had the bright idea of making them harder.
While doing so they introduced new game breaking bugsTo solve that once again they used a fast workaround making players experience worst once again.
Ascalon, dredges and cliffside are nice examples.
yet the more they nerf open pve, the more i can get at least few silver coins from my fractal runs :|
Well they do fix things.
For example – dredge jumping shortcut is now fixed, neither boss nor adds are pullable, I didn’t see any bugs in that fractal to be honest.
Cliffside is buggy – the boss still not fixed, if one falls the hammer can disappear all together, etc.
Also what’s wrong with Ascalon? Ascalon never bugged for me either. Or do you mean that if the team doesn’t wipe completely NPCs don’t respawn?
there are topics for that.
Fotms are a buggy mess.april 30 they had the bright idea of making them harder.
While doing so they introduced new game breaking bugsTo solve that once again they used a fast workaround making players experience worst once again.
Ascalon, dredges and cliffside are nice examples.
yet the more they nerf open pve, the more i can get at least few silver coins from my fractal runs :|
Well they do fix things.
For example – dredge jumping shortcut is now fixed, neither boss nor adds are pullable, I didn’t see any bugs in that fractal to be honest.
Cliffside is buggy – the boss still not fixed, if one falls the hammer can disappear all together, etc.
Also what’s wrong with Ascalon? Ascalon never bugged for me either. Or do you mean that if the team doesn’t wipe completely NPCs don’t respawn?
its not that:
cliffside: players dazed with no utility…..mobs are not (bug) and hits you (at 48 they hit hard)
Ascalon: if people died near door post 30 april, npc didn t respawn….
To prevent that now every time Group dies the respawn point is at the beginning of the stage and no more at the door.
Dredge: more dredges; sometimes few of them have more HP than jormag maybe.
Etc etc etc
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.
Hard to say. On one side, the farm nerfs did not affect too much the drops i get, because generally i don’t farm. On the other side price of everything goes up and up, which becomes a problem (since, as i have already said, i don’t farm).
What does affect me is the increasing trend in the game to make all content based on the dual assumption assuption that not only everyone farms, but that all content should be preferably locked out behind heavy farming (either a huge number of drops, a large number of rare drops, or behind a insanely low % RNG).
It’s not present everywhere yet (though it had been there from the very beginning), but the influence of this outlooks seems to be growing fast, and spreading even into the most casual parts of the game.
TL/DR: farming nerfs are not a problem. Game’s insistence on farming is.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Pretty much quit playing the game. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. If they totally do a 180 on where the game is headed I’d gladly come back and play more.
I have no interest in waiting around an hour for an event in Orr and killing veteran spiders that apparently have venom and can attack me, but don’t drop venom? Takes the RPG out of mmorpg.
Hard to say. On one side, the farm nerfs did not affect too much the drops i get, because generally i don’t farm. On the other side price of everything goes up and up, which becomes a problem (since, as i have already said, i don’t farm).
And yet, the facts clearly show that prices have been constant for several months on stuff like precursors and gems.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Alot, yet in a good way, less time spent playing/farming, the less gems I need to buy.
Let me explain, I like to use gems to top up my gold but I also like to farm a little as I’m trying to obtain legendary as well as that elusive precursor, and I like to keep things in check, now if a farming spot is nerfed and prices of mats go up then I’m not going to spend “more” RL money, as thing’s will become too expensive.
Personally, I can see they want more people to buy more gold with gems but it will get to the point where one will say “no more” and they will have no choice to nerf another way of making gold or yet another farming spot to push players back to the store.
I think Anet are just having a problem finding the right balance at the moment but its the new players i feel sorry for.
But on the plus side I’m saving money by not buying gems to convert
they have had zero impact on my gameplay.
they have had zero impact on my gameplay.
Nice wording, given that farming is neither game nor play but rather work.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
I…generally play less. I’ve been playing Neverwinter a lot more. While farming DOES get boring, it is one of the only things to do(for me). And if it isnt profitable, I won’t do it.
The game itself is fun and enthralling. But only for so long and this can only take me so far. After 1-2 hours, the fun wears off and I dont want to play anymore because it also is no longer rewarding.
Honestly, if I had my precursor, I would find myself logging in 1000x more because I KNEW eventually I would have my legendary. It would really give me something to work for and log in for. But when the game starts to become stale, with no light at the end of the tunnel(no precursor), I find little reason to keep playing.
Well, considering the only actual farming I’d do was in Orr, I’m less inclined to play. I knock out the meta events on one char (for the daily bonus chest), run a fractal for that daily, and call it a day. If I finish all my work and still for some reason have time to waste, I’ll hop into WvW if I’ve got nothing better to do in RL. But the motivation has been seriously weakened. That extra time used to be spent in Orr where I found farming to be fruitful. If I didn’t hate dungeon farming I probably would’ve jumped onto the CoF bandwagon, but I really hate it…
and style to turn them into craters and dust.” -Tonn
Number-crunching for ecto salvages – periodically updated
I play WvW. Doesn’t matter how bad the loot in little events get or how you can’t ever perma lock events into spawning 100000 mobs for you to kill. You’re loot is still 100,000x better than anything WvW related.
I disagree. I get more and better loot in WvW than I do in the open world, generally. Are you killing mobs, or ignoring them?
I kill mobs in WvW and get nothing comparable to what is possible in the open world.
No T6 mats. No bags from centaurs and skritt? No powerful blood? No armored scales?
My apologies. I was not sufficiently clear. I refer to both quantity as well as quality. I get fewer drops, in no small part because there are fewer mobs. The risk level is higher because focusing on a group of mobs is practically an invitation to a wandering player looking to score a kill.
The loot bags are a step down from the heavy bags found in level 80 PvE zones. In addition, for whakittens worth, the gathering nodes (a not inconsequential source of revenue in PvE for me) in WvW are generally of lower tier than can be found in level 80 PvE zones as well.
I WvW for the fun of it knowing that any loot/income gain will be a fraction of what I could be getting with the same expenditure of time (and generally much less risk) in PvE.
I find that WvW often drops the best loot the most often – that loot being a challenging, dynamic, and enjoyable gaming experience.
Raingarde – Level 80 Necromancer
Been playing less every day, even skipping days because it’s just daily tedium at this point. Loot rates are so low and unrewarding that even with 300+ MF you still get streaks of 10-20 mobs with nothing to show for it. Ain’t nobody got time for that.
I never did the Lyssa farm or Plinx/Penitent/Shelter and etc, but I do go out looking for specific mats if I’m wanting to make a specific item. I wanted to make a full MF set, so I started farming claws. Hours later and with 1-2 claws in my inventory, I was pretty kitten ed.
It’s not mindless farming or whatever the shallow anti-farming advocates in this thread say, it’s simply having a goal, and working towards it. Don’t criticize people with agendas for wanting to accomplish something instead of smelling the flowers.
This thread: “You shouldn’t have nice things because you’re willing to work for them.” what. the. kitten.
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”
An unnecessary stab at people who do not share your vision of an RPG, perhaps?
Nope. A criticism on how players are responsible for some of the worst flaws in GW2.
I’m not going go to into how a farmer basically states that he’s no better than a Skinner rat. It wouldn’t bother me that much if it were just a matter of someone renouncing his humanity like that. It isn’t, though.
What farmers (and grinders, addicts and exploiters) have taught MMO developers is that there is no point in making a game fun. Fun is subjective – trying to make a given piece of content to be “fun” will, 100% of the time, result in something that some will like, and others will not. Making fun content is hard, too.
But do you know what is very easy do build? Grind. Just throw something players can kill over and over, give a shiny reward for it, and players will jump there. No need to actually work to make it interesting, farmers don’t care.
As a result, what updates do we get in Guild Wars 2? Improved storytelling? Better cinematics, like what we had seen in the original Guild Wars by the time of the BMP? Challenging content?
No, of course not. There is no point in any of that. Making repetitive, mindless content and throwing 200% Magic Find is enough to make farmers play until their fingers bleed. Who cares about good content? Grinders certainly do not.
MMORPGs won’t ever be great games, because the current community of MMORPG players don’t want great games – they want to revel in cesspools of grind.
No farming is not fun anymore; ArenaNet is definitely not catering to farmers. I used to farm CS and ML. The dynamic events were fun to farm before they were bugged to stay on all day. The freaky 200+% MF buff in SC wasn’t fun, because the drop rate still sucked and their wasn’t much to do except run around in a circle and kill karaka. Yes, escorting Plinx (sp?) in CS over and over again and defending the same two camps was fun for me and apparently many others who would show up for it. The lowered drop rates and scarcity of dynamic events made farming and killing random mobs in general less fun. I use to run WvW or dungeons (other than CoF) and then farm a little. It’s what I liked to do. Once a game company starts to screw with stuff that people like they start to turn people off. Seems ArenaNet has been on that path for a few months now. This was a play your way game; now it is not.
The farming nerfs have affected my play and there is a lot less socialization, which the old cursed shore was good for. I’ve joined the world event chain—that and the dailies. I still join in any DE’s that spawn as I’m running around. I really don’t like the power trading mini-game, but would love to see more viable gathering/crafting in the game as it would be a great addition to any MMO.
I am abusing my 400 weaponsmithing now.
Im playing just as I was. Cause you know, I play this game to have fun. Silly farmers. Yeah, getting better stuff is awesome, but if you are making a GAME into WORK, why play?
I made 18 gold today simply off of WvW. Turned my badges into about 8 gold, loot gave me about 8 gold and then events and other random things gave me two more.
Rip Cursed Shore .
Sure , you were ugly . But you were alive with ton of people doing your events over and over .
I went back to CS today, to find it empty , running around and meeting about 5 persons in the whole map . They where asking “Any events going on?” There was a simple answer : none . Everything is on a 30-40 minutes timer that take forever to reset . There was not enough people to trigger any champions in penitent or shelter . There is more people standing in front of CoF spamming LFG than there is people in CS as a whole.
(edited by Lévis.5489)
I am still amazed at the level of OCD around farming here. Not from farmers, but rather from the anti-farmers. There’s really no need for it. After playing several major MMO’s over many years I have come to equate farming with ‘gathering’ generally. In another MMO if you asked me what I was doing I might say I was farming leather to craft a set of gear. Some people hated farming and they either bought mats or didn’t craft. That’s fine, I really don’t feel the need to monitor others playstyles and pronounce judgements upon them. Farming is simply goal-directed play—not work. Some people enjoy it, some don’t.
It’s not like you can play this game in a non goal-directed manner and craft a legendary. You want a legendary? Welcome to the farm. The same is true of other worthwhile goals. If you want T3 cultural armor it will take over 100g which will need to come from somewhere, right? Is there anything wrong with setting goals and pursuing them? We do it with sports and other forms of play. It’s not work. As I alluded to, I am one of a minority who actually enjoys the journey that so many here derisively call farming. It’s how I play. How about we make a deal. I’ll focus on how I choose to play the game and not worry about your playstyle. Would you be willing to do the same?
(edited by Raine.1394)
The farming nerfs haven’t affected me, but I will say this.
I went back to the farming spot I enjoyed doing occasionally at the Southsun event to get my underwater daily. Took a omnom berry bar and hoped to get a couple of armored scales. I stayed there until it ran out, so half an hour.
I got a single armored scale and no yellow from that. Nothing particularly exciting. If I was a farmer, I’d have largely felt it was a waste of time.
I’m sort of glad I’m not a farmer. lol
I did the same except I got 5 armored scales and around 10 of the t5. They added up to around 1g….
On the other hand I think I was also getting kite fortunes so there was probably a +50 MF in there somewhere as well.