How is this good game design?

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


Buying gold, and 4 hours later you’ve got a max level toon, with full exotic gear… You can then go into WvW.

Isn’t this only slightly ridiculous. Giving people who buy the gold this advantage?

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mulch.2586


It’s not hard to level up and equip a character without buying gems/gold. Unless you just got the game, you already have at least one. No gold-buyer can get anything better than what you already got.

I don’t see it as an advantage, cuz the sick thing is getting 80 and all your gear and realizing there’s nothing left to do.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

Why does this bother you? It doesn’t affect you in the slightest.

Stop worrying so much about others, and focus on yourself.

Anet make Rev great again.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


Uhm, you cant level to 80 in 4 hrs. Assuming youare talking about being bumped ip to 80 for wvw, this is practical as they want people on some what level playing field…and adhere to the “level the way you want”.

Buying gold via the game wont get you kto 80. Explain this please.

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kakeru.2873


I only problem I can see is someone buying their own Insta 80 Insta geared 80 is in WvWvW, with someone paying for a theif to get to level 80 and craft or buy with Real money gear to wreck in PVP.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kakeru.2873


Uhm, you cant level to 80 in 4 hrs. Assuming youare talking about being bumped ip to 80 for wvw, this is practical as they want people on some what level playing field…and adhere to the “level the way you want”.

Buying gold via the game wont get you kto 80. Explain this please.

It can with maxing multiple crafting proffestions .

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: cesmode.4257


That would require an insane amount of rl money. Even still, my lvl 30 can enter wvw and be nearly as effective. Nearly. Good enough for me and i didnt spend a penny

Karma is as abundant as air, and as useless as the Kardashians.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


This is brilliant game design! Let the people who want to throw a kitten load (yes I typed the word kitten) of money at the game to have whatever they want do so. Their willing sacrifice just funnels money at a company that I want to succeed so that company can keep building more content in a game I don’t have to pay a sub fee for.

Thank you nameless font of cash, for spending more money on this game than I ever will and keeping the company I love in business. Truly, you affect all of us because you allow us to be cheap

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nirvash.3018


How much does it cost to get to lvl 80? with gold?

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AmagicalFishy.6935


Why stop there?

I petition for ANet to release an item that costs $100, but instantly levels a character to 80.

I am a great, big monster and I will eat your whole family.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CassieGold.7460


How much does it cost to get to lvl 80? with gold?

I’ve been looking at this since I’m spam crafting an alt past 30-40 levels… feels like some of the crafts cost very little (1-2g) while some cost quite a bit more (4-5g), though I’ve never spent more than that to max a craft, I do also have mats that I collected to offset the cost….

If I had to estimate, I would say 4g / craft for an average, or 32g to max a character…. that’s approximate though, and I’ve never maxed Huntsman or Leatherworker

LVL 80’s: Thief / Warrior / Guardian / Mesmer

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SoulstitchMMO.1396


This is brilliant game design! Let the people who want to throw a kitten load (yes I typed the word kitten) of money at the game to have whatever they want do so. Their willing sacrifice just funnels money at a company that I want to succeed so that company can keep building more content in a game I don’t have to pay a sub fee for.

Thank you nameless font of cash, for spending more money on this game than I ever will and keeping the company I love in business. Truly, you affect all of us because you allow us to be cheap

Actually people that are going to buy gold are generally going to do so from a gold selling site. This doesn’t promote the game at all. Most gold selling sites are cheaper than Gem Conversion (significantly).

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Regent.5897

Black Regent.5897

I’d really rather just pay a subscription fee….

It’s not as bad as LOTRO’s messed up pay to win model yet but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s headed there…

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Alloy.2839


This is brilliant game design! Let the people who want to throw a kitten load (yes I typed the word kitten) of money at the game to have whatever they want do so. Their willing sacrifice just funnels money at a company that I want to succeed so that company can keep building more content in a game I don’t have to pay a sub fee for.

Thank you nameless font of cash, for spending more money on this game than I ever will and keeping the company I love in business. Truly, you affect all of us because you allow us to be cheap

Actually people that are going to buy gold are generally going to do so from a gold selling site. This doesn’t promote the game at all. Most gold selling sites are cheaper than Gem Conversion (significantly).

Punishing legitimate gem/gold buyers because of illegal gold sellers makes about as much sense as implementing DR because some people run bots.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esrever.8613


Because most people enjoy the game enough to play it. And people don’t really care about buying a level 80 cause its stupid.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfheart.1938


The “advantage” ( which is basically skipping content/game-time ) doesn’t impact anyone’s gaming in any meaningful way, so am I fine with it. Good luck fighting with a class you have never played before =)

“We have no first-person view because stupid people would lock into it”
“You can’t have more than 10 HS decks because that would confuse people”
“30 fps is more cinematic”

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nayru.4537


You can gold buy legit on this game. It’s a f2p game.

Yes – my name is Nayru and I am a guy – we play games too, get over it.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Buying gold, and 4 hours later you’ve got a max level toon, with full exotic gear… You can then go into WvW.

Isn’t this only slightly ridiculous. Giving people who buy the gold this advantage?

Why do you think that paying money to bypass the game they also spent money on confers some sort of advantage?

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Esrever.8613


btw you can hire someone to play the game for you if you had the money too.

sllaw eht no nettirw gnihtemos saw ecno ereht

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion the Cursed.1206

Orion the Cursed.1206

Your tag is…

Co-GM (WvW Commander) Calculated [CC]

… and you have problems with people coming to help you fight in WvWvW? (btw, you can WvWvW with a lvl 1 and tag along for free exp and gold)

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vorch.2985


You can play the game normally and get to level 80.
You can farm gold in the game and make a level 80 via crafting mats.
You can buy gold in the game and make a level 80 via crafting mats.

All of them are at the same power. And it is pretty easy to farm money for exotics (especially if you armor up from dungeons).

Now, if ascended gear was purchasable using gold, I would say you have a point (I’m not too fond of the new tier, mind you). However, it’s all account bound.

Here’s what people thought of GW1 when it first came out:
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sokina.8041


So…wasting real money just to buy gold just to rush to level 80 just to rush to get exotics just to rush to WvW or whatever.

What advantage is this? Grats, you bought your way to level 80. Come have an unfair advantage over someone who leveled to 80 the hard way?

Oh wait, no, there’s no actual advantage. Since tons of people have exotics and level 80s. What advantage does leveling quicker than another player have? Congrats, you bought the game for 50 bucks, and then payed another undetermined amount of money just to get to level 80 quickly, thus ignoring most of the game you paid 50 dollars for, only to have a nonexistant advantage over other players.

Yeah. If someone wants to rush level to 80 and either A) Pay Anet for it or B ) Buy unlegit money and risk account punishment, then good for them. They’ll still probably get stomped in WvW and PVP. Being rich and willing to blow money doesn’t give any advantage over someone that earned their gear.

It’s like having an unfair advantage in a Basketball game because you took a train to get to the arena before your opponents, because they took a bus.

But hey. If they want to do it to a class they never played, it won’t be them having an advantage. It’ll be me.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


I wouldn’t call it an advantage more like the opposite, as someone else said good luck fighting with that 80.
Meh if you want to be an idiot and buy your way to 80 to bypass the actual game, knock yourself out, doesn’t concern me in the least.

Gunnar’s Hold

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Qid.1937


You can enter wvw at level 1

BG Mrplow – Highly rated since 1987.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gohlar.3671


Any game that you pay for AND has P2W elements is pretty terrible design. It’s a disturbing trend that will inevitably hurt the industry.

It killed Diablo and it’s killing Guild Wars (that and gutting the class customization).

(edited by Gohlar.3671)

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zeldain.5710


Why does this bother you? It doesn’t affect you in the slightest.

Stop worrying so much about others, and focus on yourself.

This is an MMO.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Seras.5702


All buying gold to rush a character to 80 does is produce a player unfamiliar with the profession. In WvWvW, a fully geared 80 with no experience will get stomped quicker than an upleveled toon with experience & skill. Let them buy their 80s. Just more fodder for us. If they turn out to be good, well, now you have another person to party up with. Solves that “can’t find a dungeon group” issue quicker.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

Any game that you pay for AND has P2W elements is pretty terrible design. It’s a disturbing trend that will inevitably hurt the industry.

It killed Diablo and it’s killing Guild Wars (that and gutting the class customization).

Please explain what aspect of the game is currently P2W. That term alone is cringe-inducing since everyone has a different view of what P2W even means. I haven’t seen anything in this game that gives an unfair advantage to one person over the other besides player skill. Technically XP and Karma boosts DO give an advantage, but not in sPvP or WvW. Not by a longshot.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gohlar.3671


All buying gold to rush a character to 80 does is produce a player unfamiliar with the profession. In WvWvW, a fully geared 80 with no experience will get stomped quicker than an upleveled toon with experience & skill. Let them buy their 80s. Just more fodder for us. If they turn out to be good, well, now you have another person to party up with. Solves that “can’t find a dungeon group” issue quicker.

It cheapens the entire game, besides a new player can do just fine in GW2 considering that in this game you just fire abilities when ready for the most part. The skill ceiling is insanely low.

Please explain what aspect of the game is currently P2W. That term alone is cringe-inducing since everyone has a different view of what P2W even means. I haven’t seen anything in this game that gives an unfair advantage to one person over the other besides player skill.

If you can spend money to make your character more powerful the game is P2W. I’m pretty sure a geared level 80 has an advantage over someone leveling up. If you wish to pretend otherwise that’s your choice, but it changes nothing.

(edited by Gohlar.3671)

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ikcen.7518


Sry, but if you buy gold, you are total noob. I made lvl 80 character with full exotic gear and complete story for two weeks, 2-3 h per day. It’s so easy. Then I played one week sPvP and one week WvW, and the game is over, nothing more interesting to do.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gohlar.3671


Sry, but if you buy gold, you are total noob. I made lvl 80 character with full exotic gear and complete story for two weeks, 2-3 h per day. It’s so easy. Then I played one week sPvP and one week WvW, and the game is over, nothing more interesting to do.

Agreed. Even if people couldn’t P2W it would still be a weak game. It’s just so disappointing to see GW2 be a bit of a cash grab game.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


All buying gold to rush a character to 80 does is produce a player unfamiliar with the profession. In WvWvW, a fully geared 80 with no experience will get stomped quicker than an upleveled toon with experience & skill. Let them buy their 80s. Just more fodder for us. If they turn out to be good, well, now you have another person to party up with. Solves that “can’t find a dungeon group” issue quicker.

It cheapens the entire game, besides a new player can do just fine in GW2 considering that in this game you just fire abilities when ready for the most part. The skill ceiling is insanely low.

Please explain what aspect of the game is currently P2W. That term alone is cringe-inducing since everyone has a different view of what P2W even means. I haven’t seen anything in this game that gives an unfair advantage to one person over the other besides player skill.

If you can spend money to make your character more powerful the game is P2W. I’m pretty sure a geared level 80 has an advantage over someone leveling up. If you wish to pretend otherwise that’s your choice, but it changes nothing.

I’m pretty sure a geared lvl 80 that played his way there will be more powerful than an 80 that bought his way there.
Comparing a character leveling up to a max level character makes no sense.
If you want to pretend it does it is your choice but that does not make it so.

P2W does mean buying an advantage which you can’t do in this game.

No boost in the cash shop is unavailable to you just by playing the game- if people want to believe they have an advantage by buying useless stuff they could get for free, let them. It doesn’t make the game P2W though

Gunnar’s Hold

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gohlar.3671


No boost in the cash shop is unavailable to you just by playing the game- if people want to believe they have an advantage by buying useless stuff they could get for free, let them. It doesn’t make the game P2W though

Yeah, it really does. Most P2W games let you earn stuff in game, it just takes a lot longer and involves boring grinding (sound familiar?).

The shop is the reason the game is so grind focused, they want you to use the shop. That’s the problem with P2W games, they inevitably end up sacrificing fun in an attempt to milk money out of the playerbase.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

All buying gold to rush a character to 80 does is produce a player unfamiliar with the profession. In WvWvW, a fully geared 80 with no experience will get stomped quicker than an upleveled toon with experience & skill. Let them buy their 80s. Just more fodder for us. If they turn out to be good, well, now you have another person to party up with. Solves that “can’t find a dungeon group” issue quicker.

It cheapens the entire game, besides a new player can do just fine in GW2 considering that in this game you just fire abilities when ready for the most part. The skill ceiling is insanely low.

Please explain what aspect of the game is currently P2W. That term alone is cringe-inducing since everyone has a different view of what P2W even means. I haven’t seen anything in this game that gives an unfair advantage to one person over the other besides player skill.

If you can spend money to make your character more powerful the game is P2W. I’m pretty sure a geared level 80 has an advantage over someone leveling up. If you wish to pretend otherwise that’s your choice, but it changes nothing.

Jesus, again with the vagueness. There’s nothing you can buy in the Gem Store that gives you better stats/traits/builds than anyone else of the same exact level (to my knowledge) so your “more powerful” point doesn’t apply. I’m disheartened that you are so zealous about this point you’re trying to make. This game has a lot of false presumptions made about it.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gohlar.3671


Jesus, again with the vagueness. There’s nothing you can buy in the Gem Store that gives you better stats/traits/builds than anyone else of the same exact level (to my knowledge) so your “more powerful” point doesn’t apply. I’m disheartened that you are so zealous about this point you’re trying to make. This game has a lot of false presumptions made about it.

Pay to progress = pay to win. It’s not hard to understand. It’s also the reason the game is focused so heavily on grinds. See above, P2W games always follow this path.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


No boost in the cash shop is unavailable to you just by playing the game- if people want to believe they have an advantage by buying useless stuff they could get for free, let them. It doesn’t make the game P2W though

Yeah, it really does. Most P2W games let you earn stuff in game, it just takes a lot longer and involves boring grinding (sound familiar?).

The shop is the reason the game is so grind focused, they want you to use the shop. That’s the problem with P2W games, they inevitably end up sacrificing fun in an attempt to milk money out of the playerbase.

I have gotten so many shop buffs from playing the game that they clog up my bank.
I don’t grind, I don’t farm. I am not bored either.

I have spent gems on a bank slot and a make-over that I wanted.
Anet has never forced me in any way to buy stuff from the shop.

None of this is pay to win- and no, those buffs do not matter no matter how many times you say it does.

Gunnar’s Hold

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gohlar.3671


None of this is pay to win- and no, those buffs do not matter no matter how many times you say it does.

Then why sell them?

Didn’t take long to find the flaw in your logic lol. Hey if you are having fun go knock yourself out but a lot of people find paying to progress in a game distasteful.

Have you tried Diablo 3? You’d love it, it’s another shallow game where you can pay to progress.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Uhm, you cant level to 80 in 4 hrs. Assuming youare talking about being bumped ip to 80 for wvw, this is practical as they want people on some what level playing field…and adhere to the “level the way you want”.

Buying gold via the game wont get you kto 80. Explain this please.

You can easily level to 80 in 3-4 hours by crafting.

That being said, Wasabi Kitty is correct. How other people level their characters has no affect on you so why worry about it? If people want to spend money to do that then I thank them for supporting Anet.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gohlar.3671


Uhm, you cant level to 80 in 4 hrs. Assuming youare talking about being bumped ip to 80 for wvw, this is practical as they want people on some what level playing field…and adhere to the “level the way you want”.

Buying gold via the game wont get you kto 80. Explain this please.

You can easily level to 80 in 3-4 hours by crafting.

That being said, Wasabi Kitty is correct. How other people level their characters has no affect on you so why worry about it? If people want to spend money to do that then I thank them for supporting Anet.

Hey, why not let people buy everything in the game? It doesn’t effect you right?

This is your logic.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Morrigan.2809


None of this is pay to win- and no, those buffs do not matter no matter how many times you say it does.

Then why sell them?

Didn’t take long to find the flaw in your logic lol. Hey if you are having fun go knock yourself out but a lot of people find paying to progress in a game distasteful.

Have you tried Diablo 3? You’d love it, it’s another shallow game where you can pay to progress.

They sell them precisely because a lot of people think like you do and they have to have something in the shop that sells- granted more fluff would be awesome but it is a cash shop after all.
Nothing stops you from converting gold to gems either, that is what I did to buy the makeover kit.

Paying to progress is distasteful, I think so too- I just can’t see how you can do it in this game.

As for Diablo 3- I gave it a skip since I loved Diablo, Diablo 2.
Don’t make assumptions about which games I would like.

Gunnar’s Hold

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Uhm, you cant level to 80 in 4 hrs. Assuming youare talking about being bumped ip to 80 for wvw, this is practical as they want people on some what level playing field…and adhere to the “level the way you want”.

Buying gold via the game wont get you kto 80. Explain this please.

You can easily level to 80 in 3-4 hours by crafting.

That being said, Wasabi Kitty is correct. How other people level their characters has no affect on you so why worry about it? If people want to spend money to do that then I thank them for supporting Anet.

Hey, why not let people buy everything in the game? It doesn’t effect you right?

This is your logic.

Fine with me? It gives them no advantage what so ever and in fact probably puts them at a huge disadvantage because they won’t know how to play their character. Coupled with the fact they in fact can’t get more powerful by just paying money.. again, fine with me.

Besides that all the kitten they sell on the gem store I have more of sitting in my bank that I didn’t pay a single cent for. Thus making any argument you have for gw2 being p2w null and void.

P.S. In gw1 anet let people buy skill unlock packs. The horror.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gohlar.3671


Uhm, you cant level to 80 in 4 hrs. Assuming youare talking about being bumped ip to 80 for wvw, this is practical as they want people on some what level playing field…and adhere to the “level the way you want”.

Buying gold via the game wont get you kto 80. Explain this please.

You can easily level to 80 in 3-4 hours by crafting.

That being said, Wasabi Kitty is correct. How other people level their characters has no affect on you so why worry about it? If people want to spend money to do that then I thank them for supporting Anet.

Hey, why not let people buy everything in the game? It doesn’t effect you right?

This is your logic.

Fine with me? It gives them no advantage what so ever and in fact probably puts them at a huge disadvantage because they won’t know how to play their character. Coupled with the fact they in fact can’t get more powerful by just paying money.. again, fine with me.

Besides that all the kitten they sell on the gem store I have more of sitting in my bank that I didn’t pay a single cent for. Thus making any argument you have for gw2 being p2w null and void.

P.S. In gw1 anet let people buy skill unlock packs. The horror.

So you don’t mind, that’s fine. Many do.

Comparing skill unlocks to the p2w features in gw2 comes off as a bit desperate. I don’tn think I really need to explain the difference. Now if you could buy all the armor sets in GW1 people would have a problem with that.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

Jesus, again with the vagueness. There’s nothing you can buy in the Gem Store that gives you better stats/traits/builds than anyone else of the same exact level (to my knowledge) so your “more powerful” point doesn’t apply. I’m disheartened that you are so zealous about this point you’re trying to make. This game has a lot of false presumptions made about it.

Pay to progress = pay to win. It’s not hard to understand. It’s also the reason the game is focused so heavily on grinds. See above, P2W games always follow this path.

Sure paying to progress is cheap. I’ve seen it in games like Allods Online where it was near impossible to continue questing unless you bought some item or relic from the shop. However, GW2’s boosts are entirely optional. They’re convenience items that only barely let you level faster and grant more Karma. I received a ton of XP and Karma boosts during the holiday events that I didn’t even have to pay for so you can have the same godly advantages as others in a sense. =P

All in all, your character STILL has to abide by the mechanics of the game. By that I mean that you allocate trait points and skill points exactly the same as anyone else at your level. You don’t get exclusive skills, weapons, or gear. I think your argument is hinged on the smallest technicality of how long it takes to level. Gear has nothing to do with it since you can get the same gear as a lvl 80 as long as you too meet the requirements of the dungeon. It’s not the strongest argument but it does make you correct in a way. However, your argument that this will inevitably ruin the game is very ambitious.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fellyn.5083


Uhm, you cant level to 80 in 4 hrs. Assuming youare talking about being bumped ip to 80 for wvw, this is practical as they want people on some what level playing field…and adhere to the “level the way you want”.

Buying gold via the game wont get you kto 80. Explain this please.

You can easily level to 80 in 3-4 hours by crafting.

That being said, Wasabi Kitty is correct. How other people level their characters has no affect on you so why worry about it? If people want to spend money to do that then I thank them for supporting Anet.

Hey, why not let people buy everything in the game? It doesn’t effect you right?

This is your logic.

Fine with me? It gives them no advantage what so ever and in fact probably puts them at a huge disadvantage because they won’t know how to play their character. Coupled with the fact they in fact can’t get more powerful by just paying money.. again, fine with me.

Besides that all the kitten they sell on the gem store I have more of sitting in my bank that I didn’t pay a single cent for. Thus making any argument you have for gw2 being p2w null and void.

P.S. In gw1 anet let people buy skill unlock packs. The horror.

So you don’t mind, that’s fine. Many do.

Comparing skill unlocks to the p2w features in gw2 comes off as a bit desperate. I don’tn think I really need to explain the difference. Now if you could buy all the armor sets in GW1 people would have a problem with that.

Many? You’ve managed to poll every person who plays the game and ask them how they feel about it then? You are speaking for “many” so I assume you have done this to know that for a fact.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


They already let you buy the BIS weapons legendaries from the TP. Just buy gems and →gold.
They will always be bumped to best in slot with new tiers so that is a huge advantage. You can buy this at level 1 if you want.
Everything can be bought in this game already with real money.
All they need to do now is make it so legendaries in the gem shop have better stats and purchased with real money only. You deserve a bonus if you support Anet outside the box price and better stats is a nice way to do it.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rainu.6871


Yes, why can’t Anet punish people who actually work for a living and contribute to society rather than have time to waste sitting home all day, playing computer games and being a general drain on resources (be it their parents’ or wellfare)? /Sarcasm

People who claim this is p2w have nonidea what that term means. Being able to spend gold to get more quickly to the point where you want to be (which often isn’t lvl 80 unless you’re only interested in WvW since that would mean losing out on a lotif content) isn’t p2w since they aren’t getting more powerful than people who play normally. Pay to progress is completely fine and a model that also fits people who don’t have the time to play for hours upon hours every day.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kasama.8941


I figure that if someone wants to spend over 50 euro to max out one character, it’s their money to waste. This game takes time and skill to master, and that’s something money can’t buy.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: astrocanis.3195


Uhm, you cant level to 80 in 4 hrs. Assuming youare talking about being bumped ip to 80 for wvw, this is practical as they want people on some what level playing field…and adhere to the “level the way you want”.

Buying gold via the game wont get you kto 80. Explain this please.

It can with maxing multiple crafting proffestions .

The most I’ve ever seen going is about 12 levels.

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mavet.3047


Buying gold, and 4 hours later you’ve got a max level toon, with full exotic gear... You can then go into WvW.

Isn’t this only slightly ridiculous. Giving people who buy the gold this advantage?

Um, you DO KNOW, that this game is PAY TO WIN - right?

Mors janua vitæ

How is this good game design?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: X The Manimal.5293

X The Manimal.5293

They already let you buy the BIS weapons legendaries from the TP. Just buy gems and ->gold.
They will always be bumped to best in slot with new tiers so that is a huge advantage. You can buy this at level 1 if you want.
Everything can be bought in this game already with real money.
All they need to do now is make it so legendaries in the gem shop have better stats and purchased with real money only. You deserve a bonus if you support Anet outside the box price and better stats is a nice way to do it.

Can you even use legendaries at early levels though? Do they scale with your level? They’re pretty pricey on the TP if you think about it. The gems to gold conversion is such a SMALL payoff too. Not sure I’ve met anyone on forums or online who literally shelled out cash from their own wallets to get a legendary from the TP. Help from a Guild is another story though.

(edited by X The Manimal.5293)