How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bearsfan.6489


So i just got gw2 today and i was wondering how long it would take me to get to 80 if i play about 6 hours a day?

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vayne.8563


There are a lot of answers to that question. If you’re trying to speed through everything, you can get there fairly fast but a lot of people will suggest you don’t speed through everything.

A lot of people enjoy the leveling process in this game and have less fun at level 80. If you’re approaching this game as people approach other MMOs, you might be disappointed. Unless you have a specific reason to get to 80 quickly.

What are you most interested in doing in the game? Or do you know?

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: RainbowSyrup.4130


If you do regular pve and you know what you are doing each lvl takes around 1hr. Can prolly do it way faster then that though. I myself dont pay attention to my lvl though. I just go out and explore and enjoy the content. Almost everything you do gives you exp.

’’I’m sad hanar can’t wear sweaters’’

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: legion.7518


Probably 10-12 days if you really play 6 hrs/day. Make sure you do the storyline, it gives the most xp.

(edited by legion.7518)

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: bladie.5084


Prelaunch it took me exactly a week to get to lvl 80. And I gained over half my levels from WvWvW. If i can do it, so can you! /go!

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Faereilos.5106


It depends on your leveling stragety. Completing maps/doing personal story/dynamic events should take about 5-7 days, it also leaves you at 50-60% world completion. This method is slow, but if you enjoy open world content I highly recommend it.

Dungeons are a lot faster but you have to get to lv35 first. I had a friend who grinded AC and CoF with his guild and got to 80 in 24 hours. He later regretted it since he didn’t get to experience anything outside of the dungeons.

You can also skip a few levels via crafting. It’s a little pricey if you don’t have the mats stocked up, though.

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tolunart.2095


About ten seconds.

Log in. Find the crossed swords symbol in the upper left corner and click on it. Enter the Heart of the Mists.

Congradulations! You’re level 80.

For PVE, don’t worry about it. There isn’t a lot you can do at 80 that you can’t do at lower levels, and throughout most of the PVE world your level will be reduced to be close to that of the zone you’re in. Explore the starter zones and see what interests you, then continue exploring in that direction.

If your plan is create a toon —→ level to max --→ gear up —→ raid, you’re playing the wrong game.

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Falkarr.9718


If you just craft it’ll take you no time at all.

Personal story, 2 maxed crafts from 60-80, and hearts?

Probably a week.

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lafiel.9372


So i just got gw2 today and i was wondering how long it would take me to get to 80 if i play about 6 hours a day?

First one will take you a week, then the proceeding ones will take you less and less. My last 80 I got I did in 2 days.

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oranisagu.3706


you can easily rush to lvl80 by crafting and efficient leveling. just google for the crafting guides.
but for your first toon I wouldn’t really suggest it. through normal play you get to 80 at a max after 120 hours of play or so. this isn’t that much and gives you time to familiarize yourself with the class you’re playing.. there are already way too many people having lvl 80 chars but not knowing how to dodge or what half of their weapon skills or utilities do..
while leveling, you need to constantly buy current gear.. try different stat combos out. see if you prefer the berserker approach or something condition based. a new set of lvl 40 armor costs a few silver. at lvl 80 it gets really expensive to try out something new.. once you hit 80 you should know pretty much how you like to play your class and can go for the exotics of your choice without making the mistake of buying a full set of stuff you later regret (i.e. I bought way too much knights stuff for my warri, because I didn’t realize toughness is pretty useless and I die within a few hits anyway and should’ve just gone zerker. dead stuff doesn’t hit me anymore)

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Torqueblue.1945


Well with 6 hours a day I’d say a Week and a half. Took me roughly 2 weeks to hit 80 by playing 4-5 hours a day…except the first few days actually I got caught up with Zelda, but ya somewhere around there.

Scotch and Pills, what could possibly go wrong? – Max Payne

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jack of Tears.9458

Jack of Tears.9458

but for your first toon I wouldn’t really suggest it. through normal play you get to 80 at a max after 120 hours of play or so. this isn’t that much and gives you time to familiarize yourself with the class you’re playing..

This was about how long it took me and I got a really good feel for my character, got to experiment a lot with different builds, and just had fun without pressuring myself any. You can do it faster, and some people do it ALOT faster, but with your first character I’d go at about this pace.

I’m sorry I stepped outta yer box, don’ worry, if
ya whine enough they’ll put me right back.

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BadHabitZz.1856


~8h if you put alots of gold into crafting

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bloodstealer.5978


You could actually level to 80 pretty quick just by running around and harvesting carrots, copper, and herbs 6 hours a day for 4 weeks … the more you harvest the faster you level and as you level the same things actually give you more XP each time.. no need to quest or kill stuff

How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LHound.8964


So i just got gw2 today and i was wondering how long it would take me to get to 80 if i play about 6 hours a day?

Well if you can get into a nice guild that makes dungeon runs frequently you can do it very fast. Exp Dungeon mode gives you +- 1 level per run. This is great for higher levels.

But i can agree also with 1 week. If you want to level fast, then use these advices:

- Do dynamic events first when they spawn rather than yellow hearts. And between 2 dynamic events, bosses first and then normal ones.
- Story (Green mission) gives a lot of experience. So make sure it keeps up with your level.
- Don’t finish maps! You can do it later! If you are lv18 on a 1-15 map is better to move to the next zone 15-25, even if the first it is not finished. The XP gain from everything is higher!
- Use XP boosts if you get a hold of them. XP curve is almost linear. So the cost of leveling is the same in whatever level you are in. Don’t “Save them” for the final, or you will start to pile them in your bank for nothing.
- Use consumables that grants +xp bonus. There are some that sells for a few copper a piece, of even some karma (like the rice in the cooking master), that helps you leveling independently of the other bonus it may have.


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Charr’s need more Love. All is Vain
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How long does it tAKE TO GET TO 80?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


You can get to 80 in hours or months, your choice.