How many Chars will you gear w/ ascended?
I am at 500 tailoring and armorcrafting, just working on leathercrafting. That said, I am not even sure any of my chars will get ascended armor anytime soon, because I don’t have a main character and tend to play various chars any day. Now the only two places ascended really makes a difference is fractals and wvw. I don’t do L40 fractals, so I don’t care about that. And wvw is mostly zerging anyhow, so why bother?
My current wvw character is an engi, with a giver’s weapon. Which I can’t craft as ascended, even if I wanted to because that stat does not exist. Then weapon stats don’t carry over to engi kits, so even less incentive for it. And I do not want to invest all that time and material into ascended armor for him, because it literally locks me out from trying a different build one of these days.
So far only my zerker ele and warrior carry ascended weapons for pve, and stuff dies fast enuff already that I simply see no need for ascended armor there.
Changing my answer from 1 to 0. It’s just not worth it for me.
I have 6 characters, all L80 norn. Warrior, Guardian, Ranger (3 “mains”), Mesmer (becoming a 4th “main”), Engineer, Elementalist (2 “alts”).
Of these, the engie, ele and mes have partial ascended trinkets. The mes has become an important character and in time will get a full set of trinkets and likely, some weapons.
The warrior has full trinkets and 3 ascended weapons (sword, warhorn, longbow).
The guardian has full trinkets and 5 ascended weapons (scepter, focus, staff, trident, greatsword).
The ranger has full trinkets and 1 ascended weapon (longbow). She is due to get Frenzy (legendary), which is my current project (further ascended are on hold).
So I count 9 ascended weapons, one of which was a drop (the guardian’s assassin greatsword). Once the legendary is done, I plan on making more weapons.
I have no plans to make ascended armour currently, though I do have my leatherworker (the ranger) at grandmaster already, and she knows the 2 ascended backs should I want to make them.
Making an ascended dagger took me several months, so, unless I decide to farm my sanity away, I won’t have ascended armor until, perhaps, next winter.
yet was beaten by an omnipotent, invisible assassin of justice, or whatever.
I’m beginning to believe that Anet will start an all new vertical grind through infusions: +5 infusion stats is the max right now, maybe +7 stats in a few months, then +9 stats a few months after that, etc.
So I’d like to change my answer of “at most 2 sets” to “I’ll slowly work on one set, but if this infusion grind comes to be, I’ll likely quit the game”
One, and that one only because I was thinking of crafting a new set with celestial stats anyway….and boy are those exotic recipes expensive on the TP oO
One, and that one only because I was thinking of crafting a new set with celestial stats anyway….and boy are those exotic recipes expensive on the TP oO
That is my plan as well. And now that I finished my ascended celestial staff, and see how many mats will be required just to get to 500 tailoring, let alone the mats, and time gating required to craft a single ascended armor piece, I doubt that I will even attempt it.
None. Crafting and/or the gathering of materials for crafting is the most repetitive and boring type of play imaginable.
You don’t see Legolas stopping every 50 yards to cut down some ancient wood because he needs a stack of 500 for an epic bow; Rand Al Thor did not stop to mine once to forge an Angreal; and Arthur didn’t throw 1000 swords at a lake hoping some watery tart would give him Excalibur.
Arenanet has created perhaps the worst system possible to create an epic weapon or immersive storyline and one that diverges completely from every bit of the fantasy genre.
And I love the playerbase that has bought into it; their defense… “Just buy the materials” so they want to replace one mindless activity with another..
Hey let’s do laps around a lowbie zone killing the same mob, or set of mobs, over and over again for hours and pretend this is fun, engaging or even remotely challenging; not to mention through out the whole notion that that’s what the “hero of Tyria” or those that defeated an Elder Dragon.. should be doing..
How about a linked quest with 10 or 15 phases accomplishment… forging a blade from a fallen meteor you have to fought to should be part of it; not gathering 1000 such meteors like everyone carries them around in their pockets.
Arenanet starts thinking down these lines then maybe I return to the game; until then.. I’m just going to continue BETA testing the next generation of games and GW2 will continue to gather dust.
(edited by Khai.6435)
I said 2 before but think I’m dropping that and probably just sticking with Thief. The 5 day waiting time for one piece and tons of gold… I rather not do it a 2nd time.
Atm I’m getting Zojjas for my ranger(will be the only one for a looooooong time). Because I had tons of stacks of craftingmaterials in my bank I’m kind of happy that I can now finally use them. On the other hand it made me sad when I realized that with introduction of ascended my alts and and different builds on my ranger will now be giving me an huge disadvantage. :´(
None. Crafting and/or the gathering of materials for crafting is the most repetitive and boring type of play imaginable.
You don’t see Legolas stopping every 50 yards to cut down some ancient wood because he needs a stack of 500 for an epic bow; Rand Al Thor did not stop to mine once to forge an Angreal; and Arthur didn’t throw 1000 swords at a lake hoping some watery tart would give him Excalibur.
And I love the playerbase that has bought into it; they’re defense… “Just buy the materials” so they want to replace one mindless activity with another..
“Just buy materials” is almost as bad as the above. The game is now so TP-centered that it becomes a job: you do some awful work (champ farming, for example) to earn gold so that you can buy what you really want — just like real life.. how bad is that?!
Not to mention, ascended trinkets have pretty much rendered jewelcrafting an obsolete profession. I’m at 392ish on one of my characters, and have to spend ectos to get to 400. I can’t justify the expenditure just so I can craft exotic jewels that I will never use, and nobody will buy.
(edited by MrSilver.5269)