How many Precursors have you found?
2 from the mystic forge. Both from putting in a set of 4 random rares when I had gotten rares from playing in PvE. One was the hammer and one was the torch. 7,179 hours.
ANet may give it to you.
The number of hours you’ve played doesn’t really matter. It depends on what you’ve been doing in that time, because precursors only drop from certain things.
Someone like the OP who apparently combines a lot of rares/exotics in the Mystic Forge has a much higher chance of getting a precursor than someone like me who maybe does it once or twice a year, when I have equipment I can’t sell or salvage.
Likewise someone who does all the world bosses every day will have a much higher chance than someone who spends most of their time doing story instances on low level characters. And someone who spends almost all their time afk or chatting in town has almost no chance.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
played since beta, .zero.. all game modes… 4500 hrs…
None from forge, two from drops (Dusk and Energizer). Played since beta, ~5000 hours; might be more, I don’t really keep track.
Forget the hours but I’ve played since release. Zero found.
Started playing +- 3,5 years ago (3900 h), got 1 about year and half ago as a world boss drop I think (Storm), except that none, I don’t gamble with Mystic Toilet, because I know I don’t have luck so it will just wash all my gold away..
(edited by Avador.8934)
16,676 hours and zero.
Been playing since headstart,
From drops ive had 0
From the forge 30+
Ive thrown so much gold into that forge in the past, but since pre cursor crafting has been released it seems the drop rate of Pres has dropped, maybe to encourage pre crafting, but the forge is not worth even gambling now.
I’ve been playing since around April 2013, 1,822 hours played since. I had The Legend drop within 20 minutes after leveling my Guardian to 80 during a Scarlett event. I think I had maybe 150 -200 hours or so played at the time. Maybe more I don’t recall. At that point I’d already spent a few hundred dollars on gems. So maybe the better question should be how much real money have you spent on gems and how many precursors have you had drop in game. Tinfoil hat.
(edited by JustTrogdor.7892)
very simple, play the game nearly sicne release
Speaks for itself, how “well” designed the whole System about them is to begin with, however, now you can at least work slowly towards them, if you have absolutely no luck at all…
Howeve,r I kind of think there needs to be added a system, that increases slowly the chances of finding a precursor as loot, so longer you play the game, which resets each tiem you find one among your loot from a bigger enemy kill that leaves back bigger treasure chests..so world bosses ect.
I know, RNG is RNG, but personalyl I find it unacceptable that like 1% of the ganmes playr base is like kind of supr lucky and has in lesser than a year of playing multiple pre drops, whilre like 99% of the other players that play the game mostly all much longer already have like me until today still found none at all.
Anet has finally to remome/replace this total BS RNG System that gives you each day you play this game the feeling, as if you are in las vegas casino gambling for the jackpot, where you already know, that in 99,99% of all cases the house always wins lastly and you get nothing.
I my opinion the making of Legendary weapons shouldn’t require any kind of precursors at all, or precursors should be a part of the legendary making, that you earn in a guaranteed way, without any RNG factors, without absurd craftign factors involved..the Precursor should be in my opinmion something that the player earns through doing special epic things whilebeing on the journey of making the legendary weapon (item, regardles what it is now, if armor, or back item ect.) the precursor should b in my opinino always something, that the player receives as a reward for doing something special in the game that doesn’t involve craftign or RNG, but just player skill or patience.
Thats how I do see this, but im pretty sure Anets marketing department absolutely wants it that way, because its th very reason, why peopel are willing to waste tons of real money, just to buy their legendaries, so that they don’t have to rely on RNG …
Evwrythign aroudn this concepot is absolutely calculated and that I’m sure about and why its also sure, that anet will never remove RNG garbage out of this game, because financially does this game live from these RNG aspects that drive people to spent real money to shorten themself the grind to get what they want or to have not to rely on RNG to get what they want.
Zero, zip, nada. 5000+ hours.
RIP City of Heroes
One, got The Engergizer from a trash mob in Orr while grabbing the grenth HP.
played 3,5 years, zero Precursor until now
Played since beta. Not sure how many hours because I’m not in-game right now.
1 precursor as a drop (random trash mobs in SE)
2 from forge (1 from tossing in all exotic maces, and 1 from tossing in a mix of armor and weapon rares)
1 given to me
Around 6k hours played.. I’ve found
Thanks Rngesus
Played since beta, including first karka invasion (only one run through, I never dc’d in that event).
Well, one.
I made the HOPE precursor. So no drops, ever. (Same answer I give whenever I bother to reply to a thread asking this question).
I bought the Legend off the TP.
1 horn from green ac champ bag, 2 ac tears axes in forge
Hours played are not directly related to drops, so it’s not just a non-scientific poll, it’s a poll that pushes out an incorrect idea. Those who forge all their rare weapons will have higher chances than those who don’t; those who farm Orr will have more opportunities than those that farm Silverwastes.
Further the drop rate is so low that it is worth assuming that it’s zero — any numbers provided by a single player (or a small group responding to a forum post) is going to be completely misleading.
It might be fun to compare anecdotes, but it won’t tell us anything about drop rates, the game, or even help us figure out who is unlucky. All we can say is that the OP is luckier with 9 drops than just about everyone else who is going to post.
This many
Mystic Forge:
1 Storm (4 exotic scepters)
1 The Hunter (4 exotic rifles)
1 Tooth of Frostfang (4 rare axes)
Disclaimer: I’ve thrown probably over hundreds, possibly thousands of gold into the forge.
The Legend (SW loot bag, I think it was from one of the green ones but I had opened a lot of accumulated ones of varying types.)
Tooth of Frostfang was the only one I turned into a legendary.
Been playing for a bit over 2 years. Probably well over 4500 hours.
thrown a bunch of crap into the forge,
been playing from day 1
0 precursors dropped, only ones I’ve ever had were bought from the TP
I imagine my playtime is over 1000+hrs. Was here first 4 months then was here since HoT launched.
Anyways: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Precursors found.
infact the best RNG thing i’ve gotten was a ghost pepper node from a random bl chest key i found killing ogres in wvsw oneday. which i sold for 80g or something….NOT TAKING INto account the tp fees.
2nd best thing ive found was a gs in ascalon dungeon with celestial stats that was worth 20g last i checked on the TP.
So no luck at all with RNG. Then again I spend most of my time in wvsw…so..ya. Did all the pve that gw2 launched with on my 1 character…..and only did a bit here and there with other characters and haven’t done map completion for all the hot maps yet since i don’t care. or raids yet. dungeons ive done everything on….cept running them all a million times, only run a few of the a million times. prettttttty boring.
Managed to craft 1 legendary on a whim…the predator. now im broke again and can’t imagine farming all that stuff again to make another….not gonnna happen.
The Tiny Yuno Sniper of Ebay [EBAY]
3850 hours here. I’ve been playing since just after launch, with a couple of breaks due to real world stuff. Thus far I’ve received all my precursors from mystic forge. It’s given me five that I can remember:
Leaf of Kudzu
Tooth of Frostfang
Carcharias (lel)
I may have gotten The Bard as well, but I honestly can’t remember. I’ve sold all my precursors on the trading post for GOLD because I’m money-driven and couldn’t pass up the sweet sweet treasure. I don’t buy rares from the trading post anymore for the purposes of forging (waste of gold imho), instead I have a storage guild bank I use where I dump every rare or exotic weapon I get, and when it fills up I forge everything until it’s empty. Any exotics I receive from MF that are worth more than 2g get sold in whatever way nets me the most profit (ie, if I get something with a superior sigil of air, I’ll use a BL salvage kit to retrieve the sigil and sell that, while any ecto salvaged from it goes into storage). Anything that is worth standard exotic weapon price (~1-2g) gets dumped right back into the MF meatgrinder.
Since I’m not explicitly spending earned gold on rares I dump into the toilet, I don’t really see myself as having lost out any major profit. I’ll admit that I’m missing out on a good chunk of ecto, and forging all my rare/exotic weapons means my ecto income is pretty low, but I salvage all rare armors so that makes up for it in my opinion. I don’t really view the lost ecto from MFing the weapons as a loss, either..if you take into consideration the 5 (6?) precursors I’ve received and sold on the trading post, those have greatly made up for any ecto I might have missed out on.
Precursor “farming” via the mystic forge is entirely a personal preference, though, and your mileage certainly will vary. The chances of getting a precursor with less than 50 MF attempts is so extremely low that if you’re hoping to use it as a get rich quick scheme, you’re gonna have a bad time. I’m in it for the long haul, and if you keep forging rares and exotics for months, and months, and months…you’ll probably get a precursor or two…eventually.
I regret not having crafted Meteorlogicus, though. If I ever get Storm to drop again, I’m crafting that one.
Been playing since launch. Not a kitten thing. :B
The Secksy Monk [Guild Wars 1]
Stormbluff Isle – Storm Slayer Dragons [SDS]
One. It was a drop from a random Risen (not even a champ or anything) in Sparkfly Fen.
Unfortunately, the precursor was Venom!
Playing since open beta, got two.
The hunter at the karka event and the lovers from a PvP level up reward.
One. It was a drop from a random Risen (not even a champ or anything) in Sparkfly Fen.
Unfortunately, the precursor was Venom!
So right after I had written this reply, I logged in and decided to gamble in the MF just a little. Bought 50 of the cheapest exotic greatswords and got both Dawn and Dusk from them. O_o
I imagine my playtime is over 1000+hrs. Was here first 4 months then was here since HoT launched.
Anyways: 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Precursors found.
infact the best RNG thing i’ve gotten was a ghost pepper node from a random bl chest key i found killing ogres in wvsw oneday. which i sold for 80g or something….NOT TAKING INto account the tp fees.
2nd best thing ive found was a gs in ascalon dungeon with celestial stats that was worth 20g last i checked on the TP.
So no luck at all with RNG. Then again I spend most of my time in wvsw…so..ya. Did all the pve that gw2 launched with on my 1 character…..and only did a bit here and there with other characters and haven’t done map completion for all the hot maps yet since i don’t care. or raids yet. dungeons ive done everything on….cept running them all a million times, only run a few of the a million times. prettttttty boring.
Managed to craft 1 legendary on a whim…the predator. now im broke again and can’t imagine farming all that stuff again to make another….not gonnna happen.
when events go down i get the skins and foods i can sell later. like during the super adventure box. i barely did anything. just got a skin for the staff and was taking a break from the game. last week i sold it for 66 gold. didnt cost me a dime to get it. nothing but profit.
My wallet found 2 on the trading post.
^^ this thread inspired me to mash another 400 exotics!! And the results are what’s to be expected…
6k+hours still 0 precursors xD
16,676 hours and zero.
Seriously? Over 11 hours per day, every single day since launch?
3000+ hours and 2 so far.
The Bard and The Legend, both from Modniir Ulgoth funnily enough.
2 dropped from pve. Zap dropped first year from AC and chaos gun during melandru month ago.
I don’t remember how many Hours and i don’t want to log in this fallen game to look.
But i have found 4 precursors over 3 years. But i played 80% PVP, so only 20% time in PVE but still 4
toilet = 1
playing = 0
Fight the queens
playing 4 years.
mystic toilet = 0
playing = 0
4545 hours since pre-release, and no precursor.
played since couple days just after launch and got 1 kudu from the forge by throwing random exotic dungeon weapons into it about 3 months ago. i don’t like the legendries anyway so made some nice gold from it.
so 1 in nearly 4 years not bad since i don’t farm a lot or throw loads of rares in the forge to just to get one.
Not 100% sure, but with 7000+ hours played.
1 from boss
1 from container.
3 from trash mobs
9 approx from forge (this includes 2 from 5 tries)
Found? -3.663
I do have a legendary because I once found a permanent hair contract which I traded for a Dawn with like 80-90% of the mats to forge it into a Leg
How many Precursors have you found?
Asking how much precursers we found but post 90% pics of mystic toilet.
Dawn and Venom from dungeons
Zap and The Chosen from WvW
Carcharias from Mystic Forge
Roughly 5.5k hours played.
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI
I got Tooth of Frostfang from Legendary Shaman Lornarr Dragonseeker.
Spark, Rage, Carcharias from mystic toilet.
I pumped my magic find to 799% once and ran CoE. I got a venom. Yeah…
Found? -3.663
I do have a legendary because I once found a permanent hair contract which I traded for a Dawn with like 80-90% of the mats to forge it into a Leg
Arguably, permanent hair style contracts are as rare as precursors. Probably rarer. You used your luck up on that. lol
I’ve dropped one, way back in the first Karka invasion when Southsun was introduced. I dropped Leaf of Kudzu, later sold it.
Zero never had a precursor
and iv been playing about 2 years
Been playing since headstart. Not in game don’t know hours. 9 Total.
Mystic Forge (3)
The Chosen
Drops (6)
Rodgort’s Flame (Frostgorge Champ Train when it still existed – Broodmother)
The Bard (Lornar’s Pass Champ Wurm)
Venom (Jormag)
Chaos Gun (Novice on Cliffside Fractal)
The Bard #2 (WvW)
Dawn (Snowblind Fractal)
Sold all except Storm, Rodgort’s Flame, and Dawn. Made these into legendaries.