How many characters do you have? (2.0)
6, waiting on my 7th till I get enough Tomes of Knowledge to jump to lvl 80 with my eventual rev. 80 guardian, 57 mesmer, 38 ranger, 35 necro, 30 thief, 15 warrior.
6, though 95%+ of my time is spent on my main. lately though I’ve been playing a decent amount of mesmer and necro though (want to unlock their elite specs :P but I always get sidetracked)
9 + 1 for key runs.
I currently have 11 characters. One of each profession and then an extra necro and revenant. I have 14 slots. I use the extra for key farming now and again.
ten, almost half of them are engineers.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
How many? All 69! All level 80.
Yes, people do have more than 69. There is one player who posted here who had – I think it was 125 – a lot anyway.
Proof? The cap is 69.
Here’s a link. Check out Sinope’s post and it is actually 150 characters:
The cap for one account is 69. Sinope has 11 accounts.
10, Nine are level 80, one of each profession, and one is 31 engineer.
12 total right now.
7 on my main account and 5 on my second account that I bought during one of the $10 sales.
So this question has been asked before but with the increase in the number of possible character slots, I am curious to learn whether anyone actually has 69 characters now. I am also assuming that with the passage of time, people may have created more alts so I anticipate some changes from last time this got asked.
Bonus question: What is your main?
Personally, I have 10 characters – one of each profession and one mule (a retired character that I just couldn’t bring myself to delete). My current main is a guardian.
12 characters
10 level 80s 2 Wars to be in different pve places cause they roam so well
2 Necros for their racials Syvari Flower tank, Norn snow leaper wvw speed
1 Key/Transmutations farmer (weekly)
1 Revenant ( playing with looks and names)
My Main and First character is my Guardian/Dragonhunter he Spearheads all PVE cause he’s harder to kill.
My Second Spears are my D/D Ele, and Slyvari Wellomancer cause of their Sustrained.
Theif is my PVE backdoor.
My WvW Commanders are my Mesmer, War
My WvW Scouts are my Ranger and Engineer ( rocket boots/superspeed/switfness)
In Limbo are my other Warrior, and Condimancer( Designate world bosses killer snowleapoard runner) doing the “Orrian Lighthouse” story to max out weapons masteries.
I’ve maxed out pvp achievements for Guardian, Warrior, Ranger, and Engineer,
(edited by Harvest.2506)
How many? All 69! All level 80.
Yes, people do have more than 69. There is one player who posted here who had – I think it was 125 – a lot anyway.
Proof? The cap is 69.
Here’s a link. Check out Sinope’s post and it is actually 150 characters:
The cap for one account is 69. Sinope has 11 accounts.
I have 13 accounts (full version paid ones). With the introduction of free-to-play accounts anybody could have a “crazy” high number. If that’s the criteria, they we should only count 80s. :P
14 80s
10 100%map for all legend
2 30s
So this question has been asked before but with the increase in the number of possible character slots, I am curious to learn whether anyone actually has 69 characters now. I am also assuming that with the passage of time, people may have created more alts so I anticipate some changes from last time this got asked.
Someone had a lot of fun choosing that number.
Anywho, I have 9 that I play — one of each class. Technically 10 and 11 slots, but the 10th is a throwaway character and the 11th is currently unused.
How many? All 69! All level 80.
Yes, people do have more than 69. There is one player who posted here who had – I think it was 125 – a lot anyway.
Proof? The cap is 69.
: O
I have no words for that….
ANet may give it to you.
I got 69, all level 80. I’m the one that keeps updating the wiki whenever they increase the character limit. No main, just play whatever is most OP at the time.
My brother has several more than me, at least one of each class, but generally he tends to play only a select few of the bunch and not all of them are level 80 or properly geared.
At least I don’t think… and I thought he was crazy. But really? Multiple accounts? 69 characters??
Where do you people find the time?! lol
I have like 14 or so I actively play
One. I am a mainoholic (rare species).
One. I am a mainoholic (rare species).
I have 2 mains and 3 mules as of release and to this day. I tend to duo main in any MMO I play. I just don’t have the timesink to be an altoholic and prefer to focus on a couple of characters although I will probably role a new main with the spare expac slot.
Tbh the fact people have 69 80’s kind of freaks me out, as in scared for the future of humanity, unless they are gold farmers which is even worse.
Who the hell has that much spare time?
29 chars on main account, accounts 2 through 4 have approx 5 to 9 chars each.
I mainly play 3-4 chars on the main account (guardian for dungeon/Fractals/some guild missions, warrior for general pve events/dailies, main mesmer for some guild missions then the odd toon here or there). The main toons perform most of my ascended crafting.
Accounts 2 through 4 are mostly for login rewards and all that ascended time-gated stuff.
Main account has about 12 mesmers parked at various jp/chests. I have moved the rest of the crew to Jaka Itzel Waypoint for daily flax farming.
All chars on main account are level 80s except for 4 mesmers (3 x level 30s, x level 71). those 4 mesmers are named after Glen Cook’s Garrett P.I. books, and are parked in LA for the “new” Trolls Revenge JP.
Nope, have no plans to create more toons unless anet comes out with a new race/profession.
I have 18 so far, I love creating characters, I usually find a look that I like and then I try imagining a backstory for the character and how it would fit with the rest of my toons (just for myself since I don’t RP). At first I had one for each class but I started making a few doubles along the way, though with the announcement of elite specialisations I felt justified in doing so and said “why not, might as well make one for each elite spec”. They are all level 80 except for my second Revenant and my main is my Chronomancer.
This is definitely my favorite part of the game and I’m looking forward to the day when (if?) they’ll add new races (Tengu please?).
I have two that I use and one that I’m leveling.
My other char slots flux in and out of existence to learn how to counter builds in pvp.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
I have four total.
One main (female charr necro), two alts, and one mule.
I’ve got 10. I wanted to have one of every class, and then I used my extra slot to make another guardian (my main class), but sylvari so I can experience HoT as one, eventually.
I have 1 character, and will only have 1 for my entire “lifetime” in this game, even if I end up playing for years.
I’ve never enjoyed playing multiple characters. Plus, I only have 1 specific “type” of class that I like to play, so I’ve never felt the need to play multiple ones. The only time I’ve ever made alts is for mule-ing, in games with poor storage mechanics/options. Thankfully, that’s not an issue with this game.
So, yeah… just 1.
Just 9. I cheated with level up scrolls on 5? of my toons.