(edited by Stalvros.9217)
How many of you have 100% map completion?
17 characters (not toons, please)
2* lvl80s
1* 100% map completion
mostly a matter of time why i don’t have more
- one char was deleted and remade, then explored fully for the second time
Perhaps the only RP-oriented guild on the server
Main Character: Farathnor (sylvari ranger) 1 of 22
6 Level 80s.
1 with 100 Explored, others with less than 30-20% explored.
3 lvl 80s, 2 explored 100%
8 in total, 6 are level 80 and all 6 have 100% map completion. The 2 babies will get it too.
18 characters -> 18 × 100 %. Planned no further characters for the moment.
(edited by Maria Murtor.7253)
8 toons, 6 80s, 1 map completion. Mostly because I’ve been focusing on other things, and I’m lllaaazzyyy.
3 level 80’s..
Only my main (necro) has 100%, might do the others if they ever come up with a few legendaries I like.
4 level 80’s here (check siggy)
1 with 100% :p
0 legendaries due to 0 precursor drops
I mean…as I acquired more 80’s the amount of mapping they’ve done has decreased because when you overpower everything at lower maps, it can get dull and boring, I’d rather PvP;
8 80s 1 100% 2nd almost there but the legendaries we got now are lame sauce.
9 characters, 2 80’s 1 with 100% map completion (because I cba to explore wvw maps over and over again)
7 characters, one of each class (the mesmer got deleted in his teens, i might start one in the future)
5 level 80.
1 explored 100%.
but several others got really close, if it had any proper reward, i would have finished it more.
1 char..got 2 other 80s..but i spent 95% of my time on my warrior..so didnt feel the need to do it on my mes or thief
Jade Quarry (NA)
Number of toons you have
: 7
Number of lvl80 chars you have
: 7
Number of 100% map completion you have
: 2
Archeage = Farmville with PK
1 Character (I do have 4 others, but they are lvl 1, so they do not count).
1 Level 80 Character.
1 Character with 100% map completion.
I’ve played 500 hours or so.. Don’t feel like making a new one just yet
9 level 80s, but one is retired and is a mule now. One with 100% map completion and working on a second. The others will probably get 100% PvE at some time. WvW is more problematic.
8 level 80s
4 with 100% map completion, currently working on 5th
4 80s.
2 with map completion, and one with just the WvW maps left, which I’ll do when I can be bothered.
4th 80 has lots of map completion left and it may never get done unless I get really, really bored.
15 Characters currently
Plenty of 80’s
0 Map completions.
Will never do it until World Completion is made to be completion of the actual Tyrian World Map and no longer forces players into WvW to chart the same areas over and over and over again (fake areas that don’t exist on the long-established Tyrian World Map) simply because they want to try to force players into modes of the game that they may otherwise have no interest in just to get it. They can keep their carrot, I’ll stick to the modes of play that I enjoy to get the things I want. If I can’t get the things I want while playing how I want, then I don’t get them…simple as that. Not getting it doesn’t bother me…it’s just disappointing that they would cheapen what that achievement used to stand for by tying it to their agenda of forcing as many players as possible to take part in their pet project of a game mode when it has nothing to do with what that achievement is actually for doing.
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No toons.
19 characters. 14 lvl 80.
1 100% map and one whose whole existance is exploring.
38 characters
14 at 80
0 with 100% map
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
Only 1 lv80, and it only has 76% map completion XD. Working on it
and one more with 93%. Almost there, and if they didn’t get a star next to their names after doing it I wouldn’t be bothering. It bugs somehow being the only one in a group without a star, which happens more than you might think.
11 characters.
8 level 80.
2 100%
I currently have no plans to do another completion but I might do some sone completions now and then.
52 characters.
24 at level 80.
1 that has 100% map complete.
Don’t ask me the percentage complete for my other characters I don’t have it marked on a spreadsheet. <cough>
Totally not interested in anymore map complete. I will probably be playing another game soon.
I know there are other players that really enjoy map complete: Someone posted a year ago that their guildmate had 20 level 80’s all with 100% map complete.
(edited by goldenwing.8473)
I know there are other players that really enjoy map complete: Someone posted a year ago that their guildmate had 20 level 80’s all with 100% map complete.
My brain just melted a little bit from reading that. That’s some dedication.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
6 chars
5 80’s
0 completion. The closest is 54 percent.
I have been playing since BWE1 and Ill be kitten ed if I go after every little thing they tell me is important. Alos Im not going to screw over my server by joining wvw and running around doing map completion.
8 characters
8 at level 80
2 with 100% map complete
Even that i completed many areas in the game more than 2 times, I always find something new, that I didn’t saw before
Sadly, doing hearts is so boring now…
5 level 80 characters.
Map completion on one…warrior.
90% on necro.
less than 10% on each of the others but they were made for wvw…thief. guardian. Mesmer.
ETA: I will never get completion on any of my wvw characters because the thought of doing the heart quests again literally hurts me. The only reason I’m completing on my necro is because all I have left is a couple of race cities and Orr, plus a few points in wvw. No hearts.
(edited by ozmaniandevil.6805)
Number of characters: 24
Number of level 80s: 10
Characters with 100% mapping: 0 chuckle I keep getting distracted! My furthest along is my ele @ 80%. Just have to finish shiverpeaks and ascalon on her, if I could ever focus.
Characters: 4
Level 80: 3
100% map: 1 just becouse of legendary. Other 80 lvls have around 50%
19 permanent characters, 1 key farmer
6 80s
1 Map Complete
3 that are 70% or higher
2 of those 80s are guardians though. Came up with a name that was too perfect not to also be guardian and become my main.
9 Characters
8 Level 80 (the other one is my key runner )
1 100% map (and other over 80% map)
(and the other 8 elite specs maxed too)
Number of characters: 1 (I deleted the rest)
Number of level 80: 1
Number with 100% map completion: 1
9 Characters
8 Level 80
1 – 100% map completion (1 at 95% and 2 at 80%)
13 Chararcters
4 Level 80
0 at 100%
I have topographicagnoisa, so getting 100% is near impossible for me unless I follow someone. So no legendaries for me!
I gave up on 100% map completion when I saw I had to do thrice the same WvW map with the same skillpoints/PoI/Vistas at the same locations.
I like to explore, not to grind.
Aelius Brightmane (Charr, Zerk Grenade Engineer, 80) |
Tilaw Stainsoul (Charr, Zerk Staff Elementalist, 80) | Evi Shadowstep (Charr, Zerk Ranger 80) |
10 Characters
9 Level 80
1 at 100% (1 at 95%)
4 characters
4 lvl 80’s
Completed 100% world map 4 times
- 9 toons
- 9 lvl80
- 4 with 100% map completion
- 1 with 95 %
14 Characters
12 at level 80
0 world completes
I will not do jumping puzzles. No loss, really, I’m too fussy about my characters appearance to ever want to equip a legendary anyhow.
(edited by Teofa Tsavo.9863)
Characters: 10
80s: 10
Map Completion: 2 (my first two characters – Necromancer and Elementalist)
- 12 Characters
- 12 Level 80 Characters
- 12 100% World Completed Characters
- 12 Personal Story Completion (including Victory or Death, yes I completed the notoriously boring Arah story mode 12 times too!)
YES, I am crazy.
18 characters -> 18 × 100 %. Planned no further characters for the moment.
Such mastery…
(edited by Neoz Kaho.2174)
18 characters -> 18 × 100 %. Planned no further characters for the moment.
3 Characters, 1 lvl 80, 2 mules, 1 with 100% and only because the legendary forced me to. It was the last thing I needed too.
11 Characters
9 level 80’s (other two are level 2 mules)
6 100% map completes (50% on 7th, wvw 100% on 2 more)
18 characters -> 18 × 100 %. Planned no further characters for the moment.
kitten and I thought my 3 were special, how much play time do you have?
/age in chat just in case you aren’t familiar ^.^
3 characters
1 has 98% completion ( I hate WVW may never get 100% on any character)
2 @ 80 and 1 @ 45
12 Slots
10 Characters
10 lvl 80’s
Mains: (PvE, WvW,PvP,Dungeons,World Bosses)
100% (War) (S)
100% (Ele) (S)(L)
100% (Rng) (S)
100% (Nec), (S)
92% (Grd) (S)
62% (Mes),
59% (Thf),
55% (War), (Dungeons World bosses )
30% (War) (PvP/WvW)
29% (Eng) (135 Bag slot Mule.)
7 Months Later
16 Slots
15 Characters
15 lvl 80’s
Mains: (8)
100% War PvE Dungeons (PA wt) (S)
82% War PvE/Dungeon/WvW (FA) (S)
100% Ele PvE/WvW (PA wt) (S) (L)
100% Rng PvE/Dungeon/WvW (PA wt) (S) (L)
100% Nec PvE/Dungeon/WvW (PA t) (S)
100% Grd PvE/WvW (PA wt) (S)
100% Mes PvE/WvW (PA wt) (S)
100% Thf PvE/WvW (PA t) (S)
Alts: (6)
65% War PvE/Dungeon/WvW (PA t) (S)
45% Mes PvE (PA t) (S)
44% Ele Dungeon (PA wt)(1) (S)
44% Grd Dungeon (PA wt)(1) (S)
41% Rng WvW (PA t)(1)
26% Nec WvW (E)(1,2,3)
1 32% Eng (Mule) (E)(2,3)
World bosses period, 1 hours waiting for a good overflow =waste of time.
(FA) Full Ascended
(PA) Partly Ascended (w weapons/t rinkets/ a armor piece)
(E) Exotic (no lower class armor,weapon or trinkets used on characters.)
(1) This char was created after the new trait system, it has a build.
(2) No plans for further unlock
(3) Not played ATM
(S) Story finisehd
(L) Legendary
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
7 @ 80
1 @ 48
2 have 100%, 1 has ~60%
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….