Morrï (Mesmer) | Serah Mahariel (Guardian) | Morrï Mahariel (Warrior)
“colesy’s on rampage today. Slaying casuals left, right and centre” – spoj
I play with myself mainly on weekends.
We don’t need to know when you play with yourself.
I’m in a guild, but because I only like to play PvE, I’m often playing alone. Unless there are a bunch of people doing events, then I’ll join in.
I play with myself mainly on weekends.
We don’t need to know when you play with yourself.
I’m glad to see many people chose the same path I did!
I chose this nickname when I went back to GW1 after it rested a few years on my shelf. I wanted to see how much of the game I could do on my own. That goal extended to GW2 when it came out, but during development I came across a few roleplayers wishing to fill up their Hall of Monuments, so I started helping them with that and stuck around.
Since then, I’m a guest of their guild. I’m very much a hardcore player myself, and many of them are looking for a more laid back approach to PvE. They reward me with their silly talk and fun, relaxed dungeon runs, and I, in turn, help some of them with harder content and demystify game mechanics and build / gear choices. I spend most of my time solo, but I always have an entertaining guild chat to tune in to.
Can’t say I never thought of officially joining guilds, but then I remember why I chose my nickname: I play a lot, but I want to play when I want to, how I want to. I don’t want to start scheduling my online time, knowing I -have- to be there for a certain event. I’ll probably be on anyway, but I know I don’t have to. I also want to stay away from as much drama as possible, so when things are heating up, I can just go ahead and represent my one-man guild for a while.
In the end, I think I have the best of both worlds, and I am very grateful for that. Big shout-out to the Jesters [JEST] on Tarnished Coast!
And to all the other players in this great, keep it up! Solo’s the way to go!
I’ve been playing since release and only have 4 friends and no guild.
I… I don’t even like being alone
Find a guild if you don’t like to be alone There must be one suited for you. Or ask for parties or something
I play alone. There’s really no reason to guild or group for anything in this game. It’s all soloable. Besides CoF runs, ofc.
People get on my kitten nerves anyway. :P
I’m part of a 15 person guild, but only two are active and those two people are my wife and I. They all bailed out of GW2 after the Nov15 patch fiasco.
Was thinking of joining a new Guild, but how do you pick? I mostly PVE, the odd WvW round, and lately CoF P1 to make some money!
Huh, kind of similar to you Reaper — I only play with my girlfriend. We enjoy jumping on a few days a week together after work. We like doing our own thing at our own pace, have our own guild, and to be honest, we have more fun just playing by ourselves. It’s a bit of a bummer that there isn’t much challenging end game content for one or two people though. I’d kill to have just one or two permanent two-man dungeons in this game.
Huh, kind of similar to you Reaper — I only play with my girlfriend. We enjoy jumping on a few days a week together after work. We like doing our own thing at our own pace, have our own guild, and to be honest, we have more fun just playing by ourselves. It’s a bit of a bummer that there isn’t much challenging end game content for one or two people though. I’d kill to have just one or two permanent two-man dungeons in this game.
I like to play with my husband.
I was part of a huge guild when the game launched but then I resigned so my husband and I can start our own guild.
I mostly solo since my husband is heavily into BF3
I like running into random people and just doing stuff with out the need to party.
I have a pretty large friend list that I chat to all the time so I never feel lonely at all.
Of course I can’t do Guild Missions by myself but that is a small price to pay, since I cannot stand guild drama, politics and obligations.
I will never join a guild just for the sake of being in one
I don’t join guilds and I don’t group with other players. I didn’t in GW1 and I’m not about to start now.
I play with myself mainly on weekends.
You’ll go blind if you don’t stop. {;þ
I play alone, cant stand most guild chats. Full of whining and dramaqueen kids. I’m sure there are some that do not have this but I cant be bother to try it again.
Nice stories guys So in the end was not a bad idea to make this topic
Keep them coming. And maybe we get a guild invite lol xD joke
I play alone pretty much all the time. I’ve joined two guilds, one of which is very small and I don’t see them much but they let me do as I please. The other I joined recently and the leader /whispers me the whole time telling me to represent (if I change to an alt or if I’m representing my other guild or even just feel like I need to be SOLO from time to time). So I’m thinking of quitting because of that. Generally, I like to play alone and just see people at the DEs or group events – which is why I love the way most of GW2 works, but why I am disappointed that most of the newer content (and the personal story) ends in dungeons which mean I miss out a lot.
I’m in a guild, it’s great, but for PvE I pug a lot because we’re only 2-3 in high level fractals or able to dungeon in a decontracted but efficient manner (so no speedrun, but no death and no grief). So, I’m kind of loner too, even for open PvE. I’ll help any guys/group with issues on map or in guild, and I enjoy that. When I see on map “have you seen <guild-bounty>?” I even do the usual path and help out if I can.
Someone in an earlier post used the word “perma noob”. This is me. I have been playing since launch and I am unskilled compared to most players. I’m okay with this, but others….not so much. I play a few hours at a time and play the game to have fun. If an area is not fun (to me) then I avoid that area.
I’ve been playing alone for a couple weeks now. I tried forming my own guild at launch with RL friends, but of course they all quit the game. Then I tried looking around for other guilds to be in, but I always felt like a stray cat that hangs out on the front porch longing for food and attention, but only receiving scraps of mild neglect. I pretty much gave up on finding a guild where I could really make close friends and not just acquaintances.
One player guild here as well and overall I enjoy it.
Sure if there’s a dungeon I want to try I’ll join up with folks or run around and do group events, but I barely chat and when I’m done I leave quickly.
I don’t chat well in this game most of the time. Small amounts (one to four lines) is fine, but past that it turns into me not playing the game and using this more like a chat room.
No I don’t use TeamSpeak or Mumble either, at least not for this game.
I am a solo, open world pve only, play daily since launch adventurer in a private guild of one.
I play with myself mainly on weekends.
You’ll go blind if you don’t stop. {;þ
Can you type that a bit bigger, I’m having trouble reading it; my eyesight’s not what it once was.
I mostly play alone. I have a guild, but it’s made up of real-life friends, and for the past few months we just haven’t been on at the same time that often. Sometimes I wish I was in a more active guild, but it’s also kind of nice to just be able to pick up and play when I have a random chunk of time and not have to worry about whether my availability fits with anyone else’s plans or needs.
guild is mostly dead even though there is usually 15-20pple online during peak, just not a lot of motivation to really do anything as a team, the occasional dungeon runs go but it seems limited primarily to an “inner circle”.
I guest on another guild for the guild missions as there is no organisation in my current one despite them having them all unlocked, GW2LFG for the dungeons, join a guilds public vent in WvW and follow their commander, I’m pretty much set……
I play only by myself at this point. Everyone I know quit the game shortly after launch. I’ve tried joining guilds, they either died or were full of very immature people.
I usually play solo. I am part of two guilds but neither of them are particularly active, so most of the time I just roam around doing random stuff by myself, helping out other players if I happen to cross paths with them. Rarely I will do a dungeon with my friends, but aside from that I stick to open world PvE to explore the world that Anet has created.
I’ve been soloing the game since I got it a month and a half ago. I’m in a friendly and active guild who I’m sure would help if I asked, but I really don’t need help with PVE. I rarely die and other players always appear when I face a champion. Plus its kind of fun figuring out the mechanics of the game by myself. Still, it’s nice to get a good laugh from guild chat while roaming.
I play mostly alone aside from stopping to help new players or someone else I see in a tough spot. I have my own guild, just me and a bank that took forever to get because slow influence gain.
I get tired of trying to follow chat a lot especially when it is just random topics. My guild chat channel is pretty cool though. The smartest person I know is always there.
When I play GW2, I play alone. 90% of my gametime has been playing alone.
I usually explore and go adventuring alone, as I like the freedom to complete Hearts and events my own way, as well as take the time to harvest everything and poke my nose into every nook and cranny. That said, I do enjoy teaming up with fellow roleplayers for Personal Stories, and being part of a huge zerg in Guild Missions is fun too.
I’m a lone wanderer or at least, almost alone. In a guild with just my brother that we use for things like backpacks, xp buffs, banners, the bank etc. No hope of ever getting those commendation weapons but it suits us fine.
Yep I play alone 90%, since launch. Only time i ever partied was for the dungeon story modes. And I play 2-3 hours a day…I usually get enough social interaction from work so GW2 time is my peace and quiet time. I created a guild for myself so people will stop whispering me to ask if interested to join their guild. I played GW1 and it was the same.
Soloplayer without a guild here too since launch. Well, I do have my own one man guild for the storage.
I decided to try something different this time after years of hardcore raiding and “socializing” in MMOs. I just grew tired of that all. Now I have not even done any dungeons.
I didn’t even know that this one was so solo friendly game when I started and made my decision. Have to say that I’m positively suprised how well this style works here. Happily playing every day.
I think the word introvert works best for me.
Also the phrase: “Lead, follow, or get out of the way”
I am tired of following, and while I do not mind leading, I am not leading anyone at the moment. So for now I am out of the way.
I am anti-social to an extent, but I have no problem interacting with people and taking my time to help others I see along the way.
Being around large crowds literally drains me. I feel tired and exhausted after being around a lot of people for a prolonged period of time. In real life and in game.
At the same time I like to be the center of attention to a degree….really does not mix, I know….(blame the Gemini)
I like smaller more intimate crowds of people that I know and can understand that if I am not talking, there is nothing wrong.
Some people like to join a guild to “hear” a lot of noise. I think this is due to being an extrovert. Large crowds provide more energy for those people.
Think-say-think (introvert)
Say-think-say (extrovert)
Extroverted people kind of irritate me to some degree too. I don’t like needy people and extroverts tend to thrive on others to satisfy their needs. Lots of mindless talking and pointless chatter :p
Also since I was little I was enthralled with the iconic lone hero figure.
Zorro, The Lone Ranger, Robin Hood, and the like.
I remember the Choose Your Own Adventure books and the Lone Wolf series… I really enjoyed that idea of a wandering hero who helps the needy in his travels.
So that is what I tend to play… a wandering hero, searching for something, but handling his own demons and fears along the way.
Sometimes this ends up with prolonged interactions with others, but many times he continues on alone.
walks off into the sunset
I haven’t had a guild since I stopped playing GW1, so that I could try something different. For me, it’s a bit more convenient and peaceful without the rules, the random drama, or realizing that you don’t interact with a large portion of a large guild because it’s hard to get to know so many people at once. I still have my network of friends from GW1 and met some new ones while playing GW2, so at this point, I feel like being in a guild is more of submitting yourself to an unnecessary label. Most of my friends aren’t in the same guild, and we play together often, so I have the convenience of grouping with people I know on a daily basis without the need of being in a guild. I was able to get dungeon master and improve my 5-man PvE group strategies with my friends.
I don’t have anything against guilds, but it’s something that I’ve enjoyed the game without. My daily activities are pretty much solo, but as soon as one of my friends requests my help for a dungeon or a group activity, I’m in for the ride.
I play alone. I have a guild, but it’s just one I created, and I am the only member.
This! xD I was in a bigger guild before but left because of drama. Also, I hate it when they find out that I’m a girl and guys start flirting with me… I just want to play the game in peace. There’s enough interaction with other people in events. Like, the other day I duo-ed Svanir’s dome with an other ranger and we were talking about ranger builds for a while after it. When I do random events with other people I always say something like good job or whatever and those usually end up with small convos, for at least a few lines. Sometimes I even do random quests with people after events. Or when people need help with skill points I like to help them because my ranger has epic survivability and we chat for a while. x) That’s enough socializing for me, lol.
Why do girls love rangers so much? Lol. Every girl I’ve met in an MMO plays the hunter/ranger/pet class. Silly girls…
We should all get together and make a forever-alone guild.
I play alone. It’s nice.
I wish there was an option to block all guild invites. I don’t want to join a guild.
I’ve always had friends, but it’s taken until just a week ago to find that good friend that you’re partied with 24/7.
I couldn’t imagine playing this game without friends. I mean, I still do my achievement whoring without them but playing the whole game without a single good friend? That’s madness!
I’ve always had friends, but it’s taken until just a week ago to find that good friend that you’re partied with 24/7.
I couldn’t imagine playing this game without friends. I mean, I still do my achievement whoring without them but playing the whole game without a single good friend? That’s madness!
I have no friends.
I’ve always had friends, but it’s taken until just a week ago to find that good friend that you’re partied with 24/7.
I couldn’t imagine playing this game without friends. I mean, I still do my achievement whoring without them but playing the whole game without a single good friend? That’s madness!
I have no friends.
I may not be able to see it from your point of view. I have an intense form of Agoraphobia to the point where I can’t be alone ever without turning to my phone or some sort of media involving other people. That’s why I play GW2 whenever I’m home. I’m sorry that you have no friends. I’d be terrified if I were you.
Eh, it’s mostly self-inflicted. I don’t open up to people and when I do, I’m typically mean about it. I can read people ridiculously well, but I abuse that to troll/poke their buttons.
I have lots of “friends”, but they’re more of acquaintances than friends.
Until recently I was in a guild of around 500 people. I would often do things alone though, mostly because time differences meant that when I was playing, everyone else was sleeping.
Now I’m without a guild and still playing alone most of the time.
I may not be able to see it from your point of view. I have an intense form of Agoraphobia to the point where I can’t be alone ever without turning to my phone or some sort of media involving other people. That’s why I play GW2 whenever I’m home. I’m sorry that you have no friends. I’d be terrified if I were you.
I thought that was a fear of open spaces?
Other than WvW with my guild, yes I play alone.
I’m even afraid of gw2lfg because I don’t want to insulted at for being ignorant about A dungeon ( I’ve been wanting to do Arah but my ignorance causes my fear in people, so I don’t do it ).
The only dungeon I’m confident in is Caudecus Manor. Sometimes AC but since the change, I haven’t been so confident (yes the change that was like 5 months ago)
I am in a big BIG guild though, and constantly have 20+ people on. Mostly in WvW but the others are in dungeons like in CoF and Arah. I hardly type on /guild too, only answering when someone asks a question I know.
For anyone who has had bad experiences with drama and such that goes along with guilds, make sure to do your research on the guild before joining. Look for mature (18+) guilds with rules against drama queens/raging noobs. Hotjoining a guild is just asking for issues.
Ex. My guild has a 60 day period where all potential members are introduced into the guild and are evaluated based on helpfulness, respect towards other members and such. We are 18+ and look for people who we want to game with for years to come, not months. We have strict rules, break them once you get counseled , after that g-kicked. We run a very structured system that doesn’t let the riff-raff in.
I played alone for the first 3 weeks of the game and found myself very out of the loop when it came to events/crafting/WvW. I joined a guild so I could share ideas, stories and play WITH other people.
Just my thoughts on the subject.
I’m mostly a solo/duo player.
My guild consists of myself, my hubby, and 1 of our GW1 guildies. When my hubsand is on, we play together. When our guildie is on and not WvWing in his other guild, he’ll come join whatever I’m doing, but for the most part, it’s just lil ol’ me.
I’ve thought about rebuilding my guild, but considering the drama and bs I’ve had to deal with already (we had between 30 and 40 members prior to November when I booted everybody except my husband) I really don’t know if I want to. Maybe I just ended up with the wrong idgets, but I never had BS like that in GW1.
I play with myself mainly on weekends.
I try to never play alone because mmorpgs aren’t very fun without others to talk to and interact with
I can’t imagine people can’t find PVe guilds in this game. There are plenty of them.
To be fair, yes there are plenty of them, but very very few of them that are any good.
I like to play together with other people, because that is why I started playing MMO/Online games for the social aspect of the game and to meet people from around the world
Forever Alone guild, let’s do it lol!
I play alone bc I don’t like to be told what to do and bc i’m a perma-noob. I will never be really good at this game but I play for fun, not to be the best
I started playing alone but at the level I’m at now I really need a guild and guild activities (WvW, world bosses, dungeons) to keep me having fun. I think leveling and general PvE can be done 95% alone. Sometimes you do need help for this or that, but you can always ask in map chat for assistance.
I’ve guild hopped more than a few times but honestly I’ve only been in half of them because I’m too nice to say no…
I’m just not a “people” person really and I prefer to do and learn things my own way and at my own pace. I also have a thing against being told what to do… And although I understand the purpose for hosting guild dungeon events and daily activities I just cannot stand when I’m told to be somewhere or I’m out of the guild. It’s my kitten game and if I don’t wanna do it I ain’t gonna.
So even though at the moment I am in a guild, I do everything on my own unless a guild member invites me to group in WvW. Which I still pretty well consider doing things on my own because the group only really serves the purpose of locating eachother on the map.
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