-Total War: Warhammer
-Guild Wars 2
I only join Guilds for chating im doing fine alone I like challenges that are hard but don’t need a group. I never needed a guild help in any mmo ever to get basically almost anything lol.
My time is split half and halfish, when he’s on, my husband and play together, mostly with my Necro, (he plays a very casual warrior) but when I’m playing my ranger or guardian then I more often than not play solo.
I’m always happy to help people out and join in with events and stuff but don’t fancy the potential aggro of joining a guild.
Also I tend to wander where the fancy takes me, gathering anything that’s about and generally getting sidetracked all over the show. That’s the fun of the game to me.
I’ve got three level 80 toons but still regards myself as a beginner. Love the fact you can pretty much go anywhere (in PVE) alone and survive.
Guilds are nothing but drama queens in the making, so I tend to avoid them. I do WvW without a party/guild, I do not see the benefit of being in a guild in this game (guild world wide buffs, ect., etc.).
Solo Wars 2
(that’s how I play it, and I’ll pug anything else I need)
Too many. I think they designed everything to be done with friends.. world bossesbosses, dungeons, fractals, wvw.. Sometimes also happens to me that I want some time for myself, but playing with friends is best thing for me in this game
Ex. My guild has a 60 day period where all potential members are introduced into the guild and are evaluated based on helpfulness, respect towards other members and such. We are 18+ and look for people who we want to game with for years to come, not months. We have strict rules, break them once you get counseled , after that g-kicked. We run a very structured system that doesn’t let the riff-raff in.
Wow, that sounds really fun. Everyone likes rules! The stricter the better! I know this post is really old, but it sums up one half of why I usually prefer to play alone. It seems like every guild is either like this, or just a fooling around guild. You get some that are a bit of both, so they have some rules but you still never get anything done.
The huge focus on voice chat in guilds is an issue for me too. I hate being in TS or Mumble. It’s really distracting. I’m just not good at listening. I can focus for hours on things that are written down. But listening? I’m bad. It’s hard work. I always want the TV louder than everyone else because it’s easier to focus on. People have to repeat themselves a lot for me. My hearing is fine for anything else, it’s just… the spoken word. Plus I’m usually hanging out with my boyfriend when I play, so what is more asocial: sitting in TS and ignoring the person who is right there, or avoiding TS like the plague.
I’m in a large guild that I am social with and chat with but I tend to play alone. My guild has a lot of cool people and I love to chat with them, but when I am out in the world leveling or exploring or questing I prefer to do so alone, I don’t like to group with other players in open world content. I go at my own pace, by not having someone with me I don’t feel like I’m slowing someone else down or that they are slowing me down as sometimes I alt tab a lot or sometimes I just power grind for a few hours, whatever I feel like doing.
I can’t imagine people can’t find PVe guilds in this game. There are plenty of them.
Depends on what server you are on, and your play style.
Effectively I am. I’m in a guild but I don’t talk with anyone it in, the only reason I’m in it is for the stat bonus’s and giving them whatever guild currency I earn from doing events.
I play alone, mostly because most guilds are filled with drama ( a few I have been in its been extreme, like most people dont have fun unless they are causing issues ) but mostly its because I dont have the time to do things that guilds entail, nor do I have the patience to be told what to do and when. Maybe one day I will join a guild again but not for the long forseeable future. Besides most things pugs are good for anyhow.
I don’t want to be in a formal organization complete with a hierarchy, so I don’t join guilds. But this doesn’t mean I play alone, at least not all the time. I don’t get the logic behind the “guildless = alone” assumption. One can have friends to chat and play with without being a member of a guild…
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