[Dark Renegatus]
How much FPS do you get in this game?
[Dark Renegatus]
Since I use vsync otherwise my CPU goes mental, up to 60 FPS.
20-40 average.
My PC is from 2010 or so.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T6zkT2uZAGA – GW2 – A world of wonder
More than 60 fps almost everywhere except in zergs in WvW or during massive PvE event where my fps usually goes down to about 30.
Usually ~45ish, with everything maxed except reflections and sampling (terrain and sky reflections, render sampling set to native) with sweetfx running. 10-15 in zergs, although I can get it to 20.
EGVA SuperNOVA B2 750W | 16 GB DDR3 1600 | Acer XG270HU | Win 10×64
MX Brown Quickfire XT | Commander Shaussman [AGNY]- Fort Aspenwood
I gotta get a new computer… I’d be embarrassed to answer this question.
Well, zergs bottleneck the CPU, but everything else is pretty well optimized, so it’s usually between 60 and 120.
In divinity’s reach where everyone hangs out I drop to like 70 :/
[Dark Renegatus]
Almost always 60 FPS except when I’m doing Tequatl, then it drops to 20 FPS or so. I do play in ‘Borderless Windowed’ mode on a dual-monitor setup with YouTube, Teamspeak, Skype and Steam on the other screen, so that probably does influence my performance.
I play on the highest graphics settings. My rig:
Intel “Ivy Bridge” i7 3770k OCed 4,5Ghz
Gigabyte GTX 970 4G Gaming Edition
8GB Kingston HyperX DRR3 RAM 1333Mhz
I just built my rig so I keep 120 basically anywhere cept reallllllly crowded places, lowest I’ve dropped is about 90 though.
Pushing 200 most of the time, but ocassionally getting 40-70 depending on area and number of people on screen at once. I also have a highend rig, asus gtx 970, i7-4790k, 8gbs of ram, @1080p.
I have a much older computer with a 7850 radeon vid card(overclocked) and an older amd Athlon quad core cpu running around 3200 mhz(also overclocked). I normally average around 50-70 fps….and then around 20 fps in huge zergs. I have graphics set on high, except fxaa turned off, shaders turned down, lod turned down, and character models turned down. I can run everything on high in most pve zones, but find that my current settings(as listed above) are a nice middle road setting for all aspects of the game.
If I run high graphic levels, I have to be sure to turn things down before getting into wvw or large zerg pve events. So the middle of the road settings I use above seem to work well without hurting the graphics much.
Mmo players with a screw loose vs mmo players with two screws loose. All very important stuff.
I’ve never had an issue except during the Karka event back in the day. But I do have a pretty up-to-date computer. No frame degeneration even with a raid of people spamming special effects.
Visuals all set to max.
I decided to limit the fps to 60 with vertical sync. Without it, stays between 80-140 depending on the place. Besides that, events like maw, drops the fps to 10-8, which is kinda interesting because not even 2 zergs clashing, sometimes 3, on wvw makes the fps drop that much.
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle
Pushing 200 most of the time, but ocassionally getting 40-70 depending on area and number of people on screen at once. I also have a highend rig, asus gtx 970, i7-4790k, 8gbs of ram, @1080p.
Reading this I feel that either my CPU or the fact I play ‘Borderless Windowed’ is keeping my FPS down. Because we have equal GPUs and the same amount of RAM, but your CPU is better.
I figured a i7-3770k overclocked to 4,5Ghz should be plenty though, but during events such as Tequatl I still drop all the way to 20FPS on average, which is way lower than your estimated 40-70 FPS.
Are you running the game on the absolute highest graphics settings? Because I am (except for super-sampling, I’m not using that).
with my 5-7 year old pc my frame rate varies way to much that i have resorted to limiting it to 30fps which is fine, never going under that unless i am near alot of people or in a big event then i will go down to 20 and under. Can’t wait till the end of the year when i get me a new pc, getting tired of this old set up.
Im using some old-ish hardware and get about 60 fps in pve zones unless at a big boss or if there are lots of other people around. That is with everything at max except supersampling.
HD 7950
8gb ram
I run 2 780’s in SLI I never get them up to 100%, same for my i7 3930K Hex core (using Asus Rampage IV extreme both cards in a PCI-E 16x v3.0 slot on 16x AND PCI-E v3.0 enabled in windows 7, using NVidia RGB full range… No DSR
In area’s where I’m alone (no NPC’s no ppl) I get up to 170-210 FPS
In area’s where I’m with NPC’s I get up to 150 FPS
In area’s wehre I’m with players I get up to 120 FPS
In area’s with A lot of combat with NPC’s I get to 100 FPS
In area’s whee I’m in combat with a few players (allied) I get up to 80 FPS
In area’s whee I’m in combat with a few players (allied) I get up to 50-75 FPS
In area’s where I gget in combat with a (smaller) group I get up to 50-65 FPS
In cities with a lot of people I get up to 40-65 FPS.
In WVW zerk vs zerg combat I get up to 30-45 FPS, (Z vs Z vs Z 22-35)
In Boss events with a full map I get up to 18-25 (maybe 30) FPS
This is on max settings and Highes/Highest in ALL cases, with supersample, no v-sync
CPU is 30-40% max (say it means I have 4-5 cores active)
GPU is 50-65% max
Generally my GPU’s are capped at 60 FPS, Alse I’ll pay premium for the electricity…
Huge amounts of players , then heavy use of particle effects and full reflections tend to matter most in FPS lowering.
Engine is main bottleneck, not hardware. trust me.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)
General – 60
World Bosses – 40-50
Maw – 20-40
I put anti aliasing on via NVidia inspector
I used to get 15-20 fps on the lowest settings.
Now I do about 160 fps on ultra high and about 60 fps in zergs.
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
I used to get 15-20 fps on the lowest settings.
Now I do about 160 fps on ultra high and about 60 fps in zergs.
You have an i7 5960x? Cuz a guildie has it and barely gets 60fps in zergs :P
I have perma 60fps except WvW zergs where i go down to about 30.
i7 4770k @ 4,9Ghz
2400Mhz ddr3 ram @ XMP
Usually from 10 to 40.
CPU is 30-40% max (say it means I have 4-5 cores active)
Engine is main bottleneck, not hardware. trust me.
Does Guild Wars 2 even use more than 4 cores? Up until recently most games didn’t even utilize more than 2 cores, nevermind more than 4. Unless GW2 uses 4 cores and the 5th is used by Windows or other programs, but that seems unlikely to me because usually the back cores won’t get used unless the front cores are already under a heavy load. 30-40% isn’t that heavy.
And I agree that the game’s engine is clearly the bottleneck. I seriously have to question the honesty of some people here who post that they’re getting 70+ FPS in heavy zerg fights such as Tequatl. That simply doesn’t seem possible to me. I’d like to see them post their rig’s specs here and the graphical settings they’re playing on.
Not big on zergs. But around 50 in LA or DR; out in the country with not much going on, I’ve seen about 190.
SoundblasterZ AsusX99Pro 512GBM2SSD 1TBSSD
3TBHDD 16gbRAM Corsair900D Win10Pro Corsair rmi1000w ethernet 100 down, 6 up
59 (i capped it at 59 because 60 is too mainstream) in LA and DR with quite a few people running around. 15-30 in wvw blobs. Character model limit and quality at medium. All other settings set to high.
i5-4570, R9 270 (overclocked to r9 270x), 8 gb ram (4×2)