How's GW2 nowadays?
In some ways its a bit better, others not so much.
In some ways its a bit better, others not so much.
Can you go into detail?
So the new patch is out. Yay. I took a break a few months ago however I did log in for an hour or so just to try out SAB because I missed it the first time. Didn’t like it. How are things with the game now since Colin left? Is it still dark in the tunnel or is the sun shining on our face yet?
Depends why you thought you were in a dark tunnel. What didn’t you like before? What did you like? ANet adjusted a lot of small-but-annoying things, which turn out to be significant in allowing us to focus on the fun stuff. However, as you can imagine, some people aren’t impressed.
I’m a Spvp player lol. I hate the fact that we have yet to get a new map for conquest or a new mode other than the ONE we got. It’s been how long since release? Little to no maps and modes? Really? No new dungeons for PvE? Not raids, dungeons. No new race. Thanks for the raids I guess…
Grindy if you want anything high-end, not really any way to get anything other than grinding the heck out of content you’ve done over and over again.
I remember liking the game but I came back recently and I don’t seem to be able to get into it at all.
I might give that Black Desert a try.
In some ways its a bit better, others not so much.
Can you go into detail?
Basically Hot is a Nightmare, a nasty AoE, nightmare, the rest of the game is ok though.
There’s no new content. If you left, like me, because you were tired of waiting for LS3, there’s very little for you here. I decided to come back and give fractals another go. After 4 months away, they are fun to go back to. Cliffside is so much better now.
Yeah i too wonder when we’ll finally get as much as news that they’re working on LS3. I love maguuma maps (both desert and jungle). Really hoping for some new additions to the zone via LS before it takes us to the new x-pac themed regions.
In some ways its a bit better, others not so much.
Can you go into detail?
Basically Hot is a Nightmare, a nasty AoE, nightmare, the rest of the game is ok though.
HOT is a fairly challenging loot bonanza these days. It should be, it’s open world end game.
GW 2 is fine.People who play it,on the other hand…
You have 10 people,and each person has its own view on game.
One wants this
Another laugh at him because in his opinion,what he wants is more important
Third one laugh at both of them,because he,as the second one,think what he wants is most important
So,you have people,hating and insulting each other,because everyone thinks what he want,should be priority in game…
Now,some people complain about how HoT maps are designed.Indeed,you have 4 maps,and main thing is meta event.I am sure as hell,i do not want my game time to be based on meta events,as long as i play this game.
Some people think they should add maps with “Hearts” ,and i find that ok,since that’s something they want,but they do not realize they would finish all 4 maps under 2 hours.
Some people ask for S3 story,and that’s ok too,even if they would finish it in one day.
What game needs in my opinion,is something really new.But in order to do that,they(Arena Net) need to hire someone specifically for that.
These people who works atm,props to them,they did great things,but…
In past 5 months,they add 2 type of Black Lion skins,which looks almost same,and what’s even worse,ugly.Not just in my opinion,but in opinion of many.
You have 2 more,Spectral and Merciless.
Outfits they add,i really haven’t seen single person wearing Lyssa’s Regalia,Ironclad Outfit,Nature’s Oath Outfit or Slayer’s Outfit.
True,there’s some people like those outfits,but they are minority.When Lunatic Guard Outfit came out,everyone was using it,because it was really good looking outfit.
New armor sets Bladed and Leystone,wont even talk about those.
Now,as i said,game need something new and refreshing.I am sick of those one oversized shoulder sets,and 10 meters long greatswords.
I really hope and praise to God,for new expansion without new 4 meta events/jumping puzzle based maps.
What i would like to see in next expansion is new weapons,as long with new weapon skills.
Great axe
Spear (as ground weapon)
Actual good looking guns and rifles(Now,every gun and riffle looks almost same)
And new looking and cool armors and skins,with possibility to mix with outfits.
I would like to see new dungeons,couple of them actually,but not 3 paths,rather 3 dungeons with x paths each.
And new maps,with some actual happening on them.Underground this time,if possible.
As for events on maps,if there has to be some,please then make it better than killing roots and dragons please.Make some mobs,using actual spells,like those in pvp lobby or something…you can use your imagination,you made game like this,you can think something off.
GW 2 is fine.People who play it,on the other hand…
You have 10 people,and each person has its own view on game.
One wants this
Another laugh at him because in his opinion,what he wants is more important
Third one laugh at both of them,because he,as the second one,think what he wants is most important
So,you have people,hating and insulting each other,because everyone thinks what he want,should be priority in game…
Now,some people complain about how HoT maps are designed.Indeed,you have 4 maps,and main thing is meta event.I am sure as hell,i do not want my game time to be based on meta events,as long as i play this game.
Some people think they should add maps with “Hearts” ,and i find that ok,since that’s something they want,but they do not realize they would finish all 4 maps under 2 hours.
Some people ask for S3 story,and that’s ok too,even if they would finish it in one day.
What game needs in my opinion,is something really new.But in order to do that,they(Arena Net) need to hire someone specifically for that.
These people who works atm,props to them,they did great things,but…
In past 5 months,they add 2 type of Black Lion skins,which looks almost same,and what’s even worse,ugly.Not just in my opinion,but in opinion of many.
You have 2 more,Spectral and Merciless.
Outfits they add,i really haven’t seen single person wearing Lyssa’s Regalia,Ironclad Outfit,Nature’s Oath Outfit or Slayer’s Outfit.
True,there’s some people like those outfits,but they are minority.When Lunatic Guard Outfit came out,everyone was using it,because it was really good looking outfit.
New armor sets Bladed and Leystone,wont even talk about those.
Now,as i said,game need something new and refreshing.I am sick of those one oversized shoulder sets,and 10 meters long greatswords.
I really hope and praise to God,for new expansion without new 4 meta events/jumping puzzle based maps.
What i would like to see in next expansion is new weapons,as long with new weapon skills.
Great axe
Spear (as ground weapon)
Actual good looking guns and rifles(Now,every gun and riffle looks almost same)
And new looking and cool armors and skins,with possibility to mix with outfits.
I would like to see new dungeons,couple of them actually,but not 3 paths,rather 3 dungeons with x paths each.
And new maps,with some actual happening on them.Underground this time,if possible.
As for events on maps,if there has to be some,please then make it better than killing roots and dragons please.Make some mobs,using actual spells,like those in pvp lobby or something…you can use your imagination,you made game like this,you can think something off.
I hear what you are saying here. It can be tough to find concensus on anything in the human race, there are a lot of us (maybe to many) and we rarely all agree on the same things.
In saying that I think the part you are talking about hiring someone to create unique content is a bit off base and part of the professional worlds problem as a whole right now.
I work in the professional world and the company I work for (very large medical company) does the same thing. They expect to little out of staff we already have and always try to hire in the next best thing. It fails most of the time. What they should do is what this company should do; Expect more out of the talent they already pay.
The companies that succeed the most either do something that is always the same people must have or they are constantly changing. I prefer the latter myself and I think that part of the issue is that not enough changes go on internally at ANET. They don’t need to fire and hire fast they need to set high standards or creativity and testing. Those two things alone could keep this game rolling for years.
Of course they need to add new talent and think in new directions, but if the existing talent is washed up as harsh as this sounds they need to find a new thing in their careers to get excited about at this company or move on and make room for those new ideas in a more organic way. That transition is much less painful and minimizes set backs over talent voids. My job is very stressful because the monster I work for doesn’t often realize this and lets greed get in the way of reason.
Then again what do I know.
How’s GW2 nowadays?
Fun Fun Fun Fun!
I love gliding everywhere I want to go, The AB maps are more engaging for me, and so many things still out there for me to discover and explore!
With the recent update- I recieved a free shareable bag slot, and FINALLY leveled my cute Asura ranger to druid!
Run around the maps some, there are happy people in game to ask your question to also
I have a pet- I am a Ranger.
I have Avatar of Balthazar- I am a Dervish.
ANet declared dungeon development was over nearly two years ago, waiting for a new dungeon still is just silly. They aren’t making anymore, they are working on fractals instead. They did however restore some of the dungeon rewards they took away when HoT launched and added a repeatable achievement that pays 5 gold for every 8 unique paths completed.
OP, go read the patch notes from this week if you are looking for what changed for a particular play mode including sPvP.
RIP City of Heroes
My advice to anyone posting in the forums asking how the state of the game is – log in and see for yourself if you want an unbiased view of how better or worse it might be fore you.
The forums are a good source of constructive criticism and information, but more critical people than positive people tend to use the forums. (On the count that the people who really love the game are playing it and not complaining!)
My advice to anyone posting in the forums asking how the state of the game is – log in and see for yourself if you want an unbiased view of how better or worse it might be fore you.
The forums are a good source of constructive criticism and information, but more critical people than positive people tend to use the forums. (On the count that the people who really love the game are playing it and not complaining!)
I reinstalled Guildwars 2 yesterday because i added the 64bit exe (why it made me install i still have no idea) but it took a good 12 hours to reinstall..
Its a lot easier to ask here than wait 12 hours for a game to download.
I reinstalled Guildwars 2 yesterday because i added the 64bit exe (why it made me install i still have no idea) but it took a good 12 hours to reinstall..
Its a lot easier to ask here than wait 12 hours for a game to download.
If you still have the 32-bit client installed, it should still work just fine. I switched to the 64-bit client because it reduces some crashes, but all I had to do was drop the 64-bit executable in with my 32-bit files and run it instead. I can run either one.
It uses the same .dat file as the 32-bit client, so the download should be rather small. (Like, 28MB for the client, 25GB for the GW2.dat)
That doesn’t help if you previously uninstalled / deleted all of the old game files, but if you still have them around, you can save yourself a lot of downloading.
Still better than any other MMO I’ve tried. Despite the lack of new content right now, and the annoyances that came with HoT, the game still does more right than other MMOs manage to do, and they at least listen to us at times.
It’s what you make of it.
… The human race would never have to worry about be oppressed again.”
I think trolls should have their computers smashed. ’Its all part of the game. U mad bro?’
So the new patch is out. Yay. I took a break a few months ago however I did log in for an hour or so just to try out SAB because I missed it the first time. Didn’t like it. How are things with the game now since Colin left? Is it still dark in the tunnel or is the sun shining on our face yet?
I haven’t tried everything they patched (by far) but it sure seems like they tried to address most of the things that bothered folks. They tried to make dungeons worth running again. They made the HoT zones easier to navigate (some WPs no longer get contested, some trash mob adjustments). They also changed the HoT reward system so you don’t get so locked into a 2 hour track to get full rewards. Also made adventures less locked and I think easier. Lots of class balance updates.
I’d say it is worth looking at it again. Even if they didn’t change everything you did not like, they are clearly trying to listen to the player base and do something about concerns. One of the reasons I took a break after HoT was the feeling that Anet did not care at all about the things in HoT that really bothered me. There’s way too much contradictory player input for devs to address everything. All I ask for is that they listen and make some attempts to address the things that seem to bother the player base as a whole the most.