How's the game been?
I retired at level 42. None of the things that I liked and made me play guild wars 1 are in this game. I wont be recommending it to anyone. Hopefully the cash shop turns into a big flop and Anets attempts at getting rich by disgracing the oringal game fail bigtime.
Prices of precursors have probably shot up because of:
- Demand. As more people reach level 80 and start to think about getting precursors, the demand goes up.
- Gold sellers. Getting enough gold for a precursor via gems is not practical. Most of the people who can afford such high prices would have bought their gold from a gold seller. The other path to great riches is playing the TP successfully, but I imagine only a small percentage of players actually manage to do it.
As for people losing interest, I imagine that there is a large chunk of players who bought GW2 due to hype/being a fan of GW1/whatever, who have since discovered the game is not to their tastes. This is expected and normal. After the initial drop in population, we’ll see how GW2 manages over the long term – whether it can attract new players now that everyone knows what the game is about, to balance out the natural rate of people leaving due to finishing the game etc.
As for Orr, its a painful place and few people go their willingly. Now that we have Fractals, there’s a more enjoyable endgame location for most people to play in.
In before someone comes back from holiday vacation to inform us that their 1 server and 1 server only has enough people on all the time to save the game….
Orrs been pretty dead on Tarnished Coast. Occasionally I’ll see some people from the same guild there freeing a temple or two but that’s usually only if they want to buy some piece of karma armor.
I believe that the majority of the players are sitting around in LA spamming FOTM messages. The rest are new and have a few people in the early stages but that drops off significantly once they reach mid level, after that it’s anyone’s guess, or they are older players leveling alts.
The drop rates in open world are horrendous, I can’t imagine why anyone would think that they could keep this game alive by A: requiring everyone do 1 dungeon, because that’s what this game has turned into whether intended or not B: they thought they could make it so difficult to get gold people have basically turned to buying gold from chinese gold farmers because it’s basically easier then trying to wait for the market to get to somewhere decent on gem to gold conversion.
It’s really sad actually. My guild had a ton of people a month ago, now I’m lucky to see 5 people on at the same time besides me.
Plenty of peeps in Orr on Desolation, and my guild experience is the opposite of tigirus’, with more and more of our peeps (mostly ex-WoW) hanging out daily. Somehow, people always think their situation is typical (as he demonstrates with his post).
Just look up a nice med/full server, transfers are still free, don’t think Desolation is the only server with healthy player numbers.
FOTM killed the rest of the Game on my Server. No Queues for Enternal bg and some Borderland-maps are totally empty. The Pve-zones are deserted. The rewards from FOTM are just to good.
They have to bring the rewards for all types of gameplay on approximately one level.
Just playing FOTM gets really boring. I hope that they will bring back the daily zaishen-quests from gw1, it would revive the rest of the game-world.