How to I resume the personal story

How to I resume the personal story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryandrand.8649


I started the Living World Season 2 storyline to help a guild member who was taking part in one of the chapters. As a consequence I finished two of the 8 chapters in the Living World Season 2. Now I want to go back and finish my personal story. I was at chapter 7, “Forming the Pact”, but I can’t see how to resume this story. Is it possible to do this? If not, I am concerned by helping someone else that I have inadvertently compromised my part of the adventure.

How to I resume the personal story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JustTrogdor.7892


Open the Hero panel, click the star shaped icon on the left when moused over reads, “Story Journal”. Continue your personal story.

The Burninator

How to I resume the personal story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: redcomyn.4651


At least 2 of my characters are completely locked out of the personal story. All of my older characters had gone completely through the personal story except for the killing of Zhaitan. I skipped that last one because I have no interest in grouping for a dungeon.

After the change to make it solo, I was able to take 2 of my characters back to the Victory or Death and complete it and kill Zhaitan. But 2 other characters of mine have no access to any part of the personal story. I have absolutely no idea why. What it means is that I will never be able to kill Zhaitan with those characters.

How to I resume the personal story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryandrand.8649


When I go to the story panel, there is a white rectangle with a green star that says “Continue This Story” for Living World Season 2, but there is no box like that for my personal story, which is at “Forming the Pact”. I wonder if I have to finish the World Season 2 sequence first.

How to I resume the personal story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Linken.6345


Then your on your personal story.
If you click to continue this story on living world season 2, you will then get a continue this story on my story instead


How to I resume the personal story

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: redcomyn.4651


Then your on your personal story.
If you click to continue this story on living world season 2, you will then get a continue this story on my story instead

I don’t get that option on 2 (maybe more) of my characters for the personal story. A couple others did. Actually 3 of my characters could do it. I just did it last night with my warrior. So it isn’t a case of my not knowing what to do. The option simply doesn’t exist for those 2 characters.