How to Report "Trolls" in game?

How to Report "Trolls" in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dezarys.1372


Let me clarify.. by troll, I mean someone who seriously ruins the game for many others. NOT someone who acts dumb in chat.

Lately I’ve seen this Guild called “BALL” (it was something like ballin with ballistas… I dont remember their guild name) in World vs. World. I’m not sure if it’s just 1 person or multiple people but I’ve seen different characters in this guild. All these guys do is follow around the commander and literally throw ballistas everywhere causing a mess. If the leader of the pack (the commander) throws down a siege site, this “Troll” will toss as many sites down around the commander’s site so that people will build the ballistas and on the siege site that the commander threw. Now people are wasting their supply on siege that is completely useless in the situation.

Another thing they do is they will throw as many ballistas around a supply camp so players can’t grab supplies or it will take a few minutes for then to grab them. Most players give up on taking supply and run off.

Last thing, these players take all the supply from a tower or keep and they build ballistas everywhere. My guess is that they are from a rival tier 1 server and they are sabotaging Blackgate.

Take note, I am from Blackgate server.

Is there a way to report these types of players? Or is it something Anet will eventually see and get to?

I didn’t know how else to bring up this issue, I figured a forum post might help answer my question.

Guild Leader of Oakvale [Vale]

How to Report "Trolls" in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xephire.8324


Well its their strategy,we have spies in wars and turn coats .Its their way of having fun and it is not violating anything cept kitten ing people off XD.

How to Report "Trolls" in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkace.8925


Well its their strategy,we have spies in wars and turn coats .Its their way of having fun and it is not violating anything cept kitten ing people off XD.

I’m pretty sure griefing IS a violation of the TOS.

How to Report "Trolls" in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: GrandmaFunk.3052


we have spies in wars and turn coats .

The crucial difference is that in wars when you catch a spy or saboteur you can get rid of them. griefers are impossible to deal with.

it’s not a “strategy” if there isn’t any way to counter it.

GamersWithJobs [GWJ]
Northern Shiverpeaks

How to Report "Trolls" in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xephire.8324


we have spies in wars and turn coats .

The crucial difference is that in wars when you catch a spy or saboteur you can get rid of them. griefers are impossible to deal with.

it’s not a “strategy” if there isn’t any way to counter it.

well you can do the same thing to their server

How to Report "Trolls" in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Adine.2184


My guess is that they are from a rival tier 1 server and they are sabotaging Blackgate.

ive seen this kind of thing done on my server and they are indeed sabotaging you . what you need to do is catch them bragging about it and report them .

How to Report "Trolls" in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Buk Buk Bukka.4395

Buk Buk Bukka.4395

it’s not a “strategy” if there isn’t any way to counter it.

I think the idea of a strategy is to eliminate or reduce the amount of “counters” an opposing force has on you.

That being said I don’t think strategy has anything to do with it. They’re just trolling. Get more people on TS. There’s no excuse for people pouring supply into siege the commander or other leading individual hasn’t specifically asked to build.

How to Report "Trolls" in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


we have spies in wars and turn coats .

The crucial difference is that in wars when you catch a spy or saboteur you can get rid of them. griefers are impossible to deal with.

it’s not a “strategy” if there isn’t any way to counter it.

well you can do the same thing to their server

That’s getting even, not counter-play.

How to Report "Trolls" in game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


I think scamming covers some levels of “trolls” but they have to case real harm more then like.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA