How to get Ascended Gear?

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


Okay so I have never crafted or used the mystic forge before. I also don’t plan on using them in the future. Is it still possible for me to acquire ascended gear? I’ve been running fractals(so far up to 9) in the hopes of getting the ring and/or the quiver from a chest or drop. Is this possible? Someone told me the only way to get the quiver is to craft. If that’s true, it doesn’t really seem fair to non-crafters. Can anyone shed some light on this? Thanks.

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Riselight.3695


Yes, you can acquire Ascended Rings in Fractals at level 10 or higher.
You can also craft back items (like the Endless Quiver) in the Mystic Forge, check out for all the backs that are craftable atm

Riselight [WvW] – Elementalist
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


Yes, you can acquire Ascended Rings in Fractals at level 10 or higher.
You can also craft back items (like the Endless Quiver) in the Mystic Forge, check out for all the backs that are craftable atm

Well, like I said I would rather not craft or use the mystic forge, so I assume what you are saying is that it is not possible to get a quiver by running fotm?

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: BroScientist.9875


Okay I looked at the link and it says back items can only either be crafted or acquired by using the mystic forge. Doesn’t really seem fair to users like myself who do not like to do those things. What about hardcore wvw players? pvp’ers? I guess I can understand the outcry over ascended now, especially when the way to get them is so limited.

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Riselight.3695


Yes, you can acquire Ascended Rings in Fractals at level 10 or higher.
You can also craft back items (like the Endless Quiver) in the Mystic Forge, check out for all the backs that are craftable atm

Well, like I said I would rather not craft or use the mystic forge, so I assume what you are saying is that it is not possible to get a quiver by running fotm?

No, not the Quiver. However with the Exotic backs you can buy with Fractal Relics, you can craft an Ascended back that does not require a bunch of T6 mats, it will only cost you Skill Points and items that you also can acquire with Fractal Relics (e.g. Gift of Ascension) and a Vial of Condensed Mists Essence.
But in the end, it’s not possible yet to acquire any Ascended back in Fractals itself

Riselight [WvW] – Elementalist
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Lorana.2468


Quiver/Book back item comes from the Mystic Forge
the Exotic Back from the Fractal dungeon can be upgraded with 0 gold cost into an Ascended back via the Mystic Forge and the Gift of Ascension.
Rings come from Pristine Relics/lvl 10+ daily.

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Jabronee.9465


Yes not Quiver. But if you still need it (of course we all do for the stats) you got to grind 250 T6 Materials & 50 Ectoplasm by killing mobs or by selling loots to buy it.
Plus 24 Skills points to buy 240 Philosopher’s Stone and you gotta FORCE yourself to run Fractals for Vial of Condensed Mists which is a rare RNG drop.
Then throw it all in the Mystic Forge and your Quiver will appear.

OR you could just forget about all the hassle and just live with a lower stat toon.
A Ranger without a Quiver lol just like my alt toon.
Have fun!

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Quiver/Book back item comes from the Mystic Forge
the Exotic Back from the Fractal dungeon can be upgraded with 0 gold cost into an Ascended back via the Mystic Forge and the Gift of Ascension.
Rings come from Pristine Relics/lvl 10+ daily.

how exactly do you get the exotic back from the fractal dungeon? Is it a random drop?

I went to the website and everything I see require like 50 ecto and 250 tier 6 material.

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Dante.1508


I thought we were suppose to get other alternative ways to get these like open world and wvw, this whole ascended gear thing seems very bias to GW2 new dungeon, what if you don’t want to do the FotM dungeon..

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Chuo.4238


I thought we were suppose to get other alternative ways to get these like open world and wvw, this whole ascended gear thing seems very bias to GW2 new dungeon, what if you don’t want to do the FotM dungeon..

Then the only way, for now, is to craft a backpack.

Supposedly there will be more ways to get it in the open world in the future.

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: YourWooWoo.5420


Okay I looked at the link and it says back items can only either be crafted or acquired by using the mystic forge. Doesn’t really seem fair to users like myself who do not like to do those things. What about hardcore wvw players? pvp’ers? I guess I can understand the outcry over ascended now, especially when the way to get them is so limited.

I disagree that this is not fair. If they made multiple ways to get the best of the best gear then it would make the game too easy/boring faster. People would just then exploit the easiest way of obtaining the gear and not do the content that actually requires the gear or where the gear can drop from.

It is just like in WoW (A game which I hate and will forever boycott Blizzard) you have to do certain dungeons or raids to get certain gear. There are some that you have to craft and there are some world drops. All MMO’s are like this.

If you want to have the best gear in the game you should have to be good at the game as well and be able to play all aspects of the game. Yes I know the next response is going to be that someone is a casual player and can’t spend hours grinding something to get the best gear. Well good news! This game is perfect for you! You can play almost every single part of the game without having to have the best of the best gear or spend hours apron hours of grinding. Isn’t this part of why we love this MMO over all others?

Long story short. Not everything will be easily obtainable and the stuff that isn’t easily obtainable is because it is THAT good. The people who have/spend the time to play all of the game and be good at it should be rewarded.

Sorry for the semi-long rant. GL have fun!

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: StinVec.3621


I have no interest in crafting in GW2 (love crafting in all other games, but GW2 crafting is…not to my liking) or ascended armor and weapons, and only have very minimal interest in a few specific things that require the mystic forge.

I’ve only opted to purchase an ascended amulet and two rings from the Laurel Vendor in major cities by spending laurels (from doing dailies/monthlies/achievement milestones). You can get the ascended accessories (earrings?) there as well, but it requires some globs of ectoplasm in addition to laurels so I have no interest in those and got standard exotic accessories from the TP.

Also, back when the achievement chests granted a PvP chest, I had gotten some Badges of Honor. You can get the ascended amulet and rings for fewer laurels at the WvW Laurel Vendor by also spending some badges if you happen to WvW. I do not, so I only opted for the cheaper amulet and rings from there due to having free badges from the old achievement chests.

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(edited by StinVec.3621)

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Duke Darkwood.4237

Duke Darkwood.4237

As an alternate point of view to that given in some of the posts: Unless you’re aiming for high-level Fractals, don’t worry about it. Exotics are still enough for everything else; only the ability to accept Agony Infusions renders ascended gear a necessity for the Fractals of the Mists.

“But it’s still statistically better, doesn’t that mean I need it?”

No. In all PvE content, from world events to dungeons to just roaming around, even the high-level stuff is perfectly doable by someone (or a group, for dungeons or large events) in Level 80 exotics.

In sPvP, your stats will BE Level 80 exotic, no matter what you are wearing.

This leaves only WvW, where you may actually come face to face with some people who have Ascended armor – but that is not as much an advantage as you might fear; you’re almost never in a 1v1 situation, and even if you ever are, it’s still going to be a matter of skill (yours and theirs) more than gear.

If you “truly must” have best-in-slot equipment, you will get it by the game’s rules. But the only “need” you’ll be satisfying is your own. (Unless it’s for Fractals, as I said above.)

How to get Ascended Gear?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: crazy.9083


This thread is a year old..