Starting, this is an opinion through experience running hundred of hours of content.
Please keep this thread focused on the topic at hand, being changes that can be made
The Direction for PvE
The current path that ANET has chosen over the years has been rather depressing both in the eyes of hardcore/elite players and in the eyes of casuals, although the views are probably around half and half for good and bad.
Examples would be they have been catering to every single player qq’ing about content being way to “difficult” or “broken” or throwing down pointless updates that make little to no sense leaving us completely in the dark, nerfing dungeons to practically (force) people to do buy and play HoT content, because their dungeon team split up long ago? (Makes sense)
Tangled Depths still fails regularly albeit doesn’t fail as much as it used to fail, but majority of players that really enjoyed TD for the challenge we are still quite upset with the nerf. We as a community lead a lot of TD post nerf, it was exciting to teach people and to help people gain their collections, it was a community effort not just guilds running guilds.
Sure the scaling was horrible at first I will admit it, but NOT for the gerents, just side events (spores) the pre-events bugging and people not receiving their rewards, Rata novus killing on phase 1 bug, Nuhoch being 100% poisoned with 10 stacks, etc.
The only reason why people fail and or failed current and post nerf TD is because they do not know how to play. Straight forward and to the point, people do not know how to burst fury ele, they do not know how to rotate, they do not know how to combo field, they just press skills this is not just my opinion this is a fact from personal experience running with people that just spam 1-0 because “I like this build better”
The same could be said for past content, be it Triple Trouble the Evolved Jungle Wurms or even Tequatl the Sunless.
So far with HoT it’s been rather disappointing Dragon Stand was a huge letdown the actual content itself is boring, repetitive and just lacking any real challenge now that they have nerfed everything aside from RAIDS.
Rewards for the time spent doing these events are not even worth doing.
Anet also had high hopes for raids, being their most “challenging” content due to difficulty we have experienced raids as a community for ourselves and it honestly has yet to be difficult it’s just a time sink and a DPS race. The mechanics take some time to learn and after that it’s just having people know their rotations to actually win in the time limit provided.
You then have people who are elites, selling runs to the public who are incapable of doing the content themselves paying them for hundreds and hundreds of gold.
I don’t see how making a timer on something as trivial as learning mechanics is so important to you but that’s how GW2 has also been, timer this, timer that.
I would say though that for the future raids actually put some effort into it, I would argue that a better way to improve raiding to be more challenging would be to add in a system like instabilities where if you kitten up you gain a perma instability or just run the entire raid with every single fractal instability added onto you, that would be a challenge.
The Balance
We still find it completely absurd that they put out an Expansion, Leagues for PvP and all this other stuff practically forcing players again to stop literally stop what they are doing specifically in PvP or WvW an jump on the bandwagon to have any form of a chance against Heralds, Chronomancers, Bunker Tempests, Trap DH and every other class that got buffed leaving the poor thieves and warriors to fend for themselves completely changing the META, and all while still having not done a single thing to BALANCE everything, except for changing the Mesmer precog well, everything aside from this currently is in the same state be it PvE/PvP or WvW.
ANET asks all the time in their own posts “How can we make this content better?”
My answer would be to stop making the decisions for yourselves and actually listen to your community, get into a lot more of the community runs, if it is a world event if you were to bring more content like the Twisted Marionette (please yes god) then actually participate in a large portion of the community runs and ask us for our individual opinions, possible give us polls to vote on while giving our own comments directly to you, for you to look over and then make the right decisions.
I get it you’re a company you want money to support yourselves and make more content, but listen to your community fully don’t just hear a few words left and right saying “make it easier” and then make that decision to do so.
We understand it Anet you need money and this is a sure as hell good way to scheme people into having no other choice to either BUY or QUIT.
But honestly I am not too upset because this is reality, you can’t have GW2 without payments and you can’t have payments without content being sold.
Sure we can’t tell you how to do your jobs, but we as a community can help lead you towards a more exciting future for guild wars 2, stop leaving us in the dark, actually communicate with us, let us know what you’re doing to the extent that we can actually give our opinions before you throw content/patches/nerfs out at us.