How to make Gold

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ferhat Rock.9431

Ferhat Rock.9431


Ive been playin for 2 years , i’ve never had more than 200 gold.
I want to get a elgendary but I honestly dont know how to make gold, so I was wondering if any fellow players got any decent methods to make me some gold.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954



Ive been playin for 2 years , i’ve never had more than 200 gold.
I want to get a elgendary but I honestly dont know how to make gold, so I was wondering if any fellow players got any decent methods to make me some gold.

Your queston should be:“How do I stop myself from spending gold.”

That seems to be more your problem.

Otherwise just play the game. If you do have an more expensive playstyle you might try some of the following though:

- farm Silverwastes, Dry Top, Auric Basin or t2-5 materials
- use sell orders instead of instant selling
- do fractal dailies
- play pvp and use reward tracks that give decent rewards

But again, it’s not your gold gain you’ll want to work on. Make sure you stop spending gold in the first place.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ToT.7018


Perfectly put Cyninja.
When guildies ask the same question i always say my number one rule is DONT spend it, it’s surprising how quickly gold does mount up.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ferhat Rock.9431

Ferhat Rock.9431


Ive been playin for 2 years , i’ve never had more than 200 gold.
I want to get a elgendary but I honestly dont know how to make gold, so I was wondering if any fellow players got any decent methods to make me some gold.

Your queston should be:“How do I stop myself from spending gold.”

That seems to be more your problem.

Otherwise just play the game. If you do have an more expensive playstyle you might try some of the following though:

- farm Silverwastes, Dry Top, Auric Basin or t2-5 materials
- use sell orders instead of instant selling
- do fractal dailies
- play pvp and use reward tracks that give decent rewards

But again, it’s not your gold gain you’ll want to work on. Make sure you stop spending gold in the first place.

I will try to lessen my spending, but I dont have much gold to spend anyway.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954



Ive been playin for 2 years , i’ve never had more than 200 gold.
I want to get a elgendary but I honestly dont know how to make gold, so I was wondering if any fellow players got any decent methods to make me some gold.

Your queston should be:“How do I stop myself from spending gold.”

That seems to be more your problem.

Otherwise just play the game. If you do have an more expensive playstyle you might try some of the following though:

- farm Silverwastes, Dry Top, Auric Basin or t2-5 materials
- use sell orders instead of instant selling
- do fractal dailies
- play pvp and use reward tracks that give decent rewards

But again, it’s not your gold gain you’ll want to work on. Make sure you stop spending gold in the first place.

I will try to lessen my spending, but I dont have much gold to spend anyway.

I’ve had the same issues in the past.

Then once you notice you don’t HAVE to spend gold on every single shiny or flavor of the day item, boom, gold starts piling up.

Also make sure to set appropriate longterm goals. Getting that Precursor collection done in 3 days is tempting, but spreading it out over 3 months is way more enjoyable. That being said, if you have the appropriate crafters, craft daily ascended materials and sell them (remember, right after reset prices usually drop since people make and sell them. 3-4 hours before reset they usual are at their peak price).

Finally, make a profile at gw2efficiency and check your bank/material storage. See if there is any high value items you can sell. Everytime I clear house every 1-2 weeks, I usually pull an easy 80-120g just from collected materials.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ToT.7018


Even if you did Tequatl every day Ferhat Rock, that’s guaranteed 2g + 3 rares and mats, adding that up over just one week is probably as least 20g.
The new hot mats are very good to especially for harvesting nodes, i harvested a mussle last night and got some sort of pearl that was almost worth 5g.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tapioca.9062


The way the economy is at the moment, it’s very much a seller’s market. Mats are crazy expensive, even your basic T1 mats will fetch good gold, and the T2 mats even moreso. I haven’t seen iron this expensive since the game launched and almost everybody was crafting and hitting the iron bottleneck. Soft wood planks were also running around 20s a pop last time I checked. Every time you run past a soft wood tree you’re essentially costing yourself 20s.

Rummage through your mat banks and look at what you can spare and sell. In the past week I’ve made roughly 900g? The lion’s share of that was from liquidating mats that I don’t need but a good chunk of it was from harvesting, selling and running events. Do Teq every day, harvest everything you can, sell what you don’t need and don’t spend your money on things that don’t further your goal.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: thehipone.6812


1) Gather. Easy 10 gold/hr and an efficient route should net 15+.
2) Stop spending until you have enough to achieve whatever your goal is
3) Sell off unwanted mats

For 3, use the account feature of to see how much you have in various mats. The easiest way is to go to the account search page and set the filter to crafting material. Prepare to be amazed by things like “WTF I have 40 gold worth of snow truffles?” or the fact that you have a pile of gold in low tier shards and fragments.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Manasa Devi.7958

Manasa Devi.7958

You take 250 parts silver, add 1 part gold, stir in toilet bowl for a minute. Add 4 philosopher’s stones while stirring, all 4 at the same time. Sprinkle generously with 5 parts of radiant dust. Flush the toilet. Gold!

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: NiloyBardhan.9170


If you’re good at using LFG to hop maps efficiently and quickly, SW is still the best IMHO. In an ideal situation, you can do 3 breach (tagging atleast 3 champs) + VW .(tagging all the champs) in an hour which is around ~20+ gold, depending if you wanna open up the bags on a level 80 or a 52 character.

Other alternative for open world farming is Cursed Shore.

14 80s – Niloy Bardhan (warr) ¦ Cute Asura Niloy (guard) ¦ Madhumita Bardhan (ele)
“Owner of the rarest items in Tyria” Legendary collector 8/5 – 300% base MF
Yak’s Bend website – (temporary) #YakForever #YB4LYFE

(edited by NiloyBardhan.9170)

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Samnang.1879


I honestly have no idea, besides grinding like a robot.

And I don’t like that kind of play. I need to do what I love doing in the game, at the moment is raiding… I don’t even get any gold from doing it besides the 4g weekly lol. Being forced to grind boring maps for gold is not my style.

I also tried to do “TP flipping” one time, because I heard people made 1k in a day from flipping stuffs. But for me, I lost like 10g from flipping stuffs… lol… I just suck at that sort of thing.

Please nerf bag types instead of class skills!

(edited by Samnang.1879)

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


Just wanted to echo the “stop spending gold” message. Every coin not spent is one you don’t have to earn. If you want that house/car/holiday quicker then drink less beer.

Tag a bit of casual farming onto your day. Wherever the PVE dailies take me I spend a few extra minutes harvesting wood and ore, a bit more if I’m in a level 15-25 area. Any wood except green wood is good atm, with softwood being particularly lucrative. The reason is the crazy 14g-15g that one spiritwood plank currently fetches. If you can craft one, so much the better. If not, then the players that can are buying the mats they need. Same applies to ores and the Deldrimor Steel, although at a lower price (around 8g).

The great thing about stuff like softwood is it can be farmed by low-level alts if you fancy a change and the mobs can mostly be ignored. If you want to get hardcore then efficient map routes can be found at dulfy but that gets boring very quickly.

Whatever you choose to farm, try not to think about these two things:

1. Why does the game make you hunt around for tiny saplings to harvest when there are huge kitten trees everywhere? Cut down and process one of those suckers and the global wood shortage is over.

2. Why aren’t gold ingots worth about a 1000 gold coins each. Are they made of a different type of gold or something?

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fireflyry.7023


Farm Silver Wastes.

If your having adventurer problems I feel bad for you son, I dodged 99 arrows till my knee took one.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Grim West.3194

Grim West.3194

Farming mats is the easiest way. Not the fastest, and a bit of a chore but it works.

Farming Silverwaste’s events/chests use to be ok. But I haven’t done that since before HoT. From what I’ve read it still is good though.

Playing the AH works and is potentially more lucrative, but you have to understand the market. That takes a bunch of study time.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cakemeister.5792


Jaka Itzel flax, Gallowfields rich iron, Loreclaw potatoes, Helliot mine rich iron. Fast and easy. I do these on 9 alts every day, it only takes about 8 minutes per alt, a lot of which is loading time. Also, sometimes I will gather platinum where Golem spawns in the Whitland Flats, if there are two rich platinum there. Sometimes it’s just one and I skip it.

I wonder if putting the game on a fast NVME SSD will speed up load times. Currently my operating system is on a serial ATA SSD but the game is on a standard magnetic disk.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wazzouf.2748


If you wanna make only a few golds per day= Farm
If you wanna make a huge amount of gold per day = Flip the Trading Post

I flip the Trading Post and I make between 50-125g/day but it’s not easy and you’ll have to find your niche market because nobody is gonna tell you.

To get started flipping consist in ordering an item at low price and resell it for a profit.
Keep in mind that when you sell an item there is a 5% listing fee and 10% tax when you sell. So if you wanna make profit make sure that (selling price x 0.85 = more than you paid for the item).

Ex: I ordered and item for 50 coppers and people are selling it 1 silver
(1 × 0.85 = 85 coppers) so (85 copper – 50 = 35 coppers profit) it doesn’t look like a huge profit but when you buy 250 units of that item it gives you 87 silvers straight in your pockets.

Do not throw all your money into 1 item, diversification is the key!

You can find multiple tools online that for exemple scan the auction house and list items that are worth flipping because of the high profit, but the most important thing in flipping is to invest in items that will resell easily, don’t throw you money on a item that nobody needs.

Cheers and have fun getting rich.

(edited by Wazzouf.2748)

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


If you wanna make only a few golds per day= Farm
If you wanna make a huge amount of gold per day = Flip the Trading Post

I flip the Trading Post and I make between 50-125g/day but it’s not easy and you’ll have to find your niche market because nobody is gonna tell you.

To get started flipping consist in ordering an item at low price and resell it for a profit.
Keep in mind that when you sell an item there is a 5% listing fee and 10% tax when you sell. So if you wanna make profit make sure that (selling price x 0.85 = more than you paid for the item).

Ex: I ordered and item for 50 coppers and people are selling it 1 silver
(1 × 0.85 = 85 coppers) so (85 copper – 50 = 35 coppers profit) it doesn’t look like a huge profit but when you buy 250 units of that item it gives you 87 silvers straight in your pockets.

Do not throw all your money into 1 item, diversification is the key!

You can find multiple tools online that for exemple scan the auction house and list items that are worth flipping because of the high profit, but the most important thing in flipping is to invest in items that will resell easily, don’t throw you money on a item that nobody needs.

Cheers and have fun getting rich.

Or more exact, likely throwing a lot of gold down the toilet since doing this kind of thing half-a***ed will cost you a lot of gold.

People willing or interested in TP flipping will pick it up naturally. Suggesting it to players who are already strugling to make ends meet is like offering a heroin addict a crackpipe at a discount so he can “get off the stuff”.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dayra.7405


2. Why aren’t gold ingots worth about a 1000 gold coins each. Are they made of a different type of gold or something?

Oh that one is easy to explain, it’s called right of coinage and since ever this is the privilege of the rulers and/or most powerful traders and bankers. At most times in most regions of most worlds they collect your head, if you violate their right. And this makes up the value difference. Same in Tyria, right of coinage is with the Black-lion tradin company a 100% subsidiary of ANet, and if you violate it Evon Gnashblade personally give you the kick that let you exit the world.

On earth 1000€ are much more valuable than the material the note is made of. 10’000€ on you bank account have 0 material value, they are just a few bits in a few computers and the shared believe that this has a value. The same is true in Tyria the Gold-Coin is much more worthy than the Gold it is made of.

In Tyria you see the real value of gold as a material used only for a bit coinage, a bit jewelery making (and on earth also a few industrial processes like chips, mirrored-glass, …), if it value is not supported by strong superstition resulting from the historical Gold-Standard as on Earth. On Earth as on Tyria: production is much higher than demand, the intrinsic value is/should be very low.

Ceterum censeo SFR esse delendam!

(edited by Dayra.7405)

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nausicca.6038


Kill people in WvW, they drop precursors.

Seriously, gathering and MF for t2-4 cloth/leather will give a lot of money.


How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tuck.2719


Get a (real life) side job. Buy gold with gems. Gold is currently about 10 gold per dollar. A minimum wage job in my state will earn you about 100g/hr. That’s about 5x more effective than the stated Silverwastes rate.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jitsuryoku.9038


You were never meant to get a legendary by PLAYING. The idea was for you to buy gems, convert to gold and THEN buy precursors from people who were lucky enough to get it.

Silverwastes, champ trains and other farming methods were kind of like bugs that they didn’t expect to happen and they are fixing them by making each of the farmable items much more common to the point where their value is too low for anyone to consider farming.

That aside, you can now farm gold by flipping items on the market, doing fast fractals for chance of exotics and lodestones and….yeah that’s it… That’s all i know. Look up the specifics yourself.

Now go and flip the market to the point where nothing is affordable! I can’t wait until this economy crashes.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenos Osgorma.2936

Zenos Osgorma.2936

major gold sink is buying food / Utility items for dungeons or Random Event roaming / command tag farming.

some foods Really rack up a gold sink so only buy the best duration foods for the cheapest costs like 20s for 1 hour ect or use Foods that grant 10% extra gold , ontop of using Gold ./ magic find banners from Guild tokens after focusing on extra gold you’d get 20-30% more gold if you include account ap bonuses.

though again tally up the costs vs the time , though generaly boosting magic find as well does not do much in terms of gold income not worth the magic find food costs .

check the TP and sell any Greens that go for more than 3-4s as those items sell for more than the Savlvaged items you’d get from them most of the time its mithril ore at lvl 80 or elder wood / leather scraps or rugged .

look up Superior siege weapons recipe : if you have a lot of skills points spare and no longer require skill points , you can use those to make Superior weapons , by the cheapest blue prints and craft in the forge.

be sure to check which superior weapon sells for more and if those base blue prints tally up to 1/3rd the cost of the superior weapon that way each one you craft you’d gain 1/3 profit per one sold and gold left over to Duplicate / replace.

(WARNING this can be time consuming and some times not worth it do Calculate the cost of each material vs the finished product.) i made enough gold in a month to buy / fund most of my material purchases for Howl and craft howler , its the cheapest of the legendarys but its a great way of building up Trade post income.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chip Skylark.2367

Chip Skylark.2367

I have not been playing for terribly long, but if I saved up all my gold since the day I started, I would probably have enough for a precursor.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jitsuryoku.9038


I have not been playing for terribly long, but if I saved up all my gold since the day I started, I would probably have enough for a precursor.

If you really haven’t been playing long and you saved all your gold since you started you would probably have 1 lvl 80 cleric exotic and 3 lvl 78 exotics with carrion and assassin’s stats and the other items would be rares with random stats.

That aside a lot of legendaries need at least 1 crafting at…. 400+ I think, which, at current prices coupled with second part of legendary would cost you probably double or tripple of the precursor (which is much harder to farm now).

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I haven’t login for quite a while. So I don’t know the market now.

But if you just do 1 teq a day for 50 days. Do dailys for 90 days. Spend 20-40 hours doing map completion. You can make 1 legendary.

Assume the profit for legendary is 800? You can make 800 gold in less than 30 hours.

So on average you just need to spend 15minutes * 50 = roughly 13 hours doing teq.
1 gift of exploration = half map completion = 10-20 hours.
and do your daily every day.

The catch is most of the time you need to afk for teq. And in order to make legendary. You need to already have money. And for some doing map completion is not fun.

Also if you have multiple accounts. For example a note book and computer. You can do teq and get karma on multiple account. And farm much faster. That being said if you have multiple account. You can just farm monster and make money faster too. Basically multiple account = farming money faster.

I think someone mentioned you make good money from crafting dailys so do that too.

I used to make 10 gold per hour just mining rich iron and platinum ore. By the look at market right now if you have a sprocket pick. You can make at least 15 gold per hour. The catch is you can only farm rich ore once per day. So you need many account if you want to harvest for a long time.

Also, TP flipping is probably the best way to make money. I don’t flip much, unless it is long term investment. So I dont’ know much about it besides buy holiday events item and sell it after the events is over.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wazzouf.2748


If you wanna make only a few golds per day= Farm
If you wanna make a huge amount of gold per day = Flip the Trading Post

I flip the Trading Post and I make between 50-125g/day but it’s not easy and you’ll have to find your niche market because nobody is gonna tell you.

To get started flipping consist in ordering an item at low price and resell it for a profit.
Keep in mind that when you sell an item there is a 5% listing fee and 10% tax when you sell. So if you wanna make profit make sure that (selling price x 0.85 = more than you paid for the item).

Ex: I ordered and item for 50 coppers and people are selling it 1 silver
(1 × 0.85 = 85 coppers) so (85 copper – 50 = 35 coppers profit) it doesn’t look like a huge profit but when you buy 250 units of that item it gives you 87 silvers straight in your pockets.

Do not throw all your money into 1 item, diversification is the key!

You can find multiple tools online that for exemple scan the auction house and list items that are worth flipping because of the high profit, but the most important thing in flipping is to invest in items that will resell easily, don’t throw you money on a item that nobody needs.

Cheers and have fun getting rich.

Or more exact, likely throwing a lot of gold down the toilet since doing this kind of thing half-a***ed will cost you a lot of gold.

People willing or interested in TP flipping will pick it up naturally. Suggesting it to players who are already strugling to make ends meet is like offering a heroin addict a crackpipe at a discount so he can “get off the stuff”.

This is probably the dumbest thing I ever heard, maybe you tried flipping in the past but didn’t make it work because you simply don’t know how to do it but do not turn people off. The only thing you have to do is to read about it online and find what people are actually buying. Pretty simple imo + you can start with only a gold and make it work.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


This is probably the dumbest thing I ever heard, maybe you tried flipping in the past but didn’t make it work because you simply don’t know how to do it but do not turn people off. The only thing you have to do is to read about it online and find what people are actually buying. Pretty simple imo + you can start with only a gold and make it work.

In order to flip, you need to have gold. People struggling with end meat don’t have money to start with and have the habbit of spending what they have.

Beside flipping is not for everyone. Everyone have a different out look on life and money. For example a huge of NBA players go broke after a few year after they retire. I have no idea how it happens, but it does.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wazzouf.2748


This is probably the dumbest thing I ever heard, maybe you tried flipping in the past but didn’t make it work because you simply don’t know how to do it but do not turn people off. The only thing you have to do is to read about it online and find what people are actually buying. Pretty simple imo + you can start with only a gold and make it work.

In order to flip, you need to have gold. People struggling with end meat don’t have money to start with and have the habbit of spending what they have.

Beside flipping is not for everyone. Everyone have a different out look on life and money. For example a huge of NBA players go broke after a few year after they retire. I have no idea how it happens, but it does.

You can start flipping with one gold…

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: SlateSloan.3654


Skritt Ecto Merchant – all in

What cost the world?

let me entertain you

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


If you wanna make only a few golds per day= Farm
If you wanna make a huge amount of gold per day = Flip the Trading Post

I flip the Trading Post and I make between 50-125g/day but it’s not easy and you’ll have to find your niche market because nobody is gonna tell you.

To get started flipping consist in ordering an item at low price and resell it for a profit.
Keep in mind that when you sell an item there is a 5% listing fee and 10% tax when you sell. So if you wanna make profit make sure that (selling price x 0.85 = more than you paid for the item).

Ex: I ordered and item for 50 coppers and people are selling it 1 silver
(1 × 0.85 = 85 coppers) so (85 copper – 50 = 35 coppers profit) it doesn’t look like a huge profit but when you buy 250 units of that item it gives you 87 silvers straight in your pockets.

Do not throw all your money into 1 item, diversification is the key!

You can find multiple tools online that for exemple scan the auction house and list items that are worth flipping because of the high profit, but the most important thing in flipping is to invest in items that will resell easily, don’t throw you money on a item that nobody needs.

Cheers and have fun getting rich.

Or more exact, likely throwing a lot of gold down the toilet since doing this kind of thing half-a***ed will cost you a lot of gold.

People willing or interested in TP flipping will pick it up naturally. Suggesting it to players who are already strugling to make ends meet is like offering a heroin addict a crackpipe at a discount so he can “get off the stuff”.

This is probably the dumbest thing I ever heard, maybe you tried flipping in the past but didn’t make it work because you simply don’t know how to do it but do not turn people off. The only thing you have to do is to read about it online and find what people are actually buying. Pretty simple imo + you can start with only a gold and make it work.

I have no problem with flipping or making gold.

You on the otherhand are not taking into consideration whom you are giving advice to.

If people were competent enough to flip for gold, they certainly would not be asking about how to make ends meet.

I stand by my statement, people interested in TP flipping will pick it up naturally. Suggesting it to casual or everyone is stupid.

(edited by Cyninja.2954)

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Taxidriver.2043


like the other guy said just do harvest. Good zones to do are Dredgehaunt Cliffs, Sparkfly Fen, Brisbban Wildlands. etc

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


This is probably the dumbest thing I ever heard, maybe you tried flipping in the past but didn’t make it work because you simply don’t know how to do it but do not turn people off. The only thing you have to do is to read about it online and find what people are actually buying. Pretty simple imo + you can start with only a gold and make it work.

In order to flip, you need to have gold. People struggling with end meat don’t have money to start with and have the habbit of spending what they have.

Beside flipping is not for everyone. Everyone have a different out look on life and money. For example a huge of NBA players go broke after a few year after they retire. I have no idea how it happens, but it does.

You can start flipping with one gold…

What I’m saying is you are telling people to spend their time staying in town, looking at spreadsheet, learning the market when they can spend their time “out side of town”. Maybe that’s what they rather do.

What I’m saying is not everyone want to spend their time doing flipping(which they might not enjoy).

Many people barely have time to play after work. I doubt they want to stay in town playing with the TP. Even if TP don’t take long for some, it still take “effort” to learn.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Biglulu.3928


How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamialexa.5103


What I’m saying is you are telling people to spend their time staying in town, looking at spreadsheet, learning the market when they can spend their time “out side of town”. Maybe that’s what they rather do.

What I’m saying is not everyone want to spend their time doing flipping(which they might not enjoy).

Many people barely have time to play after work. I doubt they want to stay in town playing with the TP. Even if TP don’t take long for some, it still take “effort” to learn.

Sorry, but this is a bit of a useless argument. This is a thread about how to make gold. People suggest how to make gold. The TP is one way shown and saying “oh maybe they don’t want to do that” doesn’t do anything. Sure, maybe people don’t want to do flipping. But maybe they don’t want to do SW either. Or they don’t want to farm wood and the like. Maybe they simply want to known different ways of how to get money and do a little of everything. But the point is, that’s for the people to decide for THEMSELVES after seeing the possibilities. Not for someone else.

I have no problem with flipping or making gold.

You on the otherhand are not taking into consideration whom you are giving advice to.

If people were competent enough to flip for gold, they certainly would not be asking about how to make ends meet.

I stand by my statement, people interested in TP flipping will pick it up naturally. Suggesting it to casual or everyone is stupid.

You’re not exactly considering people either.
There are people who have no idea how flipping works or that it’s even a thing. I was among them. I only learned about it through the forums, read tips and tricks and other advice people gave and tried it out for myself. Sure, I’m nowhere near the level of Wanze or other trading moguls, but it helps me get a bit extra, so I can get some gems for gold or afford my next ascended armor.

So basically, it’s never a waste to suggest flipping. Whether the advised one can do it or not, is another question, but at least it’s not impossible.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


On the topic of flipping. If you are lazy, you can try long term investment.

A story I can share is a person said he bought 200 dwayna’s recipe for 1 gold each, I believe it is 200 gold a while ago. So he made 40,000 gold just from spending 200 gold.

What I’m saying if you are too lazy to flip. Try finding something that might worth something one day. I personally are too lazy to flip, but made quite some money just being lazy. Buy some event item or some low cost item which is near vendor value. It might be worth something someday.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Menaki.6329


After 2 years of playing there should be enough mats and stuff in the bank. So check after some receipts for the mystic weapons, which are needed for the specific collection.

The black lion skins are a longtime investment. Someone who has the skins from the first Halloween event, could now make real profit. Playing pve-events is the best options for a low but steady income, you get so much stuff, your bags are always full. You have a hard choice between salvage these dozen of rare items for ectos or sell them directly. Check for the niche like dyes or pets, sell the thing scribes need.

To avoid spending gold, don’t change the gear on your character, except you have already everything in your bank. In WvW you spend so much gold after each balance patch or for buying sieges or nourishments, and you will never earn much to compensate these costs. So don’t do it. If your guild will pay for it, well then you should not say no. I’m definitely not a trader, but since I’m playing more pve than wvw I have more gold than before, tendency is rising.

[KILL] – Jade Quarry

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


What I’m saying is you are telling people to spend their time staying in town, looking at spreadsheet, learning the market when they can spend their time “out side of town”. Maybe that’s what they rather do.

What I’m saying is not everyone want to spend their time doing flipping(which they might not enjoy).

Many people barely have time to play after work. I doubt they want to stay in town playing with the TP. Even if TP don’t take long for some, it still take “effort” to learn.

Sorry, but this is a bit of a useless argument. This is a thread about how to make gold. People suggest how to make gold. The TP is one way shown and saying “oh maybe they don’t want to do that” doesn’t do anything. Sure, maybe people don’t want to do flipping. But maybe they don’t want to do SW either. Or they don’t want to farm wood and the like. Maybe they simply want to known different ways of how to get money and do a little of everything. But the point is, that’s for the people to decide for THEMSELVES after seeing the possibilities. Not for someone else.

True, but in that case also mention the huge possibility of losing a lot of gold if you unsuccessfully flip. Which so far no one has done. All people have been saying is:“do it”.

That’s the major difference between flipping and other gold farm. If you farm Silverwastes and prices drop, you lose out on your income, but you aren’t risking ingame assets.

If you manage to curb your spending, you win all-around.

If you missflip (and that will happen) you will lose out on gold.

The inherent nature of the risk flipping holds is part of the reason why it can be so lucrative. If it were 100% safe, everyone would be doing it (well not everyone, but a lot more people).

You’re not exactly considering people either.
There are people who have no idea how flipping works or that it’s even a thing. I was among them. I only learned about it through the forums, read tips and tricks and other advice people gave and tried it out for myself. Sure, I’m nowhere near the level of Wanze or other trading moguls, but it helps me get a bit extra, so I can get some gems for gold or afford my next ascended armor.

Stating something does not make it true.

So you enjoy flipping and it works for you. Great. I haven’t seen you, as well as Wazzouf, once mention that flipping could be risky.

As long as we have threads where people have no idea:

- how the trading post works (listing tax and sell tax. had one of those just yesterday where someone was considering the TP being broken)
- how the gem exchange works (where gold gets created do to magic)
- people spending way more gold then thay make

I will not recommend them starting to flip as the very first option. If they get more accustomed or interested in how trade works, they’ll find out about these things on their own or in more serious threads.

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Draknar.5748


If you enjoy fractals, you can get anywhere from 7-15g (or more) in 60-90min if you do the dailies. Once you complete the dailies your g/hr decreases significantly, but that’s after like 10 fractals.

You can even skip the master daily if you aren’t comfortable with the harder levels.

Do NOT deposit collectibles during the entire process. A lot of people do it out of habit and then wonder why they have no gold at the end. You need to sell everything you get.

I just do the 2 page dailies and the adept/journeyman dailies.

I sell all stabilizing matrices (50-60s/ea), all ectos from salvaging rares, I open any encryptions I get with the free keys from the achievement chests (sometimes you can get lucky with a 1g item), then sell the rest of them on TP for 13s/ea. I save up all of my +1s to craft up into +8s to sell for 4g/ea (or just sell the +1s, up to you). And then I sell all of the mats I get from salvaging. The silk, the T6s, the T5s, all of it. You’d be surprised how much that all adds up.

Here’s the big one: salvage ALL rings you get from the chest. Yes buy the 1g tool to do it. You will always break even. I’ve never gotten less than 2 matrices from salvaging a ring and they are worth 50s each easily, but you can get upwards of 20+ matrices from one ring (it’s RNG). One night I got 2 rings, both gave me 20 matrices. I sold all 40 for 20g instantly. That was within an hour of play time.

With a competent team it takes me about 70-90min to do 6 fractals (depending on the page daily fractal options).

I won’t stop because I can’t stop.

It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Feirlista Xv.1425

Feirlista Xv.1425

Farm the mats guilds needs to build up there hall this stuff has sky rocketed in price and is easy to farm. I can make 2 to 5 gold without even trying that hard and I don’t play much maybe about an hour a day if that also sell everything you fine, mats, an gear.

Opinions are like ______ everyone has one I could
put the correct term in but not everyone has kittens

How to make Gold

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yamialexa.5103



No, I fully agree that risks should be mentioned and that flipping is certainly not the first advice to be given. Should I ever mention flipping as a gold earning possibility I will be sure to include that (if you check, I haven’t actually recommended anything here, just put in my two cents to the arguments below)
My real beef was just with the statement that a) people don’t want to stand at the tp to earn money and b) people who don’t flip yet and struggle to get money are incompetent for the tp and thus shouldn’t be told about flipping as a possibility. Both of which I don’t think to be true for everyone.