How to obtain zealots' armor/wpn/trinkets?
You need to have Watchwork Mechanisms and that was from the LS with Scarlet. You need 500 gears to make one watchwork mechanism. Zealots’s is either bought from the TP or crafted.
There were recipes you could receive as one of the Twisted Marionette rewards.
You can use those to make the Ascended armor or weapons. Not sure those ascended trinkets are available as of yet.
Exotic zealot gear: Craft. Search for Zealot on TP. Or find someone that already knows them and can help out.
Depending on which server you’re on, I might help out
Thanks for the replies so far!
So ascended trinkets with those stats aren’t out yet?
Are those exotics (armor/wpn) accountbound?
There were none on the tp when i checked
You can only get the recipes off the TP and that is the only place to get them now. You have to craft Zealot’s yourself as the armor pieces are Account Bound.
You can craft ascended armor and weapons with zealot stats but need to buy the recipes for the inscription/insignia as well as for each weapon/armor piece, just like celestial. The ascended zealot stat is called Keeper, so search for “keeper” instead of zealot on the tp to find the recipes.
As ascended trinket crafting is not implemented yet, you can only craft exotic trinkets with zealot stats. If you search for “sprocket” on the tp, you will find the 4 recipes for the jewel, ring, amulet and earring.
Have your credit card on hand for buying ascended recipes and watchwork sprockets.
You need 3k sprockets for a set of armor, 500 per weapon and 750 per trinket.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
(edited by Wanze.8410)
Exotic zealot gear: Craft. Search for Zealot on TP. Or find someone that already knows them and can help out.
Depending on which server you’re on, I might help out
All crafted zealot/keeper gear is account bound, so you cant help him out.
Bloin – Running around, tagging Keeps, getting whack on Scoobie Snacks.
Well thanks for all the informative replies, guess it’s time to level armorsmith.