Dear Arena Net,
I’m going to write this as an open letter to you to let others chime in about this so I hope you don’t mine. I’d also ask that this thread not be merged hidden or deleted since the intent of this is to find a compromise.
Ok so you felt the game needed to have another level of gear between Exotics and Legendries for players to work on, I’m cool with this under some conditions.
Providing you follow one simple GOLGEN rule. Never take something away from one play style in favor of another, never change things again that takes a feature away or adds a feature that favors one path through your game over another, let me explain.
In GW2 you gave us all a path to the best gear in the game regardless of how we wanted to play the game. You appeared to understand that many players play MMO’s in different ways and the freedom of choice on how we made our way through the game was ours.
You also did not pigeonhole the players into ONE particular path at end game. You told us that at endgame we could just keep doing the things that WE liked to do.
Eric Flannum himself said: “We have a basic philosophy of that we don’t expect you to play a different game at level 80 that you played up to then”. “We don’t think it’s ok that if you didn’t like to do dungeons before max level we don’t expect you to be forced into dungeons at endgame “.
I would like you to stay true to these above core philosophies.
Ok on to making this right with the community!
1) Ensure the community that you are not taking anything away from crafting, before Ascended Gear Crafters could make the most powerful Weapons and Armor in the game, Make sure that is still the case. There is no reason you need to change this for this new level of gear.
2) Ensure the community that there are multiple path to Ascended Armor, Weapons, Infusion and their crafting components outside of Dungeons through the open world events, PvP and WvW content. Many people do not want to play another “Lobby World” game where you stand around for hours trying to find a group or put up with the frustration of someone quitting a group just before the last boss fight at the bottom of a dungeon.
3) Ensure Players that future content patches will not interfere with the FREEDOM of choice the player has on how they chose to play the game at endgame or otherwise and future patches will never take anything away from players that the core game offers now or stray from the original design philosophy we were all sold on.
4) Optional: I highly recommend you put up a public test server. One, it appears your content needs to be stress tested to get the bugs out but this also gives you feedback on new content and how it will be received by the community giving you opportunities to tweak it before you tick off the world.
So, the only thing that’s being asked for here is that player choice be preserved in regards to how they find their path into the best gear the game has to offer and some reassurance that that choice is still present.
This is not asking for much Arena Net, and I’m asking this one for myself but also for a way to calm down the community. Just admit that you did not realize the impact this patch would have on the core player base and make these small concession. No one is asking for you to remove content just restore the games endgame flexibility for all and ensure that flexibility is still there. I can’t see anyone objecting to these terms as it allows all players to just keep playing the game the way they have and eventually they will get the gear they want or need.
In closing I’d just like to add that you need to look at ways of keeping the open world viable and refreshed. Adding fancy dungeon content is great but if it comes at an expense of shifting focus off the open world many of your dynamic events will lose the critical mass of players they need to remain viable.
Adding top end crafting mats for the new top end gear and opportunities for it to drop in top end open world events will help to keep the level 80 zones active. Be mindful of how new content makes the rest of the game play and that it does whisk that critical mass of players away from zones that need strong participation to remain viable.
Thank you for your consideration,