Hows GW2
Game is a blast.
I’m having an amazing time. The new dungeon is awesome. Quite unlike anything else out there. Don’t let the cliche MMO forum pitchfork mob angry about everything hinder your ability to have a good time!
its fun. still a really good game. sure it has its bugs and other issues, but you have to remember its only been out around 3 months now. they cant fix everything in just a matter of weeks, things take time.
im sure with time, it will get even better, especially as it picks up more momentum.
If you like grinding game, this game is for you.
If you except smart skill balance – class bug fix, or was hoping for a none mandatory grinding game.
Gw2 is not for you.
Mike Obrien
Legen – Wait for It – dary joke
Anet has done an about-face after abandoning “the manifesto” and blatantly lying to its customers, introduced the first stages of its gear-treadmill, they have already confirmed that more is on its way.
They have also done a great job of segregating large portions of the player base with silly archaic one time events which punish players for not turning up at 3.00am on a Monday….and heavily rewarding those players lucky enough to live in a time zone compatible with the event.
Most players are now locked into Lions Arch spamming LFG FoTM lvl1 over and over in map chat, while older content is now irrelevant except for “the fun factor”.
Oh, they have also introduced DR, which means diminishing returns…which in essence means the more you play the less you get rewarded…basically the more you work for the things you want in the game, the less likely you are to get them.
Have fun….
I say just enjoy the game and dont read the forums.. its depressing.
Most of the complaints about the Necro have not been resolved. This is something they’ll eventually get around to, but they seem to have been dedicating most of their time to making new content. Not necessarily a bad thing.
The new content itself IS very fun. Fractals are the most awesome experience I’ve ever had in an MMO, and I highly recommend them.
However, the game has shifted in philosophy, and getting top-tier gear now requires immense amounts of time and grind, including RNG factors, and is no longer guaranteed to remain top-tier gear to boot. This for me ruins the game; maybe for you it won’t. Personally, coming from LOTRO and seeing the Agony/Infusion mechanic implemented and failed already in Gloom/Radiance, and coming from the immense similar grind of Aion, I’m very displeased with seeing these detracting elements coming into play in a game that in no way needed them.
Hi all!! Have not played in a few and was wondering how the game was? Have they fixed the necro?
Ignoring the fact that they’ve done a 180 on their manifesto and turned the game into a gear grind, they also haven’t fixed the necro. In fact, despite the game being out for three months they still haven’t done much to fix any of the professions at all. They’re all in pretty much the same state barring one or two minor fixes (and a slew of non-sensical nerfs).
They added more endgame progression, which is all the fuss these days.
You don’t need the new gear to do the new dungeon. By the time you get deep enough in it to need Ascended gear, you’d have seen all the mini dungeons it contains.
It might be an issue with WvW, but the way i see it if you’re in a zerg, having a few people in it with ascended gear won’t really matter. I don’t play WvW much.
Other than the new dungeon, there’s a new small lvl 80 zone with new DE’s and JP’s. Current dungeon rewards have been improved, bosses drop karma, a few tokens, and a few silver. Rare/exotics drops have been increased across the board. Now’s a pretty good time to jump back in.
Now it’s just like wow….with better graphics.
Just login,play the game,and see if you still like it, ( im betting you do ) >Ignore all the negativity on the forums,dont let them drag you down to their own sad little world of misery where nothing can be ever good.
Just login,play the game,and see if you still like it, ( im betting you do ) >Ignore all the negativity on the forums,dont let them drag you down to their own sad little world of misery where nothing can be ever good.
things were great before this weeks patch.
Just login,play the game,and see if you still like it, ( im betting you do ) >Ignore all the negativity on the forums,dont let them drag you down to their own sad little world of misery where nothing can be ever good.
things were great before this weeks patch.
They implemented one ( Awesome,may i add ) dungeon where it becomes necessary to when you have reached level 10+ ? have gear with agony resist,otherwise you wont be able to make it,and you have to grind for it ..alot.Its one dungeon,should we really all cry about this ? You can still do 10lvls,you can still gain enough fracts to buy the other items while doing 1 – 10,and you are Not forced to go any higher if you dont want the legendary weap or if you dont want to grind + craft and spend an insane amount of gold.This dungeon is for the people that Are willing to do so.If you don’t then just don’t,i think its pretty simple.
I believe ANEt never want their Big Game ruin because some type of armor (Ascended)…
you just need to do:
Report your complaint nicely,
give feedback the game,
Enjoy the game if you still wanna play it
waiting progress for dev solve the bug
waiting progress for dev make a decision about update
If Devlepor no respond, you choice between leave or stay… that’s it
Because there is no any instant progress for solve Bug or make a decision about complaint from player…
the important thing is: We give feedback, and we express our feeling about the game to Dev
this game is just too young, i believe Anet do the best for they game…
Febrizzio Romeo, Human Guardian of [Pro Baddies]
Indonesia Player, Say Hello ^_^
(edited by Febrizzio.8024)
Just login,play the game,and see if you still like it, ( im betting you do ) >Ignore all the negativity on the forums,dont let them drag you down to their own sad little world of misery where nothing can be ever good.
things were great before this weeks patch.
They implemented one ( Awesome,may i add ) dungeon where it becomes necessary to when you have reached level 10+ ? have gear with agony resist,otherwise you wont be able to make it,and you have to grind for it ..alot.Its one dungeon,should we really all cry about this ? You can still do 10lvls,you can still gain enough fracts to buy the other items while doing 1 – 10,and you are Not forced to go any higher if you dont want the legendary weap or if you dont want to grind + craft and spend an insane amount of gold.This dungeon is for the people that Are willing to do so.If you don’t then just don’t,i think its pretty simple.
No, you cannot buy the items necessary for ascended. ever. You MUST grind dungeons. If you like dungeon grinds, then have fun!
The gear is mandatory for end game content, including wvw.
Just login,play the game,and see if you still like it, ( im betting you do ) >Ignore all the negativity on the forums,dont let them drag you down to their own sad little world of misery where nothing can be ever good.
things were great before this weeks patch.
They implemented one ( Awesome,may i add ) dungeon where it becomes necessary to when you have reached level 10+ ? have gear with agony resist,otherwise you wont be able to make it,and you have to grind for it ..alot.Its one dungeon,should we really all cry about this ? You can still do 10lvls,you can still gain enough fracts to buy the other items while doing 1 – 10,and you are Not forced to go any higher if you dont want the legendary weap or if you dont want to grind + craft and spend an insane amount of gold.This dungeon is for the people that Are willing to do so.If you don’t then just don’t,i think its pretty simple.
No, you cannot buy the items necessary for ascended. ever. You MUST grind dungeons. If you like dungeon grinds, then have fun!
The gear is mandatory for end game content, including wvw.
You have no clue what you’re talking about. And that’s all I am going to say, LOL.
How’s the game? Well, I gave 3 trial keys to my friends, and after that last weekend one-time event, none of them wants to buy the game One said the game isn’t even ready for beta hehe.
How’s the game? Well, I gave 3 trial keys to my friends, and after that last weekend one-time event, none of them wants to buy the game
One said the game isn’t even ready for beta hehe.
Yeh that event during the weekend wasnt a very good PR stunt to draw in new players.
“After several hours I’m still swinging this sword with1 lodestone drop”
Just login,play the game,and see if you still like it, ( im betting you do ) >Ignore all the negativity on the forums,dont let them drag you down to their own sad little world of misery where nothing can be ever good.
things were great before this weeks patch.
They implemented one ( Awesome,may i add ) dungeon where it becomes necessary to when you have reached level 10+ ? have gear with agony resist,otherwise you wont be able to make it,and you have to grind for it ..alot.Its one dungeon,should we really all cry about this ? You can still do 10lvls,you can still gain enough fracts to buy the other items while doing 1 – 10,and you are Not forced to go any higher if you dont want the legendary weap or if you dont want to grind + craft and spend an insane amount of gold.This dungeon is for the people that Are willing to do so.If you don’t then just don’t,i think its pretty simple.
No, you cannot buy the items necessary for ascended. ever. You MUST grind dungeons. If you like dungeon grinds, then have fun!
The gear is mandatory for end game content, including wvw.
You have no clue what you’re talking about. And that’s all I am going to say, LOL.
Yes, from the guy who claims that Gw1 wasn’t an MMO. Lol. Real credible.
Hi all!! Have not played in a few and was wondering how the game was? Have they fixed the necro?
The Game itself is largely the same, PVP issues however are rampant. also no, They have not even touched necro, yes your skills and minions and trees are still useless.