I Don't Want To Change M
Do you have your legendary ?
Do you have 100% maps ?
Have you made all the jump puzzles ?
Personally, I think there is a ton of stuff to do, and I don’t see the end of it
For example, my purpose is to have 3 level 80 characters, each in a different order, and my highest char has only discovered 56% of the world, that’s one achievement I want.
As for the look : I still have to do the dungeon runs to achieve that too.
first, gz to your awesome char!
no one can tell you what you should do now. we do all have different motivations for playing a game. see, i do ascalonian catacombs every day. And i don’t need anything from there, i just do it because my guild does it, and we are good friends and this is a lot of fun.
you could play a new char
or forge a new guild, organize it and do some community events or something like that
you could learn more crafting professions, or hunt for titles and achievements
you could stop playing for a few weeks, and join again if there is more content (such as new zones, dungeons, like the karka thing)
or try something you usually don’t like and try to master it. such as jumping puzzles, pvp or something like that.
I have separate sets of armor for separate builds. Like a full support build for Guardian, with massive healing power, then a Precision/Power armor for DPS, then a magic find. So my goal would be to get an awesome armor set for each of my favorite builds, then legendary, then 100%, then I’d do it all again on another character. So on until 8 characters.
My ultimate goal: have every class to level 80 full of exotics, oh and a legendary on my main :P
Whenever I have 8 toons lv80 full ascended gear, all legendaries, thousands of gold, all achivments and titles. Then…. then I will continue playing pvp, wvw and end-game pve. I do this for fun. If I played for having something in game, why would I play at all? Play for the fun, stop rushing through the game.