I agree with how Legendaries work in GW2
Two things…as someone who is going for their own legendary with the current rules, I have no complaints (besides the karma vendor in ORR never being available, but that’s a different story)…
And two, get ready for the qq and anti-you posts, lol.
I completely agree with your entire post.
- A “massive” quest/storyline – This would either A) be so massive that it was ridiculous and un-fun, possibly taking up valuable Arenanet resources from developing/polishing the rest of the game, or
be short and easy such that everybody could get it. Would you really like everybody to be running around with a Legendary?
This is a false narrative.
Right now there is nothing “Legendary” about them. They’re either grinded out or bought on the TP….neither of which is actually “difficult”. Yet you assert that a massive storyline requiring vast amounts of player skill would somehow be “easier”.
I don’t think it would be. I think it’d be way harder if anything.
And that it would ensure that only the best players are getting their hands on a Legendary.
I also think it’d make Legendaries far superior to similar items in any other MMO. Right now, Legendaries in GW2 are actually inferior to other MMOs in terms of both obtainment and lore. And that’s a shame, because Tyria has tons of great lore that it could use to create an amazing narrative for its Legendary items. Instead, it’s all going to waste.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
There is nothing wrong with current legendaries.
And there is no way to make a skill based way to achieve one besides gold farming.
I really hope the scavenger hunt will never come and was simply a slip of the tongue, would like to keep the T6 mats at sane prices for other gear, and to avoid a “legendary rush”.
100% agree with your statement. I also think the current system of crafting Legendary weapons is very well done!
As someone who crafted The Juggernaut and almost done with The Predator, I know what you talking about. I never enjoyed crafting, or farming material/gold in mmorpgs I have played in past 8 years as much as in Guild Wars 2.
If developers are smart, and I believe they are. They know, there is NO way to please every customer. You can never ever cater your product (etc.) to every customer segment out there. Same goes for Legendary weapons, there is no way to change them so everyone enjoy the way of crafting it. There will always be someone who dont like it, no matter how many thousands, milions, bilions players love it.
And I dont care if they are sellable on TP. I dont care! It doesnt make these weapons any less awesome
Players should be able to do whatever they want with things they crafted.
The issue is this.
It doesn’t matter how hard you work towards your legendary. RNG has a bigger chance of making all of that work meaningless than it does of doing anything else.
After yet another 32 failures out of 38 attempts (in addition to my 19 10-set and other 9 1-set failures), leaving me with 9 clovers out of a possible 237, I am giving up on any legendary due to the sheer ruthlessness of the RNG. Small amounts of T6 mats do nothing to make up for the ceaseless grind for skill points.
I’ll try again if legendaries are ever even a LITTLE less RNG-dependent. This is the first (and hopefully only) time I’ll ever have this big of a problem with anything in a game.
First off, there is nothing Legendary about Legendaries in their current state.
Won’t even get started on the ridiculous amount of materials needed for one, but the fact that it is craftable in general is not Legendary. AND to top that off, it is all RNG/Lottery based from the Mystic Toilet. Sorry but that is not Legendary.
Oh and let’s not forget that once you’ve made this so called “Legendary” weapon, you can sale it on the Trading Post for tons of gold. Meaning players can just buy a Legendary weapon for gold or whip out their wallets and spend real money on one. How is that Legendary? Sorry but going to Walmart to buy Awesome Sword of Flashiness is not very Legendary.
There is nothing Legendary about this at all.
And lastly, they are the best weapons in the game and will continue to be as well. They are not just fancy skins. You forget that Legendaries will scale to each new tier that is introduced and will always be BiS. Meaning you will never have to farm for a new tiered weapon cause your Legendary will automatically become the best tier weapon whenever a new tier is introduced. So you have a weapon that auto levels on it’s own and you think it is just a skin? It is far from that.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
The only people who have legendary weapons are bots, gold buyers/farmers, Trading Post terrorists, and people who have lots of real life money to spend on gems.
If you consider that a good thing then im shocked.
Legendaries should be hard to get, but they should require skill, not big wallets and exploits.
First off, there is nothing Legendary about Legendaries in their current state.
Won’t even get started on the ridiculous amount of materials needed for one, but the fact that it is craftable in general is not Legendary. AND to top that off, it is all RNG/Lottery based from the Mystic Toilet. Sorry but that is not Legendary.
Oh and let’s not forget that once you’ve made this so called “Legendary” weapon, you can sale it on the Trading Post for tons of gold. Meaning players can just buy a Legendary weapon for gold or whip out their wallets and spend real money on one. How is that Legendary? Sorry but going to Walmart to buy Awesome Sword of Flashiness is not very Legendary.
There is nothing Legendary about this at all.
And lastly, they are the best weapons in the game and will continue to be as well. They are not just fancy skins. You forget that Legendaries will scale to each new tier that is introduced and will always be BiS. Meaning you will never have to farm for a new tiered weapon cause your Legendary will automatically become the best tier weapon whenever a new tier is introduced. So you have a weapon that auto levels on it’s own and you think it is just a skin? It is far from that.
First off. Thats only YOUR oppinion.
Second. RNG is big part of every mmorpg out there, from loot drops, to damage, etc. In many mmorpgs you had only chance to sucesfully craft an item, so be happy you cant fail the Legendary when you have all the materials.
And by the way, who cares that you can buy a Legendary? You act like you bought 10 already
BIS? So what? You act like it takes months to obtain BIS weapon. It takes hour to craft, buy exotic 80 lvl weapon.
You are just one of these who complains, no matter when, no matter why
The issue is this.
It doesn’t matter how hard you work towards your legendary. RNG has a bigger chance of making all of that work meaningless than it does of doing anything else.
After yet another 32 failures out of 38 attempts (in addition to my 19 10-set and other 9 1-set failures), leaving me with 9 clovers out of a possible 237, I am giving up on any legendary due to the sheer ruthlessness of the RNG. Small amounts of T6 mats do nothing to make up for the ceaseless grind for skill points.
I’ll try again if legendaries are ever even a LITTLE less RNG-dependent. This is the first (and hopefully only) time I’ll ever have this big of a problem with anything in a game.
That’s because you did 10 sets, which invites bigger failure at high risk.
With 2 legendaries at hand, on both I got all the 77 clovers in just less than 250 attempts. All in single clover attempts rather than 10, standing at the 33% odds as originally stated by Anet.
Face the consequences if you decide to take a bigger risk.
As for skill points, simply do all the skill challenges on your alts for the philosopher’s stones, and by now your main should have at least 200sp for the bloodstone.
You get 5 slots as minimum to work with, can’t go wrong there.
(edited by Horheristo.3607)
The only people who have legendary weapons are bots, gold buyers/farmers, Trading Post terrorists, and people who have lots of real life money to spend on gems.
If you consider that a good thing then im shocked.
Legendaries should be hard to get, but they should require skill, not big wallets and exploits.
Haha I almost have 2 of them. Didnt exploit, dont play TP and dont buy golds
And I know other players who got them legit.
You know what is sad. Players like you, who think they are the best and smartest players on the world and there is no one better. Truth is… there are. There are players who are smarter, who are more skilled and who can make 2x more money than you do, legit.
First off. Thats only YOUR oppinion.
Just as yours is. See how little this contributes to the discussion here?
Second. RNG is big part of every mmorpg out there, from loot drops, to damage, etc. In many mmorpgs you had only chance to sucesfully craft an item, so be happy you cant fail the Legendary when you have all the materials.
I hate this argument. “Be happy, it could be worse” is not an excuse for bad design. Neither is “it’s optional”. People need to stop accepting bad design on such a flawed basis of thought.
And by the way, who cares that you can buy a Legendary? You act like you bought 10 already
How is it “an indication of everything you’ve been doing and what you’ve accomplished in the game” (in the words of the guy who made Legendaries) if you can just buy it?
The devs already agree that they shouldn’t be purchasable, and it’s likely this function will be patched out of the game in the coming months.
BIS? So what? You act like it takes months to obtain BIS weapon. It takes hour to craft, buy exotic 80 lvl weapon.
So…you clearly didn’t know that Ascended weapons are coming, and will soon outclass your Exotic weapons. Legendaries have been effectively stated as “grind prevention”: grind for them once, and you never have to grind for a BiS item again because they’ll just automatically get stronger when new stuff comes out.
You are just one of these who complains, no matter when, no matter why
Complaining about a game’s flaws does not mean that the person in question just felt like complaining.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
First off. Thats only YOUR oppinion.
Just as yours is. See how little this contributes to the discussion here?
Second. RNG is big part of every mmorpg out there, from loot drops, to damage, etc. In many mmorpgs you had only chance to sucesfully craft an item, so be happy you cant fail the Legendary when you have all the materials.
I hate this argument. “Be happy, it could be worse” is not an excuse for bad design. Neither is “it’s optional”. People need to stop accepting bad design on such a flawed basis of thought.
And by the way, who cares that you can buy a Legendary? You act like you bought 10 already
How is it “an indication of everything you’ve been doing and what you’ve accomplished in the game” (in the words of the guy who made Legendaries) if you can just buy it?
The devs already agree that they shouldn’t be purchasable, and it’s likely this function will be patched out of the game in the coming months.
BIS? So what? You act like it takes months to obtain BIS weapon. It takes hour to craft, buy exotic 80 lvl weapon.
So…you clearly didn’t know that Ascended weapons are coming, and will soon outclass your Exotic weapons. Legendaries have been effectively stated as “grind prevention”: grind for them once, and you never have to grind for a BiS item again because they’ll just automatically get stronger when new stuff comes out.
You are just one of these who complains, no matter when, no matter why
Complaining about a game’s flaws does not mean that the person in question just felt like complaining.
Yes but atleast, I dont want current working system changed based on my oppinion and pis* off every player who worked hard for it already:)
You are the one who dont want to work for it, so you want it changed so it fits your needs. But this is not how world works.
Do you see difference here? You are tryeing to change the system that thousands players accepted from release just because YOU and few others dont like it.
So tell me, why thousands of players did accept them and others cant? Because they are not supposed to craft Legendary weapons. Those are only for players who meet the requirements, not fo those who cry about them.
btw. I never heard that Devs dont agree with purchasable Legendary weapons, If they do, can you provide link? Or its just anoter oppinion of yours?
(edited by Dogblaster.6713)
First off, there is nothing Legendary about Legendaries in their current state.
Won’t even get started on the ridiculous amount of materials needed for one, but the fact that it is craftable in general is not Legendary. AND to top that off, it is all RNG/Lottery based from the Mystic Toilet. Sorry but that is not Legendary.
Oh and let’s not forget that once you’ve made this so called “Legendary” weapon, you can sale it on the Trading Post for tons of gold. Meaning players can just buy a Legendary weapon for gold or whip out their wallets and spend real money on one. How is that Legendary? Sorry but going to Walmart to buy Awesome Sword of Flashiness is not very Legendary.
There is nothing Legendary about this at all.
And lastly, they are the best weapons in the game and will continue to be as well. They are not just fancy skins. You forget that Legendaries will scale to each new tier that is introduced and will always be BiS. Meaning you will never have to farm for a new tiered weapon cause your Legendary will automatically become the best tier weapon whenever a new tier is introduced. So you have a weapon that auto levels on it’s own and you think it is just a skin? It is far from that.
First off. Thats only YOUR oppinion.
Second. RNG is big part of every mmorpg out there, from loot drops, to damage, etc. In many mmorpgs you had only chance to sucesfully craft an item, so be happy you cant fail the Legendary when you have all the materials.
And by the way, who cares that you can buy a Legendary? You act like you bought 10 already
BIS? So what? You act like it takes months to obtain BIS weapon. It takes hour to craft, buy exotic 80 lvl weapon.
You are just one of these who complains, no matter when, no matter why
It’s obviously not just my opinion, as those are the main concerns that are always voiced about Legendaries.
There is a difference between RNG in other MMOs compared to GW2. In other MMOs, you are at least guaranteed something that you can use. You aren’t gambling away all your money to have a chance at something you can use like in GW2. Have you tried to make a Legendary yet? I’m assuming you haven’t cause you speak like you haven’t. Getting the materials for a Legendary is a gamble with the MF.
And buying a Legendary off the TP makes it no longer Legendary. Getting a Legendary should be a big accomplishment. Something that took you awhile and that you put effort into, not gambled for and farmed a bunch of gold for. Being able to just buy it cheapens the whole idea of a Legendary.
As for BiS, as was responding to the OP on that one. Saying it is just a skin is wrong as it is an auto-leveling weapon. I was merely stating it is simply not just a skin.
This is a concern for a lot of players, not just myself. Saying that all we are doing is just complaining is rather rude and inconsiderate. And you don’t know me, so don’t act like you do. Generalizing players and saying we just complain about everything for no reason is insulting. When a lot of players are voicing their concerns on the same thing and giving the same reasons, it is far from a simple complaint about nothing.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
I do think legendary weapons are fine, but I still don’t see what’s so legendary about them. There isn’t a story behind them, so there isn’t any story of why they have the name they have or why they look the way they are. But with how some of these weapons look, I couldn’t imagine having the make up a story for them.
When I see someone with a legendary I automatically say “he/she must have a lot of gold”.
I agree with the OP.
But someone had (what I thought) was a really good idea about how to get precursors on Reddit. Their idea was to have “normal” and “expert” modes of gameplay. So once you got 100% world completion in “normal” mode, you could (optionally) switch over to get 100% world completion in "expert"mode. Once you got 100% in “expert” mode, you’d get to pick a precursor.
The original idea was to have two distinct instances, but that would fragment the population and might end up with more dead zones than we have now. So, imo, this idea would need some tweaking.
eg. somehow either weaken your toon, or buff mobs — just for you…and make all drops lvl 76-80 (mats included)…so you could still play side-by-side with those in “normal” mode…and since you’d be getting lvl 80 drops, you’d still progress towards your legendary even in low level zones.
Thousands of people do not like the current system and even if they did that dose not mean its a good thing. I am sure a thief likes steeling things and likes getting away with it but its the wrong thing to do.
The current process in making legendary weapons is a insult to true gamers, it should require skill to obtain and the current system dose not allow that, instead legendary weapons are being handed out to the bots, and the Trading Post manipulators, the unemployed, the gem buyers, and the zombie farmers.
There is NO skill at all required to make legendaries, they are a symbol of everything wrong with this game.
Yes but atleast, I dont want current working system changed based on my oppinion
Do you see difference here? You are tryeing to change the system that thousands players like just because YOU dont like it.
No, I’m trying to change a broken system that most players don’t like (as evidenced by the repeated complaints on the subject of legendaries in countless threads, and the many MANY suggestions threads of people asking for adjustments in this area).
Devs never said they dont agree with purchasable Legendary weapons, If they do, can you provide link?
Can’t seem to locate the quote, though the original word out of the support team was:
“If you’ve found any Legendary items for sale on the Trading Post, this is not
functioning as designed and should not be possible. We would need more information
on what you saw, as well as screenshots to investigate this issue further.”
Which Gaile Gray later states was incorrect. So at the moment, evidence suggests the functionality is legitimate.
Which sort of depresses me because it basically kills the entire concept of “Legendaries” nice and dead.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
I dont. Its boring and except karma and badges its pretty much a check on how well you can play the TP. And if i wanted to play an Auction House simulator I would be playing
AH tycoon (although some people might know it as D3)
Currently legendary weapons are like Kim Kardashian buying a really expensive car. You have done nothing to deserve it, you did not work for it, you have no skills, you just brought it because you can. Sure you might get some attention, you think you might be cool with it, but really the entire world hates you because us normal people actually work really hard and put in lots off effort and skill, and even after all our effort we may never be able to afford the nice car.
Thats EXACTLY what legendary weapons are like currently, if your proud of being the Kim Kardashian of this game then go ahead and show off, but just know that no one respects you.
(edited by Arnath.2319)
Several postings that were off topic or otherwise against the rules of this forum have been removed. Please keep in mind that if you want to discuss issues on our forums, you have to do it in a constructive way and stay on topic.
Currently legendary weapons are like Kim Kardashian buying a really expensive car. You have done nothing to deserve it, you did not work for it, you have no skills, you just brought it because you can. Sure you might get some attention, you think you might be cool with it, but really the entire world hates you because us normal people actually work really hard and put in lots off effort and skill, and even after all our effort we may never be able to afford the nice car.
Thats EXACTLY what legendary weapons are like currently, if your proud of being the Kim Kardashian of this game then go ahead and show off, but just know that no one respects you.
So when I played for 1300+ hours, farmed, doing dungeons, events to gain everything that Legendary require I did in fact nothing?
Man you are really one big jealous person, do you?
There are hundereds of players that worked really hard in order to craft their legendaries.
And btw, normal people dont hate Kim Kardashian, only those jealous people who cant make more money than life minimum, because they think life is unfair because someone is richer than they and they dont deserves it
These are the people who no one respect, not Kim Kardashian or whatever.
The current system is exactly where it should be. Its normal that some players dont like it, complaining about it. But that will never change no matter what happens. I enjoyed crafting my Legendary A LOT. And I have played every mmorpg for past 10 years and GW 2 is one of the best.
(edited by Kacigarka.5176)
The only facet of the hunt for a Legendary that I don’t care for is the precursor. I have been working my way towards Twilight for awhile now and have had no issues getting most of the materials from just having fun playing GW2.
I never really tried WvW for more than 5 min here and there and to get the badges I had to actually give it a go and now I have a lot of fun going into WvW once in awhile, I got my badges from battles and from the jumping puzzles and now enjoy both.
I never tried any of the dungeons unless required by the story-line which I think that was only Arah. When I had to try out a dungeon to obtain the Gift of Ascalon I found I really enjoyed it and now have a full set of dungeon armor and weapons.
Gift of Exploration for me was easy because one of the things I did from the start was to get 100% on a map before I would leave it.
And so on……Gathering all the materials for a legendary greatsword was fun because it had me trying and enjoying all the different ways there are to have fun in this game.
But now to the precursor, the only SOLID way of getting a precursor is to pay someone else for their great RNG luck and the price for that luck grows daily. I have the luck of someone that just dropped a mirror in room 13 floor 13 of a haunted hotel with a time bomb hidden in a dark damp basement infested with rats, so plunking rares into the Mystic Forge all day long makes me want to just not even try.
I think the precursor should be like the rest of the materials, make me try other things in the game with a guaranteed reward, even if it takes me awhile to save up 200 tokens of this and 300 badges of that I just want it to actually be in sight not having to rely on my own crappy RNG or the fabulous RNG luck of someone else that wants to sell it to me at a ridiculous price.
If Anet wants us to throw rares into the MF to get it maybe give a token for 3 rares + donation wrapping (or whatever) and require X# of tokens, at least that way you could see an ending, not just throw stuff in and hope just to be let down over and over and……
(edited by Nikon Justus.6902)
So when I played for 1300+ hours, farmed, doing dungeons, events to gain everything that Legendary require I did in fact nothing?
Man you are really one big jealous person, do you?
There are hundereds of players that worked really hard in order to craft their legendaries.
There is no hard work involved in crafting a Legendary.
I’m sorry that you disagree with me, but I would point out that if someone as unskilled as myself is already well on my way towards a Legendary, then it’s rather obvious that there’s not much skill involved.
And btw, normal people dont hate Kim Kardashian, only those jealous people who cant make more money than life minimum, because they didnt study enought or they think life is unfair.
Are you suggesting that life isn’t fair? Because I have an entire rant prepared for when people try to claim that, and most of it would be off-topic and involve pointing out a lot of seemingly obvious facts about the world at large.
Bottom-line: The world isn’t fair, and actually the amount of hatred for Kim Kardashian is rather significant according to most opinion polls anywhere.
The current system is exactly where it should be. Its normal that some players dont like it, complaining about it. But that will never change no matter what happens. I enjoyed crafting my Legendary A LOT. And I have played every mmorpg for past 10 years and GW 2 is one of the best.
I’m glad that you enjoyed it.
I still think it’s among the worst models I’ve seen for “epic-level” equipment in any MMO I’ve played or seen firsthand, including WoW. I think it’s atrocious that so much of Tyria’s vast and interesting world lore has been tossed aside in favor of items which boil down to a lot of grinding, and not a lot of story or skill.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
Legendary is so 2012.
Now you must owe at least 3 to be unique
For all these people complaining about how legendaries are so easy to get, and that anyone with some extra cash can just magically make one… YOU obviously are ignorant of the actual cost. I understand that there are some for sale. Who cares though? It took someone A LOT of time to make that. If they dont like the stats and want to sell it they should have that right.
1. Large amounts of skill points (can’t be bought)
2. Large amount of karma for shards if you dont want to grind fractals (can’t be bought)
3. Multiple crafting disciplines (can’t technically be bought)
4. Large amount of WvW tokens (can’t be bought)
5. Exploration token (can’t be bought)
6. 500 dungeon tokens (can’t be bought)
The rest CAN be purchased, but each of the above requires significant dedication in time. Basically, the designers came up with a way that allows you to get a SKIN that proves you have “mastered” most aspects of the game (excluding tpvp). I agree with this 100%.
Ok so there’s those that are against Legendaries and those that are for. Im all for Legendaries, so long as their owners are not deemed to be better than players without Legendaries.
We can all agree that the devs missed a chance to make Legendaries actually legendary. Skill should have been taken into account towards the creation of the weapons but for one reason or another they made them available to even the ‘least skilled’. The fact of the matter is that they are merely weapons with very nice skins that auto-adjust their power based on the current power cap. Having them available via gold is the same as actually crafting them in my opinion, its just different routes of grinding to acquire one.
What I do object to is that they are considered the ‘best’ weapons in the game, wielded by the best players in game. This is wrong and I feel there needs to be a new tier inserted alongside Legendary (ive been banding about the Ancestral named tier for a while!) that takes into account player skill and are genuinely wielded by players that have proven themselves to be one of the best in game. They could even make you ‘prove your worth’ from time to time otherwise you lose the special skin associated with it.
Sure, be proud of the time and effort spent in getting your Legendary but having an Ancestral weapon is something that proves just how good you are.
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!
(edited by Thereon.3495)
For all these people complaining about how legendaries are so easy to get, and that anyone with some extra cash can just magically make one… YOU obviously are ignorant of the actual cost. I understand that there are some for sale. Who cares though? It took someone A LOT of time to make that. If they dont like the stats and want to sell it they should have that right.
1. Large amounts of skill points (can’t be bought)
2. Large amount of karma for shards if you dont want to grind fractals (can’t be bought)
3. Multiple crafting disciplines (can’t technically be bought)
4. Large amount of WvW tokens (can’t be bought)
5. Exploration token (can’t be bought)
6. 500 dungeon tokens (can’t be bought)The rest CAN be purchased, but each of the above requires significant dedication in time. Basically, the designers came up with a way that allows you to get a SKIN that proves you have “mastered” most aspects of the game (excluding tpvp). I agree with this 100%.
HAHA only person completly ignorant is you. Becouse u dont have to do anything from what you listed, you can simply buy 1 finished from TP … Thats it, you dont have to play game outside geting to lvl 80 and playing TP and BOOM! you can have legendary weapon .
To all of you complaining about how long it takes to get a Legendary weapon, consider the alternatives for a moment:
- Random drop chance – Anybody who’s played WoW knows what the Ashes of A’lar was. They also know that they have almost no chance of EVER getting that item, because it was like a 0.02% drop chance from a raid boss. I’m not saying GW2 should have no random drops of high rarity, but they only make for a certain degree of RNG-based fun. It’s nothing to build a system like Legendary BiS’s on.
- A “massive” quest/storyline – This would either A) be so massive that it was ridiculous and un-fun, possibly taking up valuable Arenanet resources from developing/polishing the rest of the game, or
be short and easy such that everybody could get it. Would you really like everybody to be running around with a Legendary?
- Dungeon Progression Grind – There are already Exotics for this. Plus, as WoW showed us, there are 2 groups of people who fight about this, one of which is ultimately alienated. Group 1 are the “hardcore” raiders, who want their shinies to belong ONLY to them. Group 2 are the “casuals” who “don’t have time” to raid, but still want cool gear. You can’t please both groups (Badges of Justice lolol).
The only thing left is a massive resource grind. Compared to the other options, it’s really not that bad: Not everybody will get one, but everybody could get one if they wanted. People act like they “have to grind all these resources and get a Legendary.” Wait a minute. Have to? Isn’t this a video game that we play for fun? They’re not even the best weapons in game; they’re just ridiculously awesome skins.
I, for one, really love Legendaries, even though I probably will never ever have one. It gives me an impetus to play and experience the whole world. I have NEVER enjoyed gathering crafting mats like I have in this game. When I see someone with a Legendary, I think, “Awesome! That is such a cool item! I hope to have one someday.” It makes me feel better about the game in general. It’s something to aspire-to; something Legendary!
P.S.: Arenanet, more plz??
This is the saddest post I have ever seen. You heard it here folks, legendary’s must equal massive grind…or massive amount of real dollars – sound fun for like 2 people, awesome.
Option B is what it should of been.
There is nothing wrong with current legendaries.
And there is no way to make a skill based way to achieve one besides gold farming.I really hope the scavenger hunt will never come and was simply a slip of the tongue, would like to keep the T6 mats at sane prices for other gear, and to avoid a “legendary rush”.
Yes, there IS. They are in NO WAY even remotely “legendary”. You put an insane amount of time into obtaining things, such as: a “Disco-Stick”, a “Nyan-Cat Staff”, a “Shield With A Book Glued To It”, a “Giant Lighter”, and who can forget “Giant Sword That Mimics A Car Windshield”, and it’s sister “Giant Sword That Mimics Telescope”..I hear these can be combined to create "Giant Sword With Telescopic Windshield "…pretty legendary, eh?……no……
Boy there are a lot of QQers in this thread. Legendaries are meant to be end-game items, accessible only after a lot of hard work. There are only 3 things I dislike about legendaries: 1) the exploiters early on with the less-than-level-70 rare swords being converted to precursors that we’re for some reason not banned. They could have at least deleted their precursors. The exploits early on really contributed heavily to the price gouging o the precursors. 2) the fact you can buy a finished legendary, because I HAVE come across 2 people who were so bad that they clearly didn’t earn theirs (compared to about 20-25 that I have seen that actually earned it, judging by their skill level). 3) the fact that the balthazaar quet is not only very difficult, but sometimes bugged for days at a time.
Other than these 3 things, I had a blast earning my legendary rifle. Most of the items I got over time from just playing the game, either by buying stuff with my earned gold or by getting drops.
Also, if you’re doing a mystic clover 10-at-a-time recipe, failing, and qq’ing: stop being a dummy.
Henge of Denravi
“Express Delivery”
Some tips for those goin for legendaries:
Do your clover recipes first if you can (1 at a time, not 10 at a time, because you can lose BIG doing 10s). Doing them as soon as you can means that you get T6 mats when you fail and this have to buy less mats later on.
Buy t6 mts when they’re low, they fluctuate in price a lot.
Do dungeons and dailies every day. It’s by fr the best way for karma (keep your jugs and drops, then use them all with a 50% booster, 15% guild boost and 5% guild banner to reduce how much you have to farm by A LOT).
AC exp is great for gold farming. You can get 4.5g in 1 hour with the right group, killing all tg bosses and $ champs with omnom bars. I didn’t do it because fractal weren’t available at the time, but apparently higher level fractals are great for farming gold through drops.
Be patient! For big ticket items don’t buy the posted sell price, post a buy price. It costs nothing if you don’t get it. Certain announcements make the prices rise an fall, so keep an eye on the market to save some $$$! Also, someone will eventually cap balth during your time going for a legendary, so check in on it now and then. Try to get enough karma for about 230-240 shards so you can make your clovers early.
Henge of Denravi
“Express Delivery”
The only thing left is a massive resource grind.
Isn’t this a video game that we play for fun?
Those two quotes prove the OP wrong. The fact anything in the game is earned through a massive resource grind, instead of being earned through fun content, is a sign that there is something wrong.
“But how is ArenaNet going to make content than is fun and challenging?” Well, it’s a very sad sign for the gaming community that people question how is a game designer company going to make a good game.
All other MMOs catter to grinders. It’s no surprise that grinders are happy with the way Legendaries currently work – you don’t need skill or even to understand how combat in this game works, all you need is to play 10 hours per day and you will get your Legendary. People who only have time, and nothing else, are going to love this system. People who want to play a game in order to have fun, as opposed to work, are not going to like it so much.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
Not reading all this thread, no offense intended. So @ OP:
1: random drop chances like 1/100 of a boss you can only kill one week at a time, attaches NO prestige to the item it can drop your first time or your thousandth time killing the raid boss, you could also not get the roll on it and not get it IF it drops, that’s not legendary prestige, that’s legendarily BAD design. legendary weapons are no longer handled in that manner, why bring up a legacy item from yonder ways back in this manner when it’s now 2013?
2: Fun is subjective really, generally if it’s too grindy players will not even want to bother unless the reward matches the means… and despite fitting in with what we have now or being just as bad there has to be better alternatives and an “easy” quest while not preferable would at least tell me you played the game as opposed to playing “Trading post tycoon” for a bit or just buying gold to get one. The argument of “everyone running around with a legendary” is ridiculous, as this would be what happens anyways just not right away unless it becomes so outdated that it’s not WORTH getting. As they have no prestige now due to being buy/sell-able no one could give less of a toss if everyone had one because it’s just a moderately pretty but stupidly expensive skin in a game that doesn’t engage most players enough to warrant getting one… the irony being that the grind of content like legendary acquisition and the bypassing of it with RMT is of course a reason to fault GW2.
3: NO reason WHATSOEVER for them not to reward legendary items through other means in terms of earning them aside from grinding crafting professions and materials, running around like a headless chicken and then abandoning all hope and just bypassing it with the Cash Shop or “alternate means” when you make it all about gold, you just cheapen it all.
So to be honest, with all due respect your conclusion is subjective, flawed and I ultimately feel it’s born of a narrow minded approach.
I’ve just recently finished my third legendary – The Predator. I have in possession Twilight & Bolt as well. I most likely won’t be pursuing any more legendaries, other than maybe Sunrise at this point as the rest look like garbage. I’ve put in a total of maybe 30 hours to craft the three I have now. Not including the time to build karma (which wasn’t much more).
For the most part of the legendary process I think it’s okay. There could be some tweaks to parts of the process. Namely an additional method(s) of acquiring lodestones.
The worst part of the design is the precursor. The current design of creating a precursor follows the same RNG principle as enchanting in Tera Online. That game had a massive flop for no other reason but that sort of extreme RNG. Of course it happened to be a much bigger component of the game than legendaries are to GW2.
With that said, I believe changes need to be made to allow additional way(s) to obtain the precursor besides /deleting money away in the MF or needlessly paying one of the two people who control Dusk/Dawn more money. Those guys already have 10k+ gold. Feeding them more isn’t helping the “economy”.
And for the record, playing the TP to mass up money is still legitimate, Dogblaster. I think you need to learn what that word means.
The only people who have legendary weapons are bots, gold buyers/farmers, Trading Post terrorists, and people who have lots of real life money to spend on gems.
If you consider that a good thing then im shocked.
Legendaries should be hard to get, but they should require skill, not big wallets and exploits.
Actually the correct group of people with them is what YOU might call a “no-lifer” because NONE of those demographics fit.
For one thing, what does buying gems have to do with this? Seriously, Legendaries take forever to get but you don’t have to be mega rich to get one.
The current process in making legendary weapons is a insult to true gamers.
I love this line in particular, you seem like you’re trying to set yourself up as the leader of some master race. The rest of your post was “Even if everyone likes it, I still don’t” and frankly we don’t care about that.
There is no hard work involved in crafting a Legendary.
I’m sorry that you disagree with me, but I would point out that if someone as unskilled as myself is already well on my way towards a Legendary, then it’s rather obvious that there’s not much skill involved.
Skill =/= Work
If you want skill based items, then maybe it would be ascended for you? I’m not sure really but Legendaries are for players that put the effort into acquiring them, not the elite.
HAHA only person completly ignorant is you. Becouse u dont have to do anything from what you listed, you can simply buy 1 finished from TP … Thats it, you dont have to play game outside geting to lvl 80 and playing TP and BOOM! you can have legendary weapon .
Yes, you can buy one from the trade post, from a person that MADE IT BY MEANS THAT CANNOT BE BOUGHT WITH MONEY. Did you purposefully ignore most of the comment? Or could it be that you don’t quite grasp the meaning of the word ‘ignorant’?
Also, you understand HOW MUCH money you’d need? 2000g or thereabouts. Because getting that money is probably only one hour of farming for you isn’t it? Also, don’t give me kitten about buying gems, you’d be spending more than you spend in 3 months on food for it.
To add my own thoughts to the mix, I see a lot of whiny children complaining about the term “legendary” when it’s just a label, who cares what it’s called? Call it a “vanity” item if you like, it’s fine.
I see a few people saying “most of us are actively opposed” and what I see is an “us vs them” situation with one side saying “we’re bigger than the other side, so we must be right”. Let’s just say you are the bigger side, which you aren’t, that doesn’t make you more correct and you should just let things go.
TL;DR – If you don’t like Legendaries, move on from them and enjoy what you do. Simple.
There is no hard work involved in crafting a Legendary.
I’m sorry that you disagree with me, but I would point out that if someone as unskilled as myself is already well on my way towards a Legendary, then it’s rather obvious that there’s not much skill involved.
Skill =/= Work
If you want skill based items, then maybe it would be ascended for you? I’m not sure really but Legendaries are for players that put the effort into acquiring them, not the elite.
As I established in another thread, Legendaries serve a secondary purpose: they’re effectively anti-grind protection.
Ascended has no such protection.
Why would I actively pursue grinding for an item that I know will become obsolete with the coming expansions and level cap hikes when I can grind out the gold necessary to have protection against any grinding ever again?
And this is partially why Legendaries are a problem as they are right now. That sort of anti-grind protection should be under lock and key, granted only to the very best players in the game….protection from future grind shouldn’t boil down to whoever’s wallet is biggest. That’s a design philosophy that will bite ANet in the butt eventually.
How’d that work out for us so far?
Now let’s try some ideas that will really work.
The only people who have legendary weapons are bots, gold buyers/farmers, Trading Post terrorists, and people who have lots of real life money to spend on gems.
If you consider that a good thing then im shocked.
Legendaries should be hard to get, but they should require skill, not big wallets and exploits.
Actually the correct group of people with them is what YOU might call a “no-lifer” because NONE of those demographics fit.
For one thing, what does buying gems have to do with this? Seriously, Legendaries take forever to get but you don’t have to be mega rich to get one.
The current process in making legendary weapons is a insult to true gamers.
I love this line in particular, you seem like you’re trying to set yourself up as the leader of some master race. The rest of your post was “Even if everyone likes it, I still don’t” and frankly we don’t care about that.
There is no hard work involved in crafting a Legendary.
I’m sorry that you disagree with me, but I would point out that if someone as unskilled as myself is already well on my way towards a Legendary, then it’s rather obvious that there’s not much skill involved.
Skill =/= Work
If you want skill based items, then maybe it would be ascended for you? I’m not sure really but Legendaries are for players that put the effort into acquiring them, not the elite.
HAHA only person completly ignorant is you. Becouse u dont have to do anything from what you listed, you can simply buy 1 finished from TP … Thats it, you dont have to play game outside geting to lvl 80 and playing TP and BOOM! you can have legendary weapon .
Yes, you can buy one from the trade post, from a person that MADE IT BY MEANS THAT CANNOT BE BOUGHT WITH MONEY. Did you purposefully ignore most of the comment? Or could it be that you don’t quite grasp the meaning of the word ‘ignorant’?
Also, you understand HOW MUCH money you’d need? 2000g or thereabouts. Because getting that money is probably only one hour of farming for you isn’t it? Also, don’t give me kitten about buying gems, you’d be spending more than you spend in 3 months on food for it.
To add my own thoughts to the mix, I see a lot of whiny children complaining about the term “legendary” when it’s just a label, who cares what it’s called? Call it a “vanity” item if you like, it’s fine.
I see a few people saying “most of us are actively opposed” and what I see is an “us vs them” situation with one side saying “we’re bigger than the other side, so we must be right”. Let’s just say you are the bigger side, which you aren’t, that doesn’t make you more correct and you should just let things go.
TL;DR – If you don’t like Legendaries, move on from them and enjoy what you do. Simple.
Critickitten says this above me, but the problem is that it cannot be called a “vanity item” since it will always be one of the most powerful weapons in the game. From what I understand, if I get an ascended weapon and it rivals a legendary weapon, but then they raise the level cap to 90 or 100, I will need a new ascended weapon, but people with a legendary weapon won’t need to change weapons. You can say that is there reward for the hard work the put in, but ascended weapons probably will not be simple to get either.
Also, the way I see it, if the had a really long storyline required to get a legendary weapon, everyone could still get one, it would not be random, it would still take a long time, and if the put a skill-related event at the end (that is actually well thought out, not something that could be exploited), then there could be legendary weapons going to the people not only with the most time on their hands (it could be done little bit little as well), but also the most skillful.
Also, to the people who say that they have played 1000 hours, or thereabouts for their legendary… I guess it is possible, but you would need to play quite a few hours a day, every day of the week since release. That’s not a simple feat for anyone who works full time or goes to school, or has a family to take care of, or any sort of daily obligation.
To all of you complaining about how long it takes to get a Legendary weapon, consider the alternatives for a moment:
- Random drop chance – Anybody who’s played WoW knows what the Ashes of A’lar was…
- A “massive” quest/storyline – This would either A) be so massive that it was ridiculous and un-fun…
- Dungeon Progression Grind – There are already Exotics for this. Plus…
The only thing left is a massive resource grind…
Well…since we are speaking of WoW….
Yes, Ashes of A’lar….a rare MOUNT that had a low chance to drop. A firey rainbow bird from the BT ages. i do miss 2s with my druid / x class combo, or rogue / mage….
In vanilla you had three legendaries:
Atiesh – Gather 40 splinters from mobs in naxx 40 (the rng grind part)
- Go to tanaris to continue this QUEST, talk to dragon (which you had to grind to be neutral with), go kill two bosses for more pieces.
- Then go to stratholme, cleanse the staff and kill another big boss
Thunderfury – QUEST starts by RNG off of boss, hoping bindings drop.
- Again, go gather some stuff, kill specific bosses, go to different areas, and have a raid kill another big boss.
Hand of Ragnaros – Starts with a rare drop, talk to some, CRAFT a weapon, then rare drop once more from final boss of molten core.
BT Legendaries
- All RNG drops
Now lets move on to Wrath of the Lich King….
Oh yeah, Lets see, first came Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings, which was hoping for a drop from the Ulduar bosses, then doing a unique activity of throwing them into Yogg while he casts a spell and you have to have at least one keeper not helping you, k. Still a pain for RNG, but it had a quest in it.
Then we get to shadowmourn, which, was only available to pally, dk, warrior. And it started as….A QUEST CHAIN. And it had you kill x amount of mobs in the citadel, run around icecrown collecting items, finding arthas’ old hammer, etc. It had a nice amount of grinding yet at the same time, going off and adventuring to actually aquire it.
Dragonwrath, Tarecgosa’s Rest, fangs of the father, they became quest starters that led to you grinding for some items, then questing for others.
So, only in BT were they just random drops to acquire a legendary. Vanilla and other expansions mixed in grind, rng, and questing to make one. And you know what? Not EVERYONE HAD ONE! Some people still didn’t care, never went for them, even though they were BiS. Hell, I still don’t have my shadowmourn I started back in Wrath because RNG hated me enough to not let fragments drop.
Now lets look at GW2’s legendaries….
Grind for badges, rng in hoping to get a bag and said bag has badges, and/or grind jumping puzzles.
Grind / RNG for ectos from rares
Grind for skill points
Grind / RNG for lodestones, t6 mats
Grind dungeons for tokens
Grind for karma, for RNG for clovers
RNG from mystic sink for a precursor, or Grind for money to buy one from someone who was lucky with RNG.
Or just spend gold and buy it off of the TP, cause thats REALLY Legendary!
A GW2 legendary is nothing but grind. Blizzard started with mixes of grinds and questing, then had a hiccup, and went back to grinding and questing.
Yes, I know, this is GW2, not WoW. They need to develope their own thing, but so far, this isnt working, and just kitten people off. In WoW, I saw everyone running around with the darkest, fiercest armor, and with mine also looking like that, I said screw it, and went and found out the brightest and prettiest (also most hilarious) pally armor I could find for my warrior. And I saw more people paying attention to me then instead of the dark forbrooding armor (was also a main target in pvp for some reason…). Some people like to play dress up and wont get a legendary cause it doesnt work with what they have in mind, others, like my friend who just dinged 80, can give two kittens about looks and just wants stats, and he has no intention, at all, of getting a legendary.
they should not be a boring grind..
There should be some major quest related to them…
It will make it more of an epic adventure to earn your legendary then grinding the same dungeons over and over…even if the quest had grinding at least it would not be in the same place over and over.
Imagine a huge instanced storyline or celebration once you earn your legendary and the quest is different depending on the legendary…
There..thats some “end game” Anet could add to the mindless grind in fractals that they call end game.
Buying legendaries (the precursors at least from the AH) or grinding for tokens and so on…is not legendary…in the smallest possible way.
We should go on a “legendary” fun adventure/quest to earn our legendary…instead of grinding..or buying off the trading post…
Then again…if they did that then Anet would loose a source of income from ppl dumb enough to convert real money /gems to gold just for it. I really feel some of the ways they do these things is to maximize profit in turn forgetting about us the players and hoping we font see that in the mindless grind…doesnt seem right to me..I know they are a business but they should at least be creative in the way these “legendary” items are concerened.
(edited by Angelus.1042)
This falls into the RNG business: Silver Doubloons. I’ll be honest: Yes this is a rant. Yes I’m ill-content. Yes I’m trying to make the Gift of the Juggernaut. Yes I’m complaining about the steep price of these suckers that I require 250 of. Yes I’m upset that instead of something like 250 Cured Hardened Leather Squares I have to bother with these things. Yes I know people trying to make the Incinerator have it worse. But my issue isn’t that. I can’t expect all the Gifts to be the same. What I should expect though is that when ArenaNet forces something like the Trading Post, they would have the ability to look at trends and notice price manipulation and oh boy are the Silver Doubloons manipulated. They’re hard to get, requiring either looting the various chest dotted around the map or flushing countless Pebbles down the Mystic Forge for a chance at a few (in my experience 500 pebbles and 125 crafts makes about 3 Silver Doubloons ultimately resulting in a loss) and very important for the Juggernaut. That means that there is a rather limited flow of them in the Trading Post and as a result they can be inflated to absurd degrees by somebody buying many of them up all at once. I understand supply and demand and all that. My question is why does that stand out? Why does the Silver Doubloon mysteriously not have that 2 Copper to Silver conversation that 2 Silver to Gold and 2 Gold to Platinum has? Is it because they’re supposed to be hard to get because they’re involved with a Legendary? Then why are cheap as heck Cured Hardened Leather Squares so cheaply available when half the Legendaries use them at some point? Is it simply a developer oversight? You think somebody would take notice by now.
I have about 200 of them and working my way to the other 50, but as a result of this I now have much less money to buy 50 more Icy Runestones and the phenomenally expensive Colossus (which given my luck with the Mystic Forge I’m not even going to attempt to craft).
Has anybody else spotted such oddities in making your Legendary weapon? Aside from the pricing of Charged and Onyx Lodestones and the out-of-left-field requirement of 250 Unidentified Dyes for the Gift of Color and the 5 Box o’ Funs for the Gift of Entertainment, do things like this happen anywhere else?
(edited by GoZero.9708)
I was trying to point out that the alternatives are worse, and so far nobody has even argued that point.
Before MMOs: “I am a gamer, and so I play games to have fun. If a game is not fun and does not offer a minimum of a challenge, it’s a bad game and I won’t play it”.
After MMOs: “I am a grinder, and so I will play any mediocre game as long as it gives me something to grind”.
This was bad enough – we keep getting waves of mediocre MMOs filled with basically huge grinds and nothing else (“kill 10 rats” quests? Really?). It appears we have now fallen another step, though:
- A “massive” quest/storyline – This would either A) be so massive that it was ridiculous and un-fun, possibly taking up valuable Arenanet resources from developing/polishing the rest of the game, or
be short and easy such that everybody could get it. Would you really like everybody to be running around with a Legendary?
So you expect a gaming designer company to be unable to make content that is fun and challenging?
MMORPGs won’t ever become good games until players actually demand them to be good games. It’s sad to see people now claiming that a game actually cannot be “good”, and asking others to accept mediocrity as the norm.
treadmill, of being in that obvious pattern of every time I catch up you are going to
put another carrot in front of me” – Mike O’Brien right before Ascended weapons
When you see people with legendaries failing all the time in combat you know something is wrong.
The only thing I’d like to change about them is add in more requirements being;
- an sPvP requirement (which then covers every area of the game)
- and a JP/kill quest specific to each legendary and around its lore to acquire the final forging <—must be difficult to do (I’m talking clocktower type JP and a kill quest that resets if you die during it)
- and on acquiring, you have to beat your doppleganger (tribute to GW1) in order to escape from the forge area
Why would I actively pursue grinding for an item that I know will become obsolete with the coming expansions and level cap hikes when I can grind out the gold necessary to have protection against any grinding ever again?
So you would rather invest unbelievable amounts of time or money into obtaining an item that would effectively allow you to quit playing the game? This game tends to have very slow gear progression if any at all, getting new and new powerful weapons seem to be far far more easy than getting legendaries for all of your characters. It’s a vanity item, because it’s only a skin, it will never have stats ABOVE the strongest weapon in game and the next strongest weapon will always be easier to obtain than a legendary.
- Random drop chance – Anybody who’s played WoW knows what the Ashes of A’lar was. They also know that they have almost no chance of EVER getting that item, because it was like a 0.02% drop chance from a raid boss. I’m not saying GW2 should have no random drops of high rarity, but they only make for a certain degree of RNG-based fun. It’s nothing to build a system like Legendary BiS’s on.
I agree that I wouldn’t like Legendary weapons to be based on RNG.
- A “massive” quest/storyline – This would either a) be so massive that it was ridiculous and un-fun, possibly taking up valuable Arenanet resources from developing/polishing the rest of the game, or b) be short and easy such that everybody could get it. Would you really like everybody to be running around with a Legendary?
This is where I disagree a lot. This current set of Legendary weapons lack context: Why are they Legendary? Who wielded them? Who created them? Why did they lose their power?
As it stands, there are lower level Karma items (Pyreshot’s Arrowhead) that have more story than the Legendary weapons.
Hell, keep the current grind. Just add context to it by giving certain parts (maybe the last part where you apply the effect) that tell a story, or reduce certain parts of it and add more variety, and make Achievements more required.
- Shards of the pre-cursor are scattered all through the world – locations could be made random per account AKA, like a scavenger hunt. Make it so you need, say 70 shards for a 1H weapon and 100 for a 2H weapon. Shards would be account bound.
- Reduce the grind and spread it over a variety of content – For example, reduce the cost of dungeon gifts to, say 420 (that’s roughly all three paths for two days), but make it so you need all of the dungeon Gifts. Reduce the cost of Karma for Obsidian Shards, but you need a Gift component from getting max Emergency Response Hero (or introduce a Gift for completing every single event in the game). Make all of the Dragons have a component you need as opposed to just one (while you’re at it, give them their own vendors with recipes like the Corrupted ones from the Jormag vendor).
- The various Gifts could only be forged by certain blacksmiths of old, hidden within the world – Within the mini-dungeons in the world these blacksmiths could be hidden. In order to empower these Gifts, you need to take them to places of power in the world (Dungeons), for example, Foefire’s Heart.
- When you got all of the required pieces, then you need to take them to their ‘place of origin’ i.e. Twilight, being Grenth’s sword, would need to be taken to the Statue of Grenth, where you’d need to absorb the lingering power from the area. Yes, I’m aware this might not be true
And your comment about it being ‘massive and unfun’ – unfun is an opinion. In my opinion, giving the Legendary a story that you need to follow would be a lot more fun that the current grinding for an expensive Exotic (because without a story behind it, that’s all they are’.
The only thing left is a massive resource grind. Compared to the other options, it’s really not that bad: Not everybody will get one, but everybody could get one if they wanted. People act like they “have to grind all these resources and get a Legendary.” Wait a minute. Have to? Isn’t this a video game that we play for fun? They’re not even the best weapons in game; they’re just ridiculously awesome skins.
Your statement about the story either being A) be so massive that it was ridiculous and un-fun, or b) be short and easy such that everybody could get it also applies here.
I personally don’t mind a grind. I’m slowly making progress. But the current grind is ridiculous, simply because of the amount of gold required. While I don’t want it made easier, I do wish there was more variety in the process than: Get Gold, Get Karma, Get BoH.
Time is a river.
The door is ajar.
Precursors NEED to be changed. Those that don’t think so typically are no where near making one or acquired theirs through other means. I basically gave up after throwing nearly 2k of greatswords into the MF. Don’t start with the RNG lines … the current system sucks Anet knows it sucks so defending it just makes you look moronic/antagonistic. Before a hero hops in with wisdom telling me to work on the other parts … I have had Gift of Twilight, Gift of Mastery and Gift of Fortune sitting in my bank for more than a month.
One of the posters “working on his second one” made the HAMMER when the hammer cost below 100 gold and the lodestones cost about 50 silver each … please get a clue and realize that is not even in the same realm as one of the greatswords. So your being fine with it means jack to anyone with an IQ above 70. I made a super cheap one when it was REALLY cheap to make it … I am ELITE!!!!!!!!!!!! /golfclap
My concern is that Anet doesn’t do their homework on these forum posts to see where the “positive” posters are coming from like say a TP flipper perspective or a seriously casual perspective. Diablo 3 had a similar problem until they actually listed the posters time played in game in their forum profile … White Knight postings took a massive nose dive then.
Right now there is nothing “Legendary” about them. They’re either grinded out or bought on the TP….neither of which is actually “difficult”.
I disagree that there is nothing Legendary about these items. I also disagree that they can be “grinded out”. How difficult it is depends on the player for the most part, so that bit must be ignored.
As it is, the key items required to craft a legendary can not be grinded in the typical sense of the word. Instead, these items are obtained by participating in GW2’s main gameplay elements (Dynamic Events, Exploration, Dungeons, PvP). Let’s take Bifrost for example:
You need Obsidian Shards, obtained by participating in Dynamic Events.
You need a Gift of Exploration, obtained by completing the world map.
You need 500 Shards of Zhaitan, obtained by participating in the Arah dungeon.
You need 500 Badges of Honor, obtained by participating in PvP.
Then of course there are the grind-able items. The stacks of materials and dyes and such. There is also an element of RNG involved with obtaining the precursor and clovers. Having grinding and RNG elements in addition to the participation factors I mentioned above is not a bad thing.
The only thing we are not tasked with seems to be Jumping Puzzles.
There is one problem though. They can be purchased on the TP. I think removing the option to sell Legendary items would go a long way in giving these items the status they deserve. The four participation factors I mentioned should not be able to be bypassed by people willing to purchase large sums of gold with real money.
Antonius Duarte – Elementalist – Kaineng
Oh yeah, dungeon tokens. People complaining they can’t do dungeon X and need tokens for legendary.
Seriously… call me elitist but if people like that get legendaries something is really wrong.
If the alternative to the system we have now lets everyone who wants to get one then, HELL YES.
Stop worrying about what others have and start worrying about having fun. It’s less stressful that way.