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I am finding Diessa Plateau to be unenjoyable
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“Then there are the Hearts. Go catch some bugs and feed them to cows, but only the correct bugs to the correct cows. WTF? Others are just as bad.”
You can get this heart completed A LOT faster by going to the 5 cows out front and doing emotes to them. The lonely cow wants someone to sit with him, for instance.
Diessa plateau was ok at launch due to how many people were there but it is pretty bad now.
Side note : Most of the hearts are ok. It’s a Charr zone. Charr fight.
learn to play …
geez, it get even HARDER later on…
There are other maps. Human, Norn, Charr and Syvari all have intermediate zones….go find one you like.
Go Lions Arch and take any of the Zone Gates to any capitol to get started.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
im ok with low population actually, when i see someone we usually chat and group to go rock the big events.
feels more real and cool than how it was at the beginning, with 20 people zerging a champ…
now at least, 2-3 toons rocking a champ makes for cool fights!
Gosh, if you think the remains of the Northern Wall jumping puzzles difficult your in for a real treat as you get further in (Side note;I did it first try but a few of my friends spent a good 30mins – 1hour on that one, I’m a bit of a jumping puzzle junky, having 100% them, was totally gutted I missed the mad kings one
I actually liked the bug ones, involved a little reading on my part, but provided a nice change of pace.
Other than that, all I can suggest is go to another zone, there are plenty to choose from in that bracket.
Diessa Plateau is home to a couple of my favorite events in the game – specifically the Nageling Giant and the Flame Temple Tombs/Font of Rhand mini dungeon. My guild has revisited those more than a few times.
If you don’t like Diessa Plateau for those reasons then you are really going to have a time with Malchor’s Leap.
Council Leader of Flux Capacity [FLUX]
Tarnished Coast
They certainly don’t require going to the internet, I and many others managed to figure out that jumping puzzle for the skill point/vista ourselves.
Oh and if you think cows are stupid wait till you get to the cattlepult…
You’ll be happy to hear that Orr has no hearts. Only lots and lots and lots of Risen. The low level 1-15 areas are an introduction and higher level areas have more enemies and unique hearts. If you don’t like Diessa, you don’t have to be there, you can go elsewhere.
learn to play …
geez, it get even HARDER later on…
There is nothing in this game that is hard
Then there are the Hearts. Go catch some bugs and feed them to cows, but only the correct bugs to the correct cows. WTF? Others are just as bad.
Wait till you see 80 lvl Heroes trying to outrun rabbits in the norn starting zone
PS: Actually love such hearts. It’s boring to be serios all the time, even in a heroic RPG.
Well, thanks for the responses. I guess I just need to suck it up if it’s going to get even worse later. Now I’ve started, I feel I need to complete it, so I just looked the Northern Wall vista up on the internet. No wonder I couldn’t work it out
Anyway, I’ll try it again tonight.
Thanks for your words of encouragement, especially the ‘learn to play’ ones.
Updated every Monday
You know there are….other 15 – 25 zones you can go to……right?
Never! step into orr, my dear friend.
You know there are….other 15 – 25 zones you can go to……right?
But this is where my story went.
Updated every Monday
But… This zone has a character with the prefix of “Mad”, who fires cows out of a ballista and thinks aloud about adjusting for things like the “bovine wind resistence”. Then one of our Skill Point fights (the fighting Chef below the tower) sings a funny song about how he likes meat. We’ve even got Meatober fest, which is a hybrid of Oktober Fest and a massive barbeque.
There is so much style in this zone that I usually go out of my way to go there. If you don’t like it, then so be it. I understand getting tired of wading through ghosts. But there is so much flavor in that zone’s design that I can’t help loving it.
You know there are….other 15 – 25 zones you can go to……right?
They shouldn’t have to switch zones just to level.
That particular vista IS maddening, but if you’re stuck on something like that there are usually other players around to figure it out with, or to advise you in map chat.
And yeah…I was going to bring up the silly and fun “bunny heart” in the Norn starter zone but someone beat me to it.
Guardians of the Vault [GotV] and Guíld of Dívíne Soldíers [GoDS]
Gate of Madness server
I just started Diessa Plateau with my norn alt. It was intriguing to see the charr and norn NPCs so closely cooperating. And the zone has Meatoberfest. No way I’m missing that
I’ll have to see if there are issues like what the OP brings up but after my first couple of hearts I haven’t really noticed any huge difference so far.
Different people have different preferences.
Personally, Iron Marches was one of my favourite zones. A friend of mine absolutely hated it.
Also, if you thought the North Wall was a bad jumping puzzle.. I suggest not looking into what the Mad King’s Clocktower was… that would probably give you a heart attack
I enjoyed the hell out of Diessa Plateau, and yes, starting out with Meatoberfest had a lot to do with it! The old “YMMV” certainly is true.
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server
You know there are….other 15 – 25 zones you can go to……right?
They shouldn’t have to switch zones just to level.
He doesn’t have to. There are no bugs or glitches which prevent him from leveling in that zone. However, if for some reason he doesn’t enjoy the zone, he has the option of going to other zones to level instead. He can always come back and clear his personal story later if he wants.
im ok with low population actually, when i see someone we usually chat and group to go rock the big events.
feels more real and cool than how it was at the beginning, with 20 people zerging a champ…
now at least, 2-3 toons rocking a champ makes for cool fights!
I’m fine with Low Pop. areas, as well. It makes the events more fun to have a solo go at it. That’s just my opinion, though. Not everyone likes to solo. I’ve been that way on every MMO i played. I’ll try to do something alone, before I group up. It’s just in my nature i guess :P lol
They certainly don’t require going to the internet, I and many others managed to figure out that jumping puzzle for the skill point/vista ourselves.
Oh and if you think cows are stupid wait till you get to the cattlepult…
You’ll be happy to hear that Orr has no hearts. Only lots and lots and lots of Risen. The low level 1-15 areas are an introduction and higher level areas have more enemies and unique hearts. If you don’t like Diessa, you don’t have to be there, you can go elsewhere.
Grats. You and your friends got that vista and skill point in Diessa. Well done.
I’ve spent over an hour trying to figure it out and gave up for now (was getting a headache). I won’t “google it” to find the solution because I consider that cheating, so I will try again soon. I do all the zones for 100% completion so I will go back someday.
I’m not complaining either…. I actually enjoy it. GW2 has some situations, puzzles, and objectives that I personally find very challenging and this makes playing GW2 much more fun for me than most any other current MMO. I am old in real life and the jumping puzzles can be very frustrating since my hands don’t work as well as they used to. Even with that I still am enjoying GW2 more than I thought I would originally.
Now if I could just get used to Charr being “good guys”.
(edited by Gardavil.1762)
If you don’t like Diessa Plateau for those reasons then you are really going to have a time with Malchor’s Leap.
It’s getting ridiculous. in Malchor’s (actually most of the upper levels.) All the waypoints are blocked and I’m sitting alone on the map. It’snear impossible tyo do what I want to do when i am so severly outnumbered. I’ve managed to get to all of the temples, but there’s no way to clear them.
They certainly don’t require going to the internet, I and many others managed to figure out that jumping puzzle for the skill point/vista ourselves.
Oh and if you think cows are stupid wait till you get to the cattlepult…
You’ll be happy to hear that Orr has no hearts. Only lots and lots and lots of Risen. The low level 1-15 areas are an introduction and higher level areas have more enemies and unique hearts. If you don’t like Diessa, you don’t have to be there, you can go elsewhere.
Grats. You and your friends got that vista and skill point in Diessa. Well done.
I’ve spent over an hour trying to figure it out and gave up for now (was getting a headache). I won’t “google it” to find the solution because I consider that cheating, so I will try again soon. I do all the zones for 100% completion so I will go back someday.
I’m not complaining either…. I actually enjoy it. GW2 has some situations, puzzles, and objectives that I personally find very challenging and this makes playing GW2 much more fun for me than most any other current MMO. I am old in real life and the jumping puzzles can be very frustrating since my hands don’t work as well as they used to. Even with that I still am enjoying GW2 more than I thought I would originally.
Now if I could just get used to Charr being “good guys”.
Yeah, that skill point/vista was a pain. But in a GOOD way. Once you figure it out, it’s actually kind of fun. It makes you feel like you EARNED it, by battling your way up.
Well, thanks for the responses. I guess I just need to suck it up if it’s going to get even worse later.
I’m not sure ‘worse’ is applicable. It depends on your criteria.
In any event, the zones are most definitely not created equal.
My favorites so far have been Kessex and Mount Maelstrom. I loathed the Brisban Wildlands. I’d say Queensdale and Caledon are stronger starter zones than Metrica and Ashford, but Wayfarer remains my favorite based almost entirely on the strength of its visuals.
The Ascalonian region does have some good stuff in it, so don’t write it off completely.
Oh just wait until you get to some of the other zones. It just gets worse and worse from there.
Disagree. I thought it was a pretty good zone and has its own charm. I liked it more then the human zones. I was a bit sad I saw practically no one else there while I as levelling. I found some of its quirky quests pretty fun.
Timberline Falls was the worst. Not for scenery mind you, but just the sheer amount of empty space with nothing really going on.
NSP – [Zos]
You can’t please everyone.
Yeah, as suggested, try another zone if you don’t like the one you are in. I leveled my Charr warrior in the asura area as I like it and I have a horrible problem with lag around the Black Citadel—happens at odd moments whenever I’m there. I actually am just going back for my storyline and am having the same problems with lag but that’s the only place I experience it. There are many options all the way to 80. There’s nothing that can be done about the challenge; as you level up things will get more difficult—that’s the way of games, improving your skills and overcoming challenges.
Well, just an update.
I FINALLY got that Remains of Northern Wall vista and skill point done. A great sense of accomplishment from it also. And, I took a breather and completed Black Citadel just for grins.
Now I’m level 23 and will go back to Diessa Plateau for more ‘fun’ later.
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I loved it! That Vista on the wall had me going at it for ages. The satisfaction of finally making it to the top and watching everyone suffer below was amazing.
This zone ahs a special place in my GW 2 journey. It has a nice little mini-dungeon tucked away at the end of a dynamic event chain and it was my first. You always remember your firsts. The zone made me appreciate the fun of coming together with a group of strangers to solve a puzzle or overcome a challenge. It may not be my favorite zone, but I have returned to it to do that dungeon with friends/guildies who never have. Most zones have something for me that I find memorable.
I found it to be a less enjoyable than some zones but that’s just me. There are 4 15-25 zones so surely you can find one that suits you – you aren’t restricted to a particular zone.
The zone is not difficult – that’s just silly, and wolves are no more annoying than any other mob.
If you find any of the leveling zones in GW2 to be too difficulty you really should take a deep breath, look inside, and figure out what you’re doing wrong so you can play better because as with any MMORPG these days, the leveling zones in GW2 are all solo ez-mode, and if you’re failing at content designed for the least common denominator, well….