I am sick of these Bots!

I am sick of these Bots!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: mrhodes.2956


I just recorded that video of a group of bots mass spamming there range skills.
The amount of bots I have seen in the last two days is so unreal that I can’t find a zone without them.

I have reported about 50 people today, and to be honest I am getting to the point that I don’t want to play.

I see a lot of post lately and there is a lot of in game talk about it, so ANet, what is going on ? Did something change in the last 2 days that make botting more common ?

I will continue playing, and reporting. But this has got to be fixed really soon.

Michael Rhodes
Devona’s Rest
Tigerstudios Guild Leader

(edited by mrhodes.2956)

I am sick of these Bots!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doxshund.9235


The Bots are everywhere telporting mob to mob
They need ingame GM’s to go around and ban them

Asura > all

I am sick of these Bots!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: someguy.9807


I am sick of these Bots!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I remember back in the vanilla WoW days where each server would have a GM or 2 always active and when you reported a bot they where banned within 5-10mins.

And sometimes to make fun of them they would park them outside of Ironforge or Org and turn them into critters so we all knew they where bots. LOL

But now instead game companies have silly systems like Diminishing Returns where it hurts the normal player and doesn’t stop the bots……. Ya I like the old days better!

I am sick of these Bots!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CC Eva.6742

CC Eva.6742

Community Coordinator

Hi everyone.

Thanks, Mrhodes, for your concerns. If you take a look to the thread here you will see that measures against botts are inside our list of priorities, we are working on it, so we would like to ask for a little bit of patience. We understand how annoying those fellows are for all of you but, please, keep on reporting them, as this will increase the chances of them being thrown out.

We would want to keep the discussion about this in the forementioned thread. Because of that, we will proceed to lock this one.

Thanks for your understanding.